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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware why did u do this...?


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with the new daily win/lose thing is the dumbist thing u could have done. it encourages ppl even more to stand around in WZs. now it gets ppl more for nothing. u guys really need to learn how to use the PTR and actully use player feedback. the game has gone to crap in less than 6 months. thanks for stealing ppls money. i know that was the plan all along right? the game is made for money not the players. i already hit the unsub button a few days ago to bad i have 99 days left:mad:


This is just proof that people will complain about ANYTHING.

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This is just proof that people will complain about ANYTHING.


u must be one of those ppl that like to stand around in the WZs and get ur free xp. ty for ruining the game for us that like to try and play.:(

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What server do you play on?


Atm Dark Reaper, ppl live to troll on this server. its getting to be a disapointment that ths gane has gobe this way. the server HAD a good pop but its lost alot over the last couple of months and now ppl do this in WZs for fun. :mad:

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They did it because with the super low populations, premade teams were causing players to literally, not be able to get 3 wins in a day, even if they dedicated their entire day to it.


I don't necessarily agree, now we will have afking and not caring in warzones again, but at least poorly geared players on low pop servers can get their quest done in a reasonable amount of time.


It's a lot better than never accomplishing dailies because your factions pvpers aren't that good and always get owned by pro groups of the other faction. Plus it encourages more parcipitation.

Persomally along with ranked warzones I think we need singles only wzs and group only wzs depending on how you que.

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with the new daily win/lose thing is the dumbist thing u could have done. it encourages ppl even more to stand around in WZs. now it gets ppl more for nothing. u guys really need to learn how to use the PTR and actully use player feedback. the game has gone to crap in less than 6 months. thanks for stealing ppls money. i know that was the plan all along right? the game is made for money not the players. i already hit the unsub button a few days ago to bad i have 99 days left:mad:


Actually, it was the smartest decision BW has made in quite some time....


On our server, we get a few hours of PvP while the imps get WZ's all day long. And if we finally get a WZ, we fight with 6 ppl against overgeared imps - 8 of course.


Without the recent change, it wouldn't make sense to even attempt to get the daily done and I wouldn't log in at all, not even for the 2-3 hours of semi-decent PvP we get per day...

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Atm Dark Reaper, ppl live to troll on this server. its getting to be a disapointment that ths gane has gobe this way. the server HAD a good pop but its lost alot over the last couple of months and now ppl do this in WZs for fun. :mad:


You haven't noticed that queues have been popping like mad since the change though? I play on DR as well. Sunday before the change I sat in my first 45 min queue. Haven't been in a queue longer than 10 mins since Tuesday, and that's as a Pub.

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Rofl... if you can't win 3 games in one day you don't belong in pvp.


I get it. You are bad, you need something to keep you in the game, and because hey, I need people to roll. But there are extremes. You have to be at least good enough to be fun to beat, and frankly, if you spend 6 hours or a 20 games or whatever and can't complete your daily, you are no fun to play against, so I recommend you try out pve again. I'm not being mean, I'm just being realistic.

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most of the ppl on here dont get what this does to the game, this gives the ppl the choide to stand around get every thing for free(xp,credits,comms and valor) it takes away the compatsion in the game. atm and its been like this for some time now that pvp que up is simply the easy mode LFG. now with this put into the game ppl can lose and do nothing in the match at all and get every thing handed to them. its ruined the game further. but why would bioware care? they got our money already. its the casuel players that want everything for nothing that kills it for the serious players. gg bioware u lost another sub; :mad:


You mean the casual players that pay the same monthly fee to PLAY A GAME?

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with the new daily win/lose thing is the dumbist thing u could have done. it encourages ppl even more to stand around in WZs. now it gets ppl more for nothing. u guys really need to learn how to use the PTR and actully use player feedback. the game has gone to crap in less than 6 months. thanks for stealing ppls money. i know that was the plan all along right? the game is made for money not the players. i already hit the unsub button a few days ago to bad i have 99 days left:mad:


On my server, the premade Pubs have all geared themselves up after stomping our larger under geared population. Now noobs are playing us mostly geared Imps. Balance is restored but the fun factor is gone.


Must have Ranked WZ or willl starve from eating too much junk food republics....ack! Need returning players badly....help us Bioware, you're our only hope!

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