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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Name one thing that would make you play for another three months


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If you like the game, then you are already going to sub for another 3 months without any addition of any content because any new stuff will just be an added plus. no need to start a thread on why we would need a reason to.


Maybe I could have worded the subject line a little differently...


Also doesn't this work both ways? If I'm going to play another three months then why not make a thread wondering what the next big thing is going to be. Actually my subscription was gonna run out right when the Legacy update went through. With all the cool changes they made I felt a lot more excited about what was to come and re-upped again.


There could be people like me who like SWTOR but wouldn't just play forever with out content updates. In fact seeing as to how it's a MMO I think it's reasonable to expect content updates. So as a consequence talking to other people on the forums about content updates they would be excited about (excited enough to maintain their subscriptions) doesn't seem unreasonable.

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Too many things lacking for any one thing to keep me subbed and by the time BW figures out what they're doing newer, better games will be out. Game has/had potential but right now it feels like the only things keeping it going are the Starwars name and the class stories.


So in other words you're saying there is no magic bullet for you? You said that class stories are keeping the game going. What if they said they were going to add another two chapters on four of the classes in an upcoming update and then a month later add another two chapters for the other four classes? Would you be excited and resubscribe to see the content?

Edited by ADGarner
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Toilets in-game, ie toilet on my ship(s), toilet on planets, toilet on fleet. Also on related note, ***** usable as a resource for crafting, etc...


Admittedly I don't think I've played any MMOs that have toilets as a feature...

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Bug fixes (real fixes, not band-aids) and more character slots (ok... so 2 things)


You mean more character slots per server, right? You must really like your alts! Is it because you want to do a light side and dark side version of each story?

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You mean more character slots per server, right? You must really like your alts! Is it because you want to do a light side and dark side version of each story?


Yeah, I'm working on my 7th level 50 (currently 46), I have my last character slot filled with a 34. I'm not really willing to re-roll and lose out on my network of crafters and legacy :)

Edited by Skyzen
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Playing as a Rodian smuggler who's always getting in to trouble.


More alien race options would be cool too. You mentioned always getting in to trouble. Wouldn't it be neat if they did have a few missions that were based on your species selection?


I remember in other MMOs how different it felt if I made say a Dwarf Warrior versus a Elf Warrior. In SWTOR a smuggler is a smuggler is a smuggler I guess!

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AS i have told them when i unsubbed ... I want the freed month they gave to the 50's that space barred and power leveled their way to 50 the first 1-3 weeks of the game and then spent the rest of the time moaning on the forums about lack of content, insulting other players that hadn't reached 50 and basically trolled about. Not to mention the ones who unsubbed after the first 30 and came back after 1.2 while players who had been here since launch got snubbed.
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The game being available and running for another three months will keep me playing another three months.


This, as well as a verbal commitment to not do something to the game or add something to the game simply because WoW has it. Tired of seeing people moan left and right, wanting Bioware to add something to the game simply because their last MMO had it and they are used to it and can't play the game without it.


Now as for something real, I was actually thinking it would be awesome if they made each planet's fauna be more diverse. Instead of going to each planet and seeing some of the same monsters, have each planet be specific to certain monsters. Feels weird seeing the same monsters on Hoth and on Tatooine.


Also think they could use a server merge. Not a server transfer option, but just merge low population servers with medium population servers. Gives each server more people and reduces the amount of servers new people have to choose from.

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  • I would like a full freeform space flight/exploration mode.
  • I would like missions that can be completed without having to group and spawn further missions based on success or failure.
  • I would like a reward system that gives players currency and items simply by helping them or others in the vicinity of the objective without having to group.
  • I would like planets that are alive with activity and speech from NPC's.
  • I would like player and guild housing.

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So in other words you're saying there is no magic bullet for you? You said that class stories are keeping the game going. What if they said they were going to add another two chapters on four of the classes in an upcoming update and then a month later add another two chapters for the other four classes? Would you be excited and resubscribe to see the content?


Nope, not enough to keep me playing, pretty much saying that the stories were one of the only good things this game brought to the table over others but I can get that from a single player game.

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Less QQing on the forums


There's a solution for that! Using a highly advanced anti-QQ software. The QQers wouldn't even be able to click on the Submit Post/Reply button. That button would active/deactivate based on the actual post. Imagine life with that software...

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A large amount of engine optimization and re-tooling.


Dead things actually having 0 health and dying when they are dead. Reduce/eliminate hitching when mounting/engaging combat/opening paper doll. Framerates that don't go from 12 to 111 FPS on the same machine with the same settings. Doing something with global cooldowns so half the classes don't feel like "BOOM some damage! Wait...Wait....BOOM more damage!"


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There's a solution for that! Using a highly advanced anti-QQ software. The QQers wouldn't even be able to click on the Submit Post/Reply button. That button would active/deactivate based on the actual post. Imagine life with that software...


....but then your post wouldn't be here !

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