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Not voting for MVP in WZs why?


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It might have been answered, but ill reply anyways.


Sages and Sorcs have a spell to convert HP to force. I've seen Sages, as soon as the game starts, spamming sacrifice and self heal, or hiding in a corner and doing the same.

When I've called one out in Ops they replied "I have to get my out of combat 5k heal medal".


I had this the other day with a sage.... he got 650k+ in healing whilst I'd been working my ***, spotted him doing that trick whilst throwing down AOE heals on key points on the map. In the end I told him to be less obvious with his scoreboard hussy behaviour :D


Doesn't worry me, I get votes regardless :)

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People get sick of voting for the same people I think, I know I do.


Also sometimes if you dominate the scoreboard too massively, people seem to not want to vote for you cuz they figure you're out of their league or something in pugs...then they start voting for randoms near the bottom.


For example just yesterday in voidstar I had a game with 612k damage and 198k protection (which we won). Now I don't care what scale you use, that's worthy of at least some MVP votes.. Nonetheless, zero votes. The votes all went out too.

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People get sick of voting for the same people I think, I know I do.


Also sometimes if you dominate the scoreboard too massively, people seem to not want to vote for you cuz they figure you're out of their league or something in pugs...then they start voting for randoms near the bottom.


For example just yesterday in voidstar I had a game with 612k damage and 198k protection (which we won). Now I don't care what scale you use, that's worthy of at least some MVP votes.. Nonetheless, zero votes. The votes all went out too.


Alot of the time i see some people wayy on top of dps but like not aroudn me on objectives and just assume they are like soloing people in the corner or something that's why i feel like alot of the time anyone way above on a certain stat doesnt get voted, exp in every wz but voidstar. As for u in voidstar dmg pretty much means everything so who knows why u didnt get mvp prob peeps just voting for their friends or healers.

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I don't vote on losing teams.


^ This. I usually vote for the worst person on the team when we win. When we lose I don't vote for anyone.


PvP in the 10-49 bracket used to be fun. Now it's just a bunch of FoTM classes that rule pvp, and the rest are fodder (albeit, there are good players and bad players, but it still sucks that there are so many rolling the 'easy, I win class').


PvP in the 50+ bracket just sucks. Expertise killed this game. WoW developers said that they made a mistake when they created resilience gear for PvP, but bioware just copied that failed system. gg. No votes for you!

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If I am healing and not getting votes. I don't vote.


If I end up defending a point alone and no one comes to help.


I don't vote. If we lose because people keep trying to zerg the same


spot when it wasn't working 2 minutes ago...I don't vote.


If you make post about why I don't vote...I don't vote.


If I keep typing on this Iphone...I don't vote.

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My main vote goes to the one with the highest objective score, rotated with healing, protection and damage in a 3:1 favour. Objectives score is important to me as I see it as a sign of somebody playing for the team.


I don't vote if I feel we did a ****** job and nobody stood out.

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I had this the other day with a sage.... he got 650k+ in healing whilst I'd been working my ***, spotted him doing that trick whilst throwing down AOE heals on key points on the map. In the end I told him to be less obvious with his scoreboard hussy behaviour :D


Doesn't worry me, I get votes regardless :)


hmm, that is lame. I dont play my sorc healer much anymore (use mostly bh and op healers nowadays), but didnt know it could be abused like that. (or rather never really cared to find an exploit for myself) Easy fix for BW to do is do not count healing yourself towards your healing stats. It would explain why i'm usually in the 200-300k healing range, and others are upwards of 400k+ though.

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Because it doesn't matter, People just sort be healing and pick the highest one.


There is no way to keep track of anything.



If I spend the whole game pressuring healers focusing them and interrupting them I will do less DPS and die more because I am spending cooldowns on interrupts and getting fcoused and killed by the enemy as they help there healer then if I am running around going LOLdps. So you will end up with worse stats.


Which one would you rather have on your team??

Edited by Lt_Latency
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It is all subjective based on what each person witnesses in a war zone. Combined with the fact that not everyone thinks the same thing is the most important thing. To a healer, a tank guarding him was one of the most important things to happen, but a lot of dps who didn't see that guard might not feel the same way.


That being said, I've had games where I heal 600-700k, do almost 200k dmg, have some of the highest objective points and get 0 mvp votes. I don't care what anyone else on my team did, I deserved 1 for carrying that team on my back....wouldn't even care if I got 0 valor/comms for the vote...just a show of appreciation for the God-like performance that kept everyone alive and having fun playing their class.

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I only vote for players that directly help me. Like a healer who saves my butt when I'm near death. Hard to not notice something like that, or when a name continues to come up in green letters, then I know that player is paying attention to me and that's a good feeling. They are the mvp, imo.


Otherwise, I vote for a guild mate, who is usually helping me anyway.


Numbers don't mean everything, I might see a player did a lot of healing, but if I never saw a single heal personally, why would they get my vote? Probably just helping their premade group and ignoring other players.

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I mainly vote. If i have no clue what happened in the match...usually vote for they highest healer. If i manage to notice a objective score, cap, or Explosive plant. Ill vote for that person...or happen to see some cool looking "save" or game changing stunt. Such as an Intercept, Cap Cancel, or last second bomb disable. ill vote for that player.
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wow, thats pretty lame. I bust my *** healing in minis, and die alot due to having a dedicated jug/maurader/etc on my *** the entire match. Unless they are healing themselves, how do you determine a healer is padding their heal stats? Nothing irks me more than healing 200k+, running around like a chicken with my head cut off healing everyone i can while i'm been chased by melee constantly, while my team doesnt bother to protect/help me surivive. then see the mvp points doled out to joe-blow-from-idaho with 10k dmg, 0 healing, 5k protection and 30+ kills with few deaths. And those few deaths were mostly due to my healing.


I apologize for the rant, maybe i should hang up my healer like everyone else and play my dpsers. Healers are so freaking unappreciated nowadays...

There are Sages & Sorcerers who stand at a turret that's not under attack and use the ability to hurt themselves to give them back force and re-heal themselves constantly. It's a cheep way to pad their score. I for one love it when they do this cause it's a free kill for me. SHADOWSTRIKE!!! -> Dead -> Cap -> Laugh...

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I don't vote because I'm too busy raging to my guildies about the 2 12k hp scrubs I just carried to victory and by the time I'm done everyone is gone.


Part of pvp skill is being prepared with exactly what you're going to ***** at your team about so you are ready to quickly fire it off when the game ends before the exit window is clickable.

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I'll usually vote for a healer that's helping the team a lot, or the person that spends the whole game guarding a turret, especially if they're good at calling out inc s or if they just never have anyone go over there. There's really nothing exciting about watching the turret the whole match if you don't get some attacks, so I'll support them for giving up the chance to fight to win the warzone.


If everyone decides to stand around a turret and twiddle their thumbs while the other team wins, I don't vote.

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i had my rant back on page 7 but, i think bioware def needs to make it a worth while tool to use. what is the reason again if me (tank vanguard protecting someone for 200k + and no mvp and my opertive 400k healing and no mvp) got no mvps today even with a few good games )


my opertive is in high end pve gear it is not easy to be a good healer these days in pvp with pve gear with no personal tank, people just dont understand these days how hard it is these days, dont expect a mvp from me if you giving it to ppl who are worth nothing to the team

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Have been in some WZs where literally no one votes for someone an MVP even though say that person tops the healing charts/dps charts/protection charts/etc. Just wondering why people dont vote it only takes 1 sec of your time AND its a way of telling that person "Hey you did an awesome job." That further encourages that person to continue playing well VS say if you dont that person feels like whatever it is he did doesnt mean anything to anyone. Just do it guys. Plus it feels good and makes you say "HEY IM MVP!" I know i feel good when I get voted MVP in a wz. :)


I don't think you deserve them.

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