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[Legacy] Make Upcoming 1.3 Legacy Unlocks LEGACY Wide, NOT Character Specific


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I would prefer for the price to just be massively reduced, and keep it character-specific. But if they insist on believing that everything should cost millions of credits (which is ridiculous) then definitely make it Legacy-wide.


Requiring massive grinding just to make alt-leveling negligibly easier is just a bad idea. That doesn't encourage people to play alts, and people who play alts have MORE than enough content with all eight classes to last them until more content is released - they don't need to be strongly encouraged to waste all of their time grinding rather than having fun with the leveling content that was created for us.


Then such unlocks shouldn't be linked to legacy, which is all about unlocks across your entire legacy and gaining benefits from the cumulative legacy effort :)

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It's bad enough legacy isn't account wide to begin with.


Anything that is purchased in legacy should be for all characters in the legacy. If it's implemented as planned, I foresee more than a few dismissing the perks as too niche to be useful.

Edited by Zannis
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If I have to spend like 500k on a perk, it better be available to my alts.


Agreed 100%. Character specific abilities completely negates the entire premise of a legacy... why even have one if this is how its going to be implemented?

Edited by AdamGe
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I support this. All legacy unlocks should be valid for all legacy characters, not just certain ones. Otherwise the whole point of Legacy is moot.


I feel this is just another credit sink they want to force on us on top of the rest of the credit sinks that are already way too large to keep up with as it is, especially for casual players that don't have that much time to grind credits every day and want to spend their playtime actually having fun.

Edited by Glzmo
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If it is labeled LEGACY, then it should be a global unlock.



There is no point in making it character-specific, since the unlocking legacy level ist global anyway and what is the point in having people transfer credits to each (lower) char for the unlocks?

Just make it global, thus it is one (expensive) achievement, if it is char-specific it just gonna be a lot of (annoying) cash mails.

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I agree, the prices on legacy wide unlocks currently in the game are already ridiculous enough. Having to pay for these kinds of things on every character seperately...well...it makes my wallet want to jump ship. If it was cheap like 10k each then I'd have no problem with it, but if they are anything like the prices on our current legacy unlocks, that is going to break the bank...
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I agree that they should all be unlocked for the whole legacy, but I think some kind of legacy point feature could be implemented - similar to how talent points work. A character could use legacy points on which perks he/she wants, keeping each character 'unique' to their choices. Edited by Aracnyx
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If it is labeled LEGACY, then it should be a global unlock.


That isn't really true.. There is nothing that says that legacy stuff should work for all characters.. Sure, some stuff it does, and perhaps Bioware made a mistake on having certian things work across character.. But your legacy is for one character.. Not all.. Each character to a degree should have their own legacy even if they share a family tree with you other characters..


There is simply no logical reason to demand that something be account wide on all toons..


I think the rocket boots should have been purchased on a per toon basis.. But that is me.. I would add that they would have to be much cheaper than what they are.. There is no reason the mailbox on your ship is account wide..


The perks that are being discussed, again there is no reason for them to be account wide or not.. Claiming that they are legacy and should cover all your characters is a false statement.. The legacy of one character should have little impact on the legacy of another..


I would like to see how much this stuff costs.. If it isn't to spendy, then I have no issue purchasing it on any and all character than I feel needs it..

Edited by MajikMyst
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If it's going to be character specific (which seems silly to me, given the whole premise of the Legacy system) it should atleast be reasonably priced (as opposed to all the other legacy unlocks). Meaning, you should be able to buy it reasonably at the income of a low to mid level toon. Maybe around the price of inventory or speeder unlocks. 'Round 40k creds. I'd be fine with that.


However, looking at the legacy system the way it is currently, I'm like 90% sure that's not going to happen. It's very probably going to be character specific and still cost a massive amount of credits. I will be an unhappy customer if that is the case. But I shall keep me hopes up until then.

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That isn't really true.. There is nothing that says that legacy stuff should work for all characters.. Sure, some stuff it does, and perhaps Bioware made a mistake on having certian things work across character.. But your legacy is for one character.. Not all.. Each character to a degree should have their own legacy even if they share a family tree with you other characters..


I think the rocket boots should have been purchased on a per toon basis.. But that is me.. I would add that they would have to be much cheaper than what they are.. There is no reason the mailbox on your ship is account wide..


The perks that are being discussed, again there is no reason for them to be account wide or not.. Claiming that they are legacy and should cover all your characters is a false statement.. The legacy of one character should have little impact on the legacy of another..


That last statement that I highlighted makes no sense. The whole point of a legacy system is so that you can have one character effect the other.


However, I understand what you're saying. It needs to be an either/or situation. Either drastically reduce the cost of legacy unlocks, making it reasonable to have them character specific, OR keep the prices the way they are (or perhaps a tad lower, pleaseandthankyou) and have them server-wide.


It would be just plain ridiculous for them to be on par with the prices of the other legacy unlocks and only be character specific. But it's only speculation at this point as to the prices.

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If it's going to be character specific (which seems silly to me, given the whole premise of the Legacy system) it should atleast be reasonably priced (as opposed to all the other legacy unlocks). Meaning, you should be able to buy it reasonably at the income of a low to mid level toon. Maybe around the price of inventory or speeder unlocks. 'Round 40k creds. I'd be fine with that.


Looking at the Coming Soon video,at around 1:27, you can see the price of a few of the items as they mouse over them. The first level in War zone +XP is 20K, the second is 30K and the final level in Flash Point +XP is 100K, so not too far off from speeder and inventory prices.

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/Signed /Voted /AGREE

I didn't notice that at all with the PERKS instead of the normal Legacy being all characters of your Legacy. If this is the way they are going to start going with things in the "Legacy" system I will not be happy. I've been thrilled with all the Legacy "upgrades" we have so far and if they make it so yes you have to have a Legacy as a Prereq just to buy something PER CHARACTER... well that's just dumb in my mind.


Let's hope they see this and correct it soon if not already!

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That last statement that I highlighted makes no sense. The whole point of a legacy system is so that you can have one character effect the other..


To some extent that is true.. But there is no rule that says that.. Your statement denies the simple fact that all your characters are individuals.. I see no problem with Bioware deciding that some some things aren't passed down.. No child is born a doctor.. Let's be realistic here.. Some things should be passed down.. Some things should not be..


There is nothing wrong with actually having to earn something..


This isn't directed at you, but I am gettting really tired of people wanting the game to play itself.. Are people so lazy that they can't do anything without some short cut??

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To some extent that is true.. But there is no rule that says that.. Your statement denies the simple fact that all your characters are individuals.. I see no problem with Bioware deciding that some some things aren't passed down.. No child is born a doctor.. Let's be realistic here.. Some things should be passed down.. Some things should not be..


There is nothing wrong with actually having to earn something..


This isn't directed at you, but I am gettting really tired of people wanting the game to play itself.. Are people so lazy that they can't do anything without some short cut??


I agree with you to some extent. Like I said, I'm actually okay with it being per-character. As long as the prices are reasonable. Like the price of speeder unlocks, etc.


I guess I'm being preemptively disappointed, because I see BW doing the same thing with this that they did with the other legacy unlocks. Which is to make them really fraking expensive. I know you'll probably say that you should have to work for those too, but there's work that's fun (maybe a little tedious sometimes), and work that feels like work. Gaming should not feel like: "Oh my god why am I doing all this for a stupid mail box on my ship, when I could be actually playing?!!"

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Are people so lazy that they can't do anything without some short cut??


Hardly. People just dislike how the legacy system has been turned into a massive credit sink which most players cannot afford until the endgame. It can be hard for many players even then.


I am fully against legacy rewards being character specific as it means having to purchase the unlocks for each and every character rather than paying once and unlocking them for everyone. As I do not trust the unlocks to be cheap, the overall cost will be far higher for players with a large number of characters.


Furthermore, the idea of legacy unlocks is to encourage players to have multiple characters by giving them rewards for investing a lot of time in levelling up in the game. Having character specific unlocks defeats the purpose of the legacy system, which is one of shared bonuses for your entire legacy. If the unlocks are character specific and require cash, then why make them part of the legacy system to begin with?

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I have the feeling that they will be used as credit sinks and they will be so expensive that only hard core gamers can afford them. After 3 lv 50's I have only just got enough credits to purchase a single species unlock and I have bought nothing else from legacy. I doubt I will be buying much from the legacy system until a new species I want to play is released.
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I can't believe they even entertained the idea to use the legacy system for character only unlocks rather than they way it currently works in 1.2 (all characters on the account on that particular server).




Wake up BioWare!

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Agree, but why just not to allow players to decide themselves?


I mean there should be an option when activating a skill: should it be on all chars or on this specific one. Of course, no refund for those chars who already have the skill if you first level on 1 char, when start level for everyone...

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