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Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


1. Lack of freedom

2. lack of mmo

3. lack of sandbox

4. lack of customization

5. lack of people left on the server i played on.


I check in from time to time to see if they plan on making this single player game an mmo.


To be 100% honest, i played this game like e-crack when it came out. The questing was fun, it was star wars. I hit 50 realized i don't want to play wow again (grinding mindlessly for items that will just continually be replaced).


This is star wars, its supposed to be complex, open world/galaxy and have a space combat mechanic. This game failed to deliver on its massive multiplayer aspect in every way. It is an utter slap in the face to think anyone would keep doing the post 50 stuff. There are very few people that enjoy the railed, raid grind anymore. I was just expecting more from a sci-fi mmo. With all the story and cutscenes , i have no desire to re-roll to a populated server and go through another level grind.


I hope to god they scrap about 75% of this game and start rebuilding it. People that think this game is going to last past 2013 are in for a shock.

Edited by tacoknite
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I haven't unsubscribed yet but I'm beginning to strongly consider it, more as a temporary thing in hopes that I'll come back eventually as I love Star Wars, and love much about this game.


1. Server Population. The cries for merges and transfers is overwhelming and frankly we aren't getting enough specific information about how it'll even work. When I log on and there are 20 people in fleet, even though its a little late, vs 80-100 on other servers, its disheartening. You can't PvP, you can't do raids or flashpoints. It completely shuts down the end game.


2. Legacy System. I love the idea of the Legacy System in general, but I feel like it has been done very wrong. I don't care about some silly emotes as rewards. I'd rather have stuff like shared speeders (considering Korealias speeders have been pulled for some reason), and datacron bonuses applying to all characters (cause lets face it I'm not hunting down all of them on all 8 characters). I'm also disappointed that they needlessly tied surnames to it, despite overwhelming cries against this in Beta, so now either all of my characters must share a surname or have to go without. Further, the fact that they made it on a per server basis rather than account wide is preventing me from playing other characters on other more populated servers, because they won't be applied towards Legacy bonuses.


3. Fleet Emphasis. This is really disappointing. I feel like there is way too much emphasis on fleet, and that they didn't spread content around enough. I would have liked to see close level range planets in similar sectors, with faster travel between one another and shared chat channels, to give them a more populated and linked feel. We should have more faction hubs with galaxy wide communications all over the place, with GTN terminals and PvP terminals as well to not anchor people to the Fleet. I almost wish they'd do away with Fleet entirely, in fact.


4. Lack of several basic systems common in other MMOs. For instance, a simple barber shop/image designer that would let me modify my characters looks post creation, whether simply for personal preference or because they were somehow altered during the course of their story.


Even the appearance customization system here is now completely borked because I can have to unify everything to the same lame chest piece colors that everyone is already sporting at end game. Sure I could use some other orange gear...were it not for the fact that most of it doesn't have augment slots and is not good for end game now as a result, and because most set bonuses can't transfer, only the newer ones which is a horrible choice from a design stand point. Better to have Rift style appearance slots, with the ability to recolor gear, then to have to have some awkward mod switching system where some gear lacks augments, some bonuses transfer and some don't, and nothing can be recolored.


5. Lack any Roleplay support and anything that really makes you feel like you are living in the Star Wars universe. Now, let me qualify this. The stories are great! The fully voiced missions are great! But that only gets you so far. Without customized ships, player housing, macroing for customized emotes, etc., this game doesn't suck people in and make you feel like you're living it the same way Star Wars Galaxies did. I know this a theme parke rather than a sandbox game, but is it too much to ask for both, really? Could we not have additional planets where we could set up our own colonies, build our own lives, tell our own stories, rather than just play the same 8 stories everyone else are already playing?


6. (I know we were only supposed to go to 5) Lack of any open world PvP incentives. I'm on a PvP server. I've PvPed in the world, outside of a warzone maybe once. Incredibly disappointing. Bioware should have some sort of war system in place where we battle for control of the map, take objectives (Even PvE ones) on certain planets...NOT just have this relegated to Ilum where no one goes anyway because the rewards aren't really worth it compared to simply queuing for PvP warzones (assuming you can get a queue given the lack of populations...).


This game still has much potential, and I don't hate it by any stretch (quite the opposite), it's just that as it stands it is falling far short of its potential.


Just wanted to update that I finally did unsubscribe. Hopefully they will fix things eventually.

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1. No space game. The minigame doesn't exist in my mind :D

2. Doesn't feel like I'm in the star wars galaxy.

3. Companions are quite annoying.

4. Ground game feels too linear.

5. Bugs.

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I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things.


I see so many threads with posters claiming that they have unsubbed. Some even seemed to have unsubbed weeks or months ago. I'm always curious why they stick around.


If you are one of the people who played for a time, then decided to quit, please answer the following questions:


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Maybe we can get some good feedback by putting this all in one place and maybe we can clean up other threads by putting this all in one place.




These are in order of importance to me:

Reasons for quitting

1.) Heavy handed nerfs to my primary class/role- For some reason no matter how many MMOs learn this lesson so painfully every new one repeats the same mistakes. You cannot implement huge nerfs and buffs in the same patch. You need slow incremental changes to the baseline to ensure that whatever balance changes you are making actually improve the game. Sorc healing nerf really killed my enthusiasm for this game. If you think this is a whine try healing as a sorc in a pick up group and tell me you are having fun.


2.) Ranked pvp- I have never seen a worse handling of an MMO update than with 1.2. First, they tack on huge nerfs to what was supposedly a content patch. Then, they pull the main content I was looking forward to literally the day before the patch is released BUT keep the nerfs to my class in tact. Unsubbed my account the moment I logged in to see no ranked pvp and then played a few matches of the new grindfest to see Marauders acting a fool. The lack of ranked pvp and the TTK fiasco killed my guild since we are a pvp guild. GG.


3.) Customer relations- In the weeks leading up to the patch bioware was insultingly dismissive (Hi Georg Zoeller!) of the community's concerns regarding 1.2. He might as well have said "its fine, L2P". "Internal tests" my butt.


4.) New releases- Awesome new games are on the horizon and I don't pay money to be trolled by the developers on the forums or to have my class gutted in the content patch I was most looking forward to


Why do i stay?

Because I had enough faith in bioware after the first month to sub up for 6 months. I am a guildmaster and encouraged loads of people to play this game. I even bought it as a gift for several friends. I have an active sub and intend to use it to voice my frustrations because that is my right as a paying customer.

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- Ghosttown servers


- The engine is pretty bad imho, lol @ powerpoint ilum when many players finally met. + Loadtimes argh.


- The quests are painful,: rightclick XXX, kill XXX, bonus kill XXX.


- Unbalanced classes


- Legacy fails big time imho.


- Diablo 3:rak_03:

Edited by Anelitt
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1. By far and away, the dead servers and lack of server merges or transfers and throw in no LFG/LFD tool which has kept me from doing FPs and Heroic 4s since March. I've rerolled twice now - and I'm just tired of going through the same levelling process again. I hate the fact that my level 50 Mara and level 50 Merc are abandoned because of it.


2. Lack of Legacy system being spread out over servers. Well, with my characters being being spread out over three servers due to rerolling because of one server dying, then rerolling on another server that died, this is a given.


3. Crafting still sucks. This can go along with the GTN is useless/empty/nothing sells. Until orange augmented gear provides an incentive for someone to use it over items with set bonuses, there's no point to it. Also, we really need more different styles of armor and weapons in the game, most are ugly or bland.


4. Bugs that haven't been fixed months after being reported multiple times. This one speaks for itself.


5. Ridiculous, reactionary nerf-hammering of classes. Although I mainly play characters that weren't hit by the mighty nerf bat, I can't help but be shocked at how BW just hammered several classes into being broken instead of trying to come up with a more thoughtful solution. The server my Merc is on died before the nerf-battering, so at least I haven't had to worry about being excluded from FPs and OPs - because no one is running them in a graveyard.


6. Companion hate. Why can't I kill them or at least tell them to get lost forever? Why do I have to rely on one or two companions instead of using more interesting characters? For example, as a Marauder. I loathed and detested Quinn. But if I didn't take him along from Taris on up, life became a lot more difficult. It became more of a hassle to keep him AND the companions I liked better geared, when said other companions became fairly useless.


7. All servers going down at the same time. Why can't each region be taken down at the appropriate time for them? I live on the West Coast, I use West Coast servers. It irks me that they go down at midnight my time - about one hour after I usually start playing on weekdays given the fact that family and university commitments come first. Is there some reason I don't know as to why these can't be done in a time zone specific fashion? It wasn't such a big deal when it was just on Tuesday, but now it happens two (even sometimes - rarely - three) times a week.


Sorry for seven instead of five, but really....these seven are the things that just drive me nuts.


Anyways. I was a strident believer in this game, but I've lost my interest. Sure, they might eventually fix it, but I have better things to do until then - especially with D3 on the horizon. I've unsubbed, I guess I'll give it until my subscription runs out in the middle of June to see what happens. I can't justify paying for something I don't really feel like playing anymore.

Edited by Robert_Guiscard
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1) Dead, uninteresting, static, empty, bland.... world. I seriously can't stress enough how, for me, bad this is. I was unfortunate to start at Ord Mantell, the ugliest of them all, and that one really burned me.


2) Very, VERY bad game engine and game optimization in general. It's a real downer to buy a new graphics card just to see it being kicked in the balls by this kind of game.


3) Dead server, which leads to bigger problems like empty GTN, no grouping, no socialization... I really miss chat trolling and those stupid but funny jokes you get to see in general in other mmos.


4) Fight, fight, fight, travel, fight, fight, fight, travel, sell things, fight, fight, fight. I'm sick of it


5) I don't feel immersed in the story/world at all. Most sidequests (including planet/class) are sugarcoated "Go there and scan that, and while you're at it, kill half the map worth of trash mobs". It gets tedious at some point, and since there is nothing else constructive to do...


Basically what he said.


No interesting crafting mechanics. You're character can't even craft! I want to forge my own armor. I don't need Vette to do it for me. I want to spend time questing for materials and ancient artifacts to build something awesome. Space combat is just a silly mini game with no depth. Why can't space combat be incorperated into the story. You fight and that's all. Rerolling alts doesn't seem to be a reasonable "endgame" activity. Usually that's what people do when they're bored of endgame.


No day night cycles. Planets are basically frozen in time like the movie "Langoliers". Essentially no meaningful world pvp. Unless you're on one of the top 2 servers the planets feel empty. Wish they spent more time making planets bigger and had less planets at launch instead. I want to spend days exploring a planet not a couple hours.


The game does not run well when objectively compared to its graphical fidelity, other games, and your hardware. Is it "playable"? Yes. But it's not acceptable. The game uses a 1GB disk cache. Why? How is this acceptable for a AAA, 2011, $200,000,000 game. We have DX11, 64-bit Operating systems, and most people have at least 4gb of ram. The game is basically duct-taped together running 2 processes to get around multi-threading and 32bit ram limit. No chat bubbles? Seriously? Your engine is so fudged up that chat bubbles are a technical challenge.

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My reasons:


1)Dead servers, my friends had been put on a PvE server through the web tools at the start, obviously I had joined them.


Server had up to hour queues in december, we thought it was promising and despite the wait time we decided to stay. In january we stopped seeing queues but it was not much of a problem because we could do operations and flash points, the guild had around 300 members and 40-50 online during evenings. In may there are 2-4 people online during evenings, it is impossible to get a flash point, havent done one for a month, havent done the new 4 man heroic quest on Corellia because it was impossible to find a group for it.


2) Crafting - if you have biochem you dont need anything else. The crew skills look like they have never been thought through, there are no reasons for having anything beside free stims from biochem. The items are useless on PvE, sub-par to drops or orange + mod items.


3) No Cross Realm PvP or PvE LFG, there are only few heavy servers over the entire world, realm only LFG will work just for them. If your server is dead, server only LFG will be also dead. This game should have server only LFG from the start and now X-realm should be added.


4) Useless legacy money sinks - prices start at 1 milion and pile over 40 milion credits. Most of the legacy related stuff is usable only with compaion so you wont see it in FP or Ops. Targetting dummy on the ship is useless, you have one on White Nova or whatever is it called.


5) No dual - spec, too high respec costs. When i have been doing operations I had to switch spec from dps to heal from time to time, the cost had been going up to almost 100k credits, this along with repairs 50-60k and before i took Biochem 80k for two exotech stims just for one evening in the operation if we wiped on the hard modes in KP or EV.


6) Bugs in OPS, I still remember when we did a corpse run on Gharj started to rebuff and suddenly without any reason people started to die. This happened even 3-4 times per one raid. The Pylons bugging, the Council despawning, SoA with ten or more bugs. First boss in KP was a breeze, with his cleaves from his ***, when he suddenly cleaved everyone who stood behind him, rather than the person infront resulting in a wipe.


7) Problems with engine, even on max settings the game looks bad, eventhough the game looks bad, it still used to overheat the graphic cards 2xGTX 470 SSC running at 90C (Fixed during last patch, same settings, same drivers temp around 70C).


8) Loading screens, loading screens and loading screens


9) No world PvP, hell you even barely see other faction players, because they quest in different areas.


10) Ilum


11) Incompetent customer support - at the start of the game, it took me 10 tickets and 6 emails to get few items restored, items lost due to ingame bugs related to GTN and Mail, have been even told that the items i wanted restored could not exist because the person replying to my message had no knowledge about the synthweaving crew skill.



12) alot more


13) Diablo 3.

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my top reason for quitting was the whole "no lifer" atmosphere that the game was emitting.


things like 30 minute balloon rides to a datacron were enough to piss me off, but then when they added legacy things like leveling alts to 50 just to unlock their race and all of that it was obvious they intended the game to be played by either children or unemployed people. I will never revolve my life around a video game again, when i did it for wow i lost a lot of friends and much of my active life. never again.


other things were being stuck with companions i disliked and did not want, and basically feeling like i was playing a single player game with a monthly fee. it never felt like you were in a game world, just a series of instances and you constantly hit loading screens for everything.


it would have been a great single player game that you could just play whenever you were bored, but as an mmorpg it just wasnt up to par in my opinion.






p.s. people who think diablo 3 is going to be all of that, i highly recommend you check out the "real money auction house" that will be in the game.


basically they are saying "bring the farmers on, we just want a cut of the money"


i will not be purchasing the game and ill probably not purchase any more blizzard products whatsoever.

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I have 45 days left, and am unsubscribing because


- Players who play on dead servers have two choices, start a new character on a new server and loose all progress, or continue to play on a dead server until such a time as bioware gets server merges or transfers up (for everyone except Asia of course)


- Item and gear graphics suck completely.


- The game is far to scripted to construct your own "saga", every sith warrior has the exact same story, ect.


- The pvp is way to fast, and open world pvp just does not exist.


- The entire game is a very large credit sink.

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i will not be purchasing the game and ill probably not purchase any more blizzard products whatsoever.


Better than a company that says;


"Look, we don't actually give a **** about what you think about our engine, gameplay, graphics, servers, population and design.


We'll do whatever the **** we want and you'll still give us $$$$$$$$$$$$$.


Now, go buy a 6 month subscription. Thank you for playing this game I made out of uh yeah you get the point."



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p.s. people who think diablo 3 is going to be all of that, i highly recommend you check out the "real money auction house" that will be in the game.


basically they are saying "bring the farmers on, we just want a cut of the money"


i will not be purchasing the game and ill probably not purchase any more blizzard products whatsoever.


If you`re going to bring up Diablo 3's auction houses you should at least give a bit more detail. There are two distinct auction houses one that uses in game gold and one that uses real cash. So no you`re not forced to use the real cash auction house. (Knowledge is POWER!)


As for my future in this game? I`m getting rather bored. Leveling alts seems to be the most entertaining option after having seen the raid encounters and pvp`d my little heart out. Raid encounters aren`t that entertaining imo and even though my guild has multiple groups running raids a week I just can`t stomach raiding the same raids 3x a week (sounds more tedious then entertaining and yes I know I should be lucky to be on a heavy populated server). Thus I`m left with dailies and alts. I`ve decided that if by the time I level my fourth alt to 50 and new content or at least no new form of end game content comes out (ie new achievements, maybe arena teams, rated warzones, additional world events, etc etc) that I`ll be unsubbing and spending more time on other games like Diablo 3.


Also, communication is how you keep a player base happy, so far we get too few updates from developers on when content will be released. I mean seriously there has been no official statement about when xserver warzones will be implemented after they were postponed from 1.2 and we know that rated warzones can`t occur until then.

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I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things.


I see so many threads with posters claiming that they have unsubbed. Some even seemed to have unsubbed weeks or months ago. I'm always curious why they stick around.


If you are one of the people who played for a time, then decided to quit, please answer the following questions:


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Maybe we can get some good feedback by putting this all in one place and maybe we can clean up other threads by putting this all in one place.





1) My server is dead

2) Many basic MMO features are being patched in as "Great new features". Sorry but UI Customization and LFG tools are bread and butter

3) I don't feel like I'm getting my $14.99 worth, I can play WoW

4) End content is boring and nothing innovative

5) The voice acting is incredibly overrated and C/B grade aside from the class quests

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39 days left on my subscription. Already uninstalled and playing TERA.


Reasons for leaving:


1. Way too linear. After leveling 4 characters to 50 it's boring and dull seeing the exact same planets over and over in the same order.


2. PVP: BW deciding to take out ranked WZ's from 1.2 less then 24 hours then the patch was coming live. Seriously, they couldn't figure out it was broken before then? The horrid expertise change (should be for damage reduction only, not almost double the dmg done compared to healing)


3. Dead server...and plz don't suggest to level on another server. been there, done that, 3 times already and eventually they all end up dead.


4. 1.3 has nothing appealing to me. really? lfg tool for server only. uh huh, that will go over well with the dead servers. Should've put in server transfer first imo.

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38 days left, because of the free month. I used gamecards since release, because I don't have a credit card. Not planning to get a new 2 months card.




1) A lot of ugly armors. Buttrobes, graphical glitches in armour pieces. I'm a level 50 marauder and the one armor that I find ok looking is the elite marauder set, although the headpiece is glitched. Almost no hoods for Marauders, execept for that ugly warhero thingy and columni I think.


2) Static foes. The whole universe seems to be entrenched lol. There are no real dangerous dynamic patrols who can surprise you.


3) No real open world. I feel more limited than in GW1, which is instanced based.


4) Although there are a few places where I do feel like I'm in the star wars universe, most of the game feels empty, as in no soul.


5) Dying servers. It makes trading and playing with other players very difficult.


All in all this game has a few interesting things but I can't really justify to myself to pay a monthly fee for it any longer. Bought Diablo 3 as a replacement pve game. If that doesn't do it I'll just spend all of my gaming time playing League of Legends again, which I never left last 2 years anyway.

Edited by Gunarson
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I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things.


I see so many threads with posters claiming that they have unsubbed. Some even seemed to have unsubbed weeks or months ago. I'm always curious why they stick around.


If you are one of the people who played for a time, then decided to quit, please answer the following questions:


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Maybe we can get some good feedback by putting this all in one place and maybe we can clean up other threads by putting this all in one place.





I'll just answer you generally, cause not sure I could summaraize it so specifically in 5 seperate points.


Just let me say this game lacks content. Outside of doing dailies there is very little to do - especially considering how this game lacks an effective Instance Finder. And Bio Ware's answer to this was their legacy additon - which centers around grinding alts - which I find about as fun as stabbing out my eyes with a blunt object.


That's the real problem with this game for me - it centers around creating alts and watching stories - and that's just not my thing. I want to be able to play the class I actually WANT to play - and don't like being almost forced into playing characters I don't to want play while endlessly pounding my space bar.

Edited by JeremyDale
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Why Im still playing.


1. No LFG


It´s so much fun again to play a game with adults, who seldom ninja, almost never insult (didnt even saw 1 in the past 6 months) and who have fun playing a game that is about playing and not working. I do hope the LFG of wow will never ever get into the game, an improved LFG yes - but wow´s horrible crap (sorry for rage) hopefully never. My server is medium but I always get groups if I want to, be it for quest´s (I just lvl my new toon, still works like a charm) or for FP´s.


2. NO meters


What applied to fact 1 does also apply to fact 2. The mistake of wow with addons that make people work 24/7 in a game has so far only been done slightly. I am unsure how meters will work in the future at Tor and how the community will spread them, aslong I can stay away of elitist´s that use them I dont care. At wow you got bombed by numbers after every trash, your gear rated by gearscore and even your specs examined. I dont want this again, after all its a game.


3. Classes & Story


For me every char I play is different but still has learned something from its "sisters". I love how presence can be taken over, it does help a lot and you see the progress in your game. The legacy system is awesome and a big +, much much better than what wow does with heirlooms that did more harm than good.

I do hope BW keeps the balance, so that new chars are still challanging and cant solo everything just because of a lvl 50 in the gang.


4. Crafting


I think there is still a lot to do, as the endgame crafting is a bit limited - but I absolutely love how my companions do the work and I keep myself away from that time consuming stuff. If I imagine that I would need to craft an item for 1 hour... this would be crazy.


5. Companions


I just love them, I have a great fun exploring their story, love equipping them or doing Fp´s with them. I wish they would get a bit more love, why not have 2 out at the same time? Also I miss them in pvp, especially world pvp!



Personally SWTOR is giving me something back, that was lost at wow and that couldnt evolve at AOC or War due bad coding and massive lag and the move of going FTP later. I have finally fun again and can play and dont need to work. Elitist´s exist at the forum, but so far seldom in the game. This is just great for a person who is a casual and cant play 24/7.


Keep it up BW and dont let the wow virus infect your game.

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Seriously, you just made my day with this. Cause I'm laughing now.


QUOTE=RachelAnne;4353884]Why Im still playing.


1. No LFG


It´s so much fun again to play a game with adults, who seldom ninja, almost never insult (didnt even saw 1 in the past 6 months) and who have fun playing a game that is about playing and not working. I do hope the LFG of wow will never ever get into the game, an improved LFG yes - but wow´s horrible crap (sorry for rage) hopefully never. My server is medium but I always get groups if I want to, be it for quest´s (I just lvl my new toon, still works like a charm) or for FP´s.


2. NO meters


What applied to fact 1 does also apply to fact 2. The mistake of wow with addons that make people work 24/7 in a game has so far only been done slightly. I am unsure how meters will work in the future at Tor and how the community will spread them, aslong I can stay away of elitist´s that use them I dont care. At wow you got bombed by numbers after every trash, your gear rated by gearscore and even your specs examined. I dont want this again, after all its a game.


3. Classes & Story


For me every char I play is different but still has learned something from its "sisters". I love how presence can be taken over, it does help a lot and you see the progress in your game. The legacy system is awesome and a big +, much much better than what wow does with heirlooms that did more harm than good.

I do hope BW keeps the balance, so that new chars are still challanging and cant solo everything just because of a lvl 50 in the gang.


4. Crafting


I think there is still a lot to do, as the endgame crafting is a bit limited - but I absolutely love how my companions do the work and I keep myself away from that time consuming stuff. If I imagine that I would need to craft an item for 1 hour... this would be crazy.


5. Companions


I just love them, I have a great fun exploring their story, love equipping them or doing Fp´s with them. I wish they would get a bit more love, why not have 2 out at the same time? Also I miss them in pvp, especially world pvp!



Personally SWTOR is giving me something back, that was lost at wow and that couldnt evolve at AOC or War due bad coding and massive lag and the move of going FTP later. I have finally fun again and can play and dont need to work. Elitist´s exist at the forum, but so far seldom in the game. This is just great for a person who is a casual and cant play 24/7.


Keep it up BW and dont let the wow virus infect your game.

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While this thread won't prevent griefing in other more community-centric threads, I think it's a great idea ... as long as it is used as OP intended and not abused.


Honestly there isn't much about the game I dislike. And what dislikes I do have are already in the pipeline for release in future updates & expansions. Having said that, I think my favorite things about the game are:

  • Voice acting and quest interaction: the choices during quest interaction are amazing and do yield consequences. If I choose to kill a story NPC he/she remains dead throughout the character's story. Or I can spare their life and work the dialogue to either set them free as wild cards, or I can work the dialogue to gain an ally. Select NPC allies gained during quest interaction have important roles to play in each character's story in Chapter 3. So I don't space through the dialogues - not even the epic planet chains.
  • Flashpoints & HMs: They are creative, fun and challenging - challenging enough to occasionally merit searching Youtube during a wipe night. Many had issues at launch but for the most part they are pretty smooth now. There is a plethora of distinct flashpoints and HMs, and gearing up for them takes effort.
  • Level appropriateness: I think I figured how level appropriateness works in this game. Entry levels for each Flashpoint and H4 are for solid 4 player groups, while the upper levels of a flashpoint's and H4's level range are applicable for solid 2-player groups with companions. I find that microing companions during large group & boss fights that require lots of CC or player movement is more challenging than coordinating with three other players.
  • Companions: Aside from the VA epic quest engine eventually extending through end game, as well as the burgeoning Legacy system, I think this will be a defining characteristic of the game. This alone has changed the MMO landscape for me. If an MMO doesn't have a contributing & evolving stable of combat ready crafting companions for every character I roll then it's a dinosaur.
  • The 1.2 UI: While it could still use the ability to move menu windows around in the live interface, I really feel like Bioware hit a home run with this patch. It was a game changer on many levels.
  • Huttball: plays A LOT like Unreal Tournament, which I personally consider to be the best white-knuckle PvP arena game ever made.

I agree with many that a lack of open PvP combined with the 1.2 ranked PvP faux pas hurt. And I think space combat as a mere on-rails shooter minigame doesn't sell Star Wars very well. But those are the only major issues for me, and none of them are game breakers. Bugs will continue to get fixed. Improvements, polish and content will continue to be added - and the game will evolve with or without the 100 or so unsubbers who are contributing in these forums.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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  • Server Population Issues
    Poor Game Performance(still too jerky and rough)
    Slow loading times(been like this since launch)


I like the game and would continue playing if it wasn't for those reasons. I suspect EA poked BW with a big stick and told them to launch the game before it was ready. All of the issues the game has experienced all but prove this.


This game will never be "finished" - It will always be evolving and improving and that is how it should be but there are too many things that should be polished and consistent which are not and every patch brings abouyt its own bugs and issues.


The game still feels like Beta

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I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things.


I see so many threads with posters claiming that they have unsubbed. Some even seemed to have unsubbed weeks or months ago. I'm always curious why they stick around.


If you are one of the people who played for a time, then decided to quit, please answer the following questions:


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Maybe we can get some good feedback by putting this all in one place and maybe we can clean up other threads by putting this all in one place.





Just discovered this thread (I'm not a heavy forum user) ...


Why I'm thinking of leaving game (not done so yet)


1) Population getting very low - level 50 character sitting doing nothing since most of my guild have already quit and finding groups for operations/HM's is very hard. Alts experiencing similar problems, there's just no one around!

2) WZ q becoming far too long (and broekn completly today) (prob same issue as above) - cross-server WZ's would be good to keep them going.

3) Looking for group (and similar convenience stuff) just doesn't exsist really (cross realm would be good) - This is not a new idea and could have probably been implemented at start with some thought.

4) A different issue - I'm fed up with maintenance etc being convenient for American time (when we're playing in EU) - and it usually clashes with what I would consider (personally) peak time here.

5) In game customer support - no one to speak with at time and email replies often need a considerable amount of detail/data to report a simple issue such as 'sound has stopped working during quest cut-scenes'. Remembering where I was, what character I was on etc when the problem has been more widespread than on one occasion if not so easily relayed after the events.

6) Dailies, dailies, dailies, and more dailies... That's when I switched off from other MMO's - it's just boring when that's all you have to do.


Why I stick around...


1) I generally like the game (even though I've just listed 6 things that bug me)

2) The class story quests are interesting and until I've tried all through to 50 I know I won't have seen most of what this aspect of the game has to offer.

3) I love the WZ's, particulary Huttball - this felt 'new' and innovitave compared with other PvP I've done in other games

4) Hoping that this game is going to continue to progress with some nice patches/content (but it's maybe too slow to keep us paying)

5) I had already switched off from other MMO's that I'd played for a looooong time and was waiting for something new to come along - this came along and I'm giving it a chance to grow before I hit the unsub button

6) Although I've made observations about looking for group/low pop, the solo play is really very nice and accesible so I continue to create alts :)

7) I really do like the 'destiny' loot system in operations.


Oh I thought of one more - before we knew about legacy we've spread out characters across more than one server for various reasons - because the population was low etc - yet the legacy doesn't take acount of this. Observation - unlocking a number of races/species (for example) by getting to level 50 would take up many (if not all) 8 spaces allowed on one server and then the unlock would be useless 'casue you can't create any more toons anyway. So we've basically got to grind money for the unlocks for them to be viable unless the other servers were counted.

Edited by Pacabell
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