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elder scrolls online vs swtor


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The part you are missing is the game has a full year of development and lead time BEFORE it launched here with all those. Your rose colored glasses are a bit foggy too it would seem.


tera is cool and all but this thread is about edlerscrolls online vs tor and what bioware needs to do to prepare for a potential rival. i think that bioware will need to make this mmo less restrictive and guided , create more sandbox planets and fix th elag issues in world pvp for starters is my opinion

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next year this game is set for launch and i think given TOR's cureent condition i am very excited and i feel its a godsend. TOR isnt doing it for me, i was hoping to explore the planets maybe even live on them, hunt gather craft build communities, interact with npc and creatures and watch them interact with one another. the worlds feel dead and static, endgame is generic and space combat is a single player minigame../ so yeah elderscrolls will have to do and at least i have something new to look forward to :)

so enjoy grinding for tokens that get you vendor gear while rolling alts... but i have my eyes set on the horizon for a game that will go out of its way to knock my socks off...

it was a great story to 50 the first and second time around but everything else is dull and drab imo

may the 4th be with you :):wea_03:


I hope they wont trash TES IP thru the world of MMORPG....

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I hope they wont trash TES IP thru the world of MMORPG....


well its being released next year and a trailer is set for release tomorrow i guess we will have a better idea then :D

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I don't think it will play like the single player games like Skyrim, where people level by using their skills. It would be a balance nightmare.


So if people expect it to play like Skyrim, prepare to be disappointed. Most likely they will introduce a new system which is similar to what we have now.

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Tera launched with all those 3 days ago.


Tera's devs are also being sued to hades n back for theft of game resources so.......they really didn't have all that much work to do really. I'd hate to see another MMO go down but it sounds like a fail ship waiting to happen.


As for Elder Scrolls...I never liked those games anyway. Plus im really sick and tired of fantasy mmo games. I think people who are really into the elder scrolls setting are going to love it..but those of us who want a sci fi setting, like star wars, and love bioware are goin gto be staying here. The always constantly migrating flocks will likely test the waters as they always do but fail to really commit long term to anything.


If they keep Elder Scrolls online to the style of games they're good at making ... it'll probably be a pretty good fantasy Sandbox. If they try to theme park it..its dead in the water.

Edited by Kindara
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It will have NO impact on SWTOR. We're Science Fantasy. That's pure fantasy. We're fine.


Guild Wars 2, Everquest II and World of Warcraft however......


i dont think you are right , i love both genres and at the moment my patience with tor is growing thin and if issues are not fixed before that game comes out next year, i may drop tor for it

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i dont think you are right , i love both genres and at the moment my patience with tor is growing thin and if issues are not fixed before that game comes out next year, i may drop tor for it


You dont even know anything about it yet your threatening to drop a game thats been improving month by month and started out fairly darn stable compared to 90% of mmos when they launch...thats makes a whole lot of sense. *sarcasm*


If they release this game in a year but haven't spent any time talking about it or even Beta Testing it which..they've not once sent out notices to sign up for beta so I doubt its coming out in a year...and if it is..its with very littl eplayer feedback making it most likely to be...Bad....hell for all you know they could be doing a theme park game with it...and thats not exactly screaming Elder scrolls. Atleast it made sense this game was themepark since KOTOR was fairly theme park fo ra single player game.


Whats worse is Bethesda isn't even directly making this game one of their little minion underlord companies is.

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tera is cool and all but this thread is about edlerscrolls online vs tor and what bioware needs to do to prepare for a potential rival. i think that bioware will need to make this mmo less restrictive and guided , create more sandbox planets and fix th elag issues in world pvp for starters is my opinion


I am well aware of the initial premise of the thread was I was responding to someone that tried using Tera as a representative sample of a game the "launched" with things that TOR doesn't have. The point being made was that even though TOR doesn't have those things yet, they are trying to compare apples to oranges. They are trying to compare a game that actually launched a year prior before being brought here and has a year head start in regards to development, refinement post launch, and lead time into those projects.

Edited by Hyfy
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by the time this mmo comes out swtor will have a lot of new things.... there's something to think about :)


by the time this country comes out XXXX will have a lot of new things...

ya, u can always do a day time dream about something .... until it does really come true,

just like before Dec. 2011, swtor was called a WoW killer.....

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I have to admit I was pretty excited when I heard about this. I know it's a long way off and all that but I've been into Elder Scrolls since Marrowind and love the series. I'm adopting a "show me" attitude towards new games(mmo's), but if they get it right, and that's a major point, but if they do it has a lot of potential. I don't care as much about setting, i.e fantasy or sci fi, I just love having huge maps to explore and secrets/puzzles to uncover, along with the main story arc. Again, show me the goods first before I buy but I gotta say I'm pretty intrigued.
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I see Elder Scrolls is the new Messiah that will be hyped up to massive levels by blind fanbois, and new MMO ravagers. Seems they have moved on from TOR being the Messiah to, TSW, then GW2, now its ESO is the MMO thats going to kill WoW, and every other game at the same time, and do everything every single different player wants.

Released with no bugs, 7 years content, no delays, hi fives from the dev team, and a massage every time you play....

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Not really exited for Elder Scrolls Online at all. It doesn't look anything like an Elder Scrolls game. Boring same old same old hotbar mmo combat. Third person. Set classes. No player housing. Terrible gear design (seriously, they've got female armour with **** windows. I mean ***? The awesome thing about the Elder Scrolls games is they don't pull sexist stuff like that.). It's doesn't look like an Elder Scrolls mmo at all. It looks like a f2p cliche fantasy mmo. Reading about it it's like they decided to try and recreate DAoC but with a WoW skin ontop. This is not the Elder Scrolls MMO I've been hoping for :(


I do sort of find it funny though that it's promising 100 vs 100 pvp battles when the most TOR can manage without lagging is about 10 vs 10.

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im not a big fan of playing alone as i use to be, i loved oblivion and morrowind and gta 4 and red dead redemption. but after getting use to mmos i realize i like playign with others and single layer games even with great npc acting still makes me feel like im playing alone


Im the exact opposite. Been playing MMOs since Ultima Online and Im to the point of being tired of dealing with most peoples crap, I'd rather play alone and not be forced to group with others. From people who gripe and complain if you don't play how THEY feel you should play, loot whores, whiners, people who constantly cry imbalance, those who think they are the premire player and are never wrong about any aspect of the game,


I realy wish TOR would have been KoTOR3 single player but, it wasent so I play it. I love the fact that I can do alot of the content by myself. I dont care about PvP or raiding or having all the best gear and crap.

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SO frikin what? They launched in the US with features that players want included from the start.


SWTOR is 6months old now and has 0/3.


Those are the facts, all Im saying.


So, obviously you don't what you're talking about, if it has already been out in another country for a year it has had a YEAR to put those in. It would be pretty sad to release the same game but with less features. :rolleyes:


I have looked up Tera not too interested in the theme most asian developers put into a game...but someone has already told you why it released with those features. Give SWTOR a year to produce and it will have those as well, in fact most are coming soon.

Edited by nevetss
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elder scrolls will fail. Oh the game will be fine I am sure but peoples expectations of skyrim online will not be realized and this will lead to QQ.


And there will be people who say that Bethesda should never be owned by Zenimax and how Zenimax is an evil corporation that has ruined Bethesda games, Bethesda is not the Bethesda they used to know, Elder Scrolls Online should have been Elder Scrolls VI: High Rock, Elder Scrolls Online will go free to play in x months, etc. :D

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I would imagine that Bethesda (or whoever) could save an awful lot of money by just adding an online chat room to Skyrim as that is the extent of MM the vast majority of players utilise in MMOs today.


Because of the breadth of choice in todays online market people are all too ready to jump ship at the first sign of a game being too hard, or not hard enough, or not having server transfers, or a lack of pink fluffy kittens available as vanity pets. The bottom line is that there are a million reasons why one can dislike a game but please remember they are your own personal reasons and unlikely to be shared by all. There is no one perfect game out there. You have to make your choice of what is important to you in a game and overlook the handful of features that annoy you.

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So you determined that the game will not have any of these things and be the best MMO ever just based off the title? That seems like a good approach...


And Star Wars: The Old Republic didn't?


Good one.

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And there will be people who say that Bethesda should never be owned by Zenimax and how Zenimax is an evil corporation that has ruined Bethesda games, Bethesda is not the Bethesda they used to know, Elder Scrolls Online should have been Elder Scrolls VI: High Rock, Elder Scrolls Online will go free to play in x months, etc. :D


No, If it fails it will be due to the fact that is is just another generic last gen fantasy MMO, using the same tired mechanics, gameplay, and archetypes.


Unlike Bioware, who you can actually see the sharp drop-off in game quality since they were sold off to EA.

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yea a huge chunk of the elder scrolls playerbase are console players. Now.... if they were to make a pc/console mmo that shared the same servers I think they would have tons of players. But I don't think they even have console plans do they?


.... um.... no, try like a SMALL chunk of the ES player base is console players. the majority of the franchises player base is in fact the PC gamer, and as any true gamer would know the PC is a far more viable/powerful/dynamic machine to play off of, with far FAR less handicaps as a console. so sir, just because you grew up in the generation of console games and think that Modern Borefare is the pinnacle of gaming, does not mean that that is the primary means of gaming.

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