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Care and feeding of the Noobs!

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Yesterday afternoon while hanging out on the Republic starion doing crew skill missions and trading on the GTN several noobs showed up on the chat. As noobs do they began asking all sorts of questions like; Where is X? How do i do Y, and what does Z mean, do, or go? Ya'll know the drill. Several more experienced players answered their questions with very brief, mostly vague, and sometime snotty answers. Of course the noobs were then even more confused than before not knowing all of the acronyms and short hand that is unique to each game and not having the experience with all the systems in this one yet.


So after a another round of questions that most of.us already know the answers to a player who had already given an abreviation ladden set of.instructions to the noobs shouted over the chat "S T F U NOOBS". Now it only takes a minute cruising these forums to see all the grief and the "I. Am unsubning because, or i am not.going.to.renew because." If these peolle really do.what they say and others join them because the rest of the community is jerky to them when they need help it wont be long before we wont have to worry about noobs or bugs or weekly patches because there wont be a game or SWTOR community anymore. I am not saying that everyone does this myself and




a.coupleotherpeople took pity on the poor noobs and tried to give them some semblance of advice and chastised the SFU:rak_02:

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Could not agree more , if you cant help one asking for help, then you are the one that should shut your piehole.

Its not that hard to actually help new people and make them feel welcome and get in the game easier and we get a thriving community.

But ...we all know who the "**** noob" shouting people are , dont we ....hihi.

The little kids that dont get the attention they need in RL and have to act cool on the interwebz where none can get to them :cool:

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Completely agree. Generally with new players on the fleet if they can't find something I invite them into a group and show them around. I remember how daunting it was when I first played my first mmo and not knowing where everything was. It was great to have people around to help and those arrogant egos that shout new players down only destroy what little community there is to this game.
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Completely agree. Generally with new players on the fleet if they can't find something I invite them into a group and show them around. I remember how daunting it was when I first played my first mmo and not knowing where everything was. It was great to have people around to help and those arrogant egos that shout new players down only destroy what little community there is to this game.


This! ^^

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While I agree there is no cause to be rude to these folks, people who can't be bothered to do a quick Google search or do some basic research about their class has always been a pet peeve of mine. One of the first things I always do is research my intended class when joining an MMO. Otherwise, when I don't know where something is or how to do something, I'll research that as well. Asking random people in general chat is always a last resort.
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I think from your description here that the word you're looking for is newbs. There is a difference between newbs and noobs. A newb would be someone new to that game or just new to the MMO genre as a whole. Noobs being, well idiots for lack of better words. A newb can be taught and shown the ropes a noob either refuses to learn or is incapable of learning. I personally have no issue with newbs, hell I spent the better part of an evening taking a new guy to the game through Korriban the other night. In his case he was just new to the game having come from games like GW and another I forget at the moment. But when it was all said and do e he was well on his way to Kaas and much more sure. Then last night I ran into a couple noobs that seemingly couldn't even tie their own shoes and could be ****ed to listen to some helpful advice.


Anyways TL;DR there is a difference between noobs and newbs. What I think you saw were newbs.

Edited by Hyfy
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I think from your description here that the word you're looking for is newbs. There is a difference between newbs and noobs. A newb would be someone new to that game or just new to the MMO genre as a whole. Noobs being, well idiots for lack of better words. A newb can be taught and shown the ropes a noob either refuses to learn or is incapable of learning. I personally have no issue with newbs, hell I spent the better part of an evening taking a new guy to the game through Korriban the other night. In his case he was just new to the game having come from games like GW and another I forget at the moment. But when it was all said and do e he was well on his way to Kaas and much more sure. Then last night I ran into a couple noobs that seemingly couldn't even tie their own shoes and could be ****ed to listen to some helpful advice.


Anyways TL;DR there is a difference between noobs and newbs. What I think you saw were newbs.


^^ This! Couldn't have said it better myself.

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People need to remember that we were all noobs in one game or another at some point.


This! That said, I made sure to do a lot of research when I was first starting out.


Anyway. I usually try to answer questions that pop up in general chat, and a lot of other people usually beat me to it. (Yay for good servers!) The only time I gave a sarcastic answer was when someone was trolling on Dromund Kaas and asking what the quicksave button was.



I told him Alt+F4.


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I think from your description here that the word you're looking for is newbs. There is a difference between newbs and noobs. A newb would be someone new to that game or just new to the MMO genre as a whole. Noobs being, well idiots for lack of better words. A newb can be taught and shown the ropes a noob either refuses to learn or is incapable of learning. I personally have no issue with newbs, hell I spent the better part of an evening taking a new guy to the game through Korriban the other night. In his case he was just new to the game having come from games like GW and another I forget at the moment. But when it was all said and do e he was well on his way to Kaas and much more sure. Then last night I ran into a couple noobs that seemingly couldn't even tie their own shoes and could be ****ed to listen to some helpful advice.


Anyways TL;DR there is a difference between noobs and newbs. What I think you saw were newbs.


True, but evryone use noob in every MMO i played. Never seen anyone use Newb in general chat :(

Edited by Desoull
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When I see questions, even ones I don't know the answers to, I send a /tell to that person with an answer or to tell them I am looking into it. I will also group with them and show them about some or help them with a few missions.


Helping is a big part of my game and it keeps things fresh even if I had done a quest a million times. A positive experience at the start of a game has a huge impact on people. The day you expect someone to have the answers is the day you become irrelevant, for now you are just a voice without purpose.


As you assist someone, you can always provide other ways for the player to look for themselves. This help goes beyond one person. :D

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I remember when I first joined WoW and made a frost mage.


A) I didn't know you could jump.

B) I put my talent points into all three trees at random from the very beginning.


Admitting this makes me want to cry.


I played a warrior in WoW. I was over level 50 before I learned what taunting was.

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I played a warrior in WoW. I was over level 50 before I learned what taunting was.


I lol'd on my first paladin until sixty something when I wanted to try tanking. Changed specs, got a dungeon group, and I was still in ret gear. xD Thankfully, I had the good sense to check the forums for advice after that. xD

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When a new player asks some questions in the general chat, I'll always try to help them because I remember exactly how it was in my first mmo. I was very lucky and so many players helped me back then.


I think that if you're part of any communities, you have some responsabilities. One of them is to help if it's a legit help request.

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While I agree there is no cause to be rude to these folks, people who can't be bothered to do a quick Google search or do some basic research about their class has always been a pet peeve of mine. One of the first things I always do is research my intended class when joining an MMO. Otherwise, when I don't know where something is or how to do something, I'll research that as well. Asking random people in general chat is always a last resort.


The thing is, for some people asking around *is* research. Some of us tend to want to find out things for ourselves; for others, asking other people comes much more naturally. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, is as good a way to socialize as any.

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Just as an aside... if you're rude to people and you have a guild tag underneath your character name, some folks are going to remember that. If you're helpful, and even merciful on the people that should have Googled it first, with a guild tag underneath your character name, some folks are going to remember that, too. Your attitude reflects on your guild.


If you're unguilded, the same is true. That legacy name is going to stick with you a while. If you get a rep as a someone who's hard on noobs, you'll be judged for it.



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While I agree there is no cause to be rude to these folks, people who can't be bothered to do a quick Google search or do some basic research about their class has always been a pet peeve of mine. One of the first things I always do is research my intended class when joining an MMO. Otherwise, when I don't know where something is or how to do something, I'll research that as well. Asking random people in general chat is always a last resort.


Your pet peeve is not a excuse to be mean to a new player tho....


you do realize the amount of misinformation out there on the web about this game right?

When I first started this game coming from a game that you basically had to do 40 hours of research every week to be in endgame ( WoW ) I did use google alot.. and I did find a bunch of info that was to put it nicely... someone's opinion and no real hard facts to it.


Players not helping new players ingame is the number one reason most mmo's start to fail. if the New player doesn't see a friendly attitude in the playerbase then they are going to think the worse of the game and not actually try and enjoy the game...


So instead of letting your pet peeve bother you.. suck it up and think about when you was new to the game... and share with others how you overcame the mystery of the game instead of getting upset that someone else is asking for info.

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If Google could solve every problem and answer every question why would we even have a community or more to the point an "MMORPG"? Also until you are actually in the game googling where is X is really pretty usless. Edited by BuckShotSchell
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Just as an aside... if you're rude to people and you have a guild tag underneath your character name, some folks are going to remember that. If you're helpful, and even merciful on the people that should have Googled it first, with a guild tag underneath your character name, some folks are going to remember that, too. Your attitude reflects on your guild.


If you're unguilded, the same is true. That legacy name is going to stick with you a while. If you get a rep as a someone who's hard on noobs, you'll be judged for it.




As a GM of a decent sized guild, I stress this point. When you are wearing the guild tag in public, you are the guild..*shrugs* I was known as the Bag Lady in WQW cause I would go hand out 16-18 slot bags to new players and offer to answer questions or even show them around if needed. I try to be a good influence in this game as well. If I hear someone asks a question, I'll whisper them the answer. I don't see the need to be rude to new players. I have one rule in Bloodsky Offensive, don't be a jerk. If you can't follow that rule, I don't want you.


Trolls I think...are kids who's parents didn't hug them enough....we should pity them. I mean ..their only joy in life is making others miserable. Can you imagine how horrible their life must have been?

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