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Tera doesn't have BG's!! - TOR more of the same


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What absolute drivel are you spouting now? Just the fact that, according to you, the post you linked constitutes a 'good point' is within itself indicative of how duh-brained you are.


First we get: 'What's the point of all this QQ because there is QQ everywhere. Don't worry SWTOR is saved by the ineptitude of another, totally non-related game'


Now we get (in true Shakespearean style): 'To release unfinished or to release complete? Now that is the question'.


Content.... get bent. There is ZERO content when there is no populous to play with. There is ZERO content when mechanics (both PvP and PvE) are broken.


There are fundamental flaws in this game like there are your posts.


To be fair, the same can be said of your post. :D

Edited by Gethsemane
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Also played the GW2 Beta, it's a Niche game, and will do no better than Eve Online. But grats on that wasted money. You'll have even more of a "Dead Server" problem there than you are here.


but the difference between the dead server problem here.and the "dead server"problem that guild wars 2 might have,will be theres still hope for a community that sticks with a game,and doesnt just bail because the game didnt come out of the box with years worth of features

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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We have over 100 servers. Right now the way the population seems to be on majority of them, I'd say we should have no more than 50. But that's just a guess. With fewer servers... more populated servers... warzone queue times would drastically improve. Add in ranked wz's, 8-man queuing, x-server queuing, a couple more warzone maps... including at least 1 larger warzone with ability to queue maybe 16-man... and PvP, in general, might start shaping up a bit.
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At lest there aren't creepy children with no pants on in this game...


true.. only perverts and pedhopiles are in love with Tera's degrading female armour/clothing and that elin 'little girl' race..


the scary part is that the original korean Tera (KTERA) is WORSE.. as the producer of Western TERA censor some of the more explicit stuff in KTERA

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meh, Tera seems lame.


I'm waiting for Wildstar. With a trailer better than most Disney movies I'm def willing to give it a shot.


swtor isnt failing. Yes the game is losing some population, but for the ones who are staying it would be best suited for server merges. Every server should have at least 100 players on the Fleets, but that's not the case. On Elysium we barely touch 50 during prime hours. PvP ques aren't popping until 5pm eastern and its getting old real fast. Come on BW and merge some servers, I'm on a medium Population server and we are feeling the effects

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We have over 100 servers. Right now the way the population seems to be on majority of them, I'd say we should have no more than 50. But that's just a guess. With fewer servers... more populated servers... warzone queue times would drastically improve. Add in ranked wz's, 8-man queuing, x-server queuing, a couple more warzone maps... including at least 1 larger warzone with ability to queue maybe 16-man... and PvP, in general, might start shaping up a bit.


True true.. i hope bioware's pvp dev team continue to focus on these stuff you mention abovee


- Ranked WZ and Cross Server WZ = a must

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I logged in last night to check and we had 17 people in fleet in prime time. That's crazy. I switched over to Tera and the population is crazy high the way they setup their server structure/channels. I'm hoping they just don't merge two low population servers to have only 50 or so on fleet during peak. I'm scared that they are going to screw server merges up like most of what they have done. There really needs to be 150+ on fleet at one time to be MMO like. Edited by Wrestle
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Probably not many here new to MMO forums, but for any that are I just want to point out that the "doom and gloom" you are seeing here happens across all MMO's forums. It's the same on the Tera forums. Class balance this, no BG's that, this class is OP, this game will fail, etc, etc...

Don't worry about it is all I'm saying, the game could be absolutely perfect in every way and there would still be "TOR PvP is dead" posts.


Tera does have OWPVP (SW:TOR Dosn't) Tera Does Have Deathmatches up to 10 Vs 10 (SW:Tor Doesn't) Tera Does have G Vs G that can actually run on the server with more then 30 people (SW:TOR doesn't)

So I'd rather have these things then play same stale BG's over and over.

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Tera has better graphics.


Better Gameplay.


Better combat.


Better PvP system. . You have deathmatches which are guild vs guild or if you are in a grp and you have a conflict with another grp you can declare a deathmatch wager money and settle things. The PvP system is based around world PvP and is political. There are no factions just guilds allies enemies and outlaws.


Best pvp system ever.


Better PvE.


SWTOR has.....:confused:

Edited by BIackDynamite
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The big problem with Tera that I have experienced so far is that when you declare War on another guild, you can hide in safe areas to never let an opposing guild get a positive score on you.


We were vs. some guild when they ganked some of our lowbies and preceded to hide in town for the next hour and a half.


Honestly, the PVP system is Tera is pretty terrible and I would just recommend waiting on Guildwars. I am going to get to level 60 on my Slayer in Tera, to give them the benefit of doubt, but trust me, it is a severely flawed system.

Edited by Killamanjaroo
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Better graphics


Better gameplay


Warzones (world pvp is for carebears)


tera has far better gameplay and far better graphics.


And tera will have WZS although its not the point of the game...


Swtor is honeslty one of the most boring and bland mmorpgs ever.


SWTOR could have been made 10 years ago. SWTOR hasnt done anything WoW hasnt done they could have been made at the same time. Its a WoW clone in SWTOR skins....

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His post wasn't for Bioware, it was for you. It's called sarcasm. He's essentially pointing out that you're encouraging people not to post criticism that Bioware can act on because you're attempting to argue that complaints are illegitimate because they show up on every game forum. This does constitute a valid criticism of you.


I find it ironic that the "criticism that Bioware can act on" is exactly why people are complaining about the game right now.


Early game:

- Nerf Sorcs, they are OP!

- Nerf Healers, they are OP!

- Ilum sucks!

- Mara/Sent is underpowered!

- Ops are OP!



- Sorcs nerfed. "OMG why are there so many FoTM rerolls?!"

- Healers nerfed. "OMG, TTK is so crazy right now! WDF Bioware!"


- Mara/Sent slightly buffed, most other classes nerfed. "OMG, Mara is SO OP, balance sucks Bioware!"

- Ops are OP! "OMG, I got stunlocked to death in 5 seconds!! *20 second combat log full of mistakes* Nerf OPS!!"


Maybe the real trick is to STOP listening to all these people who can't agree on what they want. The forums are NOT game designers.


1.2 is a pretty good indicator of exactly why I don't pay forum-browsing warzone heroes to make games.


Even more ironic (and sad) is that the same people who made those complaints are the ones who will leave for Tera, GW2, Secret World, etc etc. just to go on to complain about those games, and try to shove their complaints down devs throats there too, most likely whittling away at what is good and innovative about them until they are "more like WoW".


All in all, I agree w/ the OP. Games have problems. SWTOR has problems. SWTOR doesn't have worse problems than other MMOs launching atm, just different ones. And some of them stupid ones, lol.

Edited by Varicite
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tera has far better gameplay and far better graphics.


And tera will have WZS although its not the point of the game...




Far better graphics? it looks like a fairyland version of wow


Far better gameplay? To be seen.


Tera "will have" wz's? Sounds like an unfinished game to me. This is the PvP forums. Dont expect me to be excited about a game that doesn't even have a wz system.

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I have tried Tera in one of the beta phases and it didn't hook me up.

First impressions are just mind blowing. Character models are so awesome. I felt in love with them. They reminded me of good old final fantasy( and lol at people butthurt about ellin). Graphics have their style which is easy on eye. Combat has some more depth then usual mmo and overall first experience is awesome... but then you get further into the game. Booooooooooooring game. I didn't even get out of island area. Combat doesn't save it for me. After SWTOR it's really hard to come back to your usual idiotic quest grind

If they offered pvp server with insta max level I would play it, but I refuse to pay for such hurtful process of leveling to get to 'fun'.



However I'm positive that Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 will hook me up for longer. Diablo 3 is continuation of my fav franchise and GW2 is much more then typical mmo and doesn't have idiotic grind. It will be my first longer break from SWTOR :)

Edited by MelodicSixNine
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After SWTOR it's really hard to come back to your usual idiotic quest


Yea, no matter what happens to SWTOR I think this will hold true for any future game I play. I will think fondly of SWTOR's PvE even though I am not really much of a PvEr. It was far more entertaining than most.

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Far better graphics? it looks like a fairyland version of wow


Far better gameplay? To be seen.


Tera "will have" wz's? Sounds like an unfinished game to me. This is the PvP forums. Dont expect me to be excited about a game that doesn't even have a wz system.

You're talking about artistic style, which is not graphics. The graphics in TOR are terrible, look at any corner of any wall in-game, the jaggies are atrocious.


You may not like the look of Tera, but the graphics blow TOR completely out of the water.


The rest is subjective but graphics there is no question.

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TERA pvp actually looks terrible.


My guild is over there and we are having a blast with it. We were a pvp guild here and were skeptical about the pvp there. We were disappointed with war-zones not being there at launch, but the world pvp has been very fun.


The pvp is much more complex. The targeting system is you... no "target nearest". TTK is very high (for even levels).


It's a lot of fun, and will keep us busy until war-zones are introduced in a few months.


There's nothing more satisfying than having someone jump you and take you to half health, then recover and proceed to demolish them at which point they say "truce?". That made me laugh.


We'll all probably end up playing both games when swtor gets x-server done. But the fact is, you can't really compare pvp between the two games right now because pvp in swtor is non-existant... at least on our server. It's dead Jim.

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Probably not many here new to MMO forums, but for any that are I just want to point out that the "doom and gloom" you are seeing here happens across all MMO's forums. It's the same on the Tera forums. Class balance this, no BG's that, this class is OP, this game will fail, etc, etc...

Don't worry about it is all I'm saying, the game could be absolutely perfect in every way and there would still be "TOR PvP is dead" posts.


One way to solve this is you take over their job by design a huge BG Map with ideas, mechanics and rules making sure there are no loopholes and send it to them at least they got something to work on(not trolling)

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Your server is dead? You should tell customer service that no one is able to log on to the server due to it dying so that they can get this fixed. I don't know when servers became sentient beings that many would consider to be "alive"; This is a monumental achievement by Bioware!


Is this abstract humour or an attempt at trying to be intelligent? HarHarHar ... You'll be the DEATH of me.


I'm DYING to hear a response. My server is DEAD just like your DEAD sense of humour (I met your sense of humour once btw, was a little slow tbh). Incase you hadn't noticed my sarcasm should be a DEAD give away.


Another thicko. Next

Edited by Kaputz
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