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"Standard" Lines That Make You Crazy


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Every class has them - the filler lines for quest responses. Some of them fit in really well. ("What's the op?" is simple, but it's straightforward and cuts to the chase like my girl.) And some of them....well, grinding teeth don't sound this bad.


What are the ones that really drive you up the wall?


Trooper - "I live to serve the Republic." Dedicated to the Republic is fine, but seriously???

BH - "Where do I come in?" It's not the words with this one, but the tone she delivers them in, just sounds incredibly unsure of herself.

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Trooper: What's the op?


Inperial Agent: Now you'll see how Intelligence handles things.


Sith Warrior: Time to RAGE! (just doesn't seem to fit with the rest of his VO work)


And now for a couple that NEVER get old:


Imperial Agent: Well, I'm deadly AND charming. (James Bond just got punk'd, along with whoever else he says this to) :cool:


Smuggler: What's the upside for me? (Gotta love that mercenary attitude) :cool:

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And now for a couple that NEVER get old:


Imperial Agent: Well, I'm deadly AND charming. (James Bond just got punk'd, along with whoever else he says this to) :cool:


Smuggler: What's the upside for me? (Gotta love that mercenary attitude) :cool:


Ooo, one I LOVE:

BH: "I sure hope you're not gonna cry." Cracks me up every. single. time.

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Sith Warrior: "Some elaboration is required." Every. Single. Time I ask a question!! In an absolutly not fitting tone.


That one actually cracks me up because it seems so condescending on some of the lackeys that need to elaborate better. :D

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Well, mine didn't bother me at first, but when playing my trooper she literally says it every other conversation. So I made it my sig.


Followed by: "I could do this in my sleep! MAYBE I WILL!" (-1 Jorgan affection)

Edited by Pubsam
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I don't mind the canned responses but a few of the female SW ones are very poorly edited in.


The mood of the response doesn't always suit the occasion.


She sounds peppy and loud when the rest of the conversation is serious and quiet.


( I'm at work and can't think of an example off the top of my head...)

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I recently created a Trooper. Currently, I'm only level 10 but already I'm annoyed every time she says, "Sounds like you could use a soldier." /strangle


I haven't noticed much with my Agent though.

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Both Inquisitor:


"Just get out my sight!"

It's not that this line actually gets used very often, it's just that when he says it the male Inquisitor's voice is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.:confused:


"That's big talk for a worm like you."

The first time you get to say this to someone is so perfect (*coughHarkuncough*) that using it as canned response after that just doesn't seem right.

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I can't remember the exact wording, but once in a while I'll accept a quest on my (mostly light side and usually very mellow) inquisitor and he all but cackles "TIME FOR SOME MURDER AND MAYHEM BWAHAHAHAHAHA" and it totally doesn't fit at all. I especially love when the wheel's paraphase is something like "Sure!" and he spouts that.
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"Murder and mayhem await! *cackle* " - Sith Inquisitor, but spoken like something out of a bad community theater re-creation of a Victorian murder mystery.


"I'm GIDDY with anticipation!" - believe SI, spoken like Stewie Griffin from "Family Guy."


"This is a trifling matter, but I'll do it" - for any answer ever along the lines of "OK, sure"

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