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Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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If you notice my join date, I preordered this game with high hopes. If you look at my previous posts, the first few months were spent forgiving and pardoning Biowares moronic mistakes. But if you look at this 6 month period objectively and not as a Biodrone, you'll see this game as been been a huge mess of bugs, exploits, bugs that dont get fixed, sparse sharded servers controlled by bioware for God only knows what reason, broken pvp, irrevelant professions, and repetitive rewardless end game PvE. I mean come on, nightmare mode is a joke, just up the hit points and enrage timer.


The whole game with the exception of the sound and voice overs was extremely lazy. Its like they thought we were too dumb to notice the whole game was on rails. Even the conversations, you pick a response, the NPC spits out some predetermined response that goes right back to the predetermined conversation. There is no choice in this game. Lazy is the best way to describe it. Even the way all the playable races are just re-skinned humans with various growths on their head, all because it would be too hard to make helmets fit on them. I'm posting because I'm pissed off at the developers. They claim to read these forums, so read this. Take your lies and shove it!

I don't think I could have summed it up better myself.


Lazy. What a great word to describe SWTOR and the approach to developing and maintaining it.


Like you, I used to be the first to say things like "Vanilla game is vanilla... give it time", "The first expansion is the true test of any MMO", and "I believe this game has a future". However, I am now done analyzing what SWTOR has to offer and who is running the show, and I have effectively pulled a full-on about-face.


I had more fun last night playing All Points Bulletin Reloaded.


How screwed up is that?

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This kind of sums up me and my friends sentiment.


We're not going back to WoW or any other MMO. For that matter this may be the end of the line for MMOs for us as we have become jaded of the entire genre over the last 10 years or so.


We came in with certain expectations - some were met and others weren't. Basically what looked good in paper to us (the extensive story lines and VOs) ended up not working so well in a MMO.


They could have spent a fraction of that money to make another KotOR which would have been undoubtedly awesome.


I still very much love MMOs... they're likely my favorite game genre. The things I love most about the genre were sadly lacking or unrealized in SWtOR, however.

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Lack of people, simple and plain .... apart from the BIG LIE they said about no grinds in game. Seems all the players love to repeat the same thing over and over like monkeys.
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I still very much love MMOs... they're likely my favorite game genre. The things I love most about the genre were sadly lacking or unrealized in SWtOR, however.


Actually we were very burned out on the whole MMO scene when we left WoW (and I'm sooo happy we did!) but we decided to give this one a try to see how it goes since it was Star Wars of course and Bioware.


We had our fun and had a good time but we just lost interest for many of the reasons people state and some more personal ones that others don't seem to have too much issue with.


But just like any other MMO we have the 'haters' and the 'fanboi/girls' that refuse to listen to reason coming from the middle, and the "Class X is OP!!!!! Nerfs them to the groundz right now or I quits!!!" threads.


Exactly the reasons why we were getting sick of the MMO scene...

Edited by Monave
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I had more fun last night playing All Points Bulletin Reloaded.


How screwed up is that?


And I had more fun playing Hearts of Iron 2 if anybody else even knows of the franchise too.


Have 43 more days left but don't plan to log in and I would rather play any of my old games sitting on shelf atm.

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Just unsubbed, my top 5 reasons...


1. Server is dead, a same server LFG tool is pointless if no one is online.

2. Quest design is linear and gets boring, went back to WoW and played some of the newer content and it's vastly superior in creativity and design.

3. Load times are frustrating, it's not terrible but enough for it to get annoying.

4. Bugs and server lag problems, especially in PvP.

5. Most importantly, i'm not convinced BW can/will change any of the above.


It's a shame because i really wanted to love this game and play for years, i think they could have done so much with world design to create evolving warzones like WoW does with phasing, instead they created these personal quest instances that don't really do much.


It just feels like they created a game to match WoW in 2009, meanwhile the competition has evolved and improved which has left swtor behind.

Edited by ChimaeraUK
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1). Even using a well specced PC SWTOR can potentially have atrocious FPS when there are more than 7 people near you. Making PvP a pointless endevour. (Before anyone start critising this a saying 'get a new PC' I suggest you read up on the amount of problems many of us with high spec PCs have had).


2). Population issues - not only are servers losing population, but the other issue is the game is designed to have only a small population on each planet anyway. As soon as you hit near the 100-200 reigion a new 'instance' is made. Which for me really kills the whole MMO feel.


3). Rolling an alt- much as on face value this sounds a good idea content wise, once you get past level 10 you have only a small number of class quests, the rest is just rinse and repeat, which in fairness kind of kills replayability. As the world arcs aren't particularly interesting the first time around, let alone the second.


4). Lack of reasons to group in the leveling experience - due to the solo nature of the story content, from my experience most people I have come across are not interested in grouping for heroics or the other leveling content. The whole 'go get a guild argument' starts to become redunant when you join 'massive' guilds and find each of these 'massive' guilds with 300 members only has 4 members on at a time...


5). BioWare's refusal to try and solve any of these issues, particularly in terms of avoiding server mergers means they've lost my sub. I've always been a fan of MMOs because I like playing online games with people, and unfortuantely from my experience, there's not enough incentive to group, and even when there is, there tends to be too few players to group with, or the lag in PvP due to fps problems even with a high end PC result in the MMO aspect becoming completely redundant.

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I just quit last night and it had nothing to do with D3 or GW2...


1. Patch 1.2 destroyed my class (sorc) and it took this long to fully realize it.

2. Server population and Class Nerfs destroyed PVP (no one queues and when they do pop, its all melee all the time)

3. Raiding stopped. I was in a guild of 200 people and a raid hasnt made all week. People left and it left HUGE holes

4. Nothing to do. No raiding, No Pvp. No fun!




I really liked playing my sorc, but my class never recovered from the changes in 1.2. The game was all about melee. As for healing sorcs, they quit when healing became a choir instead of an enjoyment. This is a game, you did not need to make it more difficult. My alt turned out to be a waste of time as well as operatives have little to no survivability now.


So my option is to roll a marauder or juggernaut, maybe a powertech or mercenary? No thank you


I cant see playing another class until a random patch decides to make it unplayable.


The game stopped being fun, progress stopped, and its to a point where we have to train new people or respec veterans every week just to make an EV or KP raid.


Nope. Sorry. I already have a job that feels like work. I dont need another one.


Good luck and email me if you every fix your broken *** game.


Thank you

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Lazy. What a great word to describe SWTOR and the approach to developing and maintaining it.


Sadly true. I too used that term once when biodrones were still all over. But I meant lazy more in terms of.. unfinished.. not thought through.. the feeling there was not enough motivation (or time?) to make features great instead of "OK".


Space Combat? -> Railshooter. Space combat, check. Done. Real space combat.. probably some point in the future.


Trading? -> GTN. Check. Done... But we´ll fix the problems of missing economy on low popultion servers somewhere in the future.


Quests? -> Check, done. We´ve got a lot of kill X Rats and click X crates quests. Cooler more interesting quests, probably some point in the future. For now we have the cool voiceovers to keep people busy.


Some puzzles to keep players busy...? -> Datacrons! Unusual Egg! Check, done. More..probably some point in the future.


It´s like many good ideas were stopped in development at about 75%, someone saying - well it´s ok for now, let´s work on something else and think about the other stuff later to get this in the market ASAP.


But in a year or so.. TOR 2.0 for the win... hopefully!!

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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It´s like many good ideas were stopped in development at about 75%, someone saying - well it´s ok for now, let´s work on something else and think about the other stuff later to get this in the market ASAP.



See, this is an excellent observation.


Someone said it best in another thread: This game spend 3 years in development and still produced a lot of unpolished unfinished content.


Its like they made an MMO that would have been good in 2008 when they started it.


Now? it feels like its 2-3 years behind.

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Well I still love the game and plan on being around for a long time yet, but I do hope that Bioware reads and takes note of this thread, everything they need to know to move forward is here.


Imagine how great the game would be if they fixed half of these issues.


I really hope they take the time to read this thread and take the reasons for people leaving to heart.

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What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


1. Server I play on is empty most days, week days and on weekends. Morning , afternoon, or night.

2. Group content not possible with no players. Heroic Missions, or Flash points

3 Everyone in my guild mostly left or doesn't log in very often

4 PVP queue times are very long, in the morning on this past saturday I waited almost 2 hours to have a hutball match that we were out numbered 8 to 4 in.

5. Just the thought of having to start over , or even pay to be transfered to a server with people on it would be ridiculous.


Why do I stick around... I'm not sure anymore. Sub is up in 8 days, and yeah i sorta watched this game grow from week to week from the time this site launched, to all the fan sites like darthhater.com, and torocast.. to tormonger.com listening to live streams of people talking about this game for hours on end.. watched and read live streams at all the conventions ... to here we are. Hopefully they get the systems installed that will make the game fun to play.

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I am Unsubbing as well. My server, Dark Reaper, was one of the "full" servers, at launch and has since dwindled....

1. the economy on my server is shot to ish. I am rep side, and you cannot find anything, i hop to imp side, and prices are soooooooooo inflated you don't want to buy anything. You cannot sell things rep side, because of lack of people to buy stuff, you just get the same failed auctions back, over and over. This is not improved by switching factions. I am forced to be my own server economy between all of my 5 toons. and you cannot save a server economy with only 50 auctions on the ah! Theres nothing to buy on the ah, yet i cannot post more than 50 different things to sell? problem since day 1. GG


2. PVP content has become more of a mindless grind, and without being able to filter the WZ's, your forced to play matches against teams with broken team builds, like a bunch of marauders//juggs// inquisitors in huttball. Lack of ranked pvp leads to face rolling continuously when put against teams of people with much much better gear. skill can only do so much with idiotic teammates and game mechanics.


3. PVE is alright.... but much of it is inaccessible to people because THERE IS NOONE ON THE SERVERS TO FIND GROUPS. I know people a that haven't stepped foot into teh "new awesome content" because they just simply cannot find a group or a guild that has the abilities of running Denova competently. Group finder won''t work. Just gonna make people even more pissed, but hey keep dreaming, way to go!


4. Did I mention the fact that my server is no barren like a wasteland? 17 people peek time on a Saturday rep side? Imp side has us beat 4:1... but now they are down to40-50 people peek on fleet. While this still has a higher population, you can feel the impact and strain of people being fed up with this game and leaving. You cannot find people to sell stuff to, to group queue for pvp... to find a group for a flash point.... for anything..... i hop squares and companion craft..... not worth 15 bucks, sad to say


5. Loading Loading Loading..... every other fkin screen. For real reals? And the loading has seemingly gotten WORSE the more you patch this game.


I didn't consider myself casual, as i have 3 50's a cpl lvl 20's, I've done all the raiding content, legacy lvl 41(for all the good that does me) But i cannot put up with this game any more..... Changes that need to be made don't come soon enough, and when you do patch something... odds are, something completely unrelated is gonna get botched.... *cough* matrix cubes *cough*... yeah you fixed it.. But you shouldn't have broken it in the first place... Bad Bioware, Bad! So many problems, and all the wrong fixes. I was hoping todays patch notes might have something..... instead you patch dumb quests for casuals and make lightsaber sounds quieter... ooOOOOoooOoOoooOOo! cannot forget to fix the pointless dialogue on a boss. You obviously don't want me to resub, thanks for making it clear.

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1) Ran out of stuff to do. This happens to me with all games, though. I did get my money's worth.

2) Persistent bugs of all kinds, and I don't have faith that Bioware will ever fix them - Ctrl-A is still force bound to a nonsense command and cannot be rebound. Last time I checked, my marauder still has bizarre ability stuttering (it looks very strange). Help tickets continually pop up as 'new change' (green envelope thing) even though they were closed long ago. Miscellaneous weird bugs every patch. And the Hero engine just isn't very good.

3) Questing started to feel redundant, even on my first character - and of course it' feels worse on alts. The class stories are all fun, though.

4) PvP is not amazing, although it's basically on-par with other more PvE-oriented MMOs upon first release.

5) Somehow generally lacks an 'epic' feeling, although occasional cutscenes and quests have it.. This is because of a few reasons.. Zones are generally corridor-like, with no truly impressive structures. Enemies tend to not be awe-inspiring. The 'cartoony' style doesn't help. It's an MMO, so I'll blow up a mighty anti-aircraft gun, then three minutes later, it's back, shooting at my fellows.


There's also the fact that group missions (flashpoints, heroics) aren't really worth it, because the rewards aren't great and at any rate they take longer, so I can get more done solo. I've never been one for the 'end game raiding' MMO-type stuff, so I suppose the Rakata and whatever else is good..


SWTOR would have been an awesome single-player game.. 8 different classes between two different factions, the redundant quests might not even seem so bad, you could play it at your leisure instead of feeling compelled to 'get your money's worth' out of your subscription. You would blow stuff up/kill things and they would stay dead. There wouldn't be any lag or forced downtime issues. The Hero engine would probably run a little faster since it would only have to worry about one person. And I think they would have made more money overall if it were made from the start as a single-player game (considerably less development time).


Overall, I did get my money's worth out of SWTOR, and I do inevitably get bored of every game I've played. SWTOR held my interest longer than some, and not as long as others. Have fun

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There's also the fact that group missions (flashpoints, heroics) aren't really worth it, because the rewards aren't great and at any rate they take longer, so I can get more done solo. I've never been one for the 'end game raiding' MMO-type stuff, so I suppose the Rakata and whatever else is good..


I think this, and the fact that the end game armors, Tionese/Columni/Rakata all look the same with different color... This is the show of a very lazy and poor development crew.


Every tier of armor must be different in stats and in design so players feel some kind of progression and accomplishment... having the same with different colors is not cool at all.

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I unsubbed today.


My guild has disbanded. It had been together for 3 years. I did not know any bigger fan of the game than our GM. He was first to go. I fell in battle today. I cannot be arsed to get back up an fight any more. A game dev cannot release an MMO in todays climate that does not match the feature-set other MMO's have and SWTOR feels like an unevolved 3+ year old game.


How long must players wait to get the features that should be in the game today. Another 2 years? No thanks. I have many reasons for quitting. 6 of those are (in no particular order).


No dual spec

No raid and guild tools

No Dungeon finder

No equipment/gear change manager

No spell/proc/ability alert ui element.

Horrible PvP on all fronts.


I could literally go on and on on the shortfalls this game has. It has let the SW community down dreadfully. I hope you guys that tough it out seriously get what you want and enjoy the game, but I see only doom and gloom and an ever declining playerbase fed up with the lack of ingame features and all the other things that have been mentioned on these forums ad-nauseum. SWTOR has failed. And that is a crying shame.

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6. End game content: This needs to be accessible to all the population and not only for the hardcore players... I will never support in this game that the new operations introduced with the new patches have to be more and more and more difficult and complex, so only the most experienced players can do them and enjoy them... This mmo was suppose to be based on story, so there is where all the fuzz should be putted. Example: The Eseless/The Black Talon Flashpoint is one of the best... why? because of the story, not because it was hard to do and complex to solve... The casual player populations is about 85% of the total, leaving the other 15% to hardcore player, but developers are satisfying them instead of the mayority of the population. And in my opinion, this is why most of the mmos fails.


Seriously? They are definitely NOT catering to the hardcore players at all. I can level to 50 one-handed while watching movies and never die, FPs included. I can while tanking HMs. I walk away fairly often while in groups to refill my coffee and smoke and no one even notices. The difficulty level of this game is akin to baby-land frolics.


I could list 5 or 500 reasons why I have un-subbed, but the reason above is the most applicable. If it's true that less than 15% of players will ever do endgame content, then why is end-game being developed around the "average" player's skill and time level? Endgame content is EXACTLY FOR that 15% that has the time and skill to do it. EVERYTHING else in the game is handed to you with little to no effort. Why must poor players slam the good ones? I suck at sports. The solution: I DON'T PLAY SPORTS. I don't complain to the NFL that it isn't fair I can't play professionally and tell them they need to make football easier so I can play, too. The people in charge would laugh at me and the players would probably try to kill me.


The truth is that the "average" players have gotten everything they've asked for while those of us with talent and skill all seem to be moving on to other things. I REALLY want to like this game, but I REALLY don't. I feel like my 8 year old could play this game, and like many of the people I'm playing with are adolescent delinquents. I'm 36, a father and a husband, and very anti-moron. I grew up on video games like many of you, and I would love to see a game and a community that was oriented towards the adult crowd for once. Mature content and real difficulty and puzzles. Obviously, this game will never be that. They could throw the real gamers a bone or two, though. Riding my 30 days with fingers crossed. Not too hopeful I'll see anything that will make me re-sub.

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I will be unsubbing when GW2 comes out. When I first got the game is was fantastic. As my server died I came to realize that it's now a single player game with "some" MMO qualities. I will play as many of the classes to 50 enjoy the story and alternate from imp to rep so at least some different planet quests.


Right now i have 2 50's 2 30's 1 20 and a teen all fun to play. BW is to slow or too unwilling to move people, fix bugs. But I am not angry I have been screwed over by EA already with Battlefield 3 which should have been called Bad Company 3 . Lesson learned no more BW or EA if I can help it. And one last thing all you guys who got Mass Effect # how did you like the ending...............Good Work BW

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I could list 5 or 500 reasons why I have un-subbed, but the reason above is the most applicable. If it's true that less than 15% of players will ever do endgame content, then why is end-game being developed around the "average" player's skill and time level? Endgame content is EXACTLY FOR that 15% that has the time and skill to do it. EVERYTHING else in the game is handed to you with little to no effort. Why must poor players slam the good ones? I suck at sports. The solution: I DON'T PLAY SPORTS. I don't complain to the NFL that it isn't fair I can't play professionally and tell them they need to make football easier so I can play, too. The people in charge would laugh at me and the players would probably try to kill me. .


A big true here man, 100% agree also I'm 36 too...so maybe grow playing real games has something to be.

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I REALLY wanted starwars to be the one I could invest the next 2 years into but after playing tera, I'm letting my sub run out. Heres my reasons.

They should have made it alittle more sandbox

They should have started based on class, imps and republics on same planet not split apart but in same area

They should have had an option like tera where you could turn on outlaw and attack an opposing player at any given time.Why does this work in tera online u might ask? BECAUSE EVERYONE ISN'T SEPERATED LIKE IN SWTOR


This might be the easiest game I"ve ever leveled in, the only other one was the first fable, didn't die once in that game.

Whats the point of having heroics without a lfg??!!!!!!!!!!!

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lol i left the gen discussion forums for 3 days and i came back wondering if this thread was still around, and it is!!!


well, im sure some of you have seen me on these forums from time to time and i have been a staunch defender of swtor from the beginning. . . well, i canceled my sub yesterday.


i am still kinda wondering if it was for real but it is, june 18th is my last day of play time.


here is why:


1) I felt like Bioware was trying to play it TOO safe with this title and ended up making a very restricted experience when Star Wars should have been about exploration and community.


2) PVP was too much of a grind, seriously do the math with the commendations, ridiculous.


3) refusal for server mergers - i dont know if there is some EA over head involved with this but character transfers will not solve any issues it will only make the game worse as low pop servers will become even more low pop as that pop will migrate to a high pop server. you have 125 servers, you really only need 30-50 MAXIMUM. if there is some EA overhead involved, be honest about it.


4) i missed out on a lot of content just because there wasnt anyone around to do it with.


5) the pvp grind is just unacceptable but even worse than that - no cross server pvp means ive got people who will "focus" me because im not that good or just an easy target because theyve learned my name and want to pick on me or whatever. it turns you off to pvp in general when i see the same people coming after me over and over.


server mergers will save your game alone, but you are too stubborn to see this or are in denial, good bye.


this is what i wrote in the "why do you want to leave" comment box.


good luck to you all.

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Unsubbed last week. Some reasons/random thoughts below:


WZs got extremely boring after a number of the better guilds left on my server (Anchorhead) and thus the competition basically died down; I am always in the mindset that PvP against great players makes you a better gamer. Beating down on terribad gets repetitive


The world felt very very small when you factored in all the zones you actually care about as a geared 50 in this game


Tried PvEing (haven't really seriously end game PvEd since EQ1 raiding days) - boring as well


Lack of open world PvP and any clear message from BW of where this was heading….still can't get let this go when I factor in the amount of fun I had because of this in UO/EQ days


One thing that got me (and I did not think it would) was the awful visual aspect of this game…everything from repetitive level designs to the armor models…again, compared this to my EQ1 days and it just felt like a game that was released in 1999 had better world design than this. I can't remember/care about a majority of the zones I leveled in. I can recite almost all my enounters in EQ1 down to every minor detail :)


Currently playing D3 until GW2 comes out. Will likely revisit SWTOR if more content is added but the current state of the game just does not grab my attention. Not sure if server mergers/ranked WZs will change this


I wish BW well and I did have a lot of fun up until March so will give credit where it is due

Edited by bklynfinest
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no cross server pvp means ive got people who will "focus" me because im not that good or just an easy target because theyve learned my name and want to pick on me or whatever.


It also means that games are absolutely predictable. You read names and can be 99% accurate about the result. "Oh look they have Eraser, Destructor and Noobsmasher in their team and we only have Huttballrambo, Westendefender, Middlezerger and two newbies who didn`t even manage to buy recruit gear - time to quit!"

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2) PVP was too much of a grind, seriously do the math with the commendations, ridiculous.


That and the fact that you could spend a lot of time collecting the commendations just to lose them because they were worthless with patch 1.2 / I remember saving my 1k mercenary coms from my lvl 10 to 49 pvp, just to find out that i had to rechange them to warzone coms with patch 1.2, and in a 1:1 ratio, when to get the 1k mercenary coms its was 3:1

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