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companion quotes that can be taken out of context


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Ahhh but that's what I love bout Quinn. He probably won't apologize, and in a way, that makes him a bit more real.


Besides, think about this, if you were in his position, how could you begin, to say that you were 'sorry' enough? What would he say? How could he say it?


To me, an apology would almost seem weak, especially after what he had tried to do. What's done, is done, he knows it, as do I.




It's so weird, because my Sith is a butcher, and very nearly mad, but in that one instance.


I got one hundred, light side points. O_O


I played pro-Empire but also LS when possible and ended up with about an 8000/2000 split LS/DS. Fully 5% of the evil in my Warrior's character is directly attributable to her divorce proceedings.


And that makes me happy.



I love his evil writing, it's just that I had fooled myself into thinking he was my evil genius. The one guy actually more interested in getting things done for the greater good than in Sith shenanigans. LS didn't mean I was inclined to forgive him, it meant I was completely blindsided by him throwing away the single most functional partnership in the game. Worse, it was all for the sake of a man who not only squandered perfectly good resources out of paranoia, but had actually reduced himself to nonsense like sending his best enforcer after some random retired Jedi who had once stolen his lunch money - er, lightsaber (hi, Hoth). Because those are the priorities the Empire needs, amirite? *smack*


I want Quinn to acknowledge that he miscalculated, badly. I don't need or expect a real apology, but if he won't admit what a monumentally stupid move this was, he is of no use to me.



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I played pro-Empire but also LS when possible and ended up with about an 8000/2000 split LS/DS. Fully 5% of the evil in my Warrior's character is directly attributable to her divorce proceedings.


And that makes me happy.



I love his evil writing, it's just that I had fooled myself into thinking he was my evil genius. The one guy actually more interested in getting things done for the greater good than in Sith shenanigans. LS didn't mean I was inclined to forgive him, it meant I was completely blindsided by him throwing away the single most functional partnership in the game. Worse, it was all for the sake of a man who not only squandered perfectly good resources out of paranoia, but had actually reduced himself to nonsense like sending his best enforcer after some random retired Jedi who had once stolen his lunch money - er, lightsaber (hi, Hoth). Because those are the priorities the Empire needs, amirite? *smack*


I want Quinn to acknowledge that he miscalculated, badly. I don't need or expect a real apology, but if he won't admit what a monumentally stupid move this was, he is of no use to me.



And that....



Is what I find to be one of the most interesting things about this whole incident, and how it was written.


I had him with be basically from Balmoraa onward, and I kept a keen eye on what kind of things gave me the most affection with him, and it wasn't giving candy to kids, or saving kittens from trees. When I gave no mercy, in the empires name, i got the most affection.


Also remember when we first meet him? What he said to that officer who had just failed him on a mission? I don't think he was kidding, when he said he'd kill him with a clear conscious, and who knows now many had failed him before.


Now I'll be fair, I had to watch all of the romance options online, I have a male Sith, and sadly I can't romance Quinn (though in my head cannon it's already going on), however i really didn't see the whole affair making that much of a difference in what he ended up doing. Love doesn't a always transform a person completely, and Darth Baras was still a very, very powerful Sith, and Quinn owed him everything.


It's a battle between love, and duty, and I'm happy that the writers chose what they did. It showed that people are sometimes deeply flawed, and love does not always make the difference we think it does.


I'l put it this way....In the real world what he did was despicable, but in the world of the Empire, what he did was completely understandable, and completely in line with how their society works.


At the end of the day I really do understand the dark side option, I do. I just find it so weird that I seem to be alone in understanding, and taking, the light side option.


(as a side note. For a society so obsessed with blood lines and family ties, Quinn has never once mentioned his parents, and there is no information on them in the game, or his profile....it kinda makes you wonder...)




As for more lines that can be taken out of context....during a certan festival with a certian Bugboy...


"You're doing great!"


"You can accompany the other Joiners, if you like." (not exact quote)


My Agent: :o:o:D

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Wow, a 8000/2000 split? You were way more light-leaning that I was. I ended with a 10000/9460 split for light. Granted she had Diplomacy and ran flashpoints multiple times, which probably padded the numbers a bit.




The whole female SW and Quinn romance reminds me of a line from a movie in the 90s that seems applicable to this situation: "...Everyone lies. Good guys lose. And love...does not conquer all."


I mean, just because he may or may not love the female SW, doesn't mean he's not going to put his perceived duty ahead of his needs.

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Wow, a 8000/2000 split? You were way more light-leaning that I was. I ended with a 10000/9460 split for light. Granted she had Diplomacy and ran flashpoints multiple times, which probably padded the numbers a bit.




The whole female SW and Quinn romance reminds me of a line from a movie in the 90s that seems applicable to this situation: "...Everyone lies. Good guys lose. And love...does not conquer all."


I mean, just because he may or may not love the female SW, doesn't mean he's not going to put his perceived duty ahead of his needs.


I ran my SW 10000/0 LS/DS.

Yeah, I just told him that if he did it again, I would put make his life a living hell (implying I was going to put Vette's shock collar on him).


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And that....



Is what I find to be one of the most interesting things about this whole incident, and how it was written.


I had him with be basically from Balmoraa onward, and I kept a keen eye on what kind of things gave me the most affection with him, and it wasn't giving candy to kids, or saving kittens from trees. When I gave no mercy, in the empires name, i got the most affection.


Also remember when we first meet him? What he said to that officer who had just failed him on a mission? I don't think he was kidding, when he said he'd kill him with a clear conscious, and who knows now many had failed him before.


Now I'll be fair, I had to watch all of the romance options online, I have a male Sith, and sadly I can't romance Quinn (though in my head cannon it's already going on), however i really didn't see the whole affair making that much of a difference in what he ended up doing. Love doesn't a always transform a person completely, and Darth Baras was still a very, very powerful Sith, and Quinn owed him everything.


It's a battle between love, and duty, and I'm happy that the writers chose what they did. It showed that people are sometimes deeply flawed, and love does not always make the difference we think it does.


I'l put it this way....In the real world what he did was despicable, but in the world of the Empire, what he did was completely understandable, and completely in line with how their society works.


At the end of the day I really do understand the dark side option, I do. I just find it so weird that I seem to be alone in understanding, and taking, the light side option.


(as a side note. For a society so obsessed with blood lines and family ties, Quinn has never once mentioned his parents, and there is no information on them in the game, or his profile....it kinda makes you wonder...)




As for more lines that can be taken out of context....during a certan festival with a certian Bugboy...


"You're doing great!"


"You can accompany the other Joiners, if you like." (not exact quote)


My Agent: :o:o:D



that party was so wild... it was one giant fade to black ;)

i think my agent may have woken up next to a genosian at that one...

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I just got Talos Drellik, and he is a live one! :eek:


"Yes, my lord! With pleasure!" (and I haven't even said anything yet...)

"If there's any way I can BLEEP you, my lord, let me know."

"I promise, I won't let you down."

"It's an honor to serve you." (Good with or without the BLEEP!)

"We have a most excellent partnership, my lord."


I'm so glad I got to [Flirt] with him during recruitment, even if I won't get to follow through. He is legitimately adorable.

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loool..this tread is awesome :)


going against the jedi code i choosed to flirt with Doc lol


Doc: i can show you some tricks

Vilya: so? go ahead!


after some moments entering again in the cut scene, i think they spent time to " learn" tricks

Vilya: wow that was... good , but not enough

Doc: Well, how they say? Practice makes things better


and they dissapeared again lol

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There's one I hear all the time from Torian and can't HELP to think naughty NAUGHTY thoughts!


"Got sloppy."


O rly? >.> <.< o.0


heheheh and you know youd prolly need a revive probe after fun time with f!hunter

at least my torian does....

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heheheh and you know youd prolly need a revive probe after fun time with f!hunter

at least my torian does....


Now I'm pondering (in)appropriate uses of su cuy'gar ("so you're still alive", a typical Mando greeting).... ¬_¬

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Oh yes. I always mis-hear "Stand by for suggested products" as "Stand by for suggestive products".


I hear the exact same thing. o_O


Second conversation with Vector....bleeped for fun. (I'll put it under spoilers to be safe)


Vector: "Last night we *BLEEPED* our frist *BLEEP*, since leaving the nest. We savored the *BLEEP* for two hours, we could taste every *BLEEP*, every *BLEEP* *BLEEP*, and trace of foil. Do you know what joining the Kiliks does to a persons *BLEEP*?




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There's one I hear all the time from Torian and can't HELP to think naughty NAUGHTY thoughts!


"Got sloppy."


O rly? >.> <.< o.0


The first time I heard him say this, I had to compose myself because I started giggling, I was questing with my husband at the time - I am sure he was rolling his eyes at me too :D I can't help that I see a double meaning with everything!! Its a skill, I tell ya. haha

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The first time I heard him say this, I had to compose myself because I started giggling, I was questing with my husband at the time - I am sure he was rolling his eyes at me too :D I can't help that I see a double meaning with everything!! Its a skill, I tell ya. haha


the dark side is strong in you. you can force-sense uphanism potential :D

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Upon entering the Promenade, in Nar Shaddaa:


Khem Val: So much flesh. Are you sure I can't have a taste?


(I'm sure Khem's just hungry, but saying that where there's so many scantily-clad women, makes me wonder...)

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Upon entering the Promenade, in Nar Shaddaa:


Khem Val: So much flesh. Are you sure I can't have a taste?


(I'm sure Khem's just hungry, but saying that where there's so many scantily-clad women, makes me wonder...)


The guy was basically taking a millenia long nap when the SI so rudely awakens him without even a sammich for him to snack on. So of course he's going to be grumpy and hungry... and probably just a slight bit... anxious from lackanookie. One of the side effects of suspended animation, you know. :cool:

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The guy was basically taking a millenia long nap when the SI so rudely awakens him without even a sammich for him to snack on. So of course he's going to be grumpy and hungry... and probably just a slight bit... anxious from lackanookie.


This is my new favorite ailment name and I must now use it everywhere. Including calling in sick to work. "Sorry, half dead from lackanookie. Can't possibly make it in to work!"

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This is my new favorite ailment name and I must now use it everywhere. Including calling in sick to work. "Sorry, half dead from lackanookie. Can't possibly make it in to work!"


It's a rare tropical disease, and the only place that can cure it is called Kamanawannalaya. :p

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Doc...I swear, everything that comes out of that man's mouth...you don't even have to take it out of context!

I have to say he cracks me up constantly. The attitude is hilarious!


"I live to serve."

"I need a private *bleep*. On the ship. My quarters."


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"I'll be in my quarters." -- Malavai Quinn, every dismissal.


In context, it's a bit weird, but it's the way he says it, all rushed and eager, that makes me think he's about to smack the Gundark.


The way some SWs treat him after his little fopah, I'd be smacking the Gundark too. But my Quinn is happily still getting nookie on a regular basis from his wife, his lord and master....except in the bedroom when HE'S DA MAN in there. *fans self*


Why no, I don't like aggressive men in that place.





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