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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Name one thing that would make you play for another three months


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There is no ONE thing that needs to be fixed that would get me to play siimply for another three months; rather, the change must be multi-faceted and coordinated--and would keep me playing for the forseeable future:


1) Tone down the rewards for playing PvP; people get leveled up quickly in near-Rakata level gear. Therefore, there is no need to do flashpoints. The DPS and Healing can get PvE Ops level gear quickly. The tanks however cannot get adequate tanking gear from PvP (this isn't fair). So there is DPS and Heals running around in near Rakata-level gear who haven't the foggiest about flashpoints and Ops.

2) Add a real, cross-server LFG tool for flashpoints.

3) Up the ante for doing HM flashpoints...say, add 1 Black hole token per HM daily. This would add huge incentive.

4) 1.2 was supposed to be the "crafting release," but few are buying anything--most of the higher-end stuff just rots on the GTN. The quality of craftable gear wasn't adjusted high enough with 1.2. Up the quaility of craftable gear so that people once again want to buy it off the GTN. Currently, the PvP rewards are superior to crafted gear for all but tanks, and the Ops gear is far superior as well. Some people really liked crafting and selling, but it is broken.

5) Quit doing contradictory things. For example, the designers gave Artificers the ability to craft crystals--but at the same time introduced the Rak plauge which flooded the market with crystals!

6) Make the current and future PvP warzones cross-faction. Fighting your own faction is just embarrassing. Wait, what? There is an opposing faction out there?!?

7) If you do not do a cross-server LFG/PvP quickly, consolidate servers ASAP.


I have an addendum to this--the HM daily reward should be scaled to the difficulty of the heroic completed, and should include Rakata and Black Hole tokens as appropriate:


The Black Talon: Keep as-is

Boarding Party: Add 1 Rakata token

The Foundry, Directive 7: Add 2 Rakata token

The Battle of Ilum, The False Emperor, Kaon under Siege: Add 1 Black Hole token

Lost Island: Add 2 Black Hole token

Edited by Mustelidaen
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I've leveled L50 toons on 2 servers now simply because the first server has a maximum Fleet population of no more than 50 during peak periods and maybe a maximum of 10, usually far less, on individual planents. Ilum was usually 0-1 people on planet.


I finally got to L50 on my new planet, but of course the guild I was leveling with has practically died out. Trying to get L50 reg fp runs is next to impossible.


The game needs a cross-server LFG tool. If we don't get one soon, there is no point in playing this game any longer. I can only take dailies so long before my brain melts and flows out. I can't afford to loose any more brain cells. PvP is pointless, I hate it with a red hot passion. And I won't start on my opinion of BW's excuse for space combat.


If I can't experience end game material, why bother playing.


I've already leveled as many alts on my previous server as I really care to at this time.


Unless BW has solved the population issues by the time my account runs out in June, either with a cross server LFG tool or with server merges/transfers, I'll be call this game quits and adding Bioware to my list of 'Do not buy from' list (which Blizzard currently tops).

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Though I highly doubt anyone cares, the original point of this thread is to post an idea for something new or different that Bioware could implement that would make you so excited you'd say "Please Bioware, take my money! He is not saying the game sucks, he is not saying the game is perfect, he is just asking for ideas for new features or content that would get you really excited to continue playing the game. Just remember that not all threads are for constant haters of the game, some of us actually read swtor.com cuz we enjoy swtor =P


hehe, cuz I'm new to MMOs and enjoy the terminology, I'm just gonna say: L2R

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This game needs to play like Call of Duty. I just don't feel manly enough with this game. (good thing I hear Bioware is trying to appeal more to the CoD audience yay!) Edited by MahBo
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90 days of free play time. My account summary informs me i have 54 more days till I can't play anymore. I don't plan on resubbing. To many other games coming out this summer. This was a nice distraction, but not a lasting addiction.
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#1 fix the servers, then alot of the little things.


But if they implement 3d space right i would definately be subed for a long time just to play the space game even if the rest of the game doesnt get caught up to where a modern mmo should be.

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Nothing at this point. The build up to 1.2 was a farce. Half the stuff they gloated about was either not put in or misrepresented. I am bailing out now while I still only have less than 100 dollars wrapped up in this pudu burrito.
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Sure nothing that bioware is able to do in thre months. I don't imagine myself repeating same quests THREE MONTHS MORE... no, simply not.


What could happen to be here three months more?


perhaps if i forget to cancel my sub... you can count this to happen to a lot of people.


Or perhaps if the game happened to be more sandbox, so i got something NEW to do.


Have a house, crafting or healing quests...


Or DEFINITELY: Add REAL races, not a makeup of human races. ( wookie, rodians, mon cal...)


Space battles being not on rails would make me think too.


So, who am i trying to fool? I'd remain in the game IF IT WAS STAR WARS GALAXIES.

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[*]Dark Age of Camelot



Dark Age of Camelot created Frontiers, where battles were fought over keeps in each frontier. These keeps offered real bonuses to their kingdoms in the way of stronger magic, stronger melee, etc. When fighting in PvP, regardless of where you were, you would get realm points for defeating an enemy. These realm points were spent on special abilities. The "realm ranks" would unlock these abilities and if you were a realm rank 1 going against a realm rank 9, chances are you were destined to be destroyed. Very rarely was the outcome different. In the end, this created a long standing imbalance with PvP if it were 1v1. 1v1 battles rarely occurred though, and thus the balance was maintained. Realm Rank 1s would travel with realm members of higher rank and survive just fine in most cases. Regardless, the game was fun and the PvP is still marked by many as the best PvP MMO to date.


DAoC was in the the start of it's decline before this, but after Frontiers is when people really started leaving. Not sure how anyone can call it a success.

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DAoC was in the the start of it's decline before this, but after Frontiers is when people really started leaving. Not sure how anyone can call it a success.


yup, I just get feeling its the only part of DAoC the kid saw so hes speaking of it as thats what it was.


DAoC was most successful prior to the introduction of RAs (Realm Abilities) and Frountiers patch.


NOTHING beats DAoC just after Darkness Falls launched.


Sooo much fun

Soooo much realm unity and pride


One of my all time favorite memories of DAoC RVR was myself (paladin, sword and sheild) and a buddy Keth (armsman, polearm) stood inside one of our keeps while 3 Mids pounded on the doors. We watched them beat back the Keep guards and pound on doors until we were sure they had used their stamina and then we attacked 2 on 3 (but we had all our stamina so could use styles and style chains). One mid dropped fast, the other 2 took off running. But with no stamina their run was shourt lived and we quickly swooped down on the 2nd one and killed him as well. 3rd got away but that was ok, we back up to keep again to heal up and refreash.


Completely enjoyable conflict that wasnt zerg vrs zerg or any other nonsense.


Oh there was zerg vrs zerg, there was also group vrs group, and 1 on 1 to be found everywhere!


But what made DAoC RVR so much better then any pvp that came after it is RVR brought everyone in a realm togather. There were a few pre mades and they were looked on with scorn as they were mostly selfish and not out for good of realm. It was the most social and interactive style of PVP I seen since original NeverWinter Nights on AOL (circa 1991). But that was turn based so you socialized and interacted between turns. Something sadly lost when real time combat hit the sceen

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I love the game so will be keep subscribing. Put I do hope they offer server mergers or transfers soon, because it's not fun on a low pop server


This seems to be a main issue,more gameing , less LFGing

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