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Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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While I have not unsubscribed yet, my only reason would be:


1) In its current state, SWTOR is not worth a subscription fee. It is, however, worth playing on a free to play basis. Since you can't get a refund on your subscription, people who have already cancelled are essentially continuing to play as if the game were free to play.

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LOL, Someone claims they have MMO knowledge but then uses the WOW term that no respecting Pre WOW MMO player would use...Vanilla. Irony at its fullest!


Im not a TOR fanboi, far from it. I see good and bad in TOR and pretty much straight up bad in EAoware.


But saying experienced players are the ones that hate TOR is beyond arrogent and self indulgent!


What do you refer to as experience? For me its 20+ years of MMORPGing is what qualifies experience.

For others its 7-8 years (they entered with WOW which I give no credit to as actual knowledge building experience).

And for others they push the failure sandbox design (I know Blis fits in here) of UO and SWG.


Experience if all in ones eyes. I know many new players that dont like TOR. I know many old players that dislike TOR (but they flat out HATE HATE HATED SWG).


You cant say new players like TOR and experienced players hate TOR because its false.


Players that seem to like TOR are the ones that beleive socialization is not a requirement for a MMO or limit themselves to their guilds only (though appearently those starting to leave now as well). YES some of them have zero MMO knowledge. One scan of some fanbois here tells you that much. But others do have some level of knowledge and love the single player aspect of the game.


Knowledge has nothing to do with loving or hating this game.

What you want from the game is the deciding factor.


For me, I want socialization, community, interaction (OUTSIDE OF guild restraints) and TOR falls very short on that front for me.


But it I was looking for K3 only, hell this game would be the greatest thing since sliced bread.


And id still have more MMO experience then almost anyone here despite that!

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While I have not unsubscribed yet, my only reason would be:


1) In its current state, SWTOR is not worth a subscription fee. It is, however, worth playing on a free to play basis. Since you can't get a refund on your subscription, people who have already cancelled are essentially continuing to play as if the game were free to play.



I know right? That $15 a month man... Wooooo. I mean, Dang... that's two double cheese meals right there. A man gots ta eat.

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But saying experienced players are the ones that hate TOR is beyond arrogent and self indulgent!


What do you refer to as experience? For me its 20+ years of MMORPGing...

Again, you are taking this somewhat personally.


Yes, those who have had a large amount of MMO experience are generally better able and prepared to pick up on SWTOR's deficiencies compared to the competition, both past, present, and future. This is nothing to be upset about, it's just a fact of life. Don't tell me that with all your experience, you aren't a little dissatisfied with this game's bugs, glitches, lack of interesting races, rail shooter space combat and lame endgame, particularly since I am sure that you have experienced true polish in the past. And I know you have.


If this game is your first MMO, you will probably be more forgiving of its shortcomings.


Do you disagree?

Edited by Blistrich
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What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?



I have only one reason, but its ultimate.


I was playing an operative, and unsubscribing power of our stunlock actually was that big, that after stunlocking anther helpless costumer i unsubscribed myself.


And you cant renew subscription after it has suffered operative's stunlock.

Edited by Maxkardinal
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1. Lack of Server Merges. - They told me to reroll on a new server when the game was launched. I did and now me, my IRL friends, and my guild are all stuck languishing on a dead server.


thats my only complaint, but its so large its going to make unsubscribe

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Again, you are taking this somewhat personally.


Yes, those who have had a large amount of MMO experience are generally better able and prepared to pick up on SWTOR's deficiencies compared to the competition, both past, present, and future. This is nothing to be upset about, it's just a fact of life. Don't tell me that with all your experience, you aren't a little dissatisfied with this game's bugs, glitches, lack of interesting races, rail shooter space combat, particularly since I am sure that you have experienced true polish in the past. And I know you have.


If this game is your first MMO, you will probably be more forgiving of its shortcomings.


Do you disagree?


LOL meridian 59 wasnt the first MMO, it was the 5th and I beleive we had this out before and you just disappeared when everyone started posting links to validate the statement (maybe wasnt you, so many players like to write revisionist history for this genre. Let me guess, M59 was your first game so naturally it was the first ever...am I close?)


So for the uneducated, one more time


#1 Neverwinter Nights on Aol circa 1991-97 (ran off the old original SSI gold box engine)

#2 Some game on Imagination Network I never played

#3 The Realms (still running to this day, look it up)

#4 Dark Sun Online (also still running to this day, look it up) (Ran off the SSI Dark Sun Gold Box engine)

#5 Meridian 59 (Ran off the updated SSI Ravenloft gold box engine)

#6 Twilight Lands

#7 Ultima Online


So care to tell me how M59 was first now?


Not taking anything personal, I just am sick and tired of revisionist history and false statements by those that dont know,


I clearly dont love TOR if you look at my posting history but you have time and time and time again tried to tie quality to Sandbox and thats so much BS its staggering.


You call out others saying they inexperienced and unknowledgable when you yourself havent got a clue on what your preaching about! So your clearly not in place to call down others.


And again, no, experience doesnt matter, what you were looking for matters.

If a player came in looking for SWG2.0 they are mad (and foolish as we were told in 08 this wasnt SWG2.0)

If a player came in looking for DAoC (like me) we are disappointed

If a player came in looking for a live and vibrant community (again me) we are disappointed


BUT if a player came in looking for KotR3, they are THRILLED


And level of MMORPG experience doesnt matter for squat,

Only thing that matters is what your expectations were.


The ONLY place experience should matter is EAoware polling for feedback (and they seemed to have failed there as well) on the product. But then again with all the sandboxers around here maybe thats for best they continue to ignore the consumer as I think with player feedback we end up in another SWG failure mode of constant redesigns to try and pacify this group or that group.


Oh and you might want this to be personal, its not. Im just sick and tired of people proclaiming their experience when they dont even know the year this genre started! If I had a nickle for every time I heard this genre starting with m59, UO, EQ, WOW id be filthy rich. And all those people would still be dead wrong.

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1. It's not an MMO. I can't play with friends other than Dailies that lose their attractiveness on day 2, and HFPs that have lockouts that take forever.


2. There is no WORLD...there is no world pvp, no back and forth between factions. Some servers have advertised world PvP events...occasionally. Why does this need to be scheduled and advertised?


3. Place mortar volley reticle between two immoble mobs, ensuring mob taking 2 steps back and forth, mortar volley, collect loot....really? 50 levels of this?


4. My friends have all gone. I've had to reroll 4 times because servers keep drying up. My current server has gone from 200 ppl in fleet during prime time to 50, AND THAT'S IN THREE WEEKS TIME!!


5. Levelling seems pointless as I will more than likely have to reroll once again, and it is likely that my class will be nerfed into obscurity just like Operatives/Scoundrels.


Finally, there is no community. There is no reason for it. This game is just like hellgate london. There are instances, with meeting hubs (Guild Wars 1 anybody?), but whatever. I haven't paid for this game in two months, my account is still active, and it is likely that I'll get a free month at the end of May. I'll probably be on Fatman by then, because the server populations for any other server BUT Fatman keep declining.


Oh well..

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I came into SWTOR expecting a few things, from the dev talk.


.. that PvP would have this bolster mechanic, minimizing the effect of gear to a bonus. That was gone out with the sink with the introduction of the level 50 bracket and pvp-specific stats.


.. that world pve would be a little more 'seat of your pants' than wow's current state of tissue-paper mobs in a harmless world. Expectation met.


That VO would be awesome. Expectation met.


However, I also expected basic things like a functional grouping-facilitator .. I'm strictly avoiding the idea of cross-server LFG here .. but some sort of group-finder that wouldn't deliberately limit you to seeing people on the same planet as you, in a game with 17 planets - would exist.


I also expected a game where the music and ambient sound would immerse me in a world, and instead I'm in a world where for long stretches I listen to the sound of my footsteps or the hum of my speeder.


I hoped, against hope, that it would be a game that would break the gear treadmill - and instead, I see it taking shape before my eyes, the very thing that finally frustrated me to the point of quitting WoW.


I play games to play games. If I feel forced to play a game - if I feel like I can't take a break, I get demotivated very quickly. I dislike feeling like I'm being fooled by a cheap trick that any student could find outlined on page 101 of the first year psychology text book.


Where are the non-gear grind optional things to do? Sure, there's datacron collection - but the benefits are so minor. Where're the minipets to work towards, the little minigames? The scripted npcs, the sound of wind on Tattooiine??

Edited by Lheim
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1. It's not an MMO. I can't play with friends other than Dailies that lose their attractiveness on day 2, and HFPs that have lockouts that take forever.


2. There is no WORLD...there is no world pvp, no back and forth between factions. Some servers have advertised world PvP events...occasionally. Why does this need to be scheduled and advertised?


3. Place mortar volley reticle between two immoble mobs, ensuring mob taking 2 steps back and forth, mortar volley, collect loot....really? 50 levels of this?


4. My friends have all gone. I've had to reroll 4 times because servers keep drying up. My current server has gone from 200 ppl in fleet during prime time to 50, AND THAT'S IN THREE WEEKS TIME!!


5. Levelling seems pointless as I will more than likely have to reroll once again, and it is likely that my class will be nerfed into obscurity just like Operatives/Scoundrels.


Finally, there is no community. There is no reason for it. This game is just like hellgate london. There are instances, with meeting hubs (Guild Wars 1 anybody?), but whatever. I haven't paid for this game in two months, my account is still active, and it is likely that I'll get a free month at the end of May. I'll probably be on Fatman by then, because the server populations for any other server BUT Fatman keep declining.


Oh well..


You're complaining about 50 on one fleet lol. Whitebeam might have 50 between both imp and pub fleet haha

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How is that ironic?


Some of us really want to enjoy SWTOR, but can't, because there's all this fail staring us in the face. I hate to say it, but it seems like those who really enjoy SWTOR don't have much MMO experience, and those who have serious gripes with it do. That's not an insult to this game's loyalists, just an observation I've made.


Actually, it is an insult, and to hide behind the "it's just an observation" it akin to saying "I don't mean to offend, but [insert insulting statement here]."


Not every MMO is going to be the same. Not every MMO is going to feel like anything but a single player game. A lot of MMOs are little more than Co-op games that have single player content today. That's simply the reality of the direction games are going.

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How is that ironic?


They're asking people who no longer play the game... why they quit. The only thing that makes sense in my mind is they've been on the verge of quitting themselves... I NEVER worried why people quit WoW when I was enjoying it. :rak_03:

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I have since resubbed to WoW and am very very happy to not be playing SWTOR. The game is not for even semi serious pve / pvpers, let alone hardcore and there will be absolutely no way the game could ever cater to them.


This is so true.. so true, i wish it was a lie, but is the pure real horrible truth

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I'm not angry, just disappointed.


We have to leave this game because there is minimal population where we started. How were we to know (on December 20th or w/e) which servers would live and die? On this server, we had 45 minute wait times at early launch. DM;HS (Doesn't matter; Had StarWars).


We played WoW for maybe 3 months in 2011 and that was all of our MMO experience prior to SWTOR. For ten years, myself and buddies have been ever-searching for a quality co-op game. Nothing since Baldur's Gate has come close.. This game was the answer! Massive "Cooperative" play AND in a Star Wars Universe.


We have level 50 Knights, lvl 44 Smugglers, lvl 39 Troopers, lvl 34 Consulars. Even with the repetitive non-class quests it has been an absolute blast. Close to the beginning of March, we started liking Warzones and realized that the competitive and teamwork aspect was what we've been looking for. It is crushing when we log on to our server for 4hrs at night and not a single WZ is offered to us.


Having played through more than 50% up to 100% of each republic storyline, it's hard to swallow the suggestion that we RE-ROLL after it took us 4-5months to get our Legacy up to 17 and Social X tier, credits, etc.


We won't be switching to another MMO. Not after playing one in a Star Wars "skin". Fairies and Elves won't cut it.


I will be going back to PS3 NHL12.


As a true Canadian, I will apologize to EA/Bioware. Sorry I cannot continue to subscribe to this game any further. With the PvP shortage it feels too much like a portion of our gaming experience has been slowly taken away!


For those of you with no issues with the game, Godspeed! I'm jealous!

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Well Guess I am one of those guys leaving the game. Its too bad because I had a great time leveling up. I just found the game to not be fun at max level.


Here are my suggestions to fix the game.


1. This is the biggest problem by far. NO FUNCTIONAL LFG TOOL. There are some interesting flashpoints in the game but unless you are in an established guild, you have no chance of putting together a group unless you spend two hours just sitting at the space station. The tool also needs to be cross server to increase the chance of getting a tank. In WOW there is still a 30-45 min delay for DPS even with cross server so sitting in a station begging for a tank is a useless activity.

For all of WOW's faults, they have figured out what it takes to get a LFG tool functioning correctly. Besides cross server, there needs to be a carrot and a stick applied. The carrot is already in the game. Just blend in the daily quest with the tool. Players can get rewards for using the tool regularly. Also you could put in a special reward for those player types in demand. If a player joins as a tank they get a special item. The stick would be a respectable deserter penalty for bailing out before the first boss encounter.


2. Second thing I think the game needs is a BIG BAD. It nice to rely on Star Wars, but I don't get a feeling of impending doom. Maybe a new alien invasion that threatens the very existence of the galaxy. WOW was very successful with making expansion with the Lich King. Guys lined up to do raids to finally defeat the BIG BAD.


3. Personally I would like the space combat to be expanded and refined. Right now I think the mini-game is fun but a little limited. There is only about 6 missions total. Adding things like multiplayers would make that aspect of the game a lot more compelling. Space combat got boring pretty fast. Nice idea but needs work.


4. While orange gear is an interesting concept, it makes all the items found during leveling pretty useless. I would just automatically RE anything I could and sell what I couldn't. It might make since to eliminate all orange gear locations except head chest and pants. That way players would still been to look, make or buy all the other pieces. It looks like the DEVs and started to do this but I still see orange boots and gloves at commendation vendors.

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i'm a valor 81 sage and a 50 trooper and several alts. but i just left this game, said goodbye to my guildies. i really enjoy this game in many aspects, but the reason i left is...


1. i got bored with the game, many of the rewards are based on grinding, you want gear? grind. you want daily com? grind. especially the daily comms, it's just a brainless grind, the worst design ever. i don't know anyone who doesn't consider it a chore. nobody wants to do those missions over and over and over.

2. spend too much time waiting for pvp pop, never pop, pvp should be cross-server world wide in the first place period! pvp is what keeps endgame interesting because you won't get to raid once a week. the present pvp is sad because it's wasting my time, i want to be able to log into game, que, pop, and play. just like other games like league of legends. but this game, i find myself waiting for a pop for hours only to play 2-3 matches... against the same people!


i unsubbed once, because i got tired of the game. then i saw forum about server record. so after a while, i came back, and toppled all damage record on the server. then been hanging around for a while for 1.2. when it came out, it didn't have a ranked warzone. the new flashpoints are interesting, the operations are nice. the gears are ugly. so i hanged around for a bit longer... grinded on pvp gear, almost full warhero now, but just don't feel like the reason why i should grind the gear. because it bores people having to pvp all the time and all the rewards is gear-based.


then i leveled some alts, interesting. but still... grind!!!! everything in this game is a brainless chore. it really bores me. learn from league of legends, learn from second life, learn from star wars galaxy. these game have other form of rewards the players get. many of the player-created content can carry the game. but this game is not doing that. it's just thinking of keeping me play by setting some gear goal and let me grind, what is that? that is riding a horse, holding a carrot in front of its nose. you'll never get it. that's it. this is why wow failed. learn from the other mmo where players get reward not from gear grinding but from being special, unique, different, accomplished. another kind of feeling. and the star wars galaxy offers much more than what you can play with.


i think the only reason i'll ever come back is either they make pvp work (putting in cross-server is a must, make different map size 4v4, and make some interesting map in the style of DoTA), take away the chore missions/reward, or... my friends really want me back. because i did make a lot of friends from this game. which by the way, guild features should be what you put enough attention on. but still, i came back once because of these friends, this time i left, it's because i don't feel like that could be the reason i could come back.

Edited by seektravota
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For me


1. Community (it is really bad how many wow players came here to Flex EPEEN)

2. PVP is still broken (I mean i can be CCd for well over 10seconds is rediculous

3. Graphics are not in tune still

4. My server is a ghost town and no one logs on. Those that do are Pre-made PVP groups that destroy PUG's which is unfair.

5. EA/BW failed at content. 1.2 came out broken and should have been in on release. The rated PVP system is not in and that right there threw the towel in for a lot of people.


I really had high hopes for this game. Alas It isn't for me and I plan on going to GW2. Where i pay once and that's it. SWTOR had some real good potential.. but alas they released the game broke.

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I'm not angry, just disappointed.


We have to leave this game because there is minimal population where we started. How were we to know (on December 20th or w/e) which servers would live and die? On this server, we had 45 minute wait times at early launch. DM;HS (Doesn't matter; Had StarWars).


We played WoW for maybe 3 months in 2011 and that was all of our MMO experience prior to SWTOR. For ten years, myself and buddies have been ever-searching for a quality co-op game. Nothing since Baldur's Gate has come close.. This game was the answer! Massive "Cooperative" play AND in a Star Wars Universe.


We have level 50 Knights, lvl 44 Smugglers, lvl 39 Troopers, lvl 34 Consulars. Even with the repetitive non-class quests it has been an absolute blast. Close to the beginning of March, we started liking Warzones and realized that the competitive and teamwork aspect was what we've been looking for. It is crushing when we log on to our server for 4hrs at night and not a single WZ is offered to us.


Having played through more than 50% up to 100% of each republic storyline, it's hard to swallow the suggestion that we RE-ROLL after it took us 4-5months to get our Legacy up to 17 and Social X tier, credits, etc.


We won't be switching to another MMO. Not after playing one in a Star Wars "skin". Fairies and Elves won't cut it.


I will be going back to PS3 NHL12.


As a true Canadian, I will apologize to EA/Bioware. Sorry I cannot continue to subscribe to this game any further. With the PvP shortage it feels too much like a portion of our gaming experience has been slowly taken away!


For those of you with no issues with the game, Godspeed! I'm jealous!


If you buy NHL13, you are still giving them money. Haven't you given them enough of that already? Is the roster update really worth it?

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What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


1. My server is DEAD, can't do flashpoints and even warzones are available only on peak hours. There are literally no republic left on server so rare wz we get are empire vs empire. If they did server merged i would probably stay, now i can't even play my main, character i spent most my time on.

2. Boring end game

3. Leveling zones were planned badly, you rarely run into opposing faction players. i saw ONE republic player while leveling to 50

4. Ilum is badly designed (and now there's no reason to go there at all)

5. Even tho tor doesn't have lfg tool it still feel like lobby game, i do not want to stand in fleet all day long


After my free month run out i will probably unsub, in fact i haven't logged in last 2 week. Why? I'm bored with game, that's good enough reason. Reason why you will return and try again at some point in future is because i like sci-fi and there isn't mutch competition when talking about sci-fi mmorpgs. (Eve doesn't count, that game is even more boring than swtor)

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1). Lack of transfer system or more Importantly, merges. This should have been thought of and had been ready at launch to be honest. The lack of vision from the developer here is shocking.


2). Amateur developer decisions. There are tons of examples here: SOA fight at the end of EV with all of its bugs and terrible RNG design mechanics, the complete failure that was the Illum project, favoritism towards the Imperial faction to a point where their actual abilities are better (Death from Above pre-patch, Snipers having higher damage procs from 2 handed-weapons, armor models, story, etc.). Instancing of basically everything and finally...patches that break something else when they are supposed to fix things. Bioware devs just appear to be all noobs in this industry.


3). Lack of an open world. Everybody knows this song already. There is no real persistent-breathing world to explore and "feel".


4). Terrible use of the Star Wars IP. How many moments in this game actually feel like classic Star Wars? Even the dialogue is like some modernized watered down script made for cartoon-network children. I realize this is in a different time era but so what? This does not give you the epic feel of a Star Wars MMO much less an original KOTOR game. There is simply not enough Star Wars in this game. It is WoW with lightsabers, sadly :(.


5). Terrible communication and customer service. Auto-mated droid responses, quiet dev teams, no confidence to give patch or transfer dates....its all just bad. Go look at the Guild Wars 2 stress test twitter right now...they are answering like 10 questions a minute. Horrible community director, Horrible Game Design, Bad Bad Bad. This is everything I didn't want swtor to be.


the sad things is...the gameplay is fun but the universe is just not there. R.I.P. Swtor.

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