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1.3 Legacy unlocks are per character??


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So, I was looking around the "Coming Soon" legacy unlocks when I noticed something that gave me pause. There's a little popup that shows up when you mouseover the "Coming in Game Update 1.3" text.


So it's not enough that we have to spend insane money on server unlocks. Next time we get to unlock them for each individual character!


EA = Nickle and Dime and Nickle and Dime


Forbe’s Paul Tassi writes, “I’ve been covering hate of EA for quite a while now, and understand why their brand is so despised among gamers. They have [a] habit of buying beloved gaming companies and either summarily executing them, or corrupting them to the point where they’re almost unrecognizable. Most recently, fans mourned the apparent loss of Bioware. The genius [developer] was behind Knights of the Old Republic and Mass Effect, but the way newer titles like The Old Republic and Mass Effect 3 have been handled since EA took over has caused fans to lose faith. EA is at the forefront of some of the most annoying practices in the industry to date, such as restrictive DRM, seemingly abusive DLC and appearing to trade creativity for cash.”



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What the heck?!




If this is actually the case and results in costing millions of credits per character, it defeats the whole purpose of legacy unlocks, which are to make the game more enjoyable and get more out of your characters.


I was seriously looking forward to those updates with a view that when we finally get more character slots, my new alts would start off faster and more powerful, thereby helping the levelling process considerably.


I really hope that Bioware sees sense here. This is NOT the way to keep players on board. Half-brained decisions like this just boggle the mind.


Devs: keep the unlocks all LEGACY WIDE.

Edited by llesna
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You guys just have to realize, whether you want to or not, that the legacy system is nothing more than a cheap move from BW to cover up, or more divert your attention really ;o, their fail of not having any end game whatsoever. To add insult to injury, they pour salt in your wounds by charging you an exorborant amount of money for the legacy system crap that isn't even worth anything to begin with. I mean really, this crap should be free as you paid your dues getting to 50 but I will reiterate again what I previously posted:


EA = Nickle and Dime and Nickle and Dime


Forbe’s Paul Tassi writes, “I’ve been covering hate of EA for quite a while now, and understand why their brand is so despised among gamers. They have [a] habit of buying beloved gaming companies and either summarily executing them, or corrupting them to the point where they’re almost unrecognizable. Most recently, fans mourned the apparent loss of Bioware. The genius [developer] was behind Knights of the Old Republic and Mass Effect, but the way newer titles like The Old Republic and Mass Effect 3 have been handled since EA took over has caused fans to lose faith. EA is at the forefront of some of the most annoying practices in the industry to date, such as restrictive DRM, seemingly abusive DLC and appearing to trade creativity for cash.”



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They could just entirely NOT add the individual character perks. would that make you feel better?


Yes! It would make me feel better. I think Legacy has been a MAJOR disappointment so far. Grinding alts isn't content, it's stupid. I'd love to see the time they're devoting to Legacy, devoted to something else.

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Until we see the prices, I'd say it's too early to complain.


That being said, while I agree the exp unlocks sort of make sense on a per character basis, if the crafting ones are per character, (and in excess of 100k) I'm going to be more than a little annoyed.


'Course, I think you level up rediculously fast in this game already, and am almost always overleveled for the content, so buying any of the EXP unlocks is pretty much the last thing I'd do. If anything, I'd be willing to pay for an unlock that completely removes the exp from space missions. With my first character I did them a lot, and ended up significantly overleveled for the content, which took a lot of fun out of it. So now I'm basically forced to ignore the space content for fear of overleveling... which is a shame, especially now with the ability to buy high end mats with commendations. IMO the space missions should never have given "normal" exp in the first place. They should have given it's own space exp, and the spaceship upgrades should be based on space levels gained from said space exp.

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Exactly. Grinding credits to avoid sidequests on all my alts: Worth it. Grinding credits for each individual alt: Not worth it.


I guess this kinda sums it up for me.


Been loving this game since launch but this...is just plain stupid.


I am currently leveling my 4th char (1/2 level left until i have 4 lvl50's) and was hoping to unlock all of the XP boost stuff in the future for the rest of the 3 classes characters. I am a bit broke since 1.2 legacy stuff launched and now THIS???


Personally i think that there has been too much SWTOR hate going on in these forums but in this case, i hope that this thread will fan the flames of hate enough to make the devs reconsider/sober up and reconsider this pile of garbage before it goes live.

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Oh boy, this is a serious issue. My future with SWTOR hinges on those 1.3 Legacy unlocks, especially XP boosts. I really want to play through all 8 classes at least once, but I can't take all of the repetitiveness. My subscription is already cancelled, and my intention was to re-sub when 1.3 comes out and I can get those unlocks. I was actually hoping most of those unlocks would be automatic with a certain Legacy level, but obviously not. More and more the "Legacy" system appears to have nothing at all to do with Legacy levels and everything to do with grinding for massive amounts of credits. If it turns out that it will be prohibitively expensive to get the unlocks that I want for my characters, it will completely ruin the whole system for me and unfortunately I'll be finished with SWTOR. :(


There is still hope, however, because we don't know what the costs will be. Obviously if the character unlocks are priced anywhere close to the cost of the global unlocks, it will be a total disaster. I have to believe that the prices will be MUCH lower if they only apply to one character. IMO, for the cost of one global unlock you should be able to buy every single character unlock for one of your alts, and have change left over.

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So a feature that is intended to make rolling and levelling alts less punishing


Is now more punishing when you want to roll and level alts.




You saw that too?


I thought they were priced that high because they were legacywide. Really there isn't much that is worth buying especially if they are not serverwide.


As it stands right now I don't think I will be buying anything from Legacy. The marginal untility for these "perks" is extremely low. :rolleyes:

Edited by Urael
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I'm not worried about it. Doing dailies makes credits flow like rain. I am usually hovering around a million anyways. Even after 1.2 with full augmented armor I still have credits to spare. Not a big deal.
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There is still hope, however, because we don't know what the costs will be. Obviously if the character unlocks are priced anywhere close to the cost of the global unlocks, it will be a total disaster. I have to believe that the prices will be MUCH lower if they only apply to one character. IMO, for the cost of one global unlock you should be able to buy every single character unlock for one of your alts, and have change left over.


Frankly, I'm of the opinion currently that if I have to spend any more than 1 day doing daily quests to unlock a I-V set of XP Boosts, that it really won't be worth it. Maybe with a FP finder I'll actually be able to take advantage of the FP Boss Boost, but I don't do Space Missions and Warzones frequently enough while leveling to make spending much money on an XP boost for them worthwhile.

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How do you know the cost. It does not have them listed they could be entirely reasonable like the emotes, 100-200k per level. You don't know the prices so why are you crying in anger over something that isn't even in yet.
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So let's say.... crit crafting.... what would you rather have?


a) 150k per character

b) 1 mill server wide


I'll say for me it's a)... I have 4 characters right now, and at least for 2 of them I don't really care if they crit more often, i barely craft with them, I would have spend 300k on the other 2, if it was server wide, I would most probably not buy it...


And If that example was with Affection Gained, well then... I already have a couple of character with every single companion maxed out, I don't want to pay for them!

Edited by Crimson_Spider
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Is it really hard to earn credits in this game? :eek:


Yesterday i did a couple of quests and flashpoints, got 500k. If I do that everyday, I get 3.5mil a week. I did all these in around 4 hours of play. Is my Math correct? :confused:


Then if I get 3.5mil in one week and you're complaining about the cost of legacy perks, then would it mean that they will cost around 7mil per skill? :eek:


Me not get it. :confused:

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Not only do I think that it's lame that you will have to purchase these bonuses for every character you want them on, not just once and have them available for all of your characters on the server, but I'm very disappointed that it doesn't look like there will be one to increase experience from general ground quests, or at least story quests. I'm not a PvPer, so that bonus wont do me any good, while I do group for flashpoints I don't do it frequently enough to spend a lot of credits for that bonus, and space missions can only be done once per day... So most of these bonuses really don't do me any good.


I was really hoping for one that would increase the experience gained from all ground quests, or at least story quests.


Honestly, I wouldn't really mind having to buy these for each of my characters in the long run if there were bonuses for all ground and/or story quests, not just space/PvP/flashpoints...

Edited by Blue_Leader
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OMG - they're offering perks to make my character more OP, level faster....but I have to make credits to pay for it?!?! How rude of you game designer. What is the meaning of this? I did not ask for Legacy system to be designed this way, I want my perks given to me on a silver platter, and what?? I have to pay for them on each character??? Why did you not read my mind and know this before designing this silly Legacy thing. It's not that I want to crush the person leveling a charcter for the first time, I want to do it for basically no extra cost or effort, and I want to completely demoralize him when I do it.


/end sarcastic rant


Get over yourselves people. Put suggestions in the suggestion box, and try being constructive without flaming comments like 'Bioware doesn't have a clue'. As you can see, I think they've given people too much, by the time you're leveling your 16th charcter, you'll be so OP and do it so fast, will you really enjoy it?

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I thought they were priced that high because they were legacywide. Really there isn't much that is worth buying especially if they are not serverwide.


Unless I'm misremembering, there is no price there (yet) for the 1.3 legacy unlocks, so we don't know *what* they are priced at.


For all we now it's 5k, 10k, 15k, 20k, 25k. for the 5 level ones, and 10k, 20k, 30k for the 3 level ones, which I'd say is reasonable even if they ARE per character. (well, reasonable for the "good" ones. I don't think anybody would spend even 10k to speed up how fast their companions sell junk)

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I was really hoping for one that would increase the experience gained from all ground quests, or at least story quests.




There really isn't anything I want or thats worth the cost.


If I want a new race (which is the only thing right now that I want) I will just grind up that race and delete if I don't like the class to unlock AND save all the cash I made grinding up the other toon. For me there is nothing that I want that I can not unlock with time.


Everything else is useless.


Case and point Emergency fleet cool down perk and amount of time gained per cred vs. just buying fleet passes from the security key vendor for 2k.



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So let's say.... crit crafting.... what would you rather have?


a) 150k per character

b) 1 mill server wide


I'll say for me it's a)... I have 4 characters right now, and at least for 2 of them I don't really care if they crit more often, i barely craft with them, I would have spend 300k on the other 2, if it was server wide, I would most probably not buy it...


And If that example was with Affection Gained, well then... I already have a couple of character with every single companion maxed out, I don't want to pay for them!


B is the obvious choice.


1 million divided by 8 characters is 125,000. And while right now I might not need the bonus on 1 character, that doesn't mean that changes in 1.3 or 1.4 won't make me want it.


The main point is that if they're going to attach something to the Legacy system, it should be Legacy wide.

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The problem is that this is an entire system designed to encourage rolling alts. But I don't want to create alts if I'm going to have to buy unlocks for every single one of them. I could see the point of the XP boosts, I guess (although I still think it'd be better to make them global and not require players to do as many of the same sidequests). But the increased sprint speed? The affection gains?


All this does is put a credit cost on not repeating content. Don't want to do the sidequests for the 3rd time? Use some credits and do space instead. Don't want to do them a 4th time? More credits. 5th? More credits.


I think you've missed the point.


It encourages rolling an alt yes... but every perk will be an advantage that alt has over a non-legacy character. It is to encourage you to have a better all around character... because when they hit 50.. they'll be better than your first 50.

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