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  1. Who knows, maybe picture a Dev meeting: Head Dev:- Hey you have a few days in the schedule, what can you do that's simple and won't take much time. Lower Dev: I could make some facial expressions, might be cool for some people. Head Dev:- Sure why not get too it. Not every feature they bring out has to be at the expense of everything else. Sounds like people throwing their toys out of their prams for the simplest things these days. When a feature the complainers gets put in, let me know so I can complain about that being a waste of time
  2. Absolutely, you can play on an RP server without participating, but as with all things there is a time and place for everything, I wouldn't expect anyone to RP in a flashpoint unless it is an RP guild that decide to do just that, as that may annoy others taking part. I guess it's like how you say, generally a RP server will attract the more mature players, and I can only speak for myself, but I get a kick out of running into a cantina and eaves dropping in on a conversation some might be having at the bar etc.. Don't tell them I said this but those RP'ers are just so gosh darn cool
  3. I'm not knocking the game as i'm still having fun and have lots still to accomplish, but if they had 200 devs working on the game for the last 6 months, i'd have to think that we would have more content and bug fixes than we have had. Unless 150 of them were working on F2P. Just saying....
  4. I play Progenitor\Sith & Red Eclipse\Republic I keep my sides seperate out of personal preference, but I must say they are both nice populated servers, sometimes a bit too populated (Blackhole i'm looking at you) As for why people choose a RP Server, I can only say I always do if there is a choice, I don't RP myself but I think it adds an element of realism to the server as your running around.
  5. I just wanted to put a point of view across that I don't see mentioned much. Call me crazy but I have multiple accounts, 3 to be exact, 2 I play regularly but not at the same time and a 3rd I play now and again, I also subscribe to 2 other MMO's but obviously can't paly them all at the same time, I play very little in the evenings and an extremely unhealthy amount at the weekends I can't be the only one that does this. Long story shortish, although i'm not coming out on either side of the argument, there must be alot of people like me, that are fortunate enough to be able to play lots of different games at the same time. It's just that from reading alot of posts, you'd think that this game should be the be all and end all for everyone that posts, and people could hold multiple subscriptions to different games and dedicate varying amounts of time to each. Just another point of view......
  6. I had a bad day at work today, and i'm normally a fairly pesimistic person (glass half empty) by nature, however I don't really see this as more doom and gloom. EA/Bioware have had a taste of what could be with 2-2.4mil subs, I find it extremely unlikely they would throw in the towel and settle for 500k only 6 months in, more likely they would look to game up and give it an extra push more than anything, but hell what do I know
  7. Well I still love the game and plan on being around for a long time yet, but I do hope that Bioware reads and takes note of this thread, everything they need to know to move forward is here. Imagine how great the game would be if they fixed half of these issues. I really hope they take the time to read this thread and take the reasons for people leaving to heart.
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