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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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1. Server population / lack of warzones (no cross-server queue)

2. Legacy not being account wide, so if you re-roll to a more populated server because of #1, you lose everything,

3. BW too slow to implement cross server queues or server transfers. It's coming, so what. I want to have fun now.

4. I don't like the direction BW is going with legacy. Rewarding people for changing factions or re-rolling is gimping the number of 50's to play end-game with.

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I really love Bioware games as well as SWTOR, so i'm going to give you guys a chance to learn from your mistakes before its too late. Dev's should read this an take it to heart. I'll try to be short an sweet:

The Bad:

1. Dead Servers - Transfers coming? You need Mergers, I shouldnt have to pay to xfer my toons. You should offer it to me as an incentive to stay.

2. Stale World - I've loved this game for this time i've spent on it, but honestly I've been playing Aion this last week and it's world is more Alive an breathing then Swtor.. Music is consistant, day an night cycles, the World just feels alive. Swtor feels like Mass Effect, one play through is enough to see it all, Legacy doesnt fix this.

3. Bug Priority - I've put in countless tickets about bugs in End-Game content, HK-47 is broken in FoundryHM, SOA is STILL bugged after knowing about it for 5months. You guys fix all kinds of bugs nobody knows about till patch day, but your EndGame content still needs a can of RAID(pun intended).

4. Promises, Promises - You say you have one thing coming in X patch, then it comes half-*** or not at all.. really?

5. World Pvp - Epic Fail. That is all. Aion has better World Pvp then Swtor, Aion is FTP now.. o.0

6. WoW Clone + Mass Effect = Swtor - You guys wanted to play it safe(for the shareholders or EA?), and use what you know works, unfortunatly this is not enough when combined with the above mentioned problems. This game did not try to break the mold at all, you just spent way to much time on VO an not enough on creating a Unique experience. So we get a great story with heavy Immersion, but as far as replayability, It's just WoW and ME, nothing new here. Check out Guild Wars 2 an you'll see what i mean about breaking the mold.


The Good:

This is what you did right, and what, if you try to fix this game, you should keep.

1. Combat - Immersive, mostly Fluid, No auto-attack, Pretty = A+

2. Story - VO + Immersion + LS/DS points + Good use of Illusion of Choice = A

3. Questing - Same as above = A

4. Space Combat - Not as good as it should of been, but flying around on your ship kicking butt in space is awesome regardless. = B+

5. Warzones - Huttball is an awesome idea, the others are pretty standard but they are all pretty fun unless your team is full of fail.


Okay so to recap, my opinion of what you need to do before you have to go FTP:

1. Merge All low pop servers until you average medium to full pop on all servers.

2. Make the world come alive.

3. Innovate



Peace out, I'll check back each patch an I will return when this game is worthy, or Ftp, whichever comes 1st.


Thank you for an awesome experience.

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1. Time required to reach lvl 50.

It is way too easy to reach level 50. It's absolutely ridiculous. This mistake is probably the most important. you aren't supposed to be able to reach level 50 in a week. It's absurd. This is one of the few mistakes they can't fix. It should have taken at least 2 months to reach level 50. After you have a lvl 50, there should be something in the legacy system that makes it easier for alts to reach 50.


I have played 88 hours and I am still level 36 on my trooper alt. I mostly do missions, with a few flashpoints and PvP.


This is a complete myth. Generally speaking you don't take 1 week to reach 50. If you play 20 hours a day then maybe you can, but the average gamer doesn't play that much.

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3. Improved LFG tool


I have been playing MMOs for almost 10 years. I have played World of Warcraft, Rift, Aion, Guild Wars, Age of Conan, and many more. I have been there since the moment those games came online and I have suffered through months (for some even years) of playing through their baby-period, but at this point it shouldn't feel as bad as a game launched 10 years ago. Over the past 10 years MMOs have grown incredibly with server transfer, server merges, more and more intricate LFG tools, browser purchases of in-game items, cross-server systems, hot fix systems etc. Because of all these advancements I can't bring myself to justify it anymore that a game requires several years to get out, what is now, very basic services and systems.

I am strongly against WoW's LFD and LFR because of the inherent social a**hattery that comes along with it (over-entitlement, ninja looting, no reprecussions, will never see the other players again, and the like), however, right now I have to agree with the pro-LFDers that this is the best course of action for this game. WoW made the mistake of introducing LFD when it was at it's peak of 12 million players, when they should have put it in if they landed on 2-3 million and below. Cross-server systems for grouping only works properly when there are too many servers with too few players, just like how SWTOR is now. I am proud of BioWare for sticking to their guns to keep a decent enough environment and not make the mistake WoW did by introducing this, but that doesn't work with so few players (the need for such a system is substantially increased when there is no server merges, at least as far as we have been told about the things to come in the future).

Back to the baby-phase.

Since I have gone through it so many times, I personally feel that I can't go through it again and I have only WoW (and in smaller parts Rift) to thank for this horrible state-of-mind I am currently in. Finding groups with so few players is absolutely agonizing (if I try hard to find a group, I'll get one in 10 minutes, but the days I feel up to that are rare and far apart).


I have to say that I've changed my point of view on the idea of a LFG tool as well. I didn't expect things to be as dead as they are. It takes me so long now to get a group that by the time I find one, I've leveled beyond the point where I actually even need any drops from that flashpoint.


After giving up on decent space content... The only other thing that I'm really disappointed with is our playable species options. Where are the Bothans?!

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Unsubbed because my server died, so i guess the main reason was low population.


been a steady exodus since cross server warzones were pushed back and i couldn't even queue a warzone through prime time on a a saturday tonight. wow.

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I haven't unsubscribed yet, but I don't know how long it will last. To be honest, at the moment this is the best game available to play. Though i am sure it will have serious competition in a few months. I don't know about TERA but I played the GW2 open beta weekend and ever since then I could not look at the traditional action bar-auto attack-holy trinity formula as I used to.


Now there are a huge number of things that Bioware is good at. Their artwork, storytelling, and PvP is (imho) really good for a game that uses the traditional formula. The Legacy System is something really new in a game. However, a lot of these things are for role players (me being one of them), but there aren't enough around to keep an RP server populated enough.


This game, in its difficulty and plastyle, is really similar to Vanilla WoW. It's as if Bioware heard the cries of the veterans and made the game for them. Unfortunately, there are a lot of the modern essentials that seem to be missing. The worlds and environment do not give the feel that they are alive, and what's up with the water and swimming thing...it's like there wasn't enough time for that.


The list can go on. TOR is a good game to play, it adds tons of new stuff that are fun, but it also misses on a greater number of core essentials. It also makes the mistake of following a dying system. If anyone has played one of the new games that are being released, you will understand which direction MMOs will head.


TOR can still build upon this formula. The world is extremely expandable, the rakghoul event is a good start. The game does not encourage players to meet up in the game world and interact. No reason to do PvP. The faction reward system was nice in WoW....a player needs a reason to do something. If Bioware adds these, then they won't have any problems.


Though, with June releases around the corner, I am afraid they may be running out of time. Need to be quicker on things like LFG tool and faction change. I understand that Bioware has only 10% of the staff Blizz had when they made their game. This is not their fault. I imagine if they were not bound to a company like EA, which demanded a certain product in a certain time but did not invest properly, they would have completed the game and released it around 2013....

Edited by Zortezurtek
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1 - Under Populated Servers and no system to handle it. You should've had merge and transfer tech in and tested before launch. The lack of infrastructure is astounding. Charging for some transfers after you caused this mess - unforgiveable.


2 - Game Performance - your game runs poorly on higher end systems. Many other games with superior visuals (DCU, TERA etc.) run better on a wider range of systems. Excessively long loading times can be thrown in here too.


3 - Missing Features - Dual Spec, LFG System (based on how few people your servers can handle it really should be cross server...but you can continue to listen to people and delude yourself), Guild Tools, Macros, threat indicators, ways to get to people to group easily, fully fleshed out space, small quest log, proper DPS meters. Other than a lot of story stuff and overly large zones it's difficult to see where you spent your time and money. You had 6 years and rather than capitalize on what many other companies learned, you cut and pasted some design docs and started from scratch. The world around you changed in the last 4-5 years.


4 - Travel Times - to get anywhere it is a complete time consuming mess. Unnecessary hallways, overly large spaceports, multiple loads, slow elevators and more.




Delete hallways, get rid of them.


Add an NPC in fleet that becomes active at level 50 with shuttles directly to the daily quest/FP zones on the relevant planets with shuttles on the relevant planets that get you back as quickly (or to another planet you'd like to do dailies on - yes, I had to mention that as it is likely something your dev team wouldn't pick up on). Having to load once into corellia and again into black hole is just an example of the utter lack of handling stuff correctly


Up flight path speeds


Remove some walls that make the zones mazelike. Corellia and Belsavis are great offenders in this way.


5 - Overly Long Flashpoints with Poor Respawn Points - Did anyone ever sit back and think "how long should a FP last?" My guess based on how they play is "no" Just tons of trash mobs, long bland hallways and long runs back if you do get a wipe are all part of the Star Wars experience.


Solution: Edit your zones, cut out unnecessary areas and remove 1/2 of the trash mobs where possible. Look carefully at respawn points.


6 - Bugs- raid bugs, cinematic bugs, companion bugs and more. Just an excessive amount of bugs even for a starting MMO.

Solution: Keep fixing them. Don't let raid bugs linger for 6 months.


7 - Legacy - good work creating your own problem (we can't transfer players due to legacy issues - YOU designed legacy, it wasn't randomly thrown in the game, you just didn't bother to take into account anything)


This goes double for creating a system that feeds off of alts on both sides with 8 slots per server (I guess that is what someone saw in WoW and just forgot you guys had a system which is different regarding how you reward alts.)


Top it off with items being fluff and expensive (here is a move you can use only when your companion is out, and when a long cooldown ability is active and perhaps when the sun sets on Tatooine - sounds like a great , well thought out use of dev resources.)


Finally, the "new" races. Was anyone really excited about this on staff? If you'd pulled a wookie, jawa, mon calamari or cathar out of the hat you would've had something to crow about here - instead nothing


Family tree - I can't even comment on this it's so terrible. Not letting you include companions, really? You are the ones who have companions who you can marry etc and yet you can't assign one as a character's wife. Again, not thinking things through at all


Solutions: Add an interesting race or two rather than "simple" things. Find something to do with it that isn't "reduce my cooldowns by 2%"


8 - Large Zones- these would've been fine but you summarily copied the WoW mount speed into zones 4x as large which = slow and meaningless travel.


Solution: up your mount speed by 2x at a minimum


9 - Space - I actually like the space missions, but again with your budget and time there should've been a lot more here including free form PVP etc. Being a developer myself, I could probably take 1 coder and 2 artists and knock what you did for space out in 3-4 months at most. Where did all the $$ go? Was it all on voice talent? Space is a large part of STAR Wars.


Solution: get a more robust space system in place


10 - Lack of Communication - Tell players what is going on with dev long term. Have a plan. The weekly QnA is terrible. "Yeah, that's great maybe we'll get that feature in someday next question" is pretty much the extent of the responses.


Solution: get a "coming soon" section up that details what you intend for the next 2 patches


11- Currencies - You have more currencies than any 3 other games combined. These tokens combine with those tokens on a vendor and I can get a third kind of tokens. Who dreamed this up as a logical system? We have tionese tokens and crystals...really?


Solution: Cut your currencies down to a manageable number, eliminate "weirdness" (tionese example), find a way to let the player get rid of old level up tokens in an efficient way.


12 - Useless Trade Skills - There is just no reason, at all, to have anything other than Biochem. Your last patch did nothing to fix that.


Solution: Each tradeskill should have something they can provide fresh 50s with that is the equivalent of T1 Op gear or something.


13 - Poor GTN - Fire the team that did your original uncustomizable UI and GTN, there are guys in basements that could've put it together better.


Solution: Redesign the GTN. You seem to be good at copying stuff from WoW etc. This is a case where you could copy directly and e miles ahead of where you currently are.


14 - Op/FP Markers - Semi transparent AND flickering. Really? You can more easily see the markers you added over players' heads to represent their classes. This is a minor thing but speaks to the core of the lack of foresight.


Solution: make them solid and not flicker


15 - PVP - world PVP was a complete wreck. I know all the good DAOC devs went to work on ES Online, but this was a real weakness. Speaking for myself I don't even like to PVP much but it is pretty clear you don't know what to do with world PVP. PVP levels only accomplish not allowing level 50s to get gear so they must get slammed like a smooth skinned guy in cell block D

by those that can - great way to arbitrarily frustrate people who might have gotten to 50 THEN decided to try PVP.


Solution: study good PVP games like DAOC and see what they did that you aren't. Remove PVP levels (that doesn't mean you can't have a player/leaderboard etc. rating).


16 - Combat/Tanking - I tank so this will be somewhat focused on that. You designed a game with a bunch of ranged mobs but with precious few ways for tanks to round them up or get threat on them. Also, on a pull, having a mob knock the tank down, incapacitate and juggle him like a pinball on a regular basis does not equal good gameplay, it's frustrating and annoying. A tanks job is to be in control of a fight and you crap all over that on a regular basis. Also, the Jedi Knight is broken, a Van can do everything they can do with the added bonus of being able to do a ton more AE, pull things at range, and generally output far higher. Your content is easy enough a JK can do it but that doesn't mean it is balanced or fun to have them suck that hard.


Solution: Have the JK have a force pull that brings enemies to him. Have the saber throw be on a shorter cooldown and bounce between enemies, up tank threat across the board on all classes, have a look at how your AI behaves - protip - it shouldn't cycle every single ability it has one after the other on pull.


18 - Jumping Game? - all the action platform gameplay with controls and jump dynamics that are poor aren't fun. Putting datacrons in that certain body types STILL can't get to alone isn't great.


19 - More - there is plenty more to discuss here but frankly I'm tired of rattling off stuff to a ever quiet dev team.


Lastly, anyone who thinks this was EA who caused this mess, you can't really blame them. These guys were in dev longer than WoW originally was with 3x-4x the budget. In fact it is the largest budget ever given to a single game. I'm no EA fan but that is about as far from "not supporting development" as someone can get.


To not sound completely bitter. The stories were very well done, but that isn't enough to compete with the big boys in terms of MMOs. you get full credit for making the leveling experience interesting and setting a standard there. It's a shame that while you focused on the 4th "pillar" you forgot about the other 3..and we know what happens to a table or a foundation with 1 corner "leg"...

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1) Operative nerfs and ignoring our complaints. The very first nerf locked me out of end-game pvm content because everything i could do, another class could do better. PvP being the only end game for me has been gradually removed as well.


2) Spending weeks farming valor 60 and doing daily/weekly in a pug vs pre-mades and on Ilum. I sometimes had to play for 6 hours or more to get my 3 wins and it was all made meaningless and wasted time when you increased valor gain and then removed the valor requirement on BM gear and decided to hand it out to everyone.


3) All that is left for me in this game is doing the same warzones over and over again with a broken class. Only god knows how many hours it will take to get the next top armor and the next one after that again. When you said "get your money's worth", i thought you where talking about something else and not a grind. I would not willingly do this grind even if the game was free to play. With pvm and pvp armor its a DOUBLE GRIND. Removing expertise would be a good start.


4) PvP in this game is meaningless in general. Warzones is a mini-game and a gear grind. There is nothing to fight over and control, that gives your side and your guild a reward. I don't expect to see this anytime soon, because it would be a slideshow and unplayable with the current game engine.

Edited by Fronteria
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Why the game is losing so many people lately..


I think it's because the game is missing a vital thing.

People that play the game like to have a form of competion, wether it's PvP or PvE.

So what's missing is a proper way of keeping track of the competition.

Even worse there is currently no way of keeping track of anything.

And of course I mean keeping track of my fellow players, I want to see how I do against them.

All the personal tracking is useless if I can't compare it to somebody else.


I was excited to see the were implementing a combatlog..untill I saw the half *** way they did it.

If they would have done it properly, we would have seen websites pop up all over the net tracking damage/healing in warzone, flashpoints and Operations, but how many did we see..none.


Currently on my server the que for a warzone is 15min..on a weekend!

And when you enter, it's always the same names you see in there.

Why do I fight my fellow imperials? I choose that side for a reason, I want to fight Rebels, and i'm sure it's the other way around as well.

Again it's the competition thing..good vs evil..bragging rights..Imperials kick Rebels *** (or visa versa)


What this game needs is some form of armory (for lack of a better discription) where guilds can track their members, achievements etc.


At the moment I see more friends leaving the game or giving comments like they wait for X game to come out and then leave.

I don't see many people coming in the game anymore (at least not our server)

Looks like they might have over done it on the server populations, by spreading them to thin.


Well thats my 2 cents anyway..


btw. My main is PvE and I have an alt to PvP

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My reasons for unsubbing


  • No LFG Tool that is worth using

  • Load Screens that lead to Load Screens that lead to Load Screens in the games 'seamless world'

  • Not enough people allowed on each server... FAR too few people on each server, even the 'high population' ones... NEED merges and transfers, before it's too late!

  • Bioware/EA has NOT learned for their OWN PAST MISTAKES... just saying that means, we ARE going to see the EXACT same issues that EVERY OTHER MMO has gone through, that they didn't take the time to say 'Let's NOT screw-up like that!'

  • Promises Promises... they've promised a lot and haven't even delivered on half of it yet....

  • Character Customization, this isn't 1992, you CAN have 100 different hairstyles and 30 different skin tones for each race... AND allow us to change that out sometimes... no reason for it not to be in

  • Open World PvP is non-existent!

  • No Free-Roam Space Combat... SWG had this 7 YEARS ago... give me a freaking break!

  • I have 14 un-opened, still in the plastic, XBOX 360 games I have yet to play...

  • Players have made their own LFG and LFG50 chat channels to make up for Bioware/EA incompetence... and that speaks VOLUMES about the absolute lack of what they're actually doing, just freaking sad...

  • No mini-games or anything else to do... Say you want to go craft, you sit there and wait for your companions to do it, which has its bonuses SOMETIMES, but maybe 'I' want to craft sometimes, I have companions that are pilots but can't do my space missions for me, so why can't I craft?! Pazaak Tables that are clickable... but do nothing...

  • Chairs... that you can actually sit in..................

  • There are VERY BIG issues that are just plainly NOT being addressed...

  • Round Robin loot doesn't loot properly... NOT A NEW CONCEPT!

  • I STILL refuse to send ANY money through the mail system, as to that I STILL have NOT gotten the 100k I sent in the first week to another character... You still suck in my book for this crap Bioware!

  • Same Account Bank or something of a Legacy Bank, that you get when you choose a Legacy name

  • Only MMO I've ever played where there was ONE leveling path to follow and that is it!

  • No such thing as Reputation... oddly, I miss this...


  • Jumping slows EVERYONE down... that info does NOT need to be sent frame by frame from my pc to the server... jumping slows you down flat out, have a faster mount? race someone with a slower one, they don't jump you do... you will lose... no sense in that!!

  • CONSTANT CRASH TO DESKTOP SINCE 1.2+ !!!!! This is what pushed me over the edge... Bioware/EA has asked for every little piece of info they could possibly ask for... and EVERY TIME they give the same BS answers... doing the exact same thing over and over and expecting different results is the exact definition of INSANITY... Bioware/EA is literally insane... Hardly any crashes Beta-1.2 ... Post-1.2 Hundreds of posts EVERY DAY saying the exact same things... Bioware/EA pokes and throws the same answers out there expecting different results ONLY to have the exact same players come back and say nothing is working... I un-installed my game, re-installed it on a NEW HDD, upgraded from WinXP Pro to Windows 7... STILL CRASH RANDOMLY... JUST FIX IT ALREADY !!!! I truly hope they get their crap in order, I REALLY do want this game to be great, but from the examples given... it's either not going to happen or it's a LOOONG way off!!!!




I have lots more sadly....


Don't get me wrong though, I LOVE the voice-acting in this game, has almost all of my favorite voice actors... the graphics are good, but I'd rather play a PLAYABLE game that looks like crap than an unplayable game that looks freaking fantastic!


My 2 cents...

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Just one comment on this thread. I see a large number of ppl have left Swtor because of several reasons. But one sticks out and is common problem among many. Thats is PVP, world pvp specifically. It is totally horrendous in this game and it is broken/seriuosly lacking. So i can relate with those who have mentioned it. So why such an important element like world Pvp (critical to any mmo) such a disaster in this game. Easy answer. Blame all this on instanced war zones/battlegrounds. When you introduce these into any mmo with high lvl rewards, world pvp with be virtually non existant. Remove those and the game will be alive again. Server merges along with this will critically save this game. Do it before its too late.
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1 - Under Populated Servers and no system to handle it. You should've had merge and transfer tech in and tested before launch. The lack of infrastructure is astounding. Charging for some transfers after you caused this mess - unforgiveable.


This. Unforgivable.

Its like they pee in my face then ask me to pay money for them to stop.

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1. lack of cross-server PvP/WZ queueing - if you play off hours, it's so damn difficult to get a warzone going.


2. lack of cross-server FP LFG tool - it's 2012, spamming /1 is just stupid and a big waste of time. and NO, spamming /1 for groups is NOT COMMUNITY.


3. server transfer - if 1 or 2 can't be done, i'll settle for server transfers. get me off this dead server so i can see why this is an MMO.


4. load screens, orbital stations, airlocks, ship boarding/leaving animations - load times are dog balls ridiculous in this game, even on a system with i7 and SSDs. the cutscene animations that keep showing up need only show up once. orbital stations, airlocks and hangars -- who the hell came up with these ****?


5. open-world PvP doesn't exist - even on a PvP server. factions get their own version of most planets. there's minimal to non-existent chance of running into the other faction while leveling. put the low population of servers on top of that, and you're stuck with just grinding solo and picking your nose.

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Inordinate load times and CTD-ing 3 times an hour = cancelled sub


The game has become unplayable since 1.2 went live and now crashes nearly everytime I switch characters.


The load times were ridiculous to begin with ... crashing and having to COMPLETELY restart the game between character changes is a nightmare.

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while everyone is entitled to their own reasons, i do find this thread very telling


im leaving cos you ARE / ARENT doing X or Y

im leaving cos X or Y class is OP/BROKEN

im leaving as PVE is too HARD/EASY


end of the day, you cant please all the people all the time. and its only your expectations that are not being met : thats not BWs fault per se, surely you research the games you buy, before you buy them ? (nerfs, patches, etc not withstanding)


but more and more people end up in the "i bought it cos i used to play SWG and i wanted it to be A B and C.."

yea well its not. and yes, thats annoying for you, and upsetting if you set your heart on it, and a waste of money


but at what point does that become Biowares fault and not yours ?



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while everyone is entitled to their own reasons, i do find this thread very telling


im leaving cos you ARE / ARENT doing X or Y

im leaving cos X or Y class is OP/BROKEN

im leaving as PVE is too HARD/EASY


end of the day, you cant please all the people all the time. and its only your expectations that are not being met : thats not BWs fault per se, surely you research the games you buy, before you buy them ? (nerfs, patches, etc not withstanding)


but more and more people end up in the "i bought it cos i used to play SWG and i wanted it to be A B and C.."

yea well its not. and yes, thats annoying for you, and upsetting if you set your heart on it, and a waste of money


but at what point does that become Biowares fault and not yours ?




you mean before buying this game during launch, i should've played beta first?


going with the way you think, you must live a life full of compromises for things you pay.


oh well. too bad BW is in the MMO business and needs to please paying customers to stay afloat.

Edited by noodlehaus
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1 - Lack of players / Empty servers

The biggest reason I play MMOs is because I want the social aspect of it, and want to group with people and share my gaming experience with them, whether it's friends, or randomers. However on my server I'm lucky to have 5 in the same area as me leveling up, and then those 5 will be at completely different stages to go group quests and such, like some would have just come to the planet, whilst the others will be leaving, resulting in me skipping pretty much all the group related stuff like flashpoints and heroic quests.


2 - Lack of re-playability

Once you've leveled a character to level 50, there feels like no point in leveling an alt, because while they provide a different combat experience, you're just playing through the same story, and excluding class quests, the side story is normally not that great, with the very rare exception.


3 - Companions

Companions feels like a completely unfinished feature of the game. One of my biggest problems, and I've noticed with everyone I play, is they aim for the conversation that gets them + affection points rather than what they want to do, and punishes you for picking an option you want and your companion doesn't. Most people will say just switch companions out but I shouldn't feel the need to do that just to have the conversation I want, plus I never know what the conversation is going to be, so I never know which companion to get out until after the conversation begins.


There should be so much more interaction with companions outside the story and leveling experience, as well as more ways to gain affection with them outside the pick the right choice or spend money on gifts.


4 - Legacy System

This was the main reason I re-subbed, and the biggest let down out of them all. The legacy system doesn't provide half of the stuff I expected from the trailer, like I cant add companions to the family tree, and most of the rewards are buffs or emotes. While this is no where near as good as I had hoped, It also made matters worse, as now I felt restricted to my dead server because of the legacy system, and the fact it isn't account-wide.


5 - Lack of things to do

This was a problem I had with WoW, but a bigger problem here. Outside levelling, PvP, and Raids/Flash Points, there isn't anything else to do. In WoW, they at least had achievements to go hunt for, crafting materials to go track down, and rares which gave unique loot that made you stand out a little more from the rest, but all this has is datacrons, which isn't interesting enough for me to go and track down.


One thing guild wars 2 will be featuring is, explorable dungeons scattered around the world with traps etc, which is one thing this game could have done but hasn't

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Not unsubscribed but I am really getting close to pulling that trigger. I only have 3. Bugs, the need for more content, lack of advanced tools, etc. are just part of the deal for a young MMO that gets rushed out by the corporate suits and everyone by now should expect that from an EA MMO so I don't include that in my decision.


1. No community. I've played MMOs since 1997 UO and I have never experienced such an anti-social community as this one. It doesn't matter if you merge servers if the majority of players play this like a single player game and actively fight (on the forums) to prevent the inclusion of required group play to access high end content and gear. (BW should let us have all our companions out at once so we can solo flashpoints, for example)


2. Bioware has made it abundantly clear their vision of "end game" is to roll endless alts. (at least that is my perception of what is going on with the direction of the game)


3. Too many time wasters that appear to just be there to waste my time and offer no gameplay element or challenge. All the various loading screens to go through to travel from planet to planet, game play elements that require just standing around and waiting (many datacron hunts for example), to many moments of round tripping for no good reason (the quest giver on the planet tells you to travel to the fleet and the guy on the fleet just tells you to go right back to the planet and nothing else). Time sink for the sake of time sink seems to be a prominent design choice here.

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Lack of players/Empty servers:

Because of this it is very hard to find players to do heroic missions, and nearly as hard to find players for flashpoints. Which brings me to


Lack of LFG tool

Yup, we need better ways to find players to do group content with.


At this point, they need to get rid of all the heroic missions and turn them into harder single player missions. Developers really need to learn with these MMOs that having group non instance content end up going to waste really fast after launch. Now days group content should be exclusive to world bosses and instances, all other questing should be varying degrees of difficult single player quests. Or better yet, have a dynamic world where events scale to the number of players actively participating.

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I finaly hit the unsub button as well


1 tiny star wars planets with forced being on fleet does not feel like star wars

2 space its just such a joke

3 moron crafting sit on fleet hit butttons craft everything

4 backward progression flashpoints are harder than ops and ops are so easy and each boss drops 10 plus items this equals no real replay facor

5 nothing to do while waiting for 20 min pvp ques would love a sandbox to play in

6 no world pvp

7 bugs are still in game from launch

8 VO acting for quest is there main idea for content while Some enjoy it most look at it as a non factor

9 over nerfs instead of balancing or fixing class bugs force bending still broken ehh

I will stop have fun to those who enjoy this single players game with a few horrible mmo features

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I finaly hit the unsub button as well


1 tiny star wars planets with forced being on fleet does not feel like star wars

2 space its just such a joke

3 moron crafting sit on fleet hit butttons craft everything

4 backward progression flashpoints are harder than ops and ops are so easy and each boss drops 10 plus items this equals no real replay facor

5 nothing to do while waiting for 20 min pvp ques would love a sandbox to play in

6 no world pvp

7 bugs are still in game from launch

8 VO acting for quest is there main idea for content while Some enjoy it most look at it as a non factor

9 over nerfs instead of balancing or fixing class bugs force bending still broken ehh

I will stop have fun to those who enjoy this single players game with a few horrible mmo features


Man no need to be so harsh, the game has been out what 5 months and you are already calling it a horrible MMO? if you are going to say your opinion at least say it nicely.

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Unsubbed last night, I am on the fatman server from early release and was in closed beta for over a year before release.

my reasons


1 - Gear grind at 50 ( I am in full rakata with half blackhole / campaign) is boring and lack luster since the raids are a joke 4 easy bosses is NOT a raid.


2 - the PVP in this game is terrible, CC heavy, grind happy, unbalanced, limiting, no open world incentive (see llum for a clear example as on the fatman the largest server llum is a ghost town) limited WZ's (sorry huttball is not pvp its a poorly designed ballgame that favors 2 classes over the other 2) turns into just ANOTHER gear grind.


3 - Crafting, even the best stuff, is still garbage and poorly designed. The idea that pets do the crafting for you is neat but the execution is just flat out lame, see games like vanguard or swg for how crafting should be done.


4 - Space combat is still boring as ever but with the xp nerf it really makes it a worthless part of the game where before at least it was a change of pace for TONS of xp while grinding an alt up


5 - The leveling process is god awful, the planets are lacking any real immersion, and there is NO sense that my actions have any impact on the environment or the story. Sorry but for a game billed as being a story driven game the fact that the story remains exactly in the stagnant position it was in after I supposedly blew up a giant ship with bombs shows how sad the game is. WOW the dinosaur from years past at least has phasing to have your actions impact the world around you.


6 - WAY to heavily instanced and WAY too long of load times. There was an incredibly well written and technical thread created a few weeks back where a guy went through and laid out the hardware problems with the game ( I clearly do not speak computer nerdenese) It showed exactly how even with a great PC this game lacks quality hardware


7 - INSANELY POORLY WRITTEN STORYLINE. I know it’s cool the first time you see the NPC's talk to you but seriously my spacebar at this point is falling off my keyboard. EVERY quest hub is loaded with garbage dialog that even the first time around was not immersive. The class storylines are mediocre at best, if BIOWARE wanted to create a really well written game then they should have at least hired some good writers, I have played through a few storylines, SI, IA, SW, Trooper, and BH they are all predictable and in no way gripping or exciting. ONCE again NO CONSEQUENCES EITHER. No matter what i do or say my pet will still be my pet no way to not get them no way to kill them or have them leave or anything......This was one of the largest disappointments with the game for me, see other BW games where your actions have consequences.


8 - Legacy system - really lame. I can lay out some sort of cheap family tree that does nothing; I can buy for an extremely expensive amount of credits garbage. Which by the way created a valued credit selling economy for the credit farmers of the web, I like to follow prices to see what they are going for and overnight with the legacy system gold farmer sites tripled their prices for credits, LOL gratz bioware.


9 - compartmentalized planets, sorry but sometimes I would love to go to the lowbie planet and grief until the high levels show up and save the day and we get real open world pvp....that simply doesn’t happen since the planets are so segregated. I wish there was more of a mash up that forced PVP on the players on PVP servers.


10 - BY FAR THE MOST IMPORTANT - easy content, the game is a joke to play. I know its a casual friendly story driven MMO but for god’s sake it is easy as hell with 7 other competent players you can do everything the game has to offer in the PVE realm in 1 day. The raids are easy even on Hardmode settings, Nightmare content is a joke as the only thing different is the HP / DPS of bosses which turns out to simply be a gear check. The lost island instance was the only fresh instance that had any type of challenge with the first boss but again with 3 other people that understand how to move out of a bubble and how to interrupt 1 ability and a healer that understands how to cleanse off the only move that hurts the tank it is a JOKE !!!


Bioware I tried to like he game, and as a guild leader I am saddened as I have watched my guild die through a slow boring drawn out 5 months, the game continues to bleed subs and even the fatman which was the reroll hub for everyone has turned into just a hive of idiots that use general chat to try and compete with WOW for which game the most immature self righteous douche bags that can sit behind a keyboard and spout out the worst of humanity on a daily basis.

I understand that the game will not die, the IP alone will keep it alive but Bioware you truly did drop the ball on this game and took a game with so much potential and utterly fumbled it all over.


Fix it and I might resub as sadly I was just charged for a 3 month extension even though I was told I would have 30 days free in an email i thought that might extend out my payment timeline but it did not, so you can have my money but I will be uninstalling the game very soon and sadly prolly installing one of the many other games out there.


Tortanic really dropped the ball IMO

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You know when it's time to go, it's time to go. They never intended for hardcores to stick around forever. They had no intention of rolling out constant content for the people who play all day and night. They are content to let those players quit and come back later when new stuff is added. The difficulty and pace of content is suited more towards the majority of the market, not the 10% or less of the most demanding players.


Now I stick around because I have plenty to do. I can spend hours a day working on leveling an alt, crafting, dailies, a Warzone, or just socializing. Somewhere they stated the average play time was over 4 hours a day. That's a lot of people wasting a lot of their life here. There are days I only log in for 10 mins, just to check my sales.



Here's some insight into Walton's thinking on this


lmao wow @ you


you dont read much do you

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to sub or not to sub, that in my opinion, should be your own choice, not everyone plays for the same reasons not everyone leaves for the same reasons, thats why I never listen to critics, or read reviews, how do I know these people like what I do, these forums are heavy with personal preference complaints, things people would like to see tailored to thier personal tastes, that have no overall direction for the playerbase.

The only thing I look for when I do research for a new game I look for technical issues, outside of that if it is a game I like regardless of what others think i play it.

Boils down to I could careless why people are leaving Tor, I know from the posts I read in these forums, the instant gratification generation has not the time to grow with a new game, the game does not allow leet player to epeen much, this is not really a hardcore pvp game for those that see themselve as hardcore, and so I suspect they will leave at some point, and I hope they find a game that fits thiers needs.


Mmo's have to paint a broad brush to try to fit as many play styles as they can no game made by anyone will ever have a game that will make all types of players happy, just a fact of life, :rak_01:

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