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Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things.


I see so many threads with posters claiming that they have unsubbed. Some even seemed to have unsubbed weeks or months ago. I'm always curious why they stick around.


If you are one of the people who played for a time, then decided to quit, please answer the following questions:


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Maybe we can get some good feedback by putting this all in one place and maybe we can clean up other threads by putting this all in one place.





Personally I could care less why they decided to unsub. They didn't like the game for whatever reason and that's their right but I get sick and tired of them clogging up the forums with their complaints and rage and hatred.

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Basically what i see here is bunch of people stating problems, but not giving ideas on how to fix them. A bad example of a response to this thread:


"I quit becuase of the flashpoints. There's no reason to do the lower level ones anymore, BW fix it!"


And a good one:


"I quit becuase of the flashpoints. There's no reason to go to the lower level ones anymore. Why dont you give rewards such as a point system allowing you to purchase gear."

Edited by Jadenfango
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Personally I could care less why they decided to unsub. They didn't like the game for whatever reason and that's their right but I get sick and tired of them clogging up the forums with their complaints and rage and hatred.


Yeah, because your post complaining about it is so much more constructive, and adds so much to the forum.

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I found I hadn't logged into this game for over a month so I cancelled today.

Many of the reasons listed.

One I didn't see is the lack of achievements, the worst XBL games and steam games have achievements to improve replay and add some cool content to try to master in some way shape or form. But this game has nothing but the most basic (You killed XYZ) or (You found ABC) lame IMO

I made it to 50 in about two weeks.

FP grinded till I realized it was pointless. The gear drops ALL sucked except the 1 token. Then they patched the game so the weekly/daily rewards were so ridiculously high it took like 2 weeks tops to get all the gear you could. Then I started ops and LOL at the gearing being so easy it hurt. But the biggest slap to the face was the fact that after my 2 or 3 hours a week OPing and FPing, my toon looked like a complete retard. (Poor art direction)

Eh.. I'm done, I wanted to like the game and maybe it will get better when it gets out of beta someday....

No more paying beta tester here....

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I unsubbed 2 months ago but came back recently (mainly because EQ2 has had many 24hour downtimes since their latest Game Update)


But the main reason I unsubbed originally was the p*** awful poor Customer Service. I won't go into details but many of you who have been around since Beta know what I possibly mean.


SInce then they seemed to have cleaned it up a bit.


I'm giving the game a second chance (mainly because I'm playing with my spouse and sister now).

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I am not quiting, but I agree with alot of these folks that its fusterating not being able to find a group, I have just started skipping herioc quests. only thing that would make me quit is if the game goes f2p.
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Personally I could care less why they decided to unsub. They didn't like the game for whatever reason and that's their right but I get sick and tired of them clogging up the forums with their complaints and rage and hatred.


We complain because of features that is absolutely mandatory in this day and age are being left out, and we're complaining because BW didn't expect what would happen when they launched around 250 servers spreading 1.7 million players out on them = 6800 players on each (I bet that number is much lower now). That is very low considering how many people play at different times. World of Warcraft has twice that number, with 10+ million players (which means double the amount of servers spread out over more than 5 times the amount of players = 20000 players on each server).


BioWare is not considering server merging, we're 6 months into the game and still no server transfers (even though several MMOs LAUNCHED with it), a shoddy excuse for an LFG tool, and the only responses we get are copy-paste. If BioWare really was expecting the game to actually get somewhere, they wouldn't let such simple things be ignored and stalled for so long.

Edited by Senatsu
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because playing swtor isn't how I want to spend my time. Like someone said, it isn't for me, it's not my kind of game. My way of thinking is not the same as the devs. They have a different vision for this game to what I want a game to be. It would seem the term "irreconcilable differences" applies. It was fun for a while, but it couldn't hold my interest for too long, and it doesn't seem like the devs want it to be a serious game. SWTOR fans will flock and sub, gamers will probably at one point in time get it and try it but it doesn't encourage any sort of progression or offer any utilities to bridge new players with more hardcore ones, and overall doesn't seem to offer a lot. I think instead of just adding more content, they need to sit down and think about what direction they want to take the game. I understand they want the game to be new-player friendly etc, but people are only new for a little while. The lack of tools and ridiculously low populations - be it fleet or planet - don't allow the game to play like an MMO, and they don't make finding a place in the community easy, and there's essentially a huge gap between people who have found their niche and are making progress, and those who essentially solo'd/pvp'd their way to 50 pretty much run into a road block after all that. Like I said, it's a fun game. But if it remains how it is, it won't be a game people play as the main way to spend their spare time over the long-term. It's more like a game with a short-term huge amounts of attractions people play for a while. In other words, a revolving door of players. New players come, other ones leave. I know that happens with every single thing on the planet, be it entertainment or jobs etc, but not to this extent.
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I unsubbed because every single time they try to fix a damn bug they bug something else......This is due to contracted employees they layed off everyone that worked on this game and got a fresh batch of cheaper labor but....derp they don't know the in's and out's of the game so therefor the game gets bugged out every single patch


2: THEY PROMISED US ranked warzones and what do we not have!!!! that was the day i started doing a lot more PVE and the raid was great right before they tried to fix some things and now Hard mode 8 man is bugged


3: My guild got on yesterday to do Nightmare Pilgrim but we shortly realized he couldn't be spawned due to a bug, sadly this is what made my entire raid group start playing TERA it was the last straw so to speak.


4: the augmented gear is use less until you get campaign gear because you will lose your 4 set bonus so i've been using just my helm and weapon augmented this boggles my mind Why The ****, rather Who The ****'s idea was this,,, And the new PVP gear takes "count em" 84000 warzone commendations to get the full warhero set of armor this equals in my mind NOT WORTH THE TIME


5: honestly my 5th reason is because Diablo 3 is coming out soon but even if it wasn't I'd go play TERA but if those 2 games didn't exist I'd have to say the lack of extra stuff to do, I mean you guys have so many options swoop bike racing, pod racing, and pazaak and those are the obvious ones you guys could brain storm some awesome ideas


You tried to make the worlds greatest MMO with an awesome story but MMO has nothing to do with a good story, sadly you guys could of made this a single player game with just the story and it would of been a huge success But not an mmo

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Teh game has no depth, no substance.


Its an MMO and so is built on community, a few tips i would give are :

1.Low lvl grouping at say 20-30-40 for lvl breaks (lvl capped)

2.Longer TNLs (need for good lower lvl gear) including open areas on planets for group lvling (questing not able to

lvl u on its own).

3.Open areas to explore with random pop NMs.

4.An economy and all that goes with that (need for items/gear/crafting).



A few non constructive tips:

1. Gear that doesnt look ******.

2.Open World PVP that works.

3.Servers with players on them.

4.Good graphics.

5.A degree of difficulty.


I unsubbed a month ago but they gave me free time which i didnt use because the game is awful.

I think the MMO community really needs a game atm and i hope one comes soon.

Edited by Parali
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1) I'm the last one left in my guild. Have been for over a month. But I still have fun in PvP since we PvPers knows each other until now (thank you for crossfaction talk in /say!). The problem: I'd say at least 70% of them already mentioned they will quit when D3 / GW2 is released. And the people from my guild (who left SWTOR already) will play those games as well so if I want to play with them again I will have to switch.


2) No fun / interesting / competitive PvP. Or bugged PvP.

Ability delay (it's back since 1.2 for me) as in I hit Force Sweep and I get a GCD but nothing triggers (char is starting the animation but stops) and I have to wait the GCD to try again. Or using Dispatch and the dmg numbers appear after 3sec.

Player position updates: root/stun a player over a fire pit in huttball. Sometimes he doesnt get damage and after the the cc wears off he warps beside it. Also obvious when you try to knockback people in a certain direction. I sometimes force push my enemies over the goalline even though I position myself in such a way that they SHOULD fly into the pit.

Bugs since launch (knocked down & unable to move in respawn area, people missing in operation frames)


Also ranked warzones are only 8man queues at the start. I'm actually interested to see if they will put 8 man ranked groups against non ranked solo queuers if no other 8man grp is present like they previewed earlier.


Atm PvP for me is:

Get grouped with premade against low geared players. Wohooo farming guys who have no chance.

Get grouped with low geared players against a premade. Wohooo get farmed and have no chance.

Only premade / premade is interesting (or if both teams have good solo queuers) and it just doesnt happen often enough.

Playing 2hours for 1 good game is just not enough.


3) Dead server (or faction?). Even though it hits standard it just feels so empty (I dont even want to know how the game is on the light servers). I havent been in an instance for weeks. I have visited Lost Island only once. Some weeks ago there were random runs for easymode operations. Not anymore.

I also dont want to lose my character/legacy name with server merges ;) So the only thing which basically would save me there if they add a id to name. So I'm Luke.123 and there's also Luke.234 on my server. Those ids are only displayed on the friendlist (and only used to add characters to it). Similiar to how Starcraft 2 handles it.


4) Crafting is boring / useless. Commendations are too good / too plenty during leveling. Also empty GTN - I cannot buy enhancements/armoring/mods for my alts. I cannot buy the mats I need to craft the items myself. Only lv 50 stuff is in there.

Boring as in: let's hope the RNG is nice. RE the right schemantic (no I dont want shield/defense on my medium armor item...) or "lets try to critcraft oranges and I cannot even RE the failures for a small amount of mats".

Orange gear in 1.2 was just a major let down. "You will be able to reverse engineer almost any moddable item into an orange shell item which you can crit craft".

War Hero, Battlemaster schemantics are new in 1.2. I also heard you can RE campaign / BH gear (dont know). Everything else is unattainable.


5) Nope that's it.


I'll try to concinve some of my friends to resubscribe if GW2/D3 are going to fail. I personally will 100% be back when new content updates are implemented - but that could also mean just resubscribing every 6months for 1month to experience the new content. Will be sad to miss the events (Rakghoul plague) but well... those alone are not enough.

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We complain because of features that is absolutely mandatory in this day and age are being left out, and we're complaining because BW didn't expect what would happen when they launched around 250 servers spreading 1.7 million players out on them = 6800 players on each (I bet that number is much lower now). That is very low considering how many people play at different times. World of Warcraft has twice that number, with 10+ million players (which means double the amount of servers spread out over more than 5 times the amount of players = 20000 players on each server).


BioWare is not considering server merging, we're 6 months into the game and still no server transfers (even though several MMOs LAUNCHED with it), a shoddy excuse for an LFG tool, and the only responses we get are copy-paste. If BioWare really was expecting the game to actually get somewhere, they wouldn't let such simple things be ignored and stalled for so long.


What you and I consider Mandatory are very different.

BW only launched that many servers because the player base was crying so hard over que times even tho BW said it would take a bit of time to expand server capacity to ensure proper performance. The only people to blame for the current over abundance of servers is us not BW.

Numbers in WoW should have absolutely nothing to do with discussions of this game.

Server merges are not required. The transfers they are working on implementing should take care of allowing those unhappy with their server to improve their game time by moving to a server that better suits them.

LFG tool could use some work I admit. But I'd prefer to see constructive ideas to better it rather than I'm quitting because of so and so. It sucks bad!!!!

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I unsubbed over the Rakghoul Plague Forced PVP on PVE servers and PVE Players (me) and afaik my toons are still infected.


I did not WANT to unsub at all. I really like this game I enjoy all the movies and story line (my toons are L20ish) and was having a great time PVEing. I did a few groups but I'm not very good at figuring out that part although my Sith Warrior/Jagg was asked to tank several times and my JC/Sage was pulled into group stuff several levels higher than she was so I guess I did ok there and was looking forward to more adventures.


I stuck around HOPING for something from BW about PVP Opt Out Means Opt Out. I was sooo disappointed that they've said nothing.




Now that I read "THIS" thread I can see where my understanding of the game was in error. It's a PVP Oriented Game and PVE is just secondary if that. I don't know why they even have PVE servers as it seems that everything said here is about PVP.


So, my reason for unsubbing was being forced to PVP. BW vision is everyone must PVP and many posts here are about PVPers leaving because of inadequate PVP stuff. So, I guess my reason for wanting to come back [PVE-Pure] was never going to happen anyway.


I learned something important here... not sure what it was though <G>

Edited by LightsOn
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i think we can all agree that dead servers/server pop is the number one cause of people leaving. the content is there, just not the people to run it.




bioware, idk what you are avoiding server mergers as much as possible. i mean is it really because it just looks bad? i think an executive decision MUST be made, you need to tell EA or whoever is telling you not to MERGE the servers, to get off their high horse because this needs to be done.


merge the servers, enable character xfers OFF of high pop servers and SWTOR is saved. period.

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What you and I consider Mandatory are very different.

BW only launched that many servers because the player base was crying so hard over que times even tho BW said it would take a bit of time to expand server capacity to ensure proper performance. The only people to blame for the current over abundance of servers is us not BW.

Numbers in WoW should have absolutely nothing to do with discussions of this game.

Server merges are not required. The transfers they are working on implementing should take care of allowing those unhappy with their server to improve their game time by moving to a server that better suits them.

LFG tool could use some work I admit. But I'd prefer to see constructive ideas to better it rather than I'm quitting because of so and so. It sucks bad!!!!


The transfers will not be enough. There will be people out there who can't be bothered spending even more money on a (in their minds) failed product. I have to make my mind up if I feel the same way, but there are good chances I will. Server merges are definitely the only thing that can help resolve things for the long haul. If the population goes up, then they can release new servers, but right now there are too few players spread over far too many servers. That should be obvious to EVERYONE by now.

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The transfers will not be enough. There will be people out there who can't be bothered spending even more money on a (in their minds) failed product. I have to make my mind up if I feel the same way, but there are good chances I will. Server merges are definitely the only thing that can help resolve things for the long haul. If the population goes up, then they can release new servers, but right now there are too few players spread over far too many servers. That should be obvious to EVERYONE by now.


Just because you want something does not make it the only obvious solution. Frankly until we know just how wide the "Free" transfers are going to be we have no idea whether they will be enough or not. However claiming people won't want to pay to transfer before we know if they will even have to or not is premature at best. Dishonest at worst since it was stated that some free transfers would be offered. You convieniently neglected that fact.

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I've got 18 days left to play, and I'll probably continue to play them, but I have unsubbed. My server doesn't have the population to sustain groups and the GTN is dead.

I like the game a lot. But when I can't level an alt by anything except questing or PVP because I can't get a group (even though I'm a DPS/healer and my boyfriend rolled a tank) for a flashpoint, I get really bored.

Just to specify - I don't like questing. In WoW I have leveled most of my previous alts completely (except for mandatory quests) in PVP. Problem is, I don't like TOR's PVP, so that leaves me to level with a little PVP, ship missions when I get them, and questing, which burns me out.

I had to run Athiss on my trooper earlier today with a bad DPS who thought he was a tank, my boyfriend who was the tank, and my companion, because we couldn't find another DPS. I had to respec to healing as well. Not that I mind, but I prefer DPS.

As well, all my guildies quit while I was unsubbed during classes (university). :( We were a small guild, but to come back to nothing really sucks.


I will happily be back when I can transfer my main (sith sorc) to a more populated server. I'm really not feeling like rerolling right now.

Edited by ravenshaelo
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Diablo 3 is coming out, I ahve 21 days left, I'll play till then, then I am done. The game "feels" dead, no one talks, its not an MMO its a single player online game. Not paying monthly subs for that.


Guilds should not be needed to get FPs and heroics done, Raids on teh other hand is obviously a different story.


No communication whatsoever, even trolls seem scarce, which is good, but really thats how dead the game feels.


Soresu Rep/Imp DEAD

Girrada the Hutt Imp DEAD

Zakkeg Beast Rep/Imp So-So

The Harbinger Imp Average

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I will be droping this game as of may 15. And not just for d3.


My reason is purely based on the combat of this game along with crafting and nonexistance of being unique.


By the time you're lvl 20 somthing..everyone in your class looks just like you and doesnt stop there when you reach cap lvl.


only 1 craft is viable that dosent get effected from end game content compared to all the rest of crafts.


I love what you did to scale the pvp for non 50's for boosting stats and leaving the gear and skills to use at the lvl of the player. That being said, your 50 pvp sucks in every way. Zero balance from fresh 50's to semi geared to geared hero's.


I have only done 1 single hard mode on this game and have no desire to do more because of the stupid manual looking for group. Sure go join a guild. Guilds on MMO's are bunch of babies that want to control. So players like me get screwed that want to porgress and choose not to submit to controling guilds. Because of that we go pvp. Then it gets worse.


Basicaly your game sucks and is a bad copy of wow based on the 100% gear dependant roll you went with for charactures.


If i had known this game was going to be a wow clone, i would have never bought the game.


In all honesty #1 reason why i choosed to play, ITS FU**N STAR WARS!


If you wanted to stand out from all mmos..shouldnt have copied whats out there today. Be original like the movies once were. AT least lucas did a better copy version of the *** movie he riped off to make star wars story from.

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It got boring... and there is no world PVP... I have 100 odd days left because I bought 6 months straight up because I love star wars... I feel uncomfortable that i am leaving something star wars... but in reality this isn't star wars... there is no wars!


Guild Wars 2 has wars.. I will be going there. and my guild here is virtually dead, and funny enough i joined a GW2 guild and there is already 4 people there from the star wars guild

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1. Game is not immersive.Doesnt feel like i live in the STAR WARS universe.Worlds are to small and boxed in.

Te whole game is on rails, no freedom.No sence of exploring what so ever.Cant even look like a character living in the star wars universe because most armors outfits look like something from another fantasy game.To many mobs on all the planets making free movement to explore something you dont have.


2. Lack of a real huge and alive end game planet were you have real endgame like PvP Raids, were there are rare crafting items etc.A world with cantinas and social hubs were players can play minigames and bet on them.But no we are forced to stand around fleet in a hallway doing nothing....


3. No real minigames so players actually have something fun to do.


4.No free flight space combat.And the space combat in this game is just to simpel and unresponsive(dumb down)


5. Bad game balance because there is always the FOTM classes were sadly some AC are always underpowered in competetive PvP dualing.

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also wanted to comment on the loading screen for this game. Realy what the hell? While i was waiting yet for another long load screen time i read about how coruscant has over a trillion people there.. When im there questing..i sure the hell dont feel like theres a million people there lol.
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