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why is empire so terrible all of a sudden at warzones


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lets have a serious,non trolling discussion


Cause all the experience people quit,, on my server fleet use to have 150-249 at prime time ,, most time now where lucky to break 75. Last night it was as low as 35.

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Cause all the experience people quit,, on my server fleet use to have 150-249 at prime time ,, most time now where lucky to break 75. Last night it was as low as 35.


This ^^


On my server all the experienced pvpers on my guild have since quit. So i'd assume that what the issue is. All the veterans are being replaced by baddies/casuals/former wow baddies/pvers you name it. etc.

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several reasons:


1 - a lot of people that rushed to 50 and equiped super fast with ilum hacks/wzs against low lvls have quit

2 - a lot of people are leveling alts and gearing them

3 - after the initial quittage, theres been a SLOW but constant intake of new players and some of them are getting 50 now


thats on my server btw, dunno about yours.

Edited by Laforet
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lets have a serious,non trolling discussion


Most of the good geared players have quit since 1.2. Most have moved on to other games and are not coming back.


Leaving mainly people that have not geared yet. It's not so much that they have no skill as it is they can't hold a candle to the Geared up Jedi's that are taking advantage of our thin ranks and win all the time.


Yes there are some poor players, and we all have been dealing with the small teams and the quitters, but that is BioWares fault not the players.


It's BioWare's system driving PVP that has caused our current situation for all current player's and the player's that chose to quit rather than play in a frustrating system. After all we play for fun and we are not having fun at all right now.

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The same thing just recently started happening on my server. PvP ques are longer and longer, and instead of going 1/3 wins with a pug group Im going 1/10 win with a pug group. Not to mention being a Merc sucks without good teammates. One of the most progressed raid groups also quit last week, all 8 of them.
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Nope, good players are still pvping. All the whiny fotm players quit cause there oped classes were brought in line, so they are off to find the next game/class that makes them feel like good pvpers. Iv been a guardian since day one and im pretty darn good at it, wanna know why? Cause I l2p an average class well


Real pvpers adapt, get on ts or vent and play as a team

Edited by vrgadin
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Nope, good players are still pvping. All the whiny fotm players quit cause there oped classes were brought in line, so they are off to find the next game/class that makes them feel like good pvpers. Iv been a guardian since day one and im pretty darn good at it, wanna know why? Cause I l2p an average class well


Im assuming you play on a relatively high pop server which still enjoys good PvP. The fact is, many servers are suffering due to lack of players. Just because this isn't true for your server doesn't mean it's isn't true for many others. Also, I don't really understand your signature, considering all of the classes are mirror classes.

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I'm also assuming that most good PvPers re-rolled to the Republic side to be able to PvP more often (due to shorter queue times) or to simply play against the Imperials they know.


Some of us also have imperials on our personal hit list....Weakness must be purged from the empire!

So, I rolled a rep, shortly followed by the good rep pvpers rerolling on imperial side....lol

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Empire is generally the more "popular" side, with more perceived "advantages". As such, the sort of mind-set it attracts it the kind that searches for a crutch in gameplay, and is less likely to be an effective player in their own right regardless of class. The corollary to this is that those who are seeking a challenge are going to roll republic, the people who want to test their skills. This segregation of mindsets, while not significant in PVE content possibly, will have a great influence on PVP.
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I can only speak for Valkar Highway (obviously), but we have a very competitive WZ server. I would say that Rep has always had a slight advantage in more WZ with the exception of Hutt Ball. Slight... Maybe 60/40 win split. But for whatever reason (I have a theory) Imps have dominated Hutt Ball since launch.


My theory is that Imp faction seems to party more and do more co-op stuff. This may cause them to shine in Hutt Ball. Where as Rep faction on my server seems to be more solo focused. Some may group for one thing and then they break, where as Imps seem to group for hours worth of questing. The other WZ, while they require a bit of cooperation, it's far less needed than in Hutt Ball imho. So if most are concentrating on killing and a couple are hitting objectives, then you usually get the win. Idk though...

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All the geared Imps have quit on my server. I used to have to dodge pre made Imp groups, now the Pubs just roll them. Our formerly instant queue times have turned into 15-20 minute queue times. Tonight I got into five games and saw the same Imps all five times because no one else was queuing. I used to win about 50/50 now its more like 75/25. Sad to see this game dying, not from lack of potential, but from ineptitude.
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In my guild most of the hardcore players switched to pub toons and they were absolutely disgusted to see the bias in skillsets towards pubs....Ive heard it all before but this skill tree imbalance and iluum gear farming and the fact more experienced pvpers have turned to pub means the pool of experienced imp players is dropping. Sadly it also means the game will die....unless pubs want to play pubs....I have decided that since the transfers arent coming until the summer I will put my account on hold until i can get to a better server....This isnt a threat its a acknowledgement Bioware just doesnt get it...and until they balance the two factions it is just going to keep see-sawing this way until they let players choose to play what they want not what some developer or some pro-pub exec wants...good job Bioware you blew it!
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Meanwhile, on Adraas, the problem is inverted. Skilled Pubs are leaving, forcing very inconsistent play on the faction's part because major premades and the like are fading into smoke. Meanwhile, Imps who are benefiting from the ongoing disparity are thriving.


Pre 1.2, there seemed to be a sense of valid competition. Now? The thought is kicked around as a joke. Machine keeps getting fed, entry level is atrocious.

Edited by AlyxDinas
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In my guild most of the hardcore players switched to pub toons and they were absolutely disgusted to see the bias in skillsets towards pubs....Ive heard it all before but this skill tree imbalance and iluum gear farming and the fact more experienced pvpers have turned to pub means the pool of experienced imp players is dropping. Sadly it also means the game will die....unless pubs want to play pubs....I have decided that since the transfers arent coming until the summer I will put my account on hold until i can get to a better server....This isnt a threat its a acknowledgement Bioware just doesnt get it...and until they balance the two factions it is just going to keep see-sawing this way until they let players choose to play what they want not what some developer or some pro-pub exec wants...good job Bioware you blew it!


Because of the ignorance of people like this on the imp side.

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I don't know why but it's astonishing. I find it very difficult to believe that they're just better somehow. I really hope it's what that one poster said about repub skill set favoritism. Maybe I should go to the... light side? /barf
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Lots of people have moved on and/or just aren't playing as much as they used too. We're down to the same 20ish dedicated people constantly queuing on my server. Even with the gear gap as small as it is, new players get curbstomped as soon as they show up.
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Because all the hackers got banned. Apparently Bioware decided to finally act because people stopped queuing and then started unsubbing. Turns out those "top PVPer premades" were mostly hackers, and now....they suck. At least now we don't have to hear about how it's their coordination and all that other ********. Because, you know, they can't post anymore. Also they can't win anymore either with what's left of their guilds (the non-hackers).


Why were the hackers mostly on Empire side? I dunno, probably because the kids that are likely to hack think they're cool for picking Sith in a video game.

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