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Does huttball need to be removed?


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more huttball maps would be awesome. then we can start a huttball league... have huttball playoffs... have a huttball superbowl! i can see the future and it's covered with frogdog and rotworm banners!!!!!
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Huttball is hands down the most fun WZ in the game...why would they ever remove it. If anything they should add more huttball maps with different hazards. While yes, everyone has been on the losing end of a brutal beating in huttball, that doesn't mean they should just remove it from the game. Huttball is the most unique wz and no other games have a match quite like it. Maybe you should learn how to play it better before you up and say you hate it.


Also i don't agree with some classes having an "advantage" in huttball. As much as you think a team of all scorcs and assassin/juggernaut tanks will win every time your wrong. Each class has its own role in a huttball match you just need to learn what yours is. While I agree juggernaut/assassin tanks and scorcs are going to be on offense most of the match. many other classes have advantages in other parts of the match. A sniper is far from useless as they can sit up top and fire down at everyone in the middle without having to worry about warriors leaping up to them, or sit on one side of the fire while someone with the ball waits for the fire to disappear before advancing, opening fire on an enemy who has NO chance of stopping it other then blowing defensive cool downs which now he doesn't have if or when he gets close to the goalline where your team is respawning. all this without even mentioning their knock back which can be combined with Entrench to guarantee a knock back of a scorcerer or any ball carrier. Operatives...while they may not be scoring all the time are GREAT to hold the middle, what are you going to do if your heading to the ball to pick it up after a score and out of nowhere a concealment operative or 2 come out of stealth and wreck your face? Best burst damage in pvp by far. Holding mid is just as important as scoring. Mercenaries have one of the best push backs in the game for huttball. Especially on defense where every scorc you knock down eliminates a huge threat. Powertechs can yank people into the fire for a quick steal or defense of the ball, and if your a pt...try death from above into a leap, you can reach ANYONE on the goal lines ledge with that combo, or even pull yourself out of the pit and back up to the middle VERY fast.


I think that about covers it, so before anyone says some classes are OP in huttball, learn to play your class and find your role in the hutt ball arena. Point is a team of all scores and tanks, while they may be able to score fast, a smart enemy team will stop them every time, and they will lose just as often as a team of all bounty hunters and agents.


anyone disagree?

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No huttball doesn't need to be removed. It is a fun warzone and unlike the other three which are two are basically the same and one is a destroy/protect type Huttball adds a more laid back, less serious warzone for those of us who get bored capturing and defending all the dang time. Heck I like huttball and I play an Op so if I'm enjoying it, must not be too bad. If anything they should add new maps and traps to spice it up. I can understand if people don't like it because it's not a "serious" warzone but oh well, that's what the quit button is for.
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I hate huttball. Does anyone else? i think it should be in its own queue. that way the people who dont want to play that idiotic, lousy excuse for a warzone, can not worry and just play the other awesome warzones!

seriously? Huttball is by far the best WZ hands down, and this is after playing it for over a year, and first two months of launch ONLY playing it because my server was so imbalanced.

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It's because your not playing your class right for the game. If you want a game where everyone is equal and is just as good at ball carrying then others this isn't your game.


As a healer you should be following the ball carrier and healing him, forget everyone else your his pocket healer.


Some classes have utilities better suited to huttball. Jugs have leap and are arguably the best ball carriers with huge mitigation ability for that fine dash over the last flame pit.

Sorc's can leap th acid pit to get the ball early and leap over and through the flame pits, pull people up onto the cat walks.

Assasins can pull people to them onto flame pits, into the pit, into the acid. sprint over flame and acid, stealth on the ball line and await a throw your a jugg intercede

Power techs can leap, make good carriers pull their enemies onto the obstacles.

snipers can push and snare people running across flame pits from 30M.

ops can stand on the ball line and wait for a throw or follow the carrier and heal him or team members attacking the enemy ball carrier.

Mercs can push people into the pit onto obstacles heal team members,


Every class has a utility they can use to help the game. I think 3 the best are sprint pull friendly and leap followed by push and pull enemy.


Yes, I understand every class has a role to fill. I'm just talking about the cheap tactics to run the ball. Obviously the snare is important to keep people from blitzing the goal but as anyone that runs this WZ can atest this is not the case.

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Huttball was the prime example of failed attempts during Beta...no one listened to how unbalanced it is.


Make Huttball it's own separate queue...hell make all WZ's separate...let us choose which one to go into and maybe show how many are que'd for each WZ...

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The thing about huttball is you get only miss a few seconds of playing each time you die and then you are back in the match, unlike domination maps that you may be well stuck defending a node and get 1-2mins of action per 10-15m warzone. There is the quick win factor of huttball, the better team wins and wins fast and even if the teams are pretty balanced you end up with an awesome brawl and just very small brakes from deaths and a little travel time.


I prefer it over voidstar due to the hazards and the fact that you dont get respawn screens upon endless respawn screens, but other than that, give me 100% battle time over lousy semi-afk defending of nodes, any day.

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I say for some classes it's more fun than others due to their abilities. A sage for example can pull team players while a commando can't. I also have a sniper and if the game is fast pace it's difficult to keep up since a sniper is the least mobile of all the classes. In general, I find playing on my commando and sniper to be more dependent on my team composition than on my sage or guardian. Edited by Knockerz
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huttball does greatly favour some classes indeed... so they need to change the mechanics of the game or do without this


No it doesn't, it's just not every class is meant to be a ball carrier. Know your role and play to the strengths of your class. For instance as a gunslinger you should be keeping mid clear for pick ups - they are the best mid campers in the game. They are not ball carriers. The best carriers in the game are shadows not jugs.

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I have fun even on my alts that are say Arsenal Merc while running the ball which is surely one of the worst possible role mismatch out there. I didn't have a choice because I somehow caught the ball deep and we needed to score.


Sure if every enemy on the other side is an alpha class for Huttball it'd suck to play as an Arsenal Merc ball runner, but since there are no 8 man premades I have yet to see a team consist of 8 players all designed to be Huttball specialists. I did have a game where we had 6 Tankasins PUG on my side, and that's about as close to an 'all alpha dog class' Huttball I've seen. We fought a premade and utterly crushed them since between 6 Force Speeds, Force Shrouds, and Force Pulls nobody on their side was ever going anywhere and our side can run circles around them. In a game like that it'd suck if you are one of the weaker Huttball classes, but these scenario are very rare.

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Huttball was the prime example of failed attempts during Beta...no one listened to how unbalanced it is.


Make Huttball it's own separate queue...hell make all WZ's separate...let us choose which one to go into and maybe show how many are que'd for each WZ...


It's one of the best designed pvp games in an mmo, people who think it is unbalanced are just ****, quite frankly.

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My main issue with huttball is that it is RARELY competitive in the 50 bracket. You're either being trucked or doing the trucking. This is mostly do to class composition as matches that have more favorable classes (Juggernauts, Sorcerers, Operative Healers, and Grapplers) tend to win more. Strategy and communication help, obviously, but without the advantages of the above classes the odds of winning are drastically reduced.



I'd like "HardMode" Huttball to exist;

(I'm sure parts of this idea exist elsewhere)


1. The huttball roots the holder. No movement altering abilities are capable of moving the ball carrier.

2. Because the ball-carrier is stationary the user should probably take moderately reduced damage.

3. Possessing the huttball limited to ~20 seconds. Tie Breakers do not exist; should a match end as a tie both teams lose.

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