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No war zone q's before 5pm.


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no joke michael! this is getting absurd on our server. and whats really bad is that its like that on the weekends too.

last night at 10 pm, there were 24 people on fleet and we still had to wait 20 + minutes for a queue to pop.

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Problem is BW made too many freaking servers. They just kept pumping them out @ launch which is pretty fail. When they first started putting up information letting people sign up and create their guilds and such through the website.. I thought they had figured out some secret that would have been the King of MMO's by the way they had it listed.




It made it seem as if everyone who selected USEAST or whichever would log into a huge Hub of East coast servers that all fed into one world..or which ever region you had selected. Obviously wishful thinking.. But when a company figures out how to make a Large stable system like that.. which does not include 50 seperate servers with 5000-25000 people on it but truely "Massive Multiplayer" Regardless of the game people will probably try it out just for the experience.


P.S. Sorry for the tangent..and its not exactly summer time yet.. so Most people dont get off work till then and any Teens playing have to get home from school.. have a snack.. get settled maybe do homework then get on by 5pm or so.

Edited by prodigyqnz
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This really needs to be fixed. Can only get reliable q's for three hours on our server now. Not rerolling on another server.


Actually, you should reroll on another server, if only temporarily. Transfers will be open in early summer according to BW. Since you can't accomplish anything now anyway and certainly will be transferring when the time comes, you would be well served to do some research now on the new server you plan to call home.


Don't waste your time. Reroll and find a server to call home. When transfers open up, then you can transfer your toons there and know you won't have to repeat what you are suffering now.

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Actually, you should reroll on another server, if only temporarily. Transfers will be open in early summer according to BW. Since you can't accomplish anything now anyway and certainly will be transferring when the time comes, you would be well served to do some research now on the new server you plan to call home.


Don't waste your time. Reroll and find a server to call home. When transfers open up, then you can transfer your toons there and know you won't have to repeat what you are suffering now.


This is absurbd. I, like a lot, will be looking at new games not new servers. Cross server q's are to complicated to figure out? I mean for a game just coming out. Sure feels like they are 10 years behind the rest of mmos

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On the ghost town that is Davik's estate we were waiting about 15 min for queues to pop on Sunday... This is a complete mess right now, especially considering the grind they gave us to get WH equipment. Telling people to reroll on another server is just absurd. BW needs to make server transfers or xserver queing a top priority because this is just going to get worse.
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This really needs to be fixed. Can only get reliable q's for three hours on our server now. Not rerolling on another server.


Give me your $15 and quit compaining! Here take this pet that I sent you in the mail and shutup already.

Edited by MrSIlverSurfing
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BW making so many servers is NOT a problem. For a sec, put yourself in their shoes, how would you feel if you purchased a subscription and got a message that all servers are full so you couldn't play till more servers were online? They ensured that they had servers to handle the initial influx of players. Yes it's unfortunate that you're caught on one of the low pop ones but it's kind of the reason they're planning on cross server wz's.


Snapping fingers doesn't get things done. Takes time and resources. I'm glad they released the game as the wait was driving me nuts. Would I have liked to have dual spec, cross server pvp, FP and OP player finders, etc., yes, but I wouldn't like to have waited another year for release of the game just to have it with all the bells and whistles.


You already stated that you don't want to level another toon so the next option, when it eventually gets here, is character transfers. Hopefully they make it free for low pop servers.


Complainers will always complain. Just because you had these features in another MMO that has been there for 6+ years doesn't mean this one should have it at launch. They still have to meet the expectations. I'm sure they know about their competitors and are working to get these features implemented. You've stated your case.


It's an open market and you are free to choose what you want to do with it. If this game doesn't meet your expectations then you can go back to that game that did or try out another and maybe, just maybe, come back to check on this game when you feel it's up to par with what you want.

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The solution is to re roll an alt on a populated server (canderous ordo is nice).


Then when server transfers come you can move your main. This is what i have done and now im having lots of fun with 3 min to a WZ queue. At 9am.

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Wouldn't cross server pvp fix everything? Why can't they implement that? We had the same issues in WoW years ago since there were so many level brackets to the battlegrounds...creating cross-server battlegroups solved que times for the most part. Edited by Krimston
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The solution is to re roll an alt on a populated server (canderous ordo is nice).


Then when server transfers come you can move your main. This is what i have done and now im having lots of fun with 3 min to a WZ queue. At 9am.


Being forced to reroll on another server is retarded. It is wearing on everyone on my server. Sorry most of us are adults and don't have the time/patience to reroll when i can have a fresh new game experience. Besides your acting like by this point we don't have multiple 50s and seen all the story lines(sorry I saw a few in beta but i have seen all I care to see). I would make a toon on a server to just get a pvp q. But that is so stupid. 5 months worth of work on my main toons and I have to forget about them for 2+ months...no thanks. I will get a game that cares about the people playing it. Not just the money it takes to break even.


wow, you guys still have War Zones. I'm jealous

We need this fixed ASAP.

Wouldn't cross server pvp fix everything? Why can't they implement that? We had the same issues in WoW years ago since there were so many level brackets to the battlegrounds...creating cross-server battlegroups solved que times for the most part.

This could fix everything

Edited by mikedee
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Still no warzones all week before 5pm....


Yes as was said. Its not going to change until cross server or mergers.


Roll alt on another server or play something else. Nothing is changing soon my good man.

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This really needs to be fixed. Can only get reliable q's for three hours on our server now. Not rerolling on another server.


There is a fix, its rerolling on another server. If you aren't willing to apply the fix then it must not be that big of a problem.

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Still no warzones all week before 5pm....


Mike where we goin... lol...

I miss playing my Guardian... but "playing" is the key word... standing around fleet, is so old and no got no patience for re-rolling etc... I wanted a Guardian... i did the story... not doing it again.


The "problem" is the game mechanics suit me... but... there's nothing to do...



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BW making so many servers is NOT a problem. For a sec, put yourself in their shoes, how would you feel if you purchased a subscription and got a message that all servers are full so you couldn't play till more servers were online? They ensured that they had servers to handle the initial influx of players. Yes it's unfortunate that you're caught on one of the low pop ones but it's kind of the reason they're planning on cross server wz's.


Snapping fingers doesn't get things done. Takes time and resources. I'm glad they released the game as the wait was driving me nuts. Would I have liked to have dual spec, cross server pvp, FP and OP player finders, etc., yes, but I wouldn't like to have waited another year for release of the game just to have it with all the bells and whistles.


You already stated that you don't want to level another toon so the next option, when it eventually gets here, is character transfers. Hopefully they make it free for low pop servers.


Complainers will always complain. Just because you had these features in another MMO that has been there for 6+ years doesn't mean this one should have it at launch. They still have to meet the expectations. I'm sure they know about their competitors and are working to get these features implemented. You've stated your case.


It's an open market and you are free to choose what you want to do with it. If this game doesn't meet your expectations then you can go back to that game that did or try out another and maybe, just maybe, come back to check on this game when you feel it's up to par with what you want.


<LOL People paid 150.00 dollars and a sub plus utilies cable and the cost of the pc. Go to bbb.org and request a refund for the game and time played.

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Mike where we goin... lol...

I miss playing my Guardian... but "playing" is the key word... standing around fleet, is so old and no got no patience for re-rolling etc... I wanted a Guardian... i did the story... not doing it again.


The "problem" is the game mechanics suit me... but... there's nothing to do...




I feel that also I usually only ever have time for one toon, and I would not want to repeat leveling ever. It wasn't fantastic in the first place tbh. However considering circumstances a new toon of a different class may be the tide over answer only for those on low pop servers. Me I'll just stop playing.

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The people on our server are not just hurting because of low pops for WZs another thing that is hurting us is the economy of the servers as well. Its hard to find/buy mats or gear if you have a lower lvl toon you are trying to work with.


It is bad on the IMP side so I know it is really bad on the REP side on our server.


I agree with you guys. re-rolling on a diff server is NOT a fair solution... not after all the time spent on my main or the gear/credits/mats/mounts/titles/ect I would lose.


I find it disturbing that people have such crappy toons that they can just walk away from. I cant.


5 things being decimated by the low pop servers we have now:

1) WZ Qs

2) server/faction economy

3) Gear progression compared with other servers that have a pop.

4) Users unable to run Ops/HMs due to lack of players



Shout out to Repub counterparts in this thread.

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5 things being decimated by the low pop servers we have now:

1) WZ Qs

2) server/faction economy

3) Gear progression compared with other servers that have a pop.

4) Users unable to run Ops/HMs due to lack of players



Yes, low pop servers are bad for the game. They make running group content all but impossible when almost all endgame content requires a group.


BIOWARE: I understand that cross-server queues are coming. This does not solve our inability to run Heroics, group quests, or participate in a functional economy. Please merge low pop servers. I understand that management will balk at this, but do you know what they like less than bad press? Lower subs.


Merge servers with 1.3. Period. This is really, really basic. People buy an MMO so they can play with other people, and many of us now have a game where we must play with other people to progress but literally can't.

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