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Lightning, Lightning, and more Lightning!


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FL does not need a nerf. I play various classes and all the sorcerers have is roughly 2k damage over 3 seconds. This is channeled and does not hurt you if you pay attention. Interrupting their second FL will cripple any bad sorcerer to a point where he will just die. Secondly, any sorcerer DPS stands no chance in a 1v1 match versus any skilled other class.


They should stick with healing. Troll threads like these deserve to be closed and anyone supporting the idea of another sorcerer nerf are playing the wrong game.

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To the OP:


If you are still complaining about Sorcerers the issue is the person playing your toon. To resolve said problem tell that person to stop playing so poorly and to take a daily dose of "MAN THE F UP" and quit complaining.


Your friends,

SWTOR Sorcerers =]

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Roll a sorc and then say that lightning is OP.


Sages have the upper hand because you can't see their attacks like you can a sorcerers. Which is unbalanced in itself. Nothing draws attention like purple lights flashing across a WZ.

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You know that an opinion is an opinion and the whole idea that no one better say anything is farce. It is an honest assessment from what I have seen. I pay, so I want to enjoy the game. What's the point if only certain classes have all the fun?


Why don,t you roll a class that hard counters Sorcs ? Sentinel, shadows, vanguard, scoundrel. They all eat sorcs for breakfast. On my vanguard I usually solo kill DPS sorc with 90% HP left.

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I am a well experienced pvp player. Over 37 000 arena matches as shadowpriest. Now i play a sage, its quite similar to the shadow in many ways. I used to like it even... Playing a sage/sorc. Also have a 50 sorc which i quitted due to low pop server. But as we got nerfed, its not as fun anymore. I am not saying sage is useless, couse its still a good class, but it has to be played very very boring to work properly.


I like to play very ageessive, beeing in the middle, center of attention. Basicly play ranged in a face to face range. Using interupts, cc, heal, dps... Using the sage for all its worth. But since we no longer have nuke dmg, i cannot survive at all on close range. Melee ***** my *** so hard i can taste ****. Other ranged just slow, interupt and nuke me down.

Shields have no dmg mitigation worth talking about. So that leaves me defenseless. So i have to play like a *****. I need to stand at max range, dotting up, then spam lightning/TT. Procc an instant, while adding aoe dmg. Yes, thats what i can do. If anyone moves towards me, slow, stun and los. If ppl let me do so, im powerfull.


But, good pvpers dont. Couse they know the secret.


Sage/sorc is by far the easiest class to kill. All you need is get in their face. They have 0 defensive cooldowns. Absolutely nothing. Yes, they got a stun, kb, and a force lift. But we seldom use that in any offensive way. We need them to get distance. But wth..... Gap closers, stuns brings ppl straight back in our faces. So it was a wasted cd. As soon as the gap is closed, wer are dead. So our cc abilities will 90% of the yime be used to run away. But running aunt killing anything. We either get away, not killing, or we delay the time it takes us to die. If we had 1 defensive cd, like dmg mitigation for 5 sec, shield for 5k or similar, we could dot and kill. If we get our burst back, we can do 2x 5k bursts, which could kill. But as it is now, dots+tt/light does far from enough dmg to take something down 1v1. Other classes smg output is harder hitting, or with the burst needed. This is ofc with interupts, stuns, def cds against us.


The only thing you need to do vs a sorc/sage is stun, interupt, while dooing dmg. You will outdmg any sorc. They have to go defensive very fast, but with no defense utility, its just closing the desperate attemps on running away.

If you see a sorc, kill it... And everything is fine. Let him stand alone dooing what he wants, means you fail, and you die.


Just have it in mind..... 0 defensive cds. Only chance he has, is to run away..

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Theres a big difference between constructive feedback and qq. Unfortunately what your post is, in my opinion, is qq. There are many ways to counter force lightning, the most effective being using an interrupt, which every AC but one has. Your problem js a l2p issue, not a balance issue


When people tag others with QQ and similar, they are in my oppinion more than likely exagerating, giving me a hard time believing they are entirely sincere in what they write in the rest of their post. You are simply not being serious enough.

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I'm not one to complain much about anything. I have make an exception on this one. The inquisitor lightning is just ridiculous. It is way over powered in game after game the lightning strike is just plain devastating. The worst parts are two unbelievable advantages. The lightning follows the player all over and the distance is insane. Stun, strike, stun that slows you down and sucks your life away so fast you can't even enjoy the game. Most classes have to remain in a single area for effect and the damage of other classes don't even come close. Plus the cool down is very short. After all the nerfing I thought for sure the lightning would become balanced. There is a few over powered moves across toons, but this one takes the cake. Light armored characters shouldn't have so much damage and be hard to kill to boot. If you agree follow this thread and add your agreements or disagreements. I am not afraid of being wrong. If you have a case for this, add it. I'm all ears. I for one believe it needs to be nerfed. :eek:


So.. Which Sorc skill are you talking about now because lightning strike isn't a channeled ability. Here's the ones you can pick from that look like "lightning".


Lightning Strike


Force Lightning

Lightning Storm

Chain Lightning


It seems to me that you have zero knowledge of the classes' mechanics and believe the above skills are all the same single skill. Shoot while we're at these nerfs you're calling for, why not just remove light-sabers from Marauders because their light sabers are so OP and guns from agents.

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Finally some input. I am a sage and I bubble and I try to cc but the bubble is not stopping the damage. The push back is rough. So I finally get the interrupt in, but it is quickly followed by a stun. Here is where it gets tough, the stun doesn't release when the lightning hits again. I am stunned and taking heavy damage. By the time I get to push back the damage is done and it is enormous. They have lined up there action keys in a way that renders my interrupts harmless. This is where it gets frustrating. When the lightning hits multiple things are happening. Push back, slowdown, and an obscene amount of damage. Is your honest opinion that the lightning is not over powered? Because if enough people give CONSTRUCTIVE thoughts on the matter I will look at other options. I'm just at a loss of how to counter this.


Am I the only one that caught this?

The OP is complaining about FL on sorcs yet PLAYS A SAGE!!

Force Lightning = Pebble Throw




Also, Force Lightning doesn't stun you.... it slows you. You can still run away (as we have to remain stationary while we channel it), LoS, stun us, interrupt us.... Why are you QQ'ing?

We only have 1 stun (on a 1.5 MINUTE cooldown) and 1 interrupt (jolt).... the EXACT same thing you have as a sage lol.


As a well geared pvp sorc I gotta say that my dmg output is good yes (but not leaps and bounds better than any other class). And in regards to being OP, I usually get CREAMED by other players because as soon as they see lightning coming from my fingers they all turn around and WTFPWN me all at once.... and everytime I spawn thereafter. We're squishy.... if we were squishy and had sucky dps no one would play sorcs lol.

Edited by Jakyre
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wow equal worst 1v1 class (with tracer merc) is being claimed to be overpowered......


non healing specced sorcs are by FAR the easiest class to kill

I mainly play a dps sorc and I totally agree with you; we should on paper be, and are when facing a decent opponent, a free kill.


That said, I'm actually winning the vaste majority of my "fair " 1 vs 1's. There is a handful players on the server who will pretty much own me every time but other than that I'm doing fine. This is, atleast to me, a reflection of how bad the majority of players are at playing their classes.


Today I've only lost against a Pyro. He had the opener both times since I, based on the situation, never thought he would go for me (I wasnt close to the objective and behind several team mates). I also had a pretty good fight against a Mara, it was a completely fair fight that ended in a tie (he killed me but died one sec later from my dots).


Lastly, I cannot remember the last time I got beaten by a sorc/sage. I don't think it has ever happened.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Based on your anecdotal evidence. My advice to you is to roll a sorc. And you'll quickly realize that we have a stun on a 1m CD then must spec into madness to make whirlwind and instant soft stun (damage breaks it). Our rotation doesn't revolve around "stun lightning stun". You'll also realize how weak of a 1v1 class we are, and how low our survivability can be.
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After creating this post, I realized that I made an error posting it. The idea that I should know all classes, as someone said, is just one of the reasons posting is a bad idea. Not everyone is researching all the classes in that kind of detail. Honestly I was doing pretty well in pvp when I rested my sage to get my other toons leveled up. When I returned to my sage about 2 weeks later I was being beat down by lightning at an alarming rate. All I could think of is how insane the damage was. I posted and wham, it was like people got all bent out shape about it.


So I took the good advice from this post and used them. I also looked at all the pvp gear at fleet. After some trial and error I found out a few things I didn't realize before. I know that there was a definite difference in the amount of damage since my time off. It wasn't long, but I deduce that it was long enough to slip. At this point, I am not absolutely sure whether sorcerers are OP or not, but I got something out of the post. So to those who decided this was a good post to extend your narrow mindedness, whatever. Those who looked at it and had some input, thank you, it really helped. :cool:

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After creating this post, I realized that I made an error posting it. The idea that I should know all classes, as someone said, is just one of the reasons posting is a bad idea. Not everyone is researching all the classes in that kind of detail. Honestly I was doing pretty well in pvp when I rested my sage to get my other toons leveled up. When I returned to my sage about 2 weeks later I was being beat down by lightning at an alarming rate. All I could think of is how insane the damage was. I posted and wham, it was like people got all bent out shape about it.


So I took the good advice from this post and used them. I also looked at all the pvp gear at fleet. After some trial and error I found out a few things I didn't realize before. I know that there was a definite difference in the amount of damage since my time off. It wasn't long, but I deduce that it was long enough to slip. At this point, I am not absolutely sure whether sorcerers are OP or not, but I got something out of the post. So to those who decided this was a good post to extend your narrow mindedness, whatever. Those who looked at it and had some input, thank you, it really helped. :cool:


You're being trolled because you play a Sage which is exactly the same as the Sorceror you're complaining about. Anything that those Sorc's do to you which you think is 'OP', you can do the exact same thing to them. This is definitely 100% an issue of being outskilled and outplayed, and no I don't mean that as a bad thing but some people don't seem to realize when they're starting this game is that each faction is composed of mirror classes that are identical to eachother.


Basically your post comes off as this, "Sage/Sorc's are OP because they do this and this to me and I have no chance of winning, oh and I play a Sage/Sorc" You just need to learn your class better, one of the great things about playing against your own class or spec and being beaten is you can learn from the experience and figure out what works. It sounds like the Sorc's you are playing against are fully using their abilities and have better timing than you. My main is a Sage and I beat nearly all of the Sorceror's I come up against, and I play with over 20 keybinds and use all of the abilities available to me.


This could also be a gearing issue, skill tree issue, and rotation issue. If you wanted friendlier replies and actual constructive feedback you could have asked for help rather than just complain in a surprisingly ignorant sounding way, which is what you did when you called for a nerf of your own mirror class.

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Finally some input. I am a sage and I bubble and I try to cc but the bubble is not stopping the damage. The push back is rough. So I finally get the interrupt in, but it is quickly followed by a stun. Here is where it gets tough, the stun doesn't release when the lightning hits again. I am stunned and taking heavy damage. By the time I get to push back the damage is done and it is enormous. They have lined up there action keys in a way that renders my interrupts harmless. This is where it gets frustrating. When the lightning hits multiple things are happening. Push back, slowdown, and an obscene amount of damage. Is your honest opinion that the lightning is not over powered? Because if enough people give CONSTRUCTIVE thoughts on the matter I will look at other options. I'm just at a loss of how to counter this.


Hai der! Playing a sage and complaining about sorcerer :) Oh my! Oh MY! This is like the best thread over the internet!


Reminds me of the situation where there are 2 exactly the same queues and you think the one you are standing in moves slower...


See bioware? This is what you get for making exact mirror classes but with different skill names and different class names.

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After creating this post, I realized that I made an error posting it. The idea that I should know all classes, as someone said, is just one of the reasons posting is a bad idea. Not everyone is researching all the classes in that kind of detail. Honestly I was doing pretty well in pvp when I rested my sage to get my other toons leveled up. When I returned to my sage about 2 weeks later I was being beat down by lightning at an alarming rate. All I could think of is how insane the damage was. I posted and wham, it was like people got all bent out shape about it.


So I took the good advice from this post and used them. I also looked at all the pvp gear at fleet. After some trial and error I found out a few things I didn't realize before. I know that there was a definite difference in the amount of damage since my time off. It wasn't long, but I deduce that it was long enough to slip. At this point, I am not absolutely sure whether sorcerers are OP or not, but I got something out of the post. So to those who decided this was a good post to extend your narrow mindedness, whatever. Those who looked at it and had some input, thank you, it really helped. :cool:


You made an error posting before you even knew your class.

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As a Sorc I think Lighting needs a redesign "Lighting"


Instead of constant damage throughout the focus/channeling time. It should have burst dmg at 1st hit then damage gets lower exponentially as focus time pass just like in the SW lore.


But overall dmg is same as constant damage through the focus/channeling.

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