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Everything posted by IIZeroII

  1. After creating this post, I realized that I made an error posting it. The idea that I should know all classes, as someone said, is just one of the reasons posting is a bad idea. Not everyone is researching all the classes in that kind of detail. Honestly I was doing pretty well in pvp when I rested my sage to get my other toons leveled up. When I returned to my sage about 2 weeks later I was being beat down by lightning at an alarming rate. All I could think of is how insane the damage was. I posted and wham, it was like people got all bent out shape about it. So I took the good advice from this post and used them. I also looked at all the pvp gear at fleet. After some trial and error I found out a few things I didn't realize before. I know that there was a definite difference in the amount of damage since my time off. It wasn't long, but I deduce that it was long enough to slip. At this point, I am not absolutely sure whether sorcerers are OP or not, but I got something out of the post. So to those who decided this was a good post to extend your narrow mindedness, whatever. Those who looked at it and had some input, thank you, it really helped.
  2. I am going to put a set of actions on my third bar just to counter the lightning and see if it makes a difference.
  3. It is too much at one time. It is actually like being tied down while taking a beating. This is not my imagination. I died and waited just too see what others are doing. The lightning strike usually comes from behind multiple enemies. I try to move passed them, but the distance makes it almost impossible. I watched player after player trying to fight passed other players while getting hit hard by lightning. All they have to do is keep their distance and it's all good. Someone needs to stealth and catch them from behind, but there are not always stealthies around.
  4. Bump, oops totally didn't see ya there.
  5. Knock back doesn't knocked them back far enough. I am willing to drop the whole back and force, but I need some ideas, not beat downs. Tell me what you think and keep it cordial and I'm down for any input you may have.
  6. Finally some input. I am a sage and I bubble and I try to cc but the bubble is not stopping the damage. The push back is rough. So I finally get the interrupt in, but it is quickly followed by a stun. Here is where it gets tough, the stun doesn't release when the lightning hits again. I am stunned and taking heavy damage. By the time I get to push back the damage is done and it is enormous. They have lined up there action keys in a way that renders my interrupts harmless. This is where it gets frustrating. When the lightning hits multiple things are happening. Push back, slowdown, and an obscene amount of damage. Is your honest opinion that the lightning is not over powered? Because if enough people give CONSTRUCTIVE thoughts on the matter I will look at other options. I'm just at a loss of how to counter this.
  7. Now that is a good qq. What doesn't make sense is I tell you that after interrupt they stun and that the cool down is short and your still in qq land. I think you just like the qq thing. You troll the forums looking for the qq of the day. More insults, no answers, just you talking about how easy it is for you. I think your just full of crap. I will now just over look you from now on. Thank you for making me laugh
  8. Concrete evidence, are you kidding? It's like no one has any input, just more nonsense. I play multiple classes and multiple levels. I have asked players during pvp if they think the same, many do. Why can't anyone just post ideas? Do you think I can keep a record while I'm playing, come on! This isn't CSI, I express an opinion, openly ask for input, and I get blah, blah, blah.
  9. Of course your opinion is that it's qq. The interrupt is useless if the lightning cool down is so fast. You interrupt then they just stun you again. I watch player after player trying to take down these sorcerers and it is ridiculous. You don't have much input, you are part of the qq enforcers. Making sure you call everyone qq because you want to make people mad and you just enjoy pushing buttons. There are plenty of toons I could complain about, but I know there is a counter out there that I can find. Lightning is a row of buttons that can keep the damage coming unless more than one player hits them. For example, look at commandos, horrible! The survivability of a commando is terrible. So pull out the qq card all you want. I'm looking for answers, not frivolous nonsense about qq.
  10. You know that an opinion is an opinion and the whole idea that no one better say anything is farce. It is an honest assessment from what I have seen. I pay, so I want to enjoy the game. What's the point if only certain classes have all the fun?
  11. I'm not one to complain much about anything. I have make an exception on this one. The inquisitor lightning is just ridiculous. It is way over powered in game after game the lightning strike is just plain devastating. The worst parts are two unbelievable advantages. The lightning follows the player all over and the distance is insane. Stun, strike, stun that slows you down and sucks your life away so fast you can't even enjoy the game. Most classes have to remain in a single area for effect and the damage of other classes don't even come close. Plus the cool down is very short. After all the nerfing I thought for sure the lightning would become balanced. There is a few over powered moves across toons, but this one takes the cake. Light armored characters shouldn't have so much damage and be hard to kill to boot. If you agree follow this thread and add your agreements or disagreements. I am not afraid of being wrong. If you have a case for this, add it. I'm all ears. I for one believe it needs to be nerfed.
  12. He is in fact a metro sexual. He came from Narshadda of course. He is a womanizer and uses his smooth words to get the pie. But he is a bit of a light weight, looking for fame. As you know he constantly says, "You must not of heard of us!" He is on a quest for quick, hott girls, and adventure. Riding the coat tails of a fearless Jedi. Holiday is a invention for love. He can get all the benefits of a loving caring female, that hangs on his every word and still gets to mess around. Holiday fills the love void while Tharan gets his cake and eats it too. Unfortunately Tharan is insecure and afraid of commitment. So he needs the oblivious Holiday to lift his ego. Tharan is not a bad guy, but he is still immature. I decided to reject his offer for a good time. Though a Jedi should not get involved, I believe a time will come. But it will be with a character more fitting of my company
  13. My opinion is that every player should choose freely. The color of your saber only say's something about the person using it. Someone might have a favorite color or uses a color that represents their light or dark side. It makes the story and character personal to the individual and makes for a good player experience.
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