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If Bio/EA used microtransactions, what do you want/not want to see?


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I think the problem most people have with micro transactions is that they will lead the game to being pay to win and/or it will cost more than a monthly subscription to play through the same content (had it been released under a sub model).


Now it is possible that a good MT system could be designed that did not induce a pay to win scenario and wasn't extortionate, but nobody with a shred of sanity would believe that EA would be the people to implement it

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The entire point of having MT is to maximize profit right? While it is possible to make a good MT system in theory, why would a company stop short of "pay to win" if the entire idea was there to maximize profits? Once MT is in place it is just a cost/benefit analysis of do we lose or gain more profits going "pay to win".


... WoW used to only have their MT be vanity pets and mounts etc. Now for the right price you can skip the first 80 levels, a special mount, get an entry to the Beta and a copy of Diablo III. That is not the way I want this game to go.

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(branched off from the conference call thread here)

IF Microtransactions are brought into The Old Republic, what do you want to see in the store?

What do you not want to see in the store?


I have two jobs, a family, other hobbies. Quite simply, I'd like to see things I can't get that other people can get by grinding, namely simple non-game-changing things like RP emotes, cosmetics, Legacy items, that kind of thing.


What I would NOT like to see? Having to re-buy things that are already mine (like my character names), map locations that aren't connected to exclusive/new content, etc. I also don't want to have to pay "real money" in ADDITION to Level X + Legacy X + 150,000 in-game creds. That's just overkill.

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The day microtransactions are brought into the Old Republic is the day I'm leaving.


That is the day developers will go from "what can we do so the players have more fun and keep paying to play the game" to "what can we do to annoy players and sell them the way around the annoyance in the store".


I play a game to have fun, not to be nagged for money. Already have wife and kids for that :-P

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If they go microtranscation, I do not want to see SWTOR $15 per month billing on my bank statement. Even if it's just a mount. Unless they're donating the majority of the profit (which EA never do), I will unsub simply because I should have acess to ALL content if im paying monthly for it. Edited by Idunhavaname
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Ummm microtransactions does not mean pay to win.... Paid server transfers, Paid name changes, Paid recustimazations are all microtransactions. Microtransactions like that there is nothing wrong with. Please do not be Ignorant about this.
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Ummm microtransactions does not mean pay to win.... Paid server transfers, Paid name changes, Paid recustimazations are all microtransactions. Microtransactions like that there is nothing wrong with. Please do not be Ignorant about this.


Well, actually we won't know until it happens, it very well could be offered as pay to win...

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What Microtransactions do I want to see?


Server Transfers. Let me transfer from whatever server to whatever server, without the restrictions of region and without giving me the forced destination server. Let me pay to pick where I want to go.


Name Changes. If I'm willing to shill out hard earned cash for it, go ahead and allow me to change a name/legacy name.


Advanced Class Changes. I understand not allowing full blown Class Changes, but the Advanced Class system locking seems one of the more cumbersome mechanics in the game. Should I really have to play that awful Consular storyline a second time fully through if I want to try both Shadow and Sage gameplay to see what I like? Advanced Class has zero impact on the character's story, so I do not understand Bioware's attitude that this isn't something that should be able to be changed like normal respecs, but if they must hold to keeping this a major decision, allowing a Microtransaction Respec of the Advanced Class would allow players to reshape characters after a sizeable investment of time should they decide at level 50 that they just hate Commando Healing or they no longer wish to be asked to tank as their Vanguard.


Vanity Stuff. Purely cosmetic things, even if they are unavailable through gameplay methods. Social Armor, Companion Appearances, alternative cosmetic appearances for Ships, non-combat pets, that type of stuff.


Non-stat based buffs. XP Bonus potions, faster refresh on Warps, anything that can ease the headache of leveling a new character without giving a player a statistical advantage against another player of equal level in a direct 1 v 1 combat situation. In short, I am fine with recieving long term benefits that help to smooth progression, but I am not okay with blanket stat buffs that make the purchasing characters superior. Basically, the 1.3 Character Unlocks from our Legacy could be Marketplace Transactions and it wouldn't phase me in the slightest.


Circumvented Cash Sinks. Making a Microtransactions Speeder so you can avoid paying the money for yours, or a Microtransaction Unlock for the Species Legacy so you don't have to drop 1.5 million dollars into it, I see no problems with that either. If Farming cannot be made fun, then requiring extended amounts of farming only pushes away customers. Paying $15 to unlock Miralukans is a good deal when compared to the weeks it takes to farm the money or level another character to 50. And ultimately, the unlocking of an available Legacy unlock does not hurt anyone else, who still retain their non-Microtransaction methods to obtain the identical reward.


What is not okay to see?


Items with Stats. Purchasing a social chestpiece so you can have a Male Slave outfit, or a Bobba Fett style jetpack for your back, perfectly fine. Putting Armor/Mod/Enhancement/Augments into the slots so the gear starts out with good stats, definately not okay. Players should never be able to simply buy an upgrade for real-life currency, regardless of how that upgrade compares to other peices already available in-game. Paying can augment but should not replace Playing when it comes to character advancement.


User Interface upgrades. These need to be universal, so the game can maintain playability and the fewest number of bugs for the playerbase.

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Ovbious attempt to control their products how they want to see it, problem is that if its too expensive, no one will buy it and the game will fade away, if EA add some obnoxious rule to the EULA allowing them to use DRM to monitor everything on your computer, with a "carefully worded" rule to make it look like its not what it appears, frankly i wouldnt put it past them, i will never use the origin service provided either.


if EA goes down this route and turn it into a circus, regretably i wont be playing SWTOR any longer and it can fade into obscurity and i couldnt careless since they showed the same little regard towards me while several hundred people become unemployed, it serves no one in the end if EA really get nasty about it. they may want to consider what they are planing and throughly test out if its really worth the effort before they decide to take this risk.

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I would hope that it would be cosmetic issues. Such as new species, new speeders, new ships and possible new compaions. I think SWTOR would struggle opening a store now, most F2P MMO's start with a store and slowly more and more stuff ends up there. The ones that dont tend to end up with limited game play unless you sub (DC Online) which might be the route SWTOR takes. Less character slots, less inventory, no cargo hold etc etc unless you pay for the premium service.
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What Microtransactions do I want to see?


Server Transfers. Let me transfer from whatever server to whatever server, without the restrictions of region and without giving me the forced destination server. Let me pay to pick where I want to go.


Name Changes. If I'm willing to shill out hard earned cash for it, go ahead and allow me to change a name/legacy name.

Advanced Class Changes. I understand not allowing full blown Class Changes, but the Advanced Class system locking seems one of the more cumbersome mechanics in the game. Should I really have to play that awful Consular storyline a second time fully through if I want to try both Shadow and Sage gameplay to see what I like? Advanced Class has zero impact on the character's story, so I do not understand Bioware's attitude that this isn't something that should be able to be changed like normal respecs, but if they must hold to keeping this a major decision, allowing a Microtransaction Respec of the Advanced Class would allow players to reshape characters after a sizeable investment of time should they decide at level 50 that they just hate Commando Healing or they no longer wish to be asked to tank as their Vanguard.


Vanity Stuff. Purely cosmetic things, even if they are unavailable through gameplay methods. Social Armor, Companion Appearances, alternative cosmetic appearances for Ships, non-combat pets, that type of stuff.


Non-stat based buffs. XP Bonus potions, faster refresh on Warps, anything that can ease the headache of leveling a new character without giving a player a statistical advantage against another player of equal level in a direct 1 v 1 combat situation. In short, I am fine with recieving long term benefits that help to smooth progression, but I am not okay with blanket stat buffs that make the purchasing characters superior. Basically, the 1.3 Character Unlocks from our Legacy could be Marketplace Transactions and it wouldn't phase me in the slightest.


Circumvented Cash Sinks. Making a Microtransactions Speeder so you can avoid paying the money for yours, or a Microtransaction Unlock for the Species Legacy so you don't have to drop 1.5 million dollars into it, I see no problems with that either. If Farming cannot be made fun, then requiring extended amounts of farming only pushes away customers. Paying $15 to unlock Miralukans is a good deal when compared to the weeks it takes to farm the money or level another character to 50. And ultimately, the unlocking of an available Legacy unlock does not hurt anyone else, who still retain their non-Microtransaction methods to obtain the identical reward.


What is not okay to see?


Items with Stats. Purchasing a social chestpiece so you can have a Male Slave outfit, or a Bobba Fett style jetpack for your back, perfectly fine. Putting Armor/Mod/Enhancement/Augments into the slots so the gear starts out with good stats, definately not okay. Players should never be able to simply buy an upgrade for real-life currency, regardless of how that upgrade compares to other peices already available in-game. Paying can augment but should not replace Playing when it comes to character advancement.


User Interface upgrades. These need to be universal, so the game can maintain playability and the fewest number of bugs for the playerbase.


Everything in Red is bad. advance class respec would be abused as p2w since the tank sin can switch to healer sorc and collect both gear sets since they drop as class tokens then switch just to play whichever is fotm or whatever there is a spot for.

Vanity stuff listed should be freely included in what we already have.

faster leveling stuff is already provided through legacy if you cannot figure out how to use 350 extra presence and all four buffs to figure out how to level then l2p if you simply don't want to put in the effort to unlock those things nobody cares.

I have a free lv 1 speeder from deluxe that I already paid for and anyone can currently pay to upgrade to deluxe.

And for the final statement under don't want all new content should be universal.

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The only thing I would be interested in would be Charecter transfer. Freely choose where to go from one server to another. Since I had friends spread out in the beginning, and now I am alone on one kind of server and have RL friends playing on another. Really annoying.
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all new content should be universal.


I've been playing MMOs since Year One of Everquest, so a little more than a decade. Paid subscriptions all that time for various games that I've moved through. But, and here's the crazy thing, just about every subscription game I've played has eventually had this crazy thing be released called an 'expansion'. It's a chunk of new content that you have to pay for, even though you're already subscribed. And if you don't pay for it, get this, they don't even let you use it. I know, the mind boggles.


The funny thing is, nobody really says "That Expansion is Pay To Win because if you don't buy it you can't play the new stuff". It's pretty well accepted that the Expansion is in fact "Pay to Play" because it costs money to use it, and that the game as a whole remains "Play to WIn" because they give you nothing unless you clear content.


So what is a Marketplace? It's an expansion a la carte. It's that same $50 expansion, split into 50 differant $1 peices. And as a player, you actually benefit, because you can skip out on the ones you wouldn't have used. Don't want to be a Alien Cat-girl? You have the option to not buy it. Instead of having it bundled in with your $50 expansion where you're stuck paying for it whether you'll use it or not. Microtransactions are more player friendly than larger Expansions because the updates come more frequently since they are smaller in size, and you do not have to purchase anything which you do not wish to use.

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We will be paying 15 dollars a month for the whole game a month. That's it. No money for free content updates OR expansions. That's how they wanted to do it from the beginning of time of the game, that's what James Ohlen has said he wants to do for the players, that's how it will be done ;) just wait and see.
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I've been playing MMOs since Year One of Everquest, so a little more than a decade. Paid subscriptions all that time for various games that I've moved through. But, and here's the crazy thing, just about every subscription game I've played has eventually had this crazy thing be released called an 'expansion'. It's a chunk of new content that you have to pay for, even though you're already subscribed. And if you don't pay for it, get this, they don't even let you use it. I know, the mind boggles.


The funny thing is, nobody really says "That Expansion is Pay To Win because if you don't buy it you can't play the new stuff". It's pretty well accepted that the Expansion is in fact "Pay to Play" because it costs money to use it, and that the game as a whole remains "Play to WIn" because they give you nothing unless you clear content.


So what is a Marketplace? It's an expansion a la carte. It's that same $50 expansion, split into 50 differant $1 peices. And as a player, you actually benefit, because you can skip out on the ones you wouldn't have used. Don't want to be a Alien Cat-girl? You have the option to not buy it. Instead of having it bundled in with your $50 expansion where you're stuck paying for it whether you'll use it or not. Microtransactions are more player friendly than larger Expansions because the updates come more frequently since they are smaller in size, and you do not have to purchase anything which you do not wish to use.


However, this is not always the case.

I have played a few "F2P"'s now where they used micro-transactions, and those games used those micro-transactions as a means of continual revenue from the players. The items needed to play high level content weren't "one-off" purchases. You had to buy them on a weekly or monthly basis. That seems to be the norm in a lot of micro transaction cash shops. When that happens, it ends up costing way more than a monthly sub to play such games.


Free to Plays are, in my humble opinion, a scam. I have yet to play one where it costs less than a monthly subbed game (including expansion packs) on a monthly basis to play end-game content. My guild and I have taken part in about a dozen F2P's in the last few years, so it's from some experience I say this. I won't name games for legal reasons. Suffice to say, if SWTOR goes F2P, then unfortunately I'll be hitting the uninstall button. It'll be a shame, as I do think that this game has good long term potential if the developer investment levels are kept consistent or increased.


It's worth noting that the most successful MMO in history is still subscription based, and the only MMO's that seem to go F2P micro transaction based are those that fail on a sub basis due to subscription levels dropping off. That largest, longest running MMO still has regular releases of new content, which keeps its subscription levels at a workable financial model. Is it a coincidence that a fall in popularity (normally due to a lack of new content) prompts a different financial model? Oldest trick in the book: milk a dieing business for all it's worth before it dies.

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Don't want to see; Anything that increases your abilities, stats, survivability, whatever


Do wanna see; anything else. I don't mind paying a few bucks for an extra planet or some (cosmetic) gear, as long as the drops and stats are not better then anything obtainable in the game without paying extra.

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IF Microtransactions are brought into The Old Republic, what do you want to see in the store?

What do you not want to see in the store?




If SWTOR ever implements "microtransactions" I will no longer be a customer....PERIOD.

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I am not going to bother threatening to leave if this game goes F2P. It is obvious that devs / management don't care(see 1.2 debacle). However, subscription based games that go F2P usually go down a dark path.


It starts out being fairly innocent. However, over time the lure of charging people gets greater and greater.At first it is just cosmetics. Then it becomes quality of life. Later on items and/or levels are locked out unless players fork over money. Eventually, in the drive to squeeze more and more money out of players, the devs surreptitiously introduce Pay 2 Win by having special items with better stats available.


I think what I am trying to say is that temptation is too strong and a company like EA will have no trouble making it impossible to avoid the "store". It is sad because I would happily pay more for my monthly sub and/or expansions if they keep the content coming. But I will not be nickel and dimed to death to keep up with the little kiddies.

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