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Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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I unsubbed because of:


  1. Low Server Pop (Don't feel like re-rolling the same stories on higher pop servers, my fault really for not wanting to queue in the first place)
  2. Like so many other games you can only play them so often / long before they get boring.
  3. I never had any issues with the game before 1.2, since 1.2 the sounds are off... Lightsabers are humming too loud, then no sound at all, then it starts crackling and you have to restart the game. (Nothing has been done to correct this and it's not even mentioned in any patch notes that the sound is broken and they're working on it.

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My sub runs out in 44 days, and I'll probably be canceling for a while.


My 5 reasons:

  • I'll probably get flamed for this, but PvE content is too inaccessible. I don't mean the lack of a dungeon tool, I mean the difficulty, bugs, and time required do not justify the rewards. The first tier of PvE felt just right in terms of difficulty. Everything released since launch (Kaon, Karagga's, and beyond) seem overtuned imo.
  • Crafting is still not viable. In spite of claims from Bioware that patch 1.2 would make crafting profitable, the lack of set bonuses on Tionese/Columi/Rakata armorings killed interest in the Augmented Orange system.
  • Lack of server transfers and merges. How any MMO can launch without these systems in place is mindblowing to me, especially when it comes to PTS testing.
  • Not enough character slots per server. I'm an altoholic, and the Legacy system is more or less restricting us to 8 character slots. Sixteen per server should be the minimum, or legacy should be account wide so that the bonuses affect all our characters, not just those on a single server.
  • Load times. Way too long, and way too frequent.


I may come back again someday, but who knows.


Even though I'm not unsubscribing yet, this is a very succinct list of my biggest gripes with the current game systems.


I'd add that every time I've attempted to make a suggestion through official channels, (even when my idea had a lot of fan support like adding more playable species in early beta) I've been told basically that I and everyone who supported the idea is wrong and my suggestion was disregarded. Sometimes I question whether those in charge of such decisions are truely fans of the Star Wars franchise and if so, how our perception of what makes Star Wars exciting and fun is so different. It seemed like their reasoning was more of a rationalization of a decision that was made based on financial and time constraints. I would have appreciated something like "We wanted to include that but we had to limit ourselves and focus on refining what's currently there. Maybe in a future expansion we could include that." Instead I was left feeling that the devs thought I was a stupid a-hole for even suggesting it.


Usually public betas are designed to gather feedback, with the bonus of providing free bug-tracking. It seems like beta testers are thought of by Bioware solely as un-paid testers (free labor), as opposed to customers who care about the game and want to improve it, and our feedback is taken as insults or trolling and not valued.

Edited by grezgorz
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If you buy NHL13, you are still giving them money. Haven't you given them enough of that already? Is the roster update really worth it?


I don't "hate" EA or Bioware. The NHL series is always fun.. each and every year I buy it. SWTOR, as I said, I had an absolute blast with and was worth every penny.. I want to give them more money, but my MMO playing has evolved from being satisfied with PvE to now a 50/50 PvE and PvP, and with the current state of my original server, I cannot play the latter.

Edited by jsmc
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Hi !

very good game, thank you very much to Bioware for work

I wish game develops more and more players win


- There are no people on the servers

- Level up too fast

- Have 4 different buff with a single character is crazy, I think it's better to have 8 different distributed among 8 classes

- Restrict wear armor another class, such as jugernaut with BH armor

- You need unique armor and weapons drop, so that people will look for it on purpose in instance that is only really with the view and features

- Craft is a little weird, best craft I've seen is in Everquest 2 at the beginning

- You need to open world pvp

- Daily quest for warzone has to be free not only 1 day, WZ logicomente have to leave less comend. Because I see people daily quest appears only when







Hola a todos !

es muy buen juego, muchas gracias a los Bioware por el trabajo

deseo que juego se desarolla mas e gana mas jugadores



- no hay gente en los servidores

- demasiado rapido sube nivel

- tener 4 diferente buff con un solo personaje es una locura, creo que es mejor tener 8 diferentes repartido entre 8 clases

- restringir vestir armadura de otro clase , como por ejemplo jugernaut con armor de BH

- hace falta unicos armor y armas drop , para que la gente van a buscar lo a proposito en instance , que sea unico de verdad con la vista e caracteristicas

- craft esta un poco raro , mejor craft que he visto es en Everquest 2 al principio

- hace falta open world pvp

- diarios quest para warzone tiene que ser libre no solo 1 al dia, logicomente WZ tiene que dejar menos comend. Porque veo gente solo cuando aparece daily quest


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Just unsub today. Still have +30 days thxs to the free month.


Main reason was the server. I shouldn't have to wait hours for a que, and there's other things that annoy me.


But the server by far was the biggest thing.


O well off to Diablo 3.

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I don't "hate" EA or Bioware. The NHL series is always fun.. each and every year I buy it. SWTOR, as I said, I had an absolute blast with and was worth every penny.. I want to give them more money, but my MMO playing has evolved from being satisfied with PvE to now a 50/50 PvE and PvP, and with the current state of my original server, I cannot play the latter.


IDK I am dissatisfied as a whole. I haven't bought a Madden game since 11. I played The Secret World beta and it seems terrible. I can't bring myself to being micro-transaction to death with another Mass Effect game.


Bioware you were suppose to save EA from their own incompetence not add to their mistakes. Star Wars The Old Republic you were suppose to save science fantasy from MMO irrelevancy not join SWG in the darkness. :(

Edited by AeSaar
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I know right? That $15 a month man... Wooooo. I mean, Dang... that's two double cheese meals right there. A man gots ta eat.


I know right? It's so sad when you don't even think a game like this is worth two cheese burgers a month, but it isn't.

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I enjoy the game, my server was doing fine population wise up until about 2 weeks ago. There has been a sharp decline in population, which worries me. There needs to be more players per server, so merges or transfers need to happen pretty quick. I'm personally not going to reroll on another server to start all over again.


I'll stay subscribed, but I fully admit I've been playing a lot more BF3 lately.

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I left because the game for a variety of reasons

1. lag is just terrible sometimes for no reason(and it is not my comp or internet)

2. The game is very restricted planets do not matter if you only get to see a very little bit of each one

3. The lack of variety in classes they did not need to make 2 force classes for each side this was a waste as well as sone of the class trees are a waste

4. Crafting is well terrible i thought wow was bad this game might be worse

5. The leveling quest and voice were very good however seemed the class quest fell off near the end

6. The raids are not bad I didi enjoy them except for some of the bugs that lasted for months in them.

7. Putting all the operations/flashpoints in one location on the fleets were a terrible idea they should have been on the planets and tied into the quest on them so that players did not have to go back to fleet to see when they could do a new flashpoint,

8. Level cap once you are there not alot to do except dallies like most games but would be nice to be able to go explore planets and discover stuff but you cannot as planets are not open for exploration

9. Lack of lfg/cross server pvp tool i believe in this kind of game it is essential to have these to encourage grouping noone wants to spam fleet chat lf1m tank/healer for an hour and waste their game time.

10. To be honest this game does not feel like I am in the star wars universe at all besides seeing lightsabers the very low server populations are continuing decline are very noticable.

In closing I had very high hopes for this game as I waited on it for over three years. Maybe being an ex-swg vet i had my hopes raised too much I guess there will never be another star wars mmo that makes you feel like you actually live in that universe. but maybe developers will figure it out one day trying to copy wow and get wow sub numbers will never be accomplished and will start making mmo's for what they should be alternate realities for us to get absorbed into that make us feel like our toon are really part of another world not just riding the newest rollercoaster at the same themepark.

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I know right? That $15 a month man... Wooooo. I mean, Dang... that's two double cheese meals right there. A man gots ta eat.


I think you need to change where you're eating because I can get THREE MEALS for $15.

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1. Low population servers: I am not in the mood to reroll on a populated server.


2. Low population servers: I am tired of playing BG with the same folks over and over.


3. Low population servers: It is difficult to get a group together. I could not even get someone to come over and simply push a button for me so we could pick up a simple Datacron.


4. Low population servers: No open World Pvp. There are no players on, and if they are, good luck finding them.


5. Low population servers: Did someone say MMO? It is NOT.


Going back to Skyrim.


Pretty much this minus the skyrim

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My top reasons I am losing interest.


1. Lack of meaningful pvp and large scale pvp. The lack of RvR or WvW is a huge short sight and I think BW underestimated the importance of great pvp.


2. All these lush and beautiful planets and no reason to EVER go back once your 50. I think the crew skill system has failed and has taken us out of this wonderful world you created. No reason to venture out and gather resources, no fighting enemies while exploring looking for resources. The lack of reasons to be on the planets and exploring has taken away some opportunities for some great small scale, real world fights.


On top of that, without having to venture out into the world you lose the immersion. SWG had fantastic immersion, SWTOR has zero. SWOTOR has some immersion in the stories, but SWG immersed you with its fantastic world, it did not need a story to immerse you, you where the story.


3. It seems the game engine is incapable of large scale fighting, at least that's why I think they killed Illum. So it seems to me, large scale RvR will never be a reality in this game.


4. Taking to long for mergers/transfers. There is a terrible snowball effect occurring as I write this. The server pops reduced, more people got bored, so more quit and hence the downward spiral began. I am not sure it can be saved, I think the delay has created an environment where the damage is already done.


Most of my complaints are the lack of a variety of pvp. We need RvR, war zones, and arenas/rateds

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I did a 6 month sub and now have about 100 days thanks to the free month.

1. The game launched without a reasonable feature set, and it seems there is no rush to fix this. When I say features I mean things like dual spec, achievements, LFG system, ui addons, macro support, character transfers, race changes/appearance changes, nonhuman races.

2. Poor combat design. Combat is boring and classes lack truly distinctive design , classes feel too similar part of this is so many classes having the exact same resource mechanic in different directions.

3. Grouping is awkward and group content has very limited available ranges that makes grouping far more challenging than it should be.

4.professions are just terrible and far too easy, maxing a profession doesn't feel like an accomplishment because all you did was navigate a menu while logged in for a long enough period of time. If the player was more involved in having to level a profession beyond menu management it would have been much better.

5. The story is really pretty bad, outside of class stories which are average. The constant cut scenes destorys any pacing or ambiance the game sets up,though I have found the game more enjoyable spacebarring through everything except class quests and sometimes even parts of those. I don't think the voice over is a significant improvement over the way wow has evolved their story telling capabilities by using text and voice over with the occaisional cutscene for really big things.

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Why have i unsubbed?


Well constant lag spikes going from 80ms to 1500ms every 10 sec and then few times an hour a huge lag spike followed by a DC and a frozen loading screen

Two other players from the guild had the same issue and quit becuse of it.

Had these same spikes early January then fine then again now plus the crashes and ive had enough, already been kicked from the raid team becuse of this.


Trace test suggest packet loss server side like all the other players suffering this issue but customer support blames my ISP or my firewall..........


Able to play other MMO´s without issues so id rather spend my time and money on games i can actually play...

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I PVP about 95% on this game. It wasn't what I planned to do. It just ended up being the most dynamic part of the game. Yet there are so many issues with this game and I think 1.2 was an utter failure. PVP at 1.15 was much much better.


But I was very patient and willing to give Bioware some slack as they are new at this and the game itself is in its infancy.


But the lack of response from developers is why I unsubbed yesterday. I didn't want it to get to that. The developer tracker is filled with mostly trivial stuff like life-sized Revan doll info and they never discuss they myriad of problems with the game itself.


Gabe's last pvp response to a concern in Huttball that some classes don't offer much was the final straw for me. To gloss over a very valid concern by saying that some roles aren't obvious and have a much steeper learning curve is just a cop out of an answer. There is zero doubt that given the exact 2 players skill-wise and gear-wise, a guardian/jugg or an assassin/shadow is going to much more effective than a merc/commando or op/scoundrel.


I am just not confident with the leadership on the pvp side of this game. Even if they knew there were problems but didn't quite know how to fix them yet.....if they would say that to the community that would be acceptable.


Rather they just seem arrogant in their actions by their silence. And when they do respond they even seem more arrogant. I knew a lot of people in the pvp community of Dark Reaper (both factions). Most are gone. But believe me, the majority feel the way I do.

Edited by HoyaPooch
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This game has absolutely ZERO depth as a game intended to be played in the longer term. None. I played a game previously for several years. This one I've struggled to stay interested in for six months. It's just so... Sterile. So... Simplistic. So... Lifeless. I could go into detail but most of my issues have been covered several times over by others.


I'm unsubscribed with some remaining time now. I may uninstall it soon to free up some room on my drive.

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Just canceled. Not much of a PvP'er but that's all that's left. I much prefer PvE. Only problem is everyone I used to play with left. Ops healer cut out just before 1.2 because of the nerfs. Class balancing by the dev's was done in a poor manner. If you want to class balance you don't nerf a class 20% and buff another class 30%. You nerf say 3% to one and buff the other 3%....balance.

1. PvP - Stun Wars, reduce the cool downs on unleash, etc...

2. Feel like a BETA tester still. Press a key for an action and....nothing, press key again and...nothing...okay, click action and....nothing, try again...nvm...dead, this is just one example. This was fixed with a patch, then next patch broken again...kk...next patch corrected issue, kool beans , yay. Next patch broken once again. Vicious cycle here.

3. Population on my server is down drastically. My guild had 10 members just before 1.2, now there are only 3 of us left.

4. Gloriuos worlds to explore, nvm...

5. Crafting, no point.

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5 reasons why I unsubbed? Dead server and no server merge/transfer. That is my only reason. I love pretty much everything about this game, I would see myself playing it for several years in the future, but unfortunately there is no one for me to play with. I used to be in a guild with 9/10 NM cleared pre 1.2, with around 40 hardcore players, and only 4 are still playing, and they rerolled on a fatman, everyone else quit, and it's mainly because of the lack of people to pvp with. I was willing to wait quite a bit, but it's been way too long already. Several good games are coming out in the next months, and this game will keep losing players if they don't get moving quickly.


What pisses me off the most, is they actually have the ability to do it. They allowed people to transfer back to, was it asia or oceanic servers? That means they CAN do it, and for some reasons they're simply not doing it.

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I have 44? some odd days left. I unsubbed for a variety of reasons, mostly because this game isn't for me. I have been waiting for this game for years and its just kind of shocking to me that I don't really enjoy it.


So I post here and there, maybe looking for something to either validate my exit or make me want to return.


Nothing will validate your return sir. It is already in your head it is not what you wanted and the game isn't your type of thing. Just let go. Go to a game that makes you feel like it's your "home" this is a completely different mmo than those other ones. Story driven that's drawn out where you aren't supposed to worry about your level at all. Why do you need validation to exit? Just the feeling in your mind alone of the game isn't your type of thing should be enough. Play what you love, love what you play. That way, people won't need to make absurd threads about RAGE QUUUUIIITTT!!

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5 reasons why I unsubbed? Dead server and no server merge/transfer. That is my only reason. I love pretty much everything about this game, I would see myself playing it for several years in the future, but unfortunately there is no one for me to play with. I used to be in a guild with 9/10 NM cleared pre 1.2, with around 40 hardcore players, and only 4 are still playing, and they rerolled on a fatman, everyone else quit, and it's mainly because of the lack of people to pvp with. I was willing to wait quite a bit, but it's been way too long already. Several good games are coming out in the next months, and this game will keep losing players if they don't get moving quickly.


What pisses me off the most, is they actually have the ability to do it. They allowed people to transfer back to, was it asia or oceanic servers? That means they CAN do it, and for some reasons they're simply not doing it.


sooo...make another character on a server that is alive and choose different decisions and make another story....that's the POINT of this game :)

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sooo...make another character on a server that is alive and choose different decisions and make another story....that's the POINT of this game :)


But WHY the onus on the PAYING CUSTOMER and NOT the management that made these poor decisions?


Doesn't make sense. Sure, they can re-roll but why is the onus on them. The failure here is not on the customer but rather the poor management decision. If you order something and get something else, who's fault is it? Why should the customer have to bite the bullet for management shortcomings?


I really do not understand this logic at all and is baffling.

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