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Everything posted by Sobkiewwicz

  1. Sociology experiment. What type of people play imperial vs republic? I'd say, casual players in it because they saw a movie (or just want to piss into the wind) play republic... People who want domination, PVP, PVE, better graphics, better story, better companions, better skills, and a set of developers that caters to you... well they play Imperial. Enough said? Lightning > Pebbles.
  2. Absolutely hate Huttball. It completely ruins the balance of PVP combat in favor of gimmicks. Should definitely be a separate queue... as it's not a warzone at all, but just some ridiculous mini-game someone created.
  3. Agree. This sounds like a post from beta honestly. ... and they're still posting polls about it. Great job yellows! Keep up the great work. Holy mother *********** ****. Can I get banned from these forums to put me out of my misery?
  4. Nice post. Given the attention of the game at launch, you'd expect a little better thought into how PVP is going to work longer term. The gimicks of a WZ just wear out (sooner rather than later). Open world PVP needs guild/alliance/etc goals and invididual PVP needs better balance & statistics.
  5. One other difference... melee tends to be button mashers. You really spam the buttons to try to maximize output. For ranged, it's much more relaxed... you plan rotations and such. So, for melee, more energy/chaos... depends what you like?
  6. They nerfed the **** out of healing is what happened.
  7. Need? Air, water, food.... ok, so maybe not 'needed'. I'd still vote for expertise is desirable. It provides multiple avenues of advancement in end-game. If the argument is, should Bioware redesign the PVP game such that every class/spec is balanced in a way that allows a singular advancement of ability in PVP & PVE, then sure... I guess I could agree to that. But, I just have absolutely no faith in them to accomplish such a thing. Thus, expertise, a small crutch.
  8. I'm posting in a pro-sentinel thread!!!111oneone.
  9. No. Look at release vs 1.2. If you can honestly say it's better in 1.2, you're ridiculously idiotic... or don't play the game (i.e. a Bioware employee). Thus, moving in wrong direction, i.e. failing. Bottom line, developers have no *********** clue what makes PVP work.. and most probably have no clue about their own game (i.e. readycheck). I've no reason to post constructive ideas.
  10. Meh... hate to add to more QQ, but at least I agree with spirit of the OP. There was always a difference in MMO vs FPS games. In FPS, you point, click a few buttons in a rapid manner and voila, they die. Sure, you could die, then respawn and do it again. In MMO, you actually had to think about skills & builds & teammates. I feel that from pre-1.2 to 1.2, SWTOR moved closer to a FPS game. DPS is king, you focus, you shoot, they die. There's no real strategy anymore other than focus fire. There's no real teamwork or even skill. Get some decent gear, focus with a DPS oriented team. Done. You want to call a 5-min fight boring? I call it exhilarating. I call it match of strategy instead of point/click/kill. So, you look at posts in PVP, I see more negative than positive.... by landslides (plural). So, tell me Bioware, was 1.2 PVP "class balance" a success? Keep looking at your numbers, because if you say yes, you're clueless... and deserve the empty servers.
  11. My highly negative, i.e. realistic one line responses: One step closer to COD. If it compiles, it works.
  12. Confused. Thought healers were overpowered. Now it's tank DPS. FFS make up your mind posters. Right. Can we take a poll on who BW nerfs next, or just tie it to who most recently won? or maybe just implement readycheck.
  13. I tend to agree with OP. Hutt ball emphasizes all the worst parts of the game, moving towards gimmicks instead of PVP. What's so wrong with letting people choose a type of warzone? We don't play Russian roulette any other aspect of the game, and since world PVP is completely dead, we shouldn't be forced to play a 'game' that's undesired. Whew, that was about as constructive as I could make it.
  14. Can I ignore yellow crap posts like this? Or is this trolling... hmm... maybe just agree to disagree. I totally just violated every one of your rules! Eat this post, quick.
  15. Of all the problems with PVP in this game, you focus on marking healers? Bring it, mark me... I'll still destroy your pathetic group. Hm.. wish this was in server forums.. oh well.
  16. There's no bugs in this game... plus it's extremely hard to write software for a PC, etc, etc. Thanks for playing.
  17. You, sir, are excellent at your job! Please keep up the extremely great work!
  18. I never want to hear an operative complain again. Really.
  19. So.... queues are an issue & population balance is an issue... as well as adding new servers to support this population. My suggestion would be to have a cluster of servers that a single player can play on. High population clusters can have servers added, while lower population can have them removed. Creating a player is done on a cluster basis, then the player selects a server to play on each time they login. A player about login can decide if they want to wait in a queue for a high population experience or not. Guilds/friends can coordinate easy enough if desired.
  20. I need to make a post like this for every other server than mine.... strategic! go go!
  21. Great story! Can I post in this forum?
  22. I laughed... or maybe you were just bragging (: Of course, I'd never recommend Tiger Direct... fail.
  23. Bah honestly... having dealt with servers for what seems like several generations of MMOs, it's outdated... so, disappointingly to myself, I agree with the OP. Design something else and stop just replicating old technology. This is supposed to be a new generation, but all I've seen so far is the same old thing. Of course, my patience grows thinner with every 100 queue ticks. That's what you get.
  24. Whaaaat?? Been missing that... will try it out after 760 queues go by. (:
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