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Operatives Useless in Huttball


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Ok so the title is a little dramatic :)


Here are some of the things that may be said in this thread:




2: L2P


3: I camp the endzone and wipe people with my 100% 7k HS Crits as they respawn lol


4: I create havoc with my dots and do 700K damage in lethality


5: I always stop people from scoring by CCing the ball carrier (hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahah)


6: I help control the middle with my 500k Heals (much more than that is unrealistic in HB imo)


Now I do pretty well in my heal spec, lets face it it is the only spec worthy of anything these days. I mean in WZ's, I now laugh at conceal ops which is amazing from where they came but I digress.


I am not saying a team with Operatives cannot win at HB but what I am saying is that to win (against any decent team) you are effectively being carried by your teammates.


I want the ability to opt out of Huttball it is sooooooooooo frustrating for an Operative I cant tell you, watching people be pulled, leap, grapple into the endzone in seconds forcespeed through Fire rofl whilst CC doesnt work it seems on anyone other than you!


Against any decent team (assuming the other 7 in your team are not premier players themselves) you can feel a bystander, if you go and try to effect the game by healing the carrier for example of ccing the opposition every class it seems can **** you off the platforms, oh I left out 7. Learn to position yourself! funny.


I know the utility issue has been raised numerous times but tbh it only really is an issue in Hutball I want to be able to not play a WZ where my class is severely hampered so BioW please ensureI am able to choose not to play Huttball in some future patch or give Ops something useful now the crazy damage no longer exists.

Edited by falcaogj
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while he doesn't camp the endzone unless our team has the ball, our scoundrel makes a killing and scores the vast majority of our goals when he rolls premades with us. def not useless, but certainly is less useful than the other maps.
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while he doesn't camp the endzone unless our team has the ball, our scoundrel makes a killing and scores the vast majority of our goals when he rolls premades with us. def not useless, but certainly is less useful than the other maps.



You prove my point!

Any team that can afford one of the members to sit in the endzone is effectively dominant otherwise your other 7 would be getting wiped. In an even game why would you have an operative over an assassin for example??

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he only stealths to the endzone when we have the ball, otherwise hes mid or back on D.


its a untraditional pvp map and not going to balance perfectly tbh, as it naturally favors classes that can jump and run fast, like most games the end in -ball, lol.


our scoundrel makes it work for him. i play a GS personally and im far less of a help to my team than the other maps.


that being said a tight hutball match vs two even teams is prolly my fav pvping in swtor at the moment.

Edited by contacts
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When I play my gunslinger I have this to say...


Actually playing to the objectives in Huttball causes a lower overall performance score.

And here is why...


I generally hold the mid point if my team has ball possession.While at mid I snare,Flash grenade and DoT targets during the brief period of time that targets are not chasing my team's ball carrier and way out of range of me maintaining control of mid.

As a result I do not get high damage numbers or kill counts I do however provide a critical part in maintaining ball possession and disruption of the enemy pursuit.


When the enemy has ball possession I use all my CC to break up the ball carrier's support,Flashgrenade the healer,snare the guy running ahead to catch a forward pass,Dot up tanks who need to be weakened before they become a ball carrier etc.


As above I do not actually cause a lot of damage or actually kill much however this is the best course of action to assist my team.



If I played the entire game hammering away at soft targets,chasing down weakened enemies to "vulture" a kill and essentially go rogue solo my kill score and damage would be very impressive My team may loose but heck I look like a pro.


Essentially I'm saying Huttball "superstars" will never be Operatives or gunslingers certainly not in PuGs.Huttball just isn't the ideal game for operatives...that would be Alderaan civil war in my opinion.

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The only people useless in Huttball are bad players incapable of understanding the basic premise of get in front of the ball carrier who runs at 1/3 the speed of everyone else, and the other player who refuses to pass the ball ahead of him/her, because he/she wants to be the hero.


This ego-centric idiocy is not bound to any class.


This is the one warzone where people who understand and play the objectives can win, even while being severely 'outgunned' on the kills front of things. Based on many of the responses in this thread, it's apparent that simple truth is beyond most of you.


Every other warzone (with the exception of some really poor spawn timing in Voidstar) actually requires you to be able to kill people to win. Not Huttball.

Edited by revial
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The only people useless in Huttball are bad players incapable of understanding the basic premise of get in front of the ball carrier who runs at 1/3 the speed of everyone else, and the other player who refuses to pass the ball ahead of him/her, because he/she wants to be the hero.


This ego-centric idiocy is not bound to any class.


This is the one warzone where people who understand and play the objectives can win, even while being severely 'outgunned' on the kills front of things. Based on many of the responses in this thread, it's apparent that simple truth is beyond most of you.


Every other warzone (with the exception of some really poor spawn timing in Voidstar) actually requires you to be able to kill people to win. Not Huttball.

spoken like a true force user.

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while he doesn't camp the endzone unless our team has the ball, our scoundrel makes a killing and scores the vast majority of our goals when he rolls premades with us. def not useless, but certainly is less useful than the other maps.


Assassin can do this much, much better AND has the utility of sprint and FotM Tankassin pull.

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Assassin can do this much, much better AND has the utility of sprint and FotM Tankassin pull.


This is the point tbh yes an Op can heal the middle and it is a useful contribution but beyond that your usefullness and the ability to affect the game for your team is very dependant on the strength of your team.


Anyway I have played hundreds of HB and won plenty, you honestly have to pug with one to really get a sense of what I am talking about, the game of Huttball played as it should be will totally pass you by and you can do **** all about it.

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Here's the thing about Huttball.


I love that it's a warzone that rewards team coordination and focusing on the objective.


I hate that some classes are potentially godlike while others feel like a handicap to thier team.


It can be said that the only useless players are bad ones so...if all things being equal and all players being useful would you want an operative or a powertech on a huttball team? Already have powertechs covered ok how about Operative or Assassin? Wait you need a healer would you take an operative or a sorc that also has a pull?


The truth is some classes are handicapped in Huttball and when/if we get rated warzones and the ability to choose warzones we will not see many if any operatives on Huttball teams.

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Heal spec operatives can do very well in huttball.


For example when I'm playing with a jugg ball carrier I can do things like HoT them up, vanish and work my way past the fire traps without getting spotted so that they can intercede to me. Since I'm in stealth I won't get pulled out of position. Then I can heal the tank up, drop a flash bang or debilitate any pursuers, run past the next fire trap and set up for another intercede or to receive a pass if necessary. If I'm with a sin, all I have to do is stay ahead, keep them healed and try to keep in a good spot just in case they have to pass to me.


If an ops healer is just parked at mid and racking up 500k in healing, frankly, they're doin' it wrong. If I'm at mid it's most likely because I'm the only option to drop a cc to win a neutral ball, or if I see that I'm the only one available to grab the ball and make the first pass out of the zone.


As for dps operatives, yeah they're less of an impact class in huttball but most dps classes are in the same boat. Not that they aren't needed as a good team still needs dps, it's just not like voidstar or even civil war where a team of all dps can zerg in and destroy the opposing team to win the game. Huttball is the map where good tanks and healers really get to shine.

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Like Hots are enough these days if someone is focused *********** hell I dont know who your playing against but Hots arent enough, if your following the ball carrier your getting cc'd and ****ed off the ramp simple. In a good team an Op can do ok yes but you bring nothing that other classes cant do better or more of.


I just want the ability to opt out of a WZ where we are clearly handicapped, I havent said I never win or that the opposing team is worse than my pug or my premade is never better than thiers just that when you come agianst "Those classes" it is evident that you as an Op are *********** useless and possess nothign that can stop the opposition.

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Yes, I agree with the title of this thread. It's very simple, every other class has an ability that is very useful in huttball, and operatives have nothing (stealth doesn't count, especially when sins have it anyway). It's not an opinion, its more like a mathematical fact.


No knockback, no force charge or sprint, no offensive pull or friendly pull, nothing.


An exceptional player playing an operative is still useful in huttball right now, of course, but they would be better off playing any other class..

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A decent player on an op can slightly help, that same player on any other class in Huttball will help a LOT. An Op does not have the utility to be any good in hb. We all know hb is a force users ego boost.. I think it was designed to make them feel skilled.


I have seen two players.. one a 13k jug dominate a hb and win it for us 6-0 against a better than average team. The rest of us were spectators.


If/when they allow us to choose specific wz, I will never ever select huttball again.

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I top damage in huttball.


Know your role. Your job is to make sure sages/sorc/juggs don't do theirs. Control the mid and you control the game. This is the tradeoff for being the best class in alderaan and novare coast.


If you don't like it reroll.

Edited by Orangerascal
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Every other warzone (with the exception of some really poor spawn timing in Voidstar) actually requires you to be able to kill people to win. Not Huttball.


Actually, you are not required to kill anyone in any game to win. There are times where killing would help, but in theory no game requires it. The hardest to win without killing being voidstar IMO. Huttball being a close second if they keep grabbing the ball.

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I agree that HB is the hardest because of the lack of utility. But I generally do great. I heal the ball carrier and get ahead behind the sandbags (or past the fire up top) and then go in for the score. If I get the ball too far back, it's a mess. Not enough HP and armor to keep up and stunned too much to heal myself. I might not get 500k heals but I'll get 300k and a couple of scores. It has taken me a while to get it down because HB is a high utility game but it's very doable
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Operative healers are great for healing ballcarriers because of the high amount of healing you can do while mobile. Not hard to go over flames for a pass either, since an operative healer is far from squishy. Operative dps can do what snipers and powertechs and mercs have to do: hold the middle and defend. None of those classes have anything to help them score. As an operative you do have one trick they don't: stealth. Can be very useful to stealth to a position for a juggernaut to intercede you for example, or just go to the endzone and wait for a pass. Some classes are a bit OP in huttball, like marauders, juggernauts and sorcs, and even tanksins, but that's not an operative issue. Personally I really like healing huttball on my operative. Edited by Boissi
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why is it every time someone comes on here talking about op/scoundrels and how theyre weak in pvp the majority of the responses are about healing?? i dont want to heal. im never gonna touch the saw bones tree, ever. i want to dps period. talk about that. discuss.
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This is the point tbh yes an Op can heal the middle and it is a useful contribution but beyond that your usefullness and the ability to affect the game for your team is very dependant on the strength of your team.


Anyway I have played hundreds of HB and won plenty, you honestly have to pug with one to really get a sense of what I am talking about, the game of Huttball played as it should be will totally pass you by and you can do **** all about it.


Quoted for truth.

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First of all, not every Char has to be extremely mobile to be useful in Huttball; scoring is one aspect, but securing the next ball is just as important.


Secondly, the invis of the Scoundrel/Ops is extremely useful but underused in Huttball. He can for example run forward in stealth and w8 for ppl to throw him the ball from the lowest stage of the Arena, right under the flametraps, so that no baalcarrier has to walk through the traps.


He is also good defensively, because no1 can jump towards him when he's in stealth.


Yes, all other stealth-classes can do the same thing and Shadow is for example clearly better in Huttball, but not every class has to have exactly the same value on every Map IMHO. Try to make the best of it, cuz IMHO, Ops won't get a Leap anytime soon. ^^

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