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Official Q&A Thread for May 11th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post

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Is there any way that you guys can make the light-sabers non-specific. For example, a sage can't dual wield or use a double bladed light-saber. I understand that some classes have specific attacks for their specific light-saber wielding, but is there a way to go around that? I think as a sage, its really hard to PvP when i have four guys on me, only because they know a Sage has one light-saber and its pointed downward (i know it's smart to go for the healer). I also think it would be more interesting if you have more options for weaponry. Thanks!
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Can you please implement server transfers before summer? Can you please implement cross server queues before summer? When can we expect rated warzones? When can we expect 8-man queues? When can we expect to have group queues that don't get disbanded after a warzone? When can we expect to see Ilum up and running? Why won't you answer questions regarding pvp?
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With rated WZ's around the corner, players are still experiencing an issue with players not showing up in the raid frames, any chance this has made the list to be fixed anytime soon? It is probably the biggest issue in WZ PvP gameplay atm, and cannot imagine doing rateds without a fix to this. Edited by Pistols
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When will you make the rakata craftable items BOE instead of BOP, i mean its not even like they are that good anyway just seems pointless having a half decent item which you cant even give to your alts let alone sell.... I wont even make them for fear of wasting rare ingrediants on something which "might" crit after say 5 attempts and the others i RE to basically get back 1x upari crystal ... lol Its like a good idea which for some reason in all aspects has stopped short of the finish line.


Also when can we rename our pets.. Orokeet needs to become Mr Orokeet pretty soon or hes gunna get mad and you dont wanna upset Mr Orokeet.. you wont like him when hes angry.

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Why is it that I can't find any modable light armor PANTS/TROUSERS?! All I can find for female consulars/inquisitors is skirts! At least male consular/inquisitors can go buy a pair of pants from a social vendor, but the only choice the ladies have is skirts. Am I sensing some gender bias here? Whose idea was it that women should should only wear skirts? Please, give us more choices or at the very least, make the male social vendor clothing unisex.
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Is there a stated flashpoint purpose beyond experienced cool and exciting content? I ask this because the gear in FP's is not much better that what can be obtained from questing and 2-3 Ops runs provides much better gear than can be easily obtained in HM FP's. What is the incentive to run an FP a second time?
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Back in beta: During some of the builds, a companion could have differing skill-sets based on the chosen companion "module" placed into the character sheet. We already have the cosmetic changes available. What are the chances that this mechanic re-appears in the future for companions? AND...if this is a reality, would it be possible to change a companions pre-set crafting/harvesting bonus to something else also?
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Alacrity as a stat seems to be encouraged in "Energy Based' classes (Troopers/Smugglers) through our talent trees. However, Alacrity seems to be a terrible secondary stat for us. The faster we use abilities, the faster we lose our energy--and the less energy we have, the less energy we regenerate. Are there any plans to review Alacrity, or at least its place in some class talent trees? Edited by Freeborne
Missed a letter.
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Is there any consideration being given to the idea of "word balloons" for in game "area chat"? I believe it makes for an easier time while playing in a group to read what's over their head rather than moving back and forth to the chat box to determine who is saying what. It would also add depth for those playing on RP Servers. Edited by Jaavik
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Are there anty plans to introduce some costume pieces that show some skin on the characters? The body models of the characters are fantastic and it would be cool to have some sleeveless outfits, open tops to show chests or cleavage, bare legs, tattoos, harnesses and mid-drift shirts that can show off the bodies a little? :rolleyes: Edited by Jaavik
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What plans are in the works to have some sort of "barber shop" in game that will allow some changes in hairstyles, make-up, tattoos, etc? Maybe even some kind of area that would permit changes in body-type (skinny to fat, etc.)?
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On the April 27th Q&A Blog this was asked about datacrons expanding to our legacy


Misiolak: The Datacrons are a nice addition to the game, but getting them for all the characters is simply not fun. Do you plan to include Datacron sharing in the Legacy unlocks?


Daniel: Long term we plan to move many of the game’s reward systems to be Legacy-wide and Datacrons are definitely on the list for consideration.


My question is this :Would it be possible to tie in Social XP to legacy somehow as well. It's tough enough as it is to "grind" social XP on one toon, nevermind with more than one.

Edited by Darkcrest
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The promise of "space combat" was something many of us looked forward to in the game. While I've frequently played the mini-games on board my ship, I feel that the whole experience has not been fully explored and it has been somewhat of a let down. What was once a neat diversion to normal gameplay now has become a tedious and dull grind for fleet commendations. Are there any plans to expand and add to this aspect of the game? Maybe taking it a bit further than a "shooter on rails" and into PvP and further questing? Can you share anything on the future of this part of the game?
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My question is toward servers and transfers. Will it be necessary to reduce the number of servers and force character transfers at that time for active accounts due to low population? If so what happens to our legacy name in the event someone already has it on another server when we try to transfer? I would absolutely hate to loose my legacy name...
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What is reason behind limiting certain custom gear to certain classes? Or even, limiting them by faction, where mirror class can't use same crafted gear, despite gear laready changing appearance depending on faction. This is another issue - while I understand that same armor is used by both factions with different appearance, is allowing other faction look against your game vision?
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When are you going to separate premade pvp groups and solo queue players? Getting queued against premades over and over again is extremely annoying, and queuing against nothing but pugs when running a premade is extremely boring.
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