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Huttball Hazard Kills


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So, currently, do we get real credit for when we kill people using the Huttball hazards? I play a PT, and over the last few months I have become exceptional at killing people using the hazards. However, I'm not sure I get credit for these kills. If we do get credit, please ignore; if we don't get credit, could something be done to ensure that we do?


Finally, to those of you who shout about how doing this is cheese, and completely OP or whatever. You hate it when I do it to YOU and love I do to the other team (it's sort of like p'r0n for guys...you would hate it if that guy took his beast of a hog to you, but love to watch him to it to the other team).

Edited by Ossos
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So, currently, do we get real credit for when we kill people using the Huttball hazards? I play a PT, and over the last few months I have become exceptional at killing people using the hazards. However, I'm not sure I get credit for these kills. If we do get credit, please ignore; if we don't get credit, could something be done to ensure that we do?


Finally, to those of you who shout about how doing this is cheese, and completely OP or whatever. You hate it when I do it to YOU and love I do to the other team (it's sort of like p'r0n for guys...you would hate it if that guy took his beast of a hog to you, but love to watch him to it to the other team).


No you don't get credit, No you don't deserve credit.


Moving along.

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You only get credit if you do some damage to the player if you do no damage to the player you do not get the kill.


That's what I thought but I could never be sure. I mean, if I just have to pop a few into the guy then fine, but if I have to dump a missile into him and a flame burst...well, that's just poor heat efficiency on my part.




Oh, and I disagree that I shouldn't get the kill. I used my abilities, and the terrain to obtain victory; had my enemy been smarter about how they fight and their surroundings, they wouldn't be hitting that Med Rez. button.

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Oh, and I disagree that I shouldn't get the kill. I used my abilities, and the terrain to obtain victory; had my enemy been smarter about how they fight and their surroundings, they wouldn't be hitting that Med Rez. button.


How does one be smarter around grapple? It has a long range, and can pick up players from most angles. Plus, if you are familiar with how the netcoding works you can actually increase the range a bit by 2-3M.


Grappling in to fire takes zero skill. Zero. There are many more critical areas and "skillful" ways to use grapple than in a fire pit.

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How does one be smarter around grapple? It has a long range, and can pick up players from most angles. Plus, if you are familiar with how the netcoding works you can actually increase the range a bit by 2-3M.


Grappling in to fire takes zero skill. Zero. There are many more critical areas and "skillful" ways to use grapple than in a fire pit.


Such as using grapple to defend other players who are losing a fight, preventing a huttball score, dropping someone to their death, an interrupt, ranging a healer, ranging a dps from the healer, as a simple root for someone who is already resolve capped. Tell me about these other more "skillful" ways that you know of.


If your grappled into something, you failed to have situational awareness, you failed to see where I was in relation to where you are.


Oh, and I forgot to add that I can be a victim of the grapple as well. If I don't pay attention, or if I don't get my stun off on the guy grappling me so he doesn't in-tern stun me after I land and trinket/bubble, then I'm just an idiot victim. Should someone get credit in this case for killing me? Heck yes they should.

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Aren't those kills what "Baron Deathmark" would refer to, when he says "Cheating is encouraged"? As such, there shouldn't be any credit for such kills, rather there is no punishment ^^
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If your grappled into something, you failed to have situational awareness, you failed to see where I was in relation to where you are.



You never get attacked by something at 30M? You much have zero Mercs, Sorcs, Snipers on your server.


Such as using grapple to defend other players who are losing a fight, preventing a huttball score, dropping someone to their death, an interrupt, ranging a healer, ranging a dps from the healer, as a simple root for someone who is already resolve capped. Tell me about these other more "skillful" ways that you know of.


Oddly you are only mentioning grapple as defensive, as in preventing a score. There are countless ways it's used OFFENSIVELY to ensure a score....and where there are 0 traps involved.

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You never get attacked by something at 30M? You much have zero Mercs, Sorcs, Snipers on your server.




Oddly you are only mentioning grapple as defensive, as in preventing a score. There are countless ways it's used OFFENSIVELY to ensure a score....and where there are 0 traps involved.


1. You can't grapple a sniper who is in place. If I am going to pull you into the fire/acid, then I am standing in the acid or the flame jet, why didn't my enemy see that and stun me in place? It's still on them.


2. The only other way I can think of to use it purely offensively is to kill a ball carrier who just happened to kill my teams ball carrier (i.e. pull them back into the pit, or back up the the scaffold kill them, then rocket to some moron running out of the team dugout, scoring promptly). I typically get between 2 and 4 scores per game by doing this.

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Who needs credit? If you pvp just to see some numbers on a board then you're in it for the wrong reason. The sheer glee I feel when I knock someone into the fire or stun them in the fire to watch them die a horrible death is why I do it. The scoreboard can go F itself.


P.S. Players like you are why so many matches are lost. You're playing for some stupid score and ignoring objectives. Go back to PvE where you belong, please.

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Who needs credit? If you pvp just to see some numbers on a board then you're in it for the wrong reason. The sheer glee I feel when I knock someone into the fire or stun them in the fire to watch them die a horrible death is why I do it. The scoreboard can go F itself.


P.S. Players like you are why so many matches are lost. You're playing for some stupid score and ignoring objectives. Go back to PvE where you belong, please.


You are an amazing person and better than I am but the scoreboard is fun too. People enjoy the numbers. You seem like a normal person with no rage.

Edited by richardya
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So, currently, do we get real credit for when we kill people using the Huttball hazards? I play a PT, and over the last few months I have become exceptional at killing people using the hazards. However, I'm not sure I get credit for these kills. If we do get credit, please ignore; if we don't get credit, could something be done to ensure that we do?


Finally, to those of you who shout about how doing this is cheese, and completely OP or whatever. You hate it when I do it to YOU and love I do to the other team (it's sort of like p'r0n for guys...you would hate it if that guy took his beast of a hog to you, but love to watch him to it to the other team).


While it absolutely sucks to get dumped in a hazard and owned, it's totally a legit strat. That said, you aren't really the one doing the killing, are you? It seems pretty fair for you to not get credit for the kill... just accept the fact that you've done something useful to help your team and move on. If you want credit for the kills, do it the hard way ;)


That or try to sneak in a killing blow as the hazard is doing it's work, haha.

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Who needs credit? If you pvp just to see some numbers on a board then you're in it for the wrong reason. The sheer glee I feel when I knock someone into the fire or stun them in the fire to watch them die a horrible death is why I do it. The scoreboard can go F itself.


P.S. Players like you are why so many matches are lost. You're playing for some stupid score and ignoring objectives. Go back to PvE where you belong, please.


See, right there you're making an assumption. You assume that I'm a kill chaser, I am not. As a matter of fact, many of my guild mates are sick of my ************ when it comes to "playing the map" and not chasing kills in WZs. I play the map. I don't rack up tons of damage done (usually about 200K, with around 90K protection), get about 12-13 medals, and do my darnedest to ensure a win.


So, you are making an assumption about how I play and you are incorrect. My point/issue is simple. I get a kill, I would like credit.

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That or try to sneak in a killing blow as the hazard is doing it's work, haha.


So true. HA!


I just want to make sure I get as many medals as possible. Some see medals, all I see is more comms and dollar signs.

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1. You can't grapple a sniper who is in place. If I am going to pull you into the fire/acid, then I am standing in the acid or the flame jet, why didn't my enemy see that and stun me in place? It's still on them.


2. The only other way I can think of to use it purely offensively is to kill a ball carrier who just happened to kill my teams ball carrier (i.e. pull them back into the pit, or back up the the scaffold kill them, then rocket to some moron running out of the team dugout, scoring promptly). I typically get between 2 and 4 scores per game by doing this.


I dont believe he was referring to grappling a sniper from range. I believe he was referring to fighting a battle 3 v 3 and suddenly getting attacked by a sniper from range. There isn't much "situational awareness" can do for you in that situation when you are focused on stunning/taunting/guarding/dpsing/interrupting up close.


For the record, I play a vanguard and use this strategy to get kills. I agree that you should get some kind of credit for the kill. However, claiming that the kill is the other players fault because they are not aware that you are 30 m. away and about to grapple them is pretty silly.

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1. You can't grapple a sniper who is in place. If I am going to pull you into the fire/acid, then I am standing in the acid or the flame jet, why didn't my enemy see that and stun me in place? It's still on them.


Your point was situational awareness. Which means you must be able to keep track of all 8 people on the map at every given time 100%. Let alone that stealthed assassin that walks up to a Pit and than pulls somebody up.


2. The only other way I can think of to use it purely offensively is to kill a ball carrier who just happened to kill my teams ball carrier (i.e. pull them back into the pit, or back up the the scaffold kill them, then rocket to some moron running out of the team dugout, scoring promptly). I typically get between 2 and 4 scores per game by doing this.


You've never grappled a Sorc or Merc away from a ball carrier to prevent a knockback? You never saw a person fighting a second person on a ledge, threw the ball and before it landed grappled their opponent away so they have a clear shot? No hazards involved in those scenarios.

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meh no, its a mechanic and the fire killed them you didn't. Its a game, they're not listed as kills as they would be iWin kill buttons on the board medals all round and everyone would shout further more to the mighty nerf.


Everyone loves a good fight eh especially Baron deathmark! So no just pushing the other fella out of the ring doesn't give you points. in the realm of Hutttball it does give strategic advantage, that's why there are no rules in Huttball.

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Your point was situational awareness. Which means you must be able to keep track of all 8 people on the map at every given time 100%. Let alone that stealthed assassin that walks up to a Pit and than pulls somebody up.




You've never grappled a Sorc or Merc away from a ball carrier to prevent a knockback? You never saw a person fighting a second person on a ledge, threw the ball and before it landed grappled their opponent away so they have a clear shot? No hazards involved in those scenarios.


Tracking all 8 100% of the time IS pretty much impossible, I'll give you that, but tracking everyone in your respective area isn't too difficult.


I HAVE pulled attackers away from someone I was passing to, yes. To do it with the intention of avoiding/preventing a knockback is something I haven't done (I will keep it in mind though). I usually just stun those guys because I swear I can actually see the thought pop into their heads.


I've even used it in a situation where I was on the scaffold, and a teammate was being beat on by two enemy players. 1 had low HP, the other was nearly full up. I guarded my teammate, I grappled the one that was at 100%, jumped down, turned and stunned the 100% hp enemy, killed the enemy in the pit with low HP, then turned and rocketed back up to the 100% HP enemy just as the stun wore off, and killed him.



I then immediately killed another enemy player in a flame jet.







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1. You can't grapple a sniper who is in place. If I am going to pull you into the fire/acid, then I am standing in the acid or the flame jet, why didn't my enemy see that and stun me in place? It's still on them.

Come on you're being unfair. When you're running with the ball it's kinda hard to notice someone behind you 20+m away. How many times you're so close to the goal you can taste it and get pulled into the pit. Like you're gonna be running backward to notice these people to stun em you're trying to run forward as fast as you can.

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Tracking all 8 100% of the time IS pretty much impossible, I'll give you that, but tracking everyone in your respective area isn't too difficult.


Here is the thing. Your respective area is anywhere within 30m of you when you talk about pulls. So unless you are tracking every person within 30m of you so that you don't get pulled... then you aren't situationally aware either and if you are tracking everyone so that you can't get pulled within 30m then you probably aren't doing anything to help your team because you would be standing at your respawn afraid to move.


As far as getting a kill on a player for putting them in harms way.... No, if you killed the player then you should get a kill. If you don't do any damage to a player yourself then you shouldn't get a kill.


While we are complaining about systems in game here I would like to add that I think the system should count any damage I do to a person past their current HP as my highest hit. I am tired of hitting someone at 2k hp for 3.8k and not getting the 3.8k as my highest hit... because I killed them at 2k damage.

Edited by DarkDruidSS
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