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Patch 1.2 - Honest assessment of Bioware Dev competence


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Nicely said TheNinjaboy ! Sadly no one from those that made the mess with 1.2 will go and read your topic, I guess they just don't care or they just think that their epic failed patch is just pure awesomeness. :(
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Additionally - Bioware Devs need to do the following.


#1. Take responsibility for their actions. This means publicly addressing the playerbase directly and not through the media, another website, or other 3rd party source. This should be an apology of epic magnitude showing remorse for butchering the game and soiling their company's previously untarnished good name. Acknowledgement should specifically include misleading players, not listening to TL feedback, and a big sorry for absolutely obliterating class balance.


#2. Provide all previous subscribers with 30 days free to come back to the game. This includes anyone that had a valid subscription at one point. This email sent regarding this free 30 days should be from the Devs on their knees pleading and begging for forgiveness. lol but yeah seriously. Maybe a pic should be included. We want to see tears that are genuine.


#3. All class "balance" in 1.2+ should be immediately reverted back to pre-1.2. This is huge and where you made your biggest mistake with the game thus far. You should also specifically acknowledge how terrible you are at class balance a 2nd time and let the players know this won't happen again.


#4. Whoever is in charge needs to make those responsible for 1.2 patch accountable for their actions. This includes project leads and Senior management that approved this disaster.


#5. SLOWLY and with extreme caution / babysteps integrate class changes and fixes based on real PvP data, PvP feedback from players that aren't horrible at the game (i.e. those that actually know how to use an interrupt ability). This should be more about buffing classes that aren't meeting player expectations and less about nerfing X class to oblivion.


Sadly, not a single one of these will happen.

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They are so detached from actual game that its not believable any more.


They were warned about all the stuff pretty much on day when 1,2 patch notes were out. Nothing. In fact, they were warned about bad stuff looooong before 1,2. Nothing (In fact 1,2 looks like a mockery of playerbase)


Its like they deliberately want to screw up their own game. *shrug*

Edited by GrandMike
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Umm, I love 1.2, they improved the TTK, got rid of face tank healers (my sage being one of them) placed more emphasis on teamwork and gave us more content.


nerfing all the support and buffing dps through the roof is an emphasis on teamwork....okay... :confused:


If you couldn't kill a healer pre 1.2....than A) you were bad. or B) ironically...you had bad teamwork. post 1.2....you don't need teamwork to kill a healer.


They are so detached from actual game that its not believable any more.


They were warned about all the stuff pretty much on day when 1,2 patch notes were out. Nothing. In fact, they were warned about bad stuff looooong before 1,2. Nothing (In fact 1,2 looks like a mockery of playerbase)


Its like they deliberately want to screw up their own game. *shrug*

They can't help but leave a rather large impression that none of them play their own game.


One sentence paragraphs? Is that some new internet meme?

People on the interwebs tend to have very short attention spans and an aversion to 'walls of text"

Edited by Vinak
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nerfing all the support and buffing dps through the roof is an emphasis on teamwork....okay... :confused:


If you couldn't kill a healer pre 1.2....than A) you were bad. or B) ironically...you had bad teamwork. post 1.2....you don't need teamwork to kill a healer.



They can't help but leave a rather large impression that none of them play their own game.



People on the interwebs tend to have very short attention spans and an aversion to 'walls of text"


healers where i have not seen a healer in this game sense 1.2 or a tank i dont know where tis so call tanks are at cuz all they did on 1.2 is destroy healers and turn tanks to paper

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Lead Designer - James Ohlen = who's ultimately at fault. EA don't care about what's in the game, as long as X revenue is generated, all is well.


^ This is the man who cannot even post his own forum thread, those Feedback request from James Ohlen posts that he has Stephen Reid post for him, 'cause JO is just too busy... doing ..... something ........


To the multitude of interwebz attorneys out there, when people say Dev's this and Dev's that, they mean the PEOPLE IN CHARGE, not this or that developer......guess that had to be pointed out......


The big issue, is the man in charge has no clue about the street level of this game. He's a salesman. And he obviously dislikes discourse with the public, as he has others post his forum posts, he lashes out at anyone criticizing the game........he's the one in charge who says 'Yep, let's roll with this' on EVERYTHING. From the craptastic set art, to this or that detail, he's the boss. Lead Designer.

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Lead Designer - James Ohlen = who's ultimately at fault. EA don't care about what's in the game, as long as X revenue is generated, all is well.


^ This is the man who cannot even post his own forum thread, those Feedback request from James Ohlen posts that he has Stephen Reid post for him, 'cause JO is just too busy... doing ..... something ........


To the multitude of interwebz attorneys out there, when people say Dev's this and Dev's that, they mean the PEOPLE IN CHARGE, not this or that developer......guess that had to be pointed out......


The big issue, is the man in charge has no clue about the street level of this game. He's a salesman. And he obviously dislikes discourse with the public, as he has others post his forum posts, he lashes out at anyone criticizing the game........he's the one in charge who says 'Yep, let's roll with this' on EVERYTHING. From the craptastic set art, to this or that detail, he's the boss. Lead Designer.


100% agree. I remember his statement about performance issues: he said that only 5% of the people WITH LOW END RIGS got them. funny man. his job should be given to someone more competent ASAP.

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I've been paying a Shield spec Vanguard and with a guard on a healer the survivability is still pretty good.


One thing no one's mentioned is, and this is my experience, the majority of people who I know that are leaving the game are ones who have over played another certain MMO and are just bored of the format.


The balance issues will get sorted out eventually, different classes will take the lead at being considered OP over time, but that's what happens in MMOs anyway. This one isn't even 6 months old yet.

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patch 1.2 was April fool's joke but it was delayed a few days. You need to end this joke if you want people back. Right now I don't even log on because there's nothing fun to enjoy. This goes to my guild as well. I don't think we are coming back. Good luck to the people staying. Can't say I didn't see this coming.
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Wowkiddies, rage, and leave every MMO I've played since Wow, and they always predict doom, gloom and destruction as they are going back.


It's hysterical cause I can assure you most of them pull the same stuff on the Wow forums before they come here lol... Then when they get here they complain endlessly about any difference from Wow as the game is "WRONG" and it needs to be exactly like "WOW" and etc... ad noisum... and this isn't one game... this is like every MMO I've sampled since leaving wow in 2007ish...


Eventually after much hulabalo they leave... and a new wave of em comes in ... with the same complaints... same cycle... endless...


The reality is if your unhappy with your hobby find another one, don't rage at the people having fun.


I've played alot of MMO's and this is the most fun and balanced I've seen 5 months in, my only complaint "the need for more AAA Pvp content" is currently the games stated goals and being addressed... I am happy as a clam, having fun with my guild and friends on a nicely balanced PVP server where even our deadly enemies the imperials are really cool folks, and our Wz pop and are pretty balanced as to wins losses... /shrug... I hope you GW2ers/Wowkiddies/Tera folks all find the happiness I have right here... sincerely...




Edited by VoidJustice
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Just wanna say that metric is probably the best way to measure/balance classes, i don't really care about your personal experience. You need overall data to come to any real conclusion.
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Additionally - Bioware Devs need to do the following.


#1. Take responsibility for their actions. This means publicly addressing the playerbase directly and not through the media, another website, or other 3rd party source. This should be an apology of epic magnitude showing remorse for butchering the game and soiling their company's previously untarnished good name. Acknowledgement should specifically include misleading players, not listening to TL feedback, and a big sorry for absolutely obliterating class balance.


#2. Provide all previous subscribers with 30 days free to come back to the game. This includes anyone that had a valid subscription at one point. This email sent regarding this free 30 days should be from the Devs on their knees pleading and begging for forgiveness. lol but yeah seriously. Maybe a pic should be included. We want to see tears that are genuine.


#3. All class "balance" in 1.2+ should be immediately reverted back to pre-1.2. This is huge and where you made your biggest mistake with the game thus far. You should also specifically acknowledge how terrible you are at class balance a 2nd time and let the players know this won't happen again.


#4. Whoever is in charge needs to make those responsible for 1.2 patch accountable for their actions. This includes project leads and Senior management that approved this disaster.


#5. SLOWLY and with extreme caution / babysteps integrate class changes and fixes based on real PvP data, PvP feedback from players that aren't horrible at the game (i.e. those that actually know how to use an interrupt ability). This should be more about buffing classes that aren't meeting player expectations and less about nerfing X class to oblivion.



TAKE RESPONSIBILITY ???? you want people fired to make you feel better??????? They can do what they want with the game......they own it.....not you......



did they make mistakes....yes..... do they need to bow to the op and beg for forgiveness....no

can they and should they fix them....yes

will they fix them....most-likely

Edited by Parali
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It's obvious to everyone that there has been a huge loss in the number of logins since 1.2 patch went live.


The loss in subscribers usually doesn't hit until 45-60 days after a game breaking patch (this case 1.2) .


People stopped logging in but they still have an active sub because they purchased a month or two in advance.


Bioware pissed off everyone except players who have mains in 2 Melee classes.


Now all the classes that were extremely strong pre-1.2 are borderline insane post 1.2.


You see posts about 1-49 Warzones being the worse experience ever now because they're all Marauders or Assassins.


The person or parties that made the decision to "class balance" 1.2 should be demoted within the organization and they should never ever be allowed to make another decision regarding PvP balance.


No one expects a MMO to be completely balanced but what they did in 1.2 was a page right out of Age of Conan during the first 4 months.


1.2 Class balance was so opposite of what should have been that most people will never come back due to lack of faith when it comes to the Bioware development team.


There are people without any gaming experience or higher education that could have made a much better decision then what the Bioware devs did with 1.2.


That right there is the root of the problem.


This is based on past and present experience with the game, Developer comments, and sometimes their lack of input regarding the issues. The patch notes in 1.2 are a prime example of this.....


GW2 has balance issues all over the place BUT they do seem to be responsive in addressing the issues and are saying all the right things for now.


It is VERY difficult to develop a patch as bad as 1.2 and roll it out live.


People were warning Bioware about this disaster for WEEKS prior to rolling out 1.2.


Bioware's best case scenario now is to remove most of what they did with 1.2 and start over.


This game needs the Robert Irvine or Chef Ramesy of MMOs to come into Bioware's studios and clean their filthy kitchen then show them how to "cook".




EDIT: Added 5/4


The activity, population, subscriber base would be higher today if 1.2 never was launched.


Players prefer a playable game to a broken one with new content.


Bioware has a knack of making understatements of the century.


"At that point we turned a huge amount of our resources to PVP development, but we’re still playing a bit of catch-up"


The problem is Bioware tried to "develop" PvP in 1.2 and the outcome was one of the worst MMO "class balance" patches ever devised and executed. It was exactly OPPOSITE of what should have been done.


This is what should be alarming for people who are currently playing and are considering resubscribing.




Unfortunantely all of this correct. I have never seen an MMO with so much potential destroy itself so quickly with bad decisions. The MMO community is an unforgiving audience and once you lose them, you lose them for good, regardless of what you change in the future. Until developers learn that Beta actually ends at Beta, they will always fail. I think it is accurate to say the developers are still running SWTOR as if its in Beta. Too late...game over Bioware.

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I couldnt read past 2 pages. However i do agree for the most part with what i read. Hopefully class balances get reverted or fixed, but at the same time why is pve still such b/s, meh. Imo all i really want is for them to cut the amount of servers down by 1/4-1/2, that way, idk, maybe more then 1-2 servers on NA side will be above "standard" pop.
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The problem is Bioware tried to "develop" PvP in 1.2 and the outcome was one of the worst MMO "class balance" patches ever devised and executed. It was exactly OPPOSITE of what should have been done.


This is what should be alarming for people who are currently playing and are considering resubscribing.




I think a lot of these problems could have been avoided had they paid a bit more attention to the players on their test servers and what they had to say.

Edited by Visue
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