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Should we have listened? (Anonymous EA employee on a 2 year old article)


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I've played GW2. The PvE in that game is terrible. Polished, but very grindy. The 'main story' part is uninspired and has very poor voice acting. Some people may mock the dialog choices in TOR, but the lack of any choices in GW2 is very noticeable and very annoying. The non-story portion of GW2 PvE (ie: the vast majority of PvE) feels like you're just wandering from place to place for no real reason, getting 'heart quests' where you just grind away at that area for a while until you move onto the next.


You're missing something about pve in GW2.

There's a huge sense of exploration and adventure. You say you just wander from place to place...that's not how it should be viewed or played. You're supposed to be exploring. I wouldn't call it "wandering from place to place"

A sense of exploration is completely non-existent in SWTOR.

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I love the game, and I hope its around a long time, and that we get many many more updates. I think the haters should just go away. There is no pleasing some people. I could spend all kinds of time saying why I think the article is BS, and why I love the game, but I have better things to do...like play the game. ;)


Have fun doing the same FPs and WZs 100 times over.

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'BioWare's known for: the story, choice and consequence, but not losing anything in the translation - exploration, combat, customisation, progression.'


Thats all good, but its an MMO! not a single player RPG, if they dont have End-game content this game will fall flat on its face, no mention of PvE or PvP. The majority of MMO-gamers will want to get to max level for world firsts, they wont care for story and progression, Mythic needs to be telling Bioware these things..


This is a comment form that article, its like the guy had gone to the future, looked at these forums two years in the future.


And the irony is a lot of what was said is completely true.

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You're missing something about pve in GW2.

There's a huge sense of exploration and adventure. You say you just wander from place to place...that's not how it should be viewed or played. You're supposed to be exploring. I wouldn't call it "wandering from place to place"

A sense of exploration is completely non-existent in SWTOR.


Different strokes. You may like wandering around doing random things for random people for reasons you'll never know unless you go out of your way to look for them, but I prefer to be involved in the stories of my characters. It's also not nearly as much of a sandbox as a true sandbox game is. So once you've explored everything, what will you do? But by all means, enjoy GW2 for what it is. To me it's like GW1 with all the interesting parts striped out of it (such as the many, many more skills and builds you could make in GW1 and companions).


That said, whether you think the game is good or not, GW2 will have little impact on any sub game (including TOR) just like GW1 had little impact on any of its contemporary sub games. Games that are 'free' to play (and I use that term loosely for GW2) rarely do.

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And yet notice they didnt "refute" a word of that article.


Frankly Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk seemed to have been WAY TO hands off in the development of this game.


Hell have they ever even posted on these forums? I dont even think they know what is going on with SWTOR half the time. They sold BioWare and are living in retirement land somewhere IMO...


:rolleyes: keep telling yourself that.


I'm curious, how much longer are you going to rant about the game before you just move on to something you actually enjoy playing.

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This is a comment form that article, its like the guy had gone to the future, looked at these forums two years in the future.


And the irony is a lot of what was said is completely true.


Which is why so many people say they'll be leaving TOR, a game with supposedly no end game content, for GW2 which is a game that will have.... no end game content. :mon_confused:

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"Bugger. My point has been refuted by actual logic and evidence, so I'd better fall back on the 'yeah, whatever' defence." That's probably the only real argument you have left at this point, so I don't really blame you for using it.


My argument is really simple and in six months you'll know why. Its not the "whatever" defense, its the "there is a toolbag who wont admit flaws that are evident" defense and trying to point those out to you people is becoming increasingly difficult. Thats okay though, we can all take it with a grain of salt. You will have your opinions and we will have ours. Enjoy playing Swtor!

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:rolleyes: keep telling yourself that.


I'm curious, how much longer are you going to rant about the game before you just move on to something you actually enjoy playing.


I cant leave. I have little to no desire to play the game, but unfortunately, my wife(Who has never played MMOs) broke her teeth on this game. So she needs someone to play with. And since our server is pretty much dead... well... I'm stuck. (Funny how this game is so "awesome" yet its blatantly obvious a ton of people have stopped playing.)


See if you have never played an MMO this game is great because its a whole new fresh experience.


TO me it feels like the same old stale crap we have had for 10 years.

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lul anonymous post.. only coward hide behind anonymous post..


anyone believing in these lies are sad really.


i read the post of ex SWG developer discussing what he think right and wrong on SWG development, while his rant are crude and self serving, he got guts to use his own name on his post. thats how its should be done.


an anonymous post with controversial content and cannot be verified should be categorized as gossip and rumour..

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I think it's funny when people that are playing the game say that there isn't a population problem. I am still subbed, just got done doing EV tonight, and I can tell you - there is definitely a population problem - so much so that the powers that be have noticed. I won't sit here and verbally spar with anyone that is convinced that the numbers are still the same or increasing - you're either lying, deluding yourself, or you are on the one server that doesn't have a problem ( Fatman ).


Some interesting things I saw while reading this whole diatribe.


Already covered; do not group and play solo. Thus, there is little chance of ever encountering folks like the Phantom and spoiling my game.... :cool:

Boy - it's a good thing you're playing an MMO. As a single player game, this would really suck, wouldn't it? :rolleyes:


It's simply the fact that they did not have the time and resources to create a compelling Ground game AND compelling Space game to have ready by time of launch. In fact, I've argued this with others in other threads and NO COMPANY, EVER has ever launched with both of these components in at launch and done it in a successful manner. If you have an example of where some company did, let me know.


You mentioned it in your own post - Star Trek Online. I personally don't care for the ground combat, but they both worked effectively at launch.


Go away if you don't like it. Go run to GW2 and set up shop there. You are going to find it's just as bad.


I love this - you admit that SW:TOR is bad. :)

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i know right


"disgruntled employee gets mad,tries to trash sw tor".nothing to see here guys,move along


Many of his facts weren't even right - the "300 million" figure was disproved many months before launch by Stephen Reid.

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I think it's funny when people that are playing the game say that there isn't a population problem. I am still subbed, just got done doing EV tonight, and I can tell you - there is definitely a population problem - so much so that the powers that be have noticed. I won't sit here and verbally spar with anyone that is convinced that the numbers are still the same or increasing - you're either lying, deluding yourself, or you are on the one server that doesn't have a problem ( Fatman ).


Some interesting things I saw while reading this whole diatribe.


Boy - it's a good thing you're playing an MMO. As a single player game, this would really suck, wouldn't it? :rolleyes:


Actually, it plays rather well as a solo game outsde of the occasional Plague. New content; able to examine dialogue for the desired response, etc. Thanks for asking!


And no pop problems here either; Fleet was as busy as always. But then, we are on a PvE server, so fun is not always about Grouping.

Edited by Elhanan
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You dont spend 300mil making a game and let it fall apart, you will be amazed what an expansion and some mega marketing will do for the game.


kinda like how they did it for 1.2 eh..ironic choice of words.


Game is a failboat and people refuse to see it.

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It will be too late by then... It is already too late... GW2 is coming out in the matter of months and I don't see any sane players sticking to this pile of crap.


People are leaving in droves and the hyped "WoW killer" has killed itself. After the free 30 days, you will see a MASSIVE drop in subscription numbers.




Sorry kid, GW2 wont be the MMO messiah you fanbois think it will be.

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. It's also not nearly as much of a sandbox as a true sandbox game is.

How so? It's not Guild Wars 1. Guild wars 2 has an actual open world.


So once you've explored everything, what will you do?

PvP. their open world pvp system is incredible. I'm going to do a ton of PvP before I've explored everything. I imagine I won't have everything fully explored for at least 5 months...look where TOR is after 5 months.

But by all means, enjoy GW2 for what it is. To me it's like GW1 with all the interesting parts striped out of it (such as the many, many more skills and builds you could make in GW1 and companions).

I'm taking it you haven't looked at GW2 much, have you? GW2 is completely different in a very good way. They took out the dual class system because it was impossible to balance. And they still have a ton of skills and different builds. I played the elementalist in beta so it was an extreme example. But it had easily 200 spells.

Look, I'll probably end up playing Diablo 3 more than GW2. But i want a mmo to go to when I get bored of D3.

Variety is good.

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Many of his facts weren't even right - the "300 million" figure was disproved many months before launch by Stephen Reid.


How much did they spend on SWTOR?


Given that these days they spend £100 million on indy games. :eek:

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all that money on voice acting, and everyone just spacebars through majority of it.

I don't and I know another person who doesn't. I've dealt with some who want to space bar through the FP's and Operations but then I say, "Relax, take a drink of your soda, take a bite of your sandwich, get up and move your legs... The 30 seconds of sitting through the Voice Acting isn't going to kill you. In fact it might just save your life."

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Sorry kid, GW2 wont be the MMO messiah you fanbois think it will be.

I just want to point out that I'm not a GW fanboi. I actually didn't play Guild Wars 1 that much.

Guild Wars 2 is vastly improved over GW1.


I've played countless MMOs. GW2 looks to be the best yet. They've done some remarkable things with GW2. What remarkable things are in SWTOR? Ooooh voice acting. /sarcasm. Sorry but when your only noteworthy feature is voice acting, you're going to have a fail mmo.

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the game is great as play through one time experience. as far as mmo and long term playability, you have to be truly ignorant of reality to argue this game has it. List all the content for endgame players below please. There simply is nothing besides a handful of dailies, 3 raids - one of wich is pretty much for children with downs (EV), one wich is I must say pretty good and fabricator fight was original, and the 3rd is the exact repeat of "the sunwell" from WoW - few guilds raiding it and over tuned for the sake of being over tuned. Now you can also play huttball nonstop with the occasional alderan, nova, and void star. And? well that's it isnt it? Alts? ya cool for the first one to 50, then? If this amount of content keeps your mind stimulated and intrigued enough to log in regularly, well more power to you, keep chasing your own tail in circles and enjoy yourself. I actualy kinda envy the simple minded sometimes.
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How much did they spend on SWTOR?


Given that these days they spend £100 million on indy games. :eek:


So how much did the game cost to make?


I cannot find an answer so I'm going to say an official answer has likely never been released. I found four different prices


$80 million http://uk.gamespot.com/news/star-wars-the-old-republic-has-cost-ea-80-million-analyst-6312400 which looks like the analyst making the claim tried to work from the EA earnings report from 2011


$150 million just some references found of people believeing this to be the figure but never any sources named and I cannot find anyway


$200 million http://uk.pc.ign.com/articles/121/1216969p1.html source was from LA Times but never backed up by any reference so seems like numbers plucked out of thin air for a news story rather than a reference point


$300 million from EA Louse the only one that was proven to be a lie and the whole thing is fake.


$500 million http://www.vg247.com/2012/01/17/analyst-ea-has-invested-close-to-500-million-in-swtor/ from a Cowen & Co analyst



The only thing we know for definate is no figure was ever released for how much the game costs. This also means anyone saying OMG the game cost this much and they didn't do this is just a drama fairy.

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