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Dun lie ur dat guy


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Are there people who actually still do this at 50? Seriously, on my server I think people would be insulted / roll their eyes.


Everyone knows what to do. People announce they're going left, typically someone announces they'll harass right, usually the second person going left to delay any harassers doesn't announce but goes anyway. Everyone else zergs mid.


I don't think I've ever played a game of Novare Coast in which someone didn't automatically take northcap duties on themselves.

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Hate to be that guy, but when you are in PUGs, eventually, you have to speak up to ask people do something meaningful in WZs, such as "mark/focus healers" or "fight at objectives" or "call inc".


There are countless times, some solo defenders do not call inc or call it too late(wait until he almost dies to call). Thus, causing the team lose the objective or even worse lose the match. Excuse? The lamest one i ever hear is "no one said I should call inc". :eek:


The worst thing when being in PUGs is there is always some people acts like a fool and does not take any advice. For example, a fresh 50 sage keeps queuing with greens and 100 expertise, other guys say "Hey, you should buy recuit gear, 100 expertise is so sad for pvp in 50 bracket". The answer is "I thought I pay to play this game" aka "I can do whatever I want, you guys must carry me because I pay for it." Result? He only dies 20+ times in every WZ.


I ran into a premade on my side that was three people with leveling greens- resultscreen 8k,12k and 14k damage.

When I pointed out that there is a recruit gear vendor I got flamed like never before. Everyone left the WZs after those people joined their team after that round, it was just not possible to do anything with three players less. Yes those people pay the same money, but if they queue for teamgames they should try to function as a team. And that includes to not completely weaken that team out of false pride or something.


I also always vote "that guy" MVP, if there is anyone who tries to order things. Sadly most of the time that duty falls to me (with all the benefits of getting flamed,ignored etc.). Its not good for the heart to be that guy.

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You usually say those basics before the match starts. And if "that guy" does not exist you lessen the chances to win (specially on alderaan) by over 50% as everyone will storm of towards the middle or even to the right.


If you don't like people who put the effort into coordinating PUGs (with coordinating I don't mean arrogant flaming if things don't work out etc.) you are that guy that should PvE. As this is a teamgame and singleplayer rambos like the 2nd poster are wasting valuable space in the team.


can i get an Amen!

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I don't mind that guy usually, because there are a lot of fresh players on my server. Average warzone in 1-49 the Republic team is mostly over lvl 30 while ours is usually under level 30. So it helps the new people, which I'm seeing a ton of despite all the doom and gloom about low subs. My problem is when that guy starts to get negative in his chatter.


Recently in an alderaan I had a Sentinel/Gunslinger team come after me while solo defending, I did call in the inc, but to guild not to ops (oops), and then was too busy fighting to notice my mistake. So I killed the Sentinel, wounded the gunslinger, died, and came straight back to the point. Despite the fact others had noticed my health dropping and came to help, that guy felt the need to go negative and start spouting stuff like "Don't defend if your not going to call inc." That's the point where that guy goes on the ignore list. Cause that guy shouldn't go negative, and if he's really "that guy" he shouldn't be leaving someone solo to defend in the first place.


So I'm in favor of that guy if he's being helpful, when they start to turn negative, they accomplish nothing but bring down the group. This isn't boot camp, this isn't the marines, you don't make a better PvP'er by trying to break them down (cause chances are you won't see them again to try to rebuild them), keep them positive, keep it fun, otherwise they'll either /ignore you, or quit. Now if your one of those that would prefer they quit, that's fine, but don't complain about long que's later.

Edited by Koensayr
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True. But even on Nova it helps to just say "xyz pls tap north". As it has happened that everyone thinks "ah well, someone will take it, ill go middle". The small sentence: "Please say incomings, its only a l2 or r3, two letters" is very helpfull as well. Never assume that things you consider basics are basics for everyone. I'd rather be called a pita by three people and have three others following those orders than sit back and depend on random luck.


On VS its "Please zerg near the doors and if you're the last person stay" etc etc. Basics :)


That's more of a situational awareness thing though. It's not like you talk about ahead of time 'if you see 4 guys coming this way we'll send those 3 guys to reinforce". Stuff like that sort of just happens and if you react on time great but you certainly can't plan for it ahead of time.


Actually I think the biggest benefit to planning in Alderaan is to make sure you don't end up with 0/8/0 which beats nothing except itself. It's surprising how many PUG will settle for 0/8/0 if you don't point out the basics.

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I always do the opposite of whatever this guy has said. Just to piss him off and make him rant the whole time.
That's the reason to why pug teams lose.


I'm usually the guy who askes for a plan, mainly when I'm ending up with people I've never seen before, and when no one replies with one I'll say "let's pull a jedi crush" or "X west Y east". When no one replies to that either I have to assume that we're on the same page.


Game starts and 4 guys decide to do the exact opposite, spread the troops thin and pretty much give away the game.


So unless you aim to lose I suggest that you actually listen to the people who want to play it with some form of plan or atleast suggest something on your own instead of just being one of the 95 % clueless people in WZ. I can almost bet that you're the type that goes for the opponents bunker on Novare at the start of the game. That has to be the dumbest move in MMO history. You might get it for about 10 secs but then theyre spawning on it while you have to walk across the map after every death.

Edited by MidichIorian
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That's the reason to why pug teams lose.


I'm usually the guy who askes for a plan, mainly when I'm edning up with people I've never seen before, and when no one replies with one I'll say "let's pull a jedi crush" or "X west Y east". When no one replies to that either I have to assume that we're on the same page.


Game starts and 4 guys decide to do the exact opposite, spreading the troops thin and pretty much giving away the game.


So unless you aim to lose I suggest that you actually listen to the people who want to play it with some form of plan or atleast suggest something on your own instead of just being one of the 95 % clueless people in WZ. I can almost bet that you're the type that goes for the opponents bunker on Novare at the start of the game. That has to be the dumbest move in MMO history. You might get it for about 10 secs but then theyre spawning on it while you have to walk across the map after every death.


A bad plan that everyone agrees on is still generally better than a good plan that nobody can agree on. Unless you're certain the plan has no chance of succeeding, it's better to go with the consensus. Hitting the enemy bunker in NC is not a good plan, but if everyone agrees to execute it, it still beats having people hitting random targets at random intervals.

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Every time you think you don't need to say some obvious stuff, somebody proves you do.


Like... if you go left in CW and you're a Sentinel, pop Transcendence! You'd figure that even a couple of CW matches would have made the usefulness of this pretty obvious to any Sent, but no...

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Actually I prefer someone take the lead otherwise it can be a disorganized mess. You have to remember there are always new people who don't even know what "east" or "south" is. That way at least you can start with group focus. If no one does it I will sometimes just to clear it up. Communication is key, especially with incomings. I think.
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If nobody else takes charge 30s before the start I'm happy and proud to say that I'm "that guy". Coordination and communication are the keys to victory. It's ok though, speaking as "that guy" we don't expect more than 3-4 of the team to be smart enough to listen and work together, to be honest anything between 1-3 listening is about what I expect normally, but it certainly means that "that guy" contributes more to the win than any of the idiots who go rambo or won't guard nodes.
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Nah, I am the guy that tells you and everyone else on my team they suk, and are noobs. I tell you all you should quit and go play Farmville. Then at the end of the match I have 2 medals, 5 kill and 12 deaths, because I spent the WZ typing in Ops chat about how L2p all you losers are. :rak_06:
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Yah really, no one appreciates it when you offer leadership or tactics to the group. No one will listen anyway.


I stopped that years ago, and just decided that losing was easier. Better to get it over as quick as possible until you get with a group that has a snowball's chance in hell of winning.

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I skimmed through the posts and didn't find anything about Ops Leaders. Basically, if I'm the ops leader and don't recognize a lot of names on my team (or recognize that there are loads of undependable players), I will give instructions. Not really much prose involved, just something like "2-4-2, remember to call out" etc.

If someone else is ops leader and silent, I sometimes will take it upon myself to give some basic strategy.

If the team is stacked with the server's most experienced PvP'ers, I KNOW that they won't listen, but I also KNOW that they can do the job without any input, so I won't say anything.



Basically, there are two types of PvP'ers out there: the ones that matter and the ones that don't.


The ones that matter: these players understand each WZ's mechanics and know how to be useful to their team, even if they're not exceptionally skillful. At the very least, they're wearing recruit gear, know when to call out and understand that a little hard work can turn the tide of a battle. They don't think in terms of killing the enemy; rather, they're objective-focused and know when to stay near the nodes. They might not necessarily understand in which direction the battle may be flowing, but they keep their eyes on the chat panel to see what they can expect.


The ones that don't matter: these are the players whose names I dread seeing in my ops frame. A small percentage of them can actually be decent duelers that are more than capable of holding their own in a fight. Generally, these players don't care to read the chat or will only post something negative. They never call out and seem to always let people cap nodes under their noses. In Huttball, they're generally off on killing expeditions. They scoff at the notion that they should be wearing PvP armor while PvPing.

All the while, they have the expectation that they should be carried by the better players. This expectation is reinforced by the fact that the better players have no choice but to carry those players (I have wanted to lose a game out of spite, though). When the going gets rough, they turn tail and leave the WZ, making the job that much more difficult for the rest of the team.


Don't be THIS guy. At the very least, if the chatty flight attendant before each match floods your chat, you can ignore him. On the flip-side, there is no way to mitigate the damage of a player that doesn't matter. They're just liabilities.

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I refer to that one guy in WZ that has to state the obvious such as 2 left rest mid, stay at doors, pass the ball. Then proceeds to spew wz tactics to everyone. As if anyone was actually listening if it was the case my server would win more. Instead of typing you could be capping or healing or dpsing and my personal favorite when losing dancing. Just sayin dont be that guy.


I'm often that one guy. Before the match started even. And take a guess, our/"my" team wins more regulary then not.

Why ? Easy, because there's actually people that do listen if your not being an *** about it. Not to mention the ******** of people "new to pvp" that don't have a idea as of what they are doing and thus get some general info and tips. Such as to where to find the "Pass hutball" ability during a huttball game.


"Dont be that guy" equals dont communicate. No communication equals loosing.

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I like "That Guy". No, correction, I love "That Guy". Know why? I just started PVPing (ever) a week ago. I barely know what on earth I'm doing. Sure, I understand what we should do to reach the objective in a theoretical sense, but in practice, I have almost no experience (remember, this is my first week PVPing ever). I get really frustrated when I see folks start saying the group sucks. Or even worse, when we're playing against their guildies, and they start lamenting how they wish they were are their team. Seriously? Wow. Thanks dude.


Here's the thing, I suck. I KNOW I suck. Because I'm new. But I also am willing and able to learn. I don't know all of the ins and outs of each Warzone. Not perfectly. Not the way pro's want me to. That's why I LOVE "That Guy". Because "That Guy" is slowly teaching me what to do. I can read forums and crap all I want all day, but that doesn't compare to getting in there and trying things out.


In fact, the hardest part of all is overcoming this tendency to freeze when a whole lot of stuff is going on at once. This is why I've temporarily started telling people in Hutball to never give me the ball. Because if you give me the ball, I'll just stand there trying to find a friendly to throw it to. Then fail to throw it before I die, or WORSE (this happens more often), MISS the target because the person that was there is suddenly not there. They moved and ran off somewhere else and I failed to lead my target.


I can't help it. I can barely make sense of all the flashing crap and names cluttering my screen. I can't seem to turn my camera fast enough or get lined up right. I'm getting stunned and rooted and knocked out all over the place. Quite often I have to deal with this feeling of utter helplessness. I WANT to help, but I feel hampered and confused about what's going on. I'm learning, slowly, to simply watch what's going on and not follow the zerg, but then, we're losing because I'm not reacting fast enough.


So yeah, I like "That Guy". I need "That Guy's" help. I don't need to be spoonfed, but seriously, do you people have any idea how intimidating PVP is to someone totally new? Have you forgotten what it's like? Newbies do need SOME direction. Some direction is better than NO direction. That's why newbies develop very bad habits and end up having problems in Warzones. Newbies can quickly become "baddies" if they aren't at least gently guided.


...That's why one day, I aspire to be "That Guy". I will take these confused people and I will lead them to victory! :jawa_evil:

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telling that idiot to go left and stay near that weird looking thing with a symbol over it that is near a big fat cannon can still help :)

sometimes i'm really amazed that some people actually listen. Most people are "i know what i'm doing" people who are immune to well meant suggestions.


my head hurts

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I refer to that one guy in WZ that has to state the obvious such as 2 left rest mid, stay at doors, pass the ball. Then proceeds to spew wz tactics to everyone. As if anyone was actually listening if it was the case my server would win more. Instead of typing you could be capping or healing or dpsing and my personal favorite when losing dancing. Just sayin dont be that guy.


I'm not going to lie, I am that guy. I take pride in being "That Guy"... It has occurred to me that a lot of people function easier in combat/PVP when given directions. For Example: on Novare Coast when having capped West and East.... My team was struggling to hold West and East because we had stragglers hitting south for some odd reason. I took the initiative by telling everyone on my team to "cycle out" (People dying at West would then spawn and defend East while the East group goes and defends West.) saved us at 16 resources.


I encourage people to be "that guy", you never know when your words might cause you to be victorious.

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I refer to that one guy in WZ that has to state the obvious such as 2 left rest mid, stay at doors, pass the ball. Then proceeds to spew wz tactics to everyone. As if anyone was actually listening if it was the case my server would win more. Instead of typing you could be capping or healing or dpsing and my personal favorite when losing dancing. Just sayin dont be that guy.


What an interesting and refreshing perspective on pvp, bump, and sticky please.

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I refer to that one guy in WZ that has to state the obvious such as 2 left rest mid, stay at doors, pass the ball. Then proceeds to spew wz tactics to everyone. As if anyone was actually listening if it was the case my server would win more. Instead of typing you could be capping or healing or dpsing and my personal favorite when losing dancing. Just sayin dont be that guy.


Believe it or not people may want to help coordinate and communicate because they want to win. Just because you want to be a mute clown doesn't mean you're helping your team in any way shape or form.

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I like "That Guy". No, correction, I love "That Guy". Know why? I just started PVPing (ever) a week ago. I barely know what on earth I'm doing. Sure, I understand what we should do to reach the objective in a theoretical sense, but in practice, I have almost no experience (remember, this is my first week PVPing ever). I get really frustrated when I see folks start saying the group sucks. Or even worse, when we're playing against their guildies, and they start lamenting how they wish they were are their team. Seriously? Wow. Thanks dude.


Here's the thing, I suck. I KNOW I suck. Because I'm new. But I also am willing and able to learn. I don't know all of the ins and outs of each Warzone. Not perfectly. Not the way pro's want me to. That's why I LOVE "That Guy". Because "That Guy" is slowly teaching me what to do. I can read forums and crap all I want all day, but that doesn't compare to getting in there and trying things out.


In fact, the hardest part of all is overcoming this tendency to freeze when a whole lot of stuff is going on at once. This is why I've temporarily started telling people in Hutball to never give me the ball. Because if you give me the ball, I'll just stand there trying to find a friendly to throw it to. Then fail to throw it before I die, or WORSE (this happens more often), MISS the target because the person that was there is suddenly not there. They moved and ran off somewhere else and I failed to lead my target.


I can't help it. I can barely make sense of all the flashing crap and names cluttering my screen. I can't seem to turn my camera fast enough or get lined up right. I'm getting stunned and rooted and knocked out all over the place. Quite often I have to deal with this feeling of utter helplessness. I WANT to help, but I feel hampered and confused about what's going on. I'm learning, slowly, to simply watch what's going on and not follow the zerg, but then, we're losing because I'm not reacting fast enough.


So yeah, I like "That Guy". I need "That Guy's" help. I don't need to be spoonfed, but seriously, do you people have any idea how intimidating PVP is to someone totally new? Have you forgotten what it's like? Newbies do need SOME direction. Some direction is better than NO direction. That's why newbies develop very bad habits and end up having problems in Warzones. Newbies can quickly become "baddies" if they aren't at least gently guided.


...That's why one day, I aspire to be "That Guy". I will take these confused people and I will lead them to victory! :jawa_evil:


Best and most refreshing post I've seen on these forums since joining. Pretty much describes the experience of most casual PvP'ers along with, I suspect, the majority of the "LOL L2P" community. Kudos.

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I am "That Guy" and I am not doing it because it's fun or I like bossing pepole around.

I am doing it because even in the 50's bracket there is always someone who doesn't play the objective and manages to lose a game singlehandedly.

Someone who doesn't intercept the enemy on the left side/closer side so that I or someone else can capture it but instead runs off to get the right side/far side which is guarded by 3 ppl and then wonders why he ended up faceplanting.

And someone who never calls INC before he dies.


I do it in the 10-49 bracket because often pepole there are new to pvp or there isn't a tactic being announced before the game starts.


In huttball there are still a lot of people who don't know that you have to target the ledge corner and not the person above you in order to pass them the ball.

Even in the 50's bracket with people in BM / WH gear, they forget to run ahead of the ball handler but instead chase that one guy at 30% health around.


Even if people won't listen I still tell them what to do because when we lose I can still say I tried.

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I’ve given up trying to explain to the person, who thinks he’s Superman and can run the ball all by himself, that passing is the very foundation of Huttball. I then enjoy watching him rage, the usual opening phrase of “OMG *** ARE YOU GUYS DOING?” which has a certain irony about it.
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