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Name one thing that would make you play for another three months


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The one thing that would make me play for another three months:


ahh, turning on my computer...


I have a better question...


What would stop you from playing for another three months?


My answer, nothing would stop me from playing....

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There is no ONE thing that needs to be fixed that would get me to play siimply for another three months; rather, the change must be multi-faceted and coordinated--and would keep me playing for the forseeable future:


1) Tone down the rewards for playing PvP; people get leveled up quickly in near-Rakata level gear. Therefore, there is no need to do flashpoints. The DPS and Healing can get PvE Ops level gear quickly. The tanks however cannot get adequate tanking gear from PvP (this isn't fair). So there is DPS and Heals running around in near Rakata-level gear who haven't the foggiest about flashpoints and Ops.

2) Add a real, cross-server LFG tool for flashpoints.

3) Up the ante for doing HM flashpoints...say, add 1 Black hole token per HM daily. This would add huge incentive.

4) 1.2 was supposed to be the "crafting relase," but few are buying anything--most of the higher-end stuff just rots on the GTN. The quality of craftable gear wasn't adjusted high enough with 1.2. Up the quaility of craftable gear so that people once again want to buy it off the GTN. Currently, the PvP rewards are superior to crafted gear for all but tanks, and the Ops gear is far superior as well. Some people really liked crafting and selling, but it is broken.

5) Quit doing contradictory things. For example, the designers gave Artificers the ability to craft crystals--but at the same time introduced the Rak plauge which flooded the market with crystals!

6) Make the current and future PvP warzones cross-faction. Fighting your own faction is just embarrasisng. Wait, what? There is an opposing faction out there?!?

7) If you do not do a cross-server LFG/PvP quickly, consolidate servers ASAP.

Edited by Mustelidaen
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1. PVP reworked to rely on skill instead of gear

2. PVE balancing not tied to PVP performance

3. Group space combat missions

4. PVE end game encounters that are friendlier to melee dps

5. Zero forum QQ threads

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There is no ONE thing that needs to be fixed that would get me to play siimply for another three months; rather, the change must be multi-faceted and coordinated--and would keep me playing for the forseeable future:


1) Tone down the rewards for playing PvP; people get leveled up quickly in near-Rakata level gear. Therefore, there is no need to do flashpoints. The DPS and Healing can get PvE Ops level gear quickly. The tanks however cannot get adequate tanking gear from PvP (this isn't fair). So there is DPS and Heals running around in near Rakata-level gear who haven't the foggiest about flashpoints and Ops.


I have to agree with this. The rewards for running PvP were too good at the start of the game for the ease with which they were gotten. It devalued the rewards from running FPs. The easy of running normal mode OPs also devalued the necessity of gearing up in FPs before progressing into OPs. There simply wasn't any progression of gear or content.


2) Add a real, cross-server LFG tool for flashpoints.


If it isn't cross server it will be as worthless as the dead server I'm stuck on.


3) Up the ante for doing HM flashpoints...say, add 1 Black hole token per HM daily. This would add huge incentive.


Something needs to be done to encourage players to keep running older content, especially the FPs. There are still 4 FPs I've never been able to find a group to clear, and I've cleared every OP on Hard/NIghtmare Mode.


4) 1.2 was supposed to be the "crafting relase," but few are buying anything--most of the higher-end stuff just rots on the GTN. The quality of craftable gear wasn't adjusted high enough with 1.2. Up the quaility of craftable gear so that people once again want to buy it off the GTN. Currently, the PvP rewards are superior to crafted gear for all but tanks, and the Ops gear is far superior as well. Some people really liked crafting and selling, but it is broken.


Crafting remains a joke. Its frustrating that I can wear War Hero gear, but not being Valor Rank 70 I can't make augmented gear for myself to wear (although for the first week or so I could sell it, now no one buys it because all 8 people on my server have it now). Not being able to reverse engineer Columi and Rakata gear to learn patterns and not being able to transfer set bonuses to augmented gear outside of Campaign and War Hero gear was a big mistake, as was actually not what we were led to believe we were getting.


Biochem is still the preeminent crafting profession by far. Adrenal mats are far too expensive and no one on my server bothers to make them or sell them. For some reason I can't reverse engineer War Hero gear I've made that didn't proc augment slots and get some of my mats back. These Orange husks only vendor for 1 credit, which considering what went into crafting them is a joke.


5) Quit doing contradictory things. For example, the designers gave Artificers the ability to craft crystals--but at the same time introduced the Rak plauge which flooded the market with crystals!


Introducing the Geologist crystal vendor and following it with the Rakghoul vendor killed the crystal market. I have no idea what they were thinking except that someone at BW really wanted to stick it to Artificers.


6) Make the current and future PvP warzones cross-faction. Fighting your own faction is just embarrasing. Wait, what? There is an opposing faction out there?!?


PvP is more broken than ever. No one should have to re-roll another character/class just to feel useful in PvP. People die far too quickly, Guard is broken and healing gets to be imbalanced as soon as there are more than 1 healer in a WZ. Teams should be matched based on gear and experience, not whether or not they're in a pre made or not. I can't queue with my lesser geared friends or else we get steam rolled by War Hero premades. Don't even get me started about how bad BW stuck it to everyone not already in full BM gear when 1.2 went live.


7) If you do not do a cross-server LFG/PvP quickly, consolidate servers ASAP.


Its a joke that a feature as basic as this wasn't introduced at or near launch. Server mergers should have happened already, I shouldn't have to transfer (if/when that becomes available).

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i see you havent played much pvp mmos before


world pvp isnt stupid objective based garbage like in sw tor.its pvp meant to be what pvp is supose to be,fun.meaning going out into the world and just stomping people


i dont think thats possible in sw tor.cuz i havent seen over 20 people in any zone ive ever been in,not to mention the opposite faction,which i never see eather


Which MMOs have you played that reflect this view point? How do you think they designed it so that the world pvp would be good?


I mean Bioware can't just say "there will be world PvP" and be done.

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All the people who are threatening to quit ACTUALLY quitting and leaving the people who like the game alone.:D


AND THIS^^^^^^^


You know some of us actually search the forums for help in teh game or easter eggs or things having to do with playing the game. Do you have any idea how hard it is to filter through all the whining and crying of these forums? If EVER you needed proof that the Dark Side---if left unchecked--will spread through the galaxy like a wild fire.....just look at these forums.

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AND THIS^^^^^^^


You know some of us actually search the forums for help in teh game or easter eggs or things having to do with playing the game. Do you have any idea how hard it is to filter through all the whining and crying of these forums? If EVER you needed proof that the Dark Side---if left unchecked--will spread through the galaxy like a wild fire.....just look at these forums.


Unfortunately posts like these are just derailing the conversation.


If Bioware added one thing that would excite you what would it be? Share with us what you'd like to see for the future of SWTOR.

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Rated Warzones, Merge Low Pop Servers, Cross Server Warzones, some sort of arena based pvp implemented where the only objective is to kill the enemy team.


Merging Low Pop Servers is probably the most important out of all of those. The inability to PuG the new instance on HM or Normal will end up resulting in a lot of players quitting I think. Not everyone wants to raid on a time structure, just when its convenient to them.

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Fire the entire management team.


i say fire the pvp team first


they arent doing anything in the sense of proving there the best pvp team,just making serious pvpers in this game to busy laughing at how bad the pvp is.or playing other games that have good quality pvp

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Which MMOs have you played that reflect this view point? How do you think they designed it so that the world pvp would be good?


I mean Bioware can't just say "there will be world PvP" and be done.


ive played alot of mmos that have done world pvp the way its suppose to be the first time.ive played alot of mmos that didnt look at forum QQ as a viable way of balancing classes


my point is,bioware arent really showing anyone who has expieranced good pvp in other mmos the proof of the statement of them hiring in the best pvp team

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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Faster XP gain while leveling


I want to play all 8 classes, but the tedium of repeating tons of side-missions wears me down. Faster XP gain while leveling would help to alleviate the repetitiveness. The 1.3 Legacy unlocks might help, but not much since they're limited to PvP, Space and FPs, and I spend 99% of my time doing missions.

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ive played alot of mmos that have done world pvp the way its suppose to be the first time.ive played alot of mmos that didnt look at forum QQ as a viable way of balancing classes


my point is,bioware arent really showing anyone who has expieranced good pvp in other mmos the proof of the statement of them hiring in the best pvp team


Which MMOs? How did they do it?

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theres one thing playing the game,theres another thing looking at the direction its going and saying its a waste of time to stick with it


my opinion of sw tor is.from looking at the direction its going,its a waste of time for anyone who cares about pvp to stick with it


And this is why it's a mmo and not a fps. PvP is one thing, and introduced well in some cases with UO/DAoC... even Anarchy Online and DCUO. However, it is too much to ask a company new to the mmo industry to cater to both sides of the game. PvP is all good and fine, but all the good PvP games are designed for just that. They're not catering to PvE. DAoC finally realized there was a whole base of players and managed (with great acumen) to incorporate the two. Since then, it's a myth that it exists. You can thank all the new gen MMOs out there for that, starting with WoW.


Personally, I'd rather see more PvE content. I'm definitely a PvPer by nature, but I enjoy the game and storylines, etc. enough to endure poor PvP for a stake at some really intricate well designed raids and flashpoints in the future.

Edited by Darkrite
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More Optimizations!

Fix pathetic shadows!

Day/Night cycles.


A polish patch, eh? Just improve on every thing they've already done and make an update on that alone. I can feel it.

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Which MMOs? How did they do it?


  • Dark Age of Camelot
  • Ultima Online
  • Anarchy Online


Ultima Online offered real rewards (granted it was the gear you looted off the other player), and penalized the player killer by not allowing them into many of the cities. They were restricted to an island called Buccaneer's Den for most the city type things. To go into that area as a "blue" (non-PKer) was certain death. Also, if you killed a player killer as a "blue", you could turn their head in for a bounty (which was posted by other players, paid for with their gold, and plenty of bounties there were. Even if someone low skill put 20 gold toward the bounty, that thing started to stack up). There were real rewards to this. I call UO the "Tekken of MMOs", because it was so fast paced (though 2D).


Dark Age of Camelot created Frontiers, where battles were fought over keeps in each frontier. These keeps offered real bonuses to their kingdoms in the way of stronger magic, stronger melee, etc. When fighting in PvP, regardless of where you were, you would get realm points for defeating an enemy. These realm points were spent on special abilities. The "realm ranks" would unlock these abilities and if you were a realm rank 1 going against a realm rank 9, chances are you were destined to be destroyed. Very rarely was the outcome different. In the end, this created a long standing imbalance with PvP if it were 1v1. 1v1 battles rarely occurred though, and thus the balance was maintained. Realm Rank 1s would travel with realm members of higher rank and survive just fine in most cases. Regardless, the game was fun and the PvP is still marked by many as the best PvP MMO to date.


Anarchy Online created a similar system later in the game similar to Dark Age of Camelot, but based theirs around financial destruction of the other side. In Anarchy Online you had three factions as well, but one of those was neutral and could "freelance" as it were. When fighting over what was known as a "Notum Tower", the players would obtain that territory as their own (though not really, it could still be traversed by the other side). What it meant is that one side could create guard turrets and defenses in that territory against the other side, thus making travel in the open world a bit more tricky for one side than the other. It also allowed that side to mine Notum ( a resource ) in the area.


None of these things are seemingly existent or present within SW:TOR for world PvP and this is a primary reason many "old school" PvP players are dissatisfied with the content. SW:TOR seems to have fallen into the platform of its newer generation MMOs like World of Warcraft that push players into a setting for PvP combat (with rewards) rather than let them hunt each other down in an open world and control points on a map.


Fighting for the sake of fighting..simple combat like you would find in any console or PC first-person shooter isn't worth it in an MMO. There's no immersion or sense of danger in the world to it.


Fighting for the sake of control over territories, or keeps and objectives for your realm. That's what many of the community members are looking for. We're looking for a reason to pick a fight with another player, not for ourselves but for the 'make believe glory' that previous games gave us. It becomes a high of sorts.


Also, the majority of those didn't listen to player cries to balance. They offered up massive amounts of testing (in the way of developers getting in and playing the game with other players, as well as monitoring the players in combat) to see the outcome. Which is also, apparently, not present here. While things can be said "it's balanced", a lot of players with multiple 50s are now realizing (myself included) that some classes are just superior in many ways to others. If in doubt, always check videos online for comparisons.

Edited by Darkrite
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What I would really love is if they expanded my slots to 16 and then allowed me to free transfer my pubs over to my imperial server since 5 people on the fleet is a busy night and all of the legacy things that I wasn't aware of when i decided to put my imps and pubs on 2 diff servers. Sometimes I get frustrated because of the lack of things I have on the republic server and it keeps me from enjoying a whole lot of story...
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