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SimCity a higher priority?? Casuals have unsubscribed?? EA certainly isn't feeling confident in TOR anymore, that's for sure.


Sure they can. SimCity is just that popular. Heck I still play SimCity 4. The Sim franchise is huge...I'll be buying the next SimCity...and so will hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people who don't touch MMOs but love the Sim franchise.

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Sure they can. SimCity is just that popular. Heck I still play SimCity 4. The Sim franchise is huge...I'll be buying the next SimCity...and so will hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people who don't touch MMOs but love the Sim franchise.



It's been awhile since the last simcity, so I'm looking forward to it as well. However I can't really look at it and think, as long term revenue goes, more viable than a subscription based game. But the way things went with sims 3, I wouldn't be surprised to see it launch with a massive micro store.... so /shrug

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Sure they can. SimCity is just that popular. Heck I still play SimCity 4. The Sim franchise is huge...I'll be buying the next SimCity...and so will hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people who don't touch MMOs but love the Sim franchise.


Agreed, I just love Sim City. I take a break from MMORPGs and next one is Elder Scroll Online somewhere in early 2013.

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Did I see somewhere a mention of two new content packs?


Yeah, I love how EA was even taking the STOCK MARKET to task for not downplaying TOR enough!!!


They wanna hide how much they screwed up with it. So they start now by saying stock should not drop because its not a prioritized game anyway.


Sorry Bioware, you got really shafted here. Condolences

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Well, lack of accessibility is what killed the game for casuals. Why would ANYONE that is casual choose this game over one that has one click to run dungeon or raid. And have that feature being cross-server for quicker queue times. Sad, but true.



Why should i wait several hours before i can do a raid?

Why do i always need to play with the same people, over and over again. I want to play with hundreds of different players (This is a mmorpg)

Why do i need to stand in the fleet waiting for people to log on?


Cross server LFG fixes alot of things for casuals. Too bad BW and EA doesn't care about income apperently.

If they had this tool... Less people would have left. But they can still put it in and fix it.

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EA has poured more money and firepower into "Star Wars: The Old Republic" than it has any game in its 30-year history. Wall Street is closely watching to see if the game can succeed. If it struggles, EA's earnings will likely suffer in future quarters.


After reading earlier comments, it's hard to believe that SWTOR is not the #1 or #2 priority based off this statement above.


Based off the article, analyst expect 1.25 to 1.5 millions subs. Expect that. Which means they (EA) don't have that yet. Coupled with 400,000 subs lost in the quarter, they have had at least 25% of there customers leave to wait for improvements that warrant a subscription price or for good. Yikes!! No wonder people are asking for server merges.

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If SWTOR goes F2P, it will end my saga right here. Im not sure what they analysts analysing, but most of the current SWTOR community will not play F2P MMOs (or maybe im wrong?).


I can understand they want money, so they can go F2P and milk 100 customers for 200$ per month (and loose 900 other players) OR they can try hard and make a good game, then take 20$ per month subscription fee from 2 000 customers, profit! I know last option is hard, since you need to actualy develope the game, not the new methods of milking in F2P MMO, but hell, with one thousand F2P MMOs on market, why do we need one more just with Star Wars franchise? :(

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If SWTOR goes F2P, it will end my saga right here. Im not sure what they analysts analysing, but most of the current SWTOR community will not play F2P MMOs (or maybe im wrong?).


I can understand they want money, so they can go F2P and milk 100 customers for 200$ per month (and loose 900 other players) OR they can try hard and make a good game, then take 20$ per month subscription fee from 2 000 customers, profit! I know last option is hard, since you need to actualy develope the game, not the new methods of milking in F2P MMO, but hell, with one thousand F2P MMOs on market, why do we need one more just with Star Wars franchise? :(


As one of those that would probably spend between 100-200 a month on the game, I'd welcome the F2P system.

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Thats starting to change now, a few titles look interesting - tribes ascend, blacklight retribution, mechwarrior online, hawken.


Although I agree with you, I still think subscription games are better and cheaper in the long run.


OMG MECHWARRIOR. I used to love that old xbox game. I WANNA PLAY IT!

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It's funny how all of the supporters of this game keep saying that BW will add a bunch of new content...

when they're talking about how they don't really care about this game and it's not a high priority.


Keep waiting for that awesome new content! It's just around the corner.

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It's funny how all of the supporters of this game keep saying that BW will add a bunch of new content...

when they're talking about how they don't really care about this game and it's not a high priority.


Keep waiting for that awesome new content! It's just around the corner.


You know there's a difference between BW and EA right?


EA owns Bioware and Maxis, but SWTOR will always be Bioware's puppy like SimCity will always be Maxis' puppy. They're not going to pull people from the SWTOR project and send them to work on SimCity or vica versa.

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It's funny how all of the supporters of this game keep saying that BW will add a bunch of new content...

when they're talking about how they don't really care about this game and it's not a high priority.


Keep waiting for that awesome new content! It's just around the corner.


You've got EA and Bioware mixed up.


They're not the same company, regardless of if one is a division of the other.


EA might not care but I'm sure BW do.

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When TOR was first being designed they toyed with the idea of making it FTP and basing everything on Micro-Transactions.


They leaked a bit of this info in an article and people FLIPPED OUT. I do not think EA really gave up the idea of a micro-transaction model for TOR.


Micro-transactions can work if the developers are smart and design the game around them. Bioware has proven inept at basic MMO design so I am not sure they can properly handle micro-transactions.


Personally I love the micro-transaction model in the west. The east tends to take the model a bit too far and sells actual game changing powers, but the west often just sells minor enhancements you can obtain in game and fluff.

Edited by illgot
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im pretty sure this game was soley made for the casual playerbase.so i dont really get where your going with the game being unfriendly to casual players

It's the same reason many casual players left Wow, many players are tired of the same old holy trinity hamster wheel we play on. Causual players are willing to work towards obtainng their gear but only when the content is accessible. Most casual players arent interested in guilds and lets be honest most guild groups arent interested in casuals either. Without the LFG system that was available in wow casuals will not sit around spamming LFG to find a group. All content added since late December has been to benefit hardcore players and raiders, casuals we left to fend for themselves.


and id put more a chance in seeing hell freeze over then this game ever getting a cross server looking for group tool.but hey,thats just another thing you can blame the world of warcraft community for ruining

Either way I dont care as I only ever play with a group of 4 friends, but BW would be very silly indded not to add one. The next group to leave will be the solo players, by June many would have experienced multiple characters and with no forward progression.

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Thats starting to change now, a few titles look interesting - tribes ascend, blacklight retribution, mechwarrior online, hawken.


Although I agree with you, I still think subscription games are better and cheaper in the long run.


Maybe for some older F2P titles. GW2 will not be like this. Their Micro Transaction market will be there for Asthetic purposes only and in no way effect the advancement/power of a character's avatar or allow the purchase of any special content with real money.

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im pretty sure this game was soley made for the casual playerbase.so i dont really get where your going with the game being unfriendly to casual players

I guess you don't know what casual players are/do. I don't have time to spam LFG in fleet to find a group for some flashpoint. I don't have the luxury of being able to commit to a schedule to do operations with a guild. I want to log in and join a group in what little time I have each day. That's impossible.


Yes, WoW did a lot better at that. I can login, find a group within 15 minutes and do a dungeon, or even join a raid in 10 minutes. I can do much, much more in the few hours of play I have every now and then then here. In SWtoR I logged in and the only thing I could do was level or do dailies. I don't even do dailies in WoW, and I'm not doing them here either. Worst thing ever to be invented... dailies. So what's left? I tried to get a group, took me 2 hours! And then we failed because everyone sucked (me included probably, because I can't see how well I'm doing without dps meters).


and id put more a chance in seeing hell freeze over then this game ever getting a cross server looking for group tool.but hey,thats just another thing you can blame the world of warcraft community for ruining

Well, if they don't, it will be the end of SWtoR.


As a casual, I can say I understand why they all left. I left too. Just letting the free month go to waste (clever way of keeping subs up) and then it's over. I might be back when the X-realm LFG comes, but if that coincides with GW2 or MoP, I won't.

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I wouldn't mind should SWTOR go free to play or buy to play... as long as they do nothing stupid then (like making it pay to win).

Thats what most F2P games are...

Make swtor F2P will kill it even more, but the Fing Bloodsuckers at EA will prolly do it... but they should let us kow if they even think about it its *********** stupid to play a game and then it goes F2P and you have to quit cuse all the Tards come runing and paying to et everything they want.



Stat bonus


i have seen this in action its not a good sight..

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