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UI Feature Feedback Request


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In decreasing priority from top to botttom (And all coming as Optional):


- Mouseover targeting (Specially important for healers). Including the option to label which UI elements should be "mouseover active". Additional option to also be able to Mouseover target's 3D model (Important this to be optional... Some classes are impaired by this and others are improved).


- Active Slot Buttons. The pressence of a buff that modifies a certain action should also be notified by a highlighting effect on the action/s (Golden Border, additional mini icon, etc, etc).


- Buff Gain Flying text events. Would rock to have the option to make the Icon of a Buff that's gained through a combat action to appear as a Flying Combat text event. It would require its own animation path, optional buff text and its animation speed should be adapted to the minimum ICD of the class (Or the cannonical GCD). Ideally should be combined with the option below by adding a 3rd option to the buff/debuff editing: "Trigger combat event on gain".


- Buff/Debuff Filtering. Popular "options": Hide Long Duration buffs during combat, Show Debuffs you can cleanse only. Ideally the user should be able to click on any buff/debuff to add it to a list of buffs/debuffs to Hide (Using a modifier like ctrl+left click) later, while editing the list, the user should have 2 options: "Unhide", "Hide during combat only".


- 3 State Buffs. There are mechanics on the game that provide an effect but ALSO mark the start of an ICD... Would rock to have buff icons that remained to be able to visualize when that ICD ends even if they are "spent" to modify the linked action/s. So instead of 2 states (on and off) we should have a 3rd state "on ICD". The best example of this is Shadow's "Find Weakness" proc.


- Anchoring of UI elements. Been able to group up and move together certain UI elements helps a lot ppl that has to frequently change their UI.


- Snap to Grid. This helps a lot with the initial alignment of certain elements (Would also work wonders with the option above).

Edited by ragamer
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1. i want to see % and Amount of HP on the Focus target bar (like we do on our target bar). This days the Focus target got no option to show HP (numbers).


2. Also could be nice to see distance to target's target and to the focus target.


3. And i want have separate window for Distance. But this is not too critical.

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Well i just want to say thanks for the UI as it is, its about the only thing promised in 1.2 that has truely improved things the team who worked on it should be proud. The target of target window alone has helped massivly in ops. And The ui additions wernt even on my radar pre 1.2, it makes such a difference.


Id like to further expand on cast bars and target of target.. when in operations i like to have them quite large and in my face, so expanding them making them larger without having to use the global ui expand making everything big would be handy... my monitors only so big. And as has been said another bar to fill the right would be nice, i have 3 layered down the bottom and one on the left, a 5th on the right would be a bonus.

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I would like custom TEXT buttons to setup for example..


Incomming %T where %T is the variable for what ever I have targeted.

Also ide like the option to make buttons for emotes I use alot like..

/me tickles %T this way I could just hit a button on bar or type it in the box.

I DONT want the ability to put in combat commands or other key presses like.



Ide also like to skin and color my UI anyway I want. Ide like to resize my windows with the mouse similar to normal windows in the OS.

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My wish list:


1) Fix the Novare Coast placement: it never saves where I put it!


2) Target Frames - My Character, My Target etc, I don't want to see peoples faces. Whilst it looks good, it means the shape of these frames are really cumbersome. All I need is a rectangle with two bars: health + resource. Whilst its not pretty, I play on a relatively small screen (1280x1024) so screen space is at a premium!


3) Reskinning - not something I'm hugely in to but its nice to see what the community comes up with and then use their best offerings.


4) Chat window - I don't need the side bar for scrolling etc, would like the option to remove it so all I have is the tabs at the top, the text of the window itself and the entry box at the bottom.


5) Perhaps not a popular idea, but having a "Raid Assist Target" window (RAT) might be nice. Check out how LOTRO did it. Some people argue it reduces player skill by making it too easy to focus-fire but its a nice addition and doesn't really change all that much. Used this extensively in lotro for just about everything we did, was good for focus firing plus simply just putting priority teammates vitals front-and-center.

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I like it over all.. maybe the ability to add more hot bars, tagte of targt is ok, would like that to be an assist, so I can heal or damage the target while, having a friendly targeted, most modern mmo's have this feature.
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1.2 was a nice change to start things off, dont get me wrong, but more is needed.


Allow players to create skins for the UI

Allow players to create cosmetic additions to the UI for that matter (mods, but not the type of mods that trivalize gameplay)

Add a checkbox to remove the ability-spam text- as a "key spammer" this gets annoy to see

Add a way to flip the side bars horizontal and snap them onto the bottom bars



few sugguestions for my personal taste

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UI Editing



  • A toggleable alignment grid.
  • Snap to Grid
  • Ability to select multiple components and move them together.
  • Immediate font size changes with UI scaling changes. Rather than when next logout / login.

Player Unit Frame



  • Flip Player / Target / etc Unit Frames Vertically (So name appears below the bars).
  • Merge the "Phase" and "Group" sub-menus when you RMB your portrait. Only programmers care they aren't the same thing - the rest of us use them interchangeably.


Buffs and Debuffs



  • Hide ALL non-combat buffs and debuffs icons after 10 seconds of being in combat. (Keep combat rez's in mind).
  • Hide all class specific buffs / debuffs on targets except my own. I need to know how high MY stacks of heat signature are on the boss. I couldn't give a hoot about anyone else's. Maybe some control happy raid leader might want to check up on everyone, every time - so have some sort of in combat toggle. Likewise, I'm not interested in if some inquisitor's affliction is on the target or not.
  • Add toggle to allow hiding of dispellable debuffs if your character can't actually dispel it (though raid leaders may still want to see stuff like this even if they themselves can't do anything about it).


Operations Frame



  • Allow groups to be populated vertically as an alternative to horizontally like now. (when showing all 6 groups of 4 players in a 3 across, 2 down grid... allow it to be shown as Top Row: 1, 3, 5. Second Row : 2, 4, 6.. as opposed to the current way of across first (1,2,3 ... 4,5,6).
  • Mouseover abilities (healing, dispelling, etc).


In effect on 8man, I like





and on 16man, I like








  • In general, something about all fonts does not scale well.
    • I ran wow at 0.64 for years - I can't reduce most swtor UI elements below 0.85 due to font problems.
    • Not sure if it's character spacing or the shadowing... but something doesn't like scaled fonts.

    [*]Ability to change an element's UI scaling and it's associated font size independently.


Target Marking



  • Still no keybinds for target marking. - nvm, apparently they added this and I didn't notice.
  • Option for "clear target marker" as an alternative to remarking it with the same symbol to remove it.
  • More visible target marks. ie. Less transparent and without the odd scaling that happens dependant upon range.


World Map



  • World Map scaling


Guild List / Roster / Management



  • "Guild" and "Guild Details" shouldn't be so similar as to wonder why two panels are needed.
  • A 3rd custom column - so things like Guild Rank + Member Note + Last Login can be seen at the same time.
  • Addition of a guild log. Who joined and when? Who /gquit while everyone was offline? Who promoted X to Rank Y?
  • Extra RMB action "/whisper".


Friends List / Who



  • "Set Comment" as another option on the RMB actions mini-menu.
  • Once the Group Finder goes active, could the default 6th column on the WHO panel be changed to "Guild" instead of "LFG Comment" ?


Chat Window



  • Lock Chat Window Position / Size
  • Toggle for non-interactive chat window in combat (ie. mouse pass through). The number of times I've gone to click something in the upper left section of the view window and ended up clicking the chat window rather than the player/creature "behind" it is just bad).
  • Fade out per message / line rather than the whole window.
  • Filterable chat -> file logging similar to the combat log. (I might want to see /general chat but not log it). But logging loot rolls / wins in a raid might mean I could do some form of DKP without switching on master looter.
  • Currently you can LMB on someone's name who's sent a message in the chat window - to send them a whisper. Would be nice if that also worked when you LMB on the someone's name when you've SENT THEM a message too (it doesn't currently).
  • Press "R" to reply would be nice if "tab" also cycled through people who've recently sent whispers to you.
  • "Shift + R" is hardwired into my brain as "send whisper to the same person I sent my latest whisper to". Currently it just comes up with "/whisper" without a name after it.
  • "Shift + LMB" on someone's name in the chat window... would be nice if it did a "/who [name]" (as much as I dislike direct copying wow functionality - I can't see this one ruining the community - and people have all sort of weird character in the name which makes manually typing "/who ßlåstò" a little tricky.
    • I'm usually looking to use it when someone's talking cr*p in /general and I want to see what guild they're in.
    • or someone is asking for LFG or LFM... and I want to check out what level their character is, or what class it is.

    [*]More selective filtering for chat. Currently there are single options which switch on/off both useful and useless messages together.


Crew Skills



  • Ability to reorder the list of companions.
  • Ability to search / filter all crew skills potential reward name (so show only missions that could reward a Tatooine Flamegem for example - I shouldn't need to use an external website to find this sort of stuff out).





  • Remember previous mission Level choice
    • ...so if I'm 400/400 but making a lot of Rank 2 crafting mats - I don't need to keep changing the dropdown box to "Mission Level 17-24" every soddin' time.





  • Remember recent searches.
  • Or bookmark current search (so you can repeat it again some other time).


Copying Other MMOs.



  • Instead of copying the base UI functionality - take a look at the hugely popular UI addons and what they offer instead of the standard UI... and copy THAT instead.



General UI stuff.



  • No wholescale custom user UI's. If the UI is missing something substantial - add it to the standard UI so everyone can benefit and everyone is on a level playing field.
    • Nobody spends their time complaining they can't customise the Diablo 3 UI or most other games. Not everything has to be reproduced in every MMO.
    • Modding communities are very creative and add lots of new and overpowered elements. That requires encounter designers to make the assumption that people are using those tools, even though they aren't in the UI. Which creates a gap in practical terms between those who HAVE and HAVE NOT got certain mods.

    [*][Esc] to close windows in reverse order they were made primary focus. Including the chat window text entry box. Right now, pressing [Escape] is an adventure into the "I wonder what window will close" and "damn you chat box... CLOSE!" lands

    [*]The option at least for minimalistic UI components. Personally I wouldn't use them much, but I can see why people would want stuff like that a lot. I'd probably just use it on things like the Crew Management window. Maybe, just maybe depending what it looked at, the player / target unit frames too.

    [*]If you're feeling particularly adventurous create a new UI element for tracking loot and loot rolls, instead of just spamming chat. Maybe just "loot and winner and winner's roll plus MY name and MY roll initially, with dropdown list to show everyone's if I click it. (ie. initially small, but explorable). Maybe even exportable.



Edited by Woetoo
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I won't list the things I want to see changed that are clearly just bugs that will be fixed anyway, but here's the extra features I'd like to see that don't have to do with buff bars, since you are already working on those:


1) I'd like to be able to remove the left part of the chat window, leaving only the functionality of instantly scrolling to the bottom of the chat log (I'd like to be able to shift + mouse wheel down in order to scroll all the way to the end of the chat log, and shift + mouse wheel up to scroll not all the way to the top of chat, but more than what just a normal mouse wheel up scrolls), so that I could move the text over to the left more. I'd also like to be able to adjust the alpha of the text in the chat log.


2) I'd like to be able to turn off the portraits on the player, target, companion etc unit frames.


3) I'd like to be able to remove any buttons on the minimap that I have no desire to be there.


4) I'd like to be able to see procs displayed in a customizable location independent from the buff bars, either as text or an icon, or both, to make it more obvious when something procs without having only the buff bar to look at.


5) I'd like to have the option to turn on companion's health bars in the ops frames via the menu accessible from the button located on the ops frame.


6) I'd like to be able to adjust keybindings via the interface editor (or a separate keybinding editor). When the editing mode is turned on, I'd like to be able to hover over a hotbar slot with my mouse and press a button on my keyboard or mouse to bind that key to that slot.


There's probably more, but I can't think of anything else for now :)

Edited by Vivere
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Please let us save our keybinds to a local file. It is a major pain to recreate them everytime we create a new character.


Very much agree with this one. It would be very nice to import and export key mappings. Realy that should care over for many if not all of the preference. ie. show alignment choices, Show Cooldown, etc.


Alignment type tools would be nice. ie highlight 3 hotbars and they click align left, align tops, ....


Make the chat window moveable in the UI editor. Seems silly to have a piece of the UI missing from it. It was nice that you could move it before but put everything in once section.



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be handy if the action bars could snap onto each other to get them perfectly in line wtih each other.


Yes please! That is all :) I like the current customization levels, but I don't much care for the modular look. If the modules could snap together after I'm done arranging them and maybe morph into more of a single element that'd be awesome.


Actually there is another suggestion I'd like to make. How about a smart GUI that removes itself from the screen when it's not needed? Lots of console based games use this type of feature to great effect. (including ME on the PC unless I'm mistaken) Lets you enjoy more of the view with less of the clutter. I tend to switch to the 'Default' GUI now whenever I am puttering around of the fleet or my ship just because there's less of it.

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Target of Target function that allows you to pass your heals/combat arts thru your present target. The present target of target function only does half the job and is frankly old school and way behind the times...all other present day MMOs have this functionality..this game should as well. For example, when playing a healer, if you have a player targeted to heal, you have to still swap targets if I want to debuff/interrupt/damage a target. Tabbing, hitting Function keys or mouse clicking the targets over and over thru the fight just to swap targets gets old fast. You do this in a ops or flashpoint setting and you just added to the lack of enjoyment. Right now..target of target basically provides a display feature...which does not help much at all.
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UI Feature Feedback Request


How to Invent a Bicycle and Do Not Make UI API.


For a healer, this

  • Ability to scale and filter buffs/debuffs.
  • Buffs/debuffs need a countdown timer function you can turn on/off
  • Ability to turn off Portraits
  • Ability to "lock" certain buffs so they can't be clicked on to remove
  • Better buff/debuff seperation



and this


UI Editing
  • An alignment grid.
  • Snap to Grid
  • Ability to select multiple components and move them together.
  • Immediate font size changes with UI scaling changes. Rather than when next logout / login.

Player Unit Frame



  • Flip Player / Target / etc Unit Frames Vertically (So name appears below the bars).
  • Merge the "Phase" and "Group" sub-menus when you RMB your portrait. Only programmers care they aren't the same thing - the rest of us use them interchangeably.


Buffs and Debuffs



  • Hide ALL non-combat buffs and debuffs icons after 10 seconds of being in combat. (Keep combat rez's in mind).
  • Add toggle to allow hiding of dispellable debuffs if your character can't actually dispel it (though raid leaders may still want to see stuff like this even if they themselves can't do anything about it).


Operations Frame



  • Allow groups to be populated vertically as an alternative to horizontally like now. (when showing all 6 groups of 4 players in a 3 across, 2 down grid... allow it to be shown as Top Row: 1, 3, 5. Second Row : 2, 4, 6.. as opposed to the current way of across first (1,2,3 ... 4,5,6).
  • Mouseover abilities (healing, dispelling, etc).





  • In general, something about all fonts does not scale well.
    • I ran wow at 0.64 for years - I can't reduce most swtor UI elements below 0.85 due to font problems.
    • Not sure if it's character spacing or the shadowing... but something doesn't like scaled fonts.

    [*]Ability to change an element's UI scaling and it's associated font size independently.


Target Marking



  • Still no keybinds for target marking.


World Map



  • World Map scaling


Guild List / Roster / Management



  • "Guild" and "Guild Details" shouldn't be so similar as to wonder why two panels are needed.
  • A 3rd custom column - so things like Guild Rank + Member Note + Last Login can be seen at the same time.
  • Addition of a guild log. Who joined and when? Who /gquit while everyone was offline? Who promoted X to Rank Y?
  • Extra RMB action "/whisper".


Friends List / Who



  • "Set Comment" as another option on the RMB actions mini-menu.
  • Once the Group Finder goes active, could the default 6th column on the WHO panel be changed to "Guild" instead of "LFG Comment" ?


Chat Window



  • Currently you can LMB on someone's name who's sent a message in the chat window - to send them a whisper. Would be nice if that also worked when you LMB on the someone's name when you've SENT THEM a message too (it doesn't currently).
  • Press "R" to reply would be nice if "tab" also cycled through people who've recently sent whispers to you.
  • "Shift + R" is hardwired into my brain as "send whisper to the same person I sent my latest whisper to". Currently it just comes up with "/whisper" without a name after it.
  • "Shift + LMB" on someone's name in the chat window... would be nice if it did a "/who [name]" (as much as I dislike direct copying wow functionality - I can't see this one ruining the community - and people have all sort of weird character in the name which makes manually typing "/who ßlåstò" a little tricky.
    • I'm usually looking to use it when someone's talking cr*p in /general and I want to see what guild they're in.
    • or someone is asking for LFG or LFM... and I want to check out what level their character is, or what class it is.


Crew Skills



  • Ability to reorder the list of companions.
  • Ability to search / filter all crew skills potential reward name (so show only missions that could reward a Tatooine Flamegem for example - I shouldn't need to use an external website to find this sort of stuff out).





  • Remember previous mission Level choice
    • ...so if I'm 400/400 but making a lot of Rank 2 crafting mats - I don't need to keep changing the dropdown box to "Mission Level 17-24" every soddin' time.





  • Remember recent searches.


Copying Other MMOs.



  • Instead of copying the base UI functionality - take a look at the hugely popular UI addons and what they offer instead of the standard UI... and copy THAT instead.



General UI stuff.



  • No wholescale custom user UI's. If the UI is missing something substantial - add it to the standard UI so everyone can benefit and everyone is on a level playing field.
    • Nobody spends their time complaining they can't customise the Diablo 3 UI or most other games. Not everything has to be reproduced in every MMO.
    • Modding communities are very creative and add lots of new and overpowered elements. That requires encounter designers to make the assumption that people are using those tools, even though they aren't in the UI. Which creates a gap in practical terms between those who HAVE and HAVE NOT got certain mods.


and this

Just give us a total combat log

would be enough for the open beta.

Edited by Rovshchik
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You mentioned improvements to the buff bar, but specifically I'd like to see your (de)buffs applied to a target separated somehow from everyone elses.


Especially if there are 2 of the same class attacking a target, it can be really tricky to tell when to reapply your debuffs or DOTs. Yours get lost in the sea of debuff icons. Nothing like trying to figure out which is yours of the 4 afflictions or 3 corrosive darts on a target.


Not a UI issue, but I'd kill to be able to have a bound key that just says "Ready!" in local chat.

Edited by Infalliable
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I would like to be able to re-orient the cast bars, target, ops and party boxes so that the info is displayed vertically instead of horizontally.


Please provide an option to control the flavor art associated with the interface (on/off, change color, change theme)


Ops frames:

display percentages and or numerical value of health and secondary stat as a value on the ops frame (Heat, Force etc)

Allow users to set triggers to change the individual box color at certain values of Ops Health, Heat, Force etc.

Visually display who in the Op has aggro

Provide some indication of who is in combat and who is not that the rest of the op can see.




Provide some sort of visual indication as to who is carrying the ball in Hutt Ball (something more obvious than the buff/debuff)

Would be great if I could click on the Possession indicator and automatically target the carrier.


Wait Timer! Estimated time to cue



Please give players a way to know when they are targeted/Aggro warning

Allow users to individually set spacing of the buttons in hot bars.

Allow a UI option to display counters for cool downs on abilities

allow cool down indicators such as green for available abilities, red for unavailable, yellow for abilities coming up in 5 sec or less (user set)


Provide individual achievements for encounters i.e. You downed SoA HM in 4:30 (Personal Best 4:25)


Combat Text:

Provide the option to ingame look 15 sec back after a death to better understand what killed us/ or what went wrong.

Edited by ShroudAlpha
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More than anything I'd like to see some major changes to the Chat interface. I like that I can move windows and change font sizes and colors, but I'd like to see a LOT more. Some ideas that come to mind are:


  • Have a filter with a selectable list of show or hide players in chat history; including system messages,etc. Basically any chat "source" would be filterable, and this list can be generated simply by parsing the chat history. Very often I find myself scrolling back in a birds nest of chat messages looking for "that one message" from a certain player, or I'm trying to see the back-and-forth between two particular players; or I'm trying to find the system message that says I got my Tionese crystal.
  • After adding a chat channel to an existing tab, have the history for that channel appear in that window. Likewise, if I remove a channel the history for that channel should clear. This would really help when I want to reorganize the channels in my various windows.
  • Have a button that clears chat history in individual windows. I can't tell you how annoying it is when I have a red message floating in the chat window at the middle top of my screen. I don't want to have to remove the window and lose my settings.
  • Give an ability to save individual chat windows' history to file. This is pretty much self explanatory.
  • Give me a cursor in chat windows with the ability to highlight/copy text. This may be on par with the preceding request about saving history, since I could just highlight and copy-out the chat window contents myself, but both features would be nice.
  • Not really chat-window-related, but I'd like the ability to trade with group members regardless of proximity, or at least an explanation for the existing limitation. Very often I craft something for a guild member who is on a different planet and we don't want to wait for the mail system. I'm not sure if this is outside the scope of this thread, but it seems UI related.
  • Speaking of the mail system, I'd like to see a fix to the delay both in mail notification and actual delivery time. When I mail alts and switch to them, their mail is available right away (i assume because a mail query happens at login); but if I mail someone else who is currently online, it is typically several minutes before they get a notification of mail. Usually I tell them to go check within a minute or so, and the mail is there even though there is no notification.
  • Make the ops group pane organizable. Ideally this would be the ability to sort or even drag-and-drop players around the frame. E.g., I'd like to group dps together in once column, tanks in another, healers in another. Sometimes I find myself hovering over the player to see the tooltip and determine which class they are. It would be nice to only have to do that once.
  • Give more options in the guild window. The list here would be too long, so surprise me :) The more features the better. One thing that comes to mind is I don't always get consistent right-click options on guild members. Sometimes I can whisper, sometimes I can invite to group, but not always and not on every member. This seems really clunky.


If I think of anything else I'll edit this thread and update the list.


I haven't read through the preceding pages of other suggestions, so hopefully this wasn't repeating too much that has already been suggested.

Edited by DimmuJanKaarl
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The ability to snap to grid (but not make it required).


Better buff/debuff tracking.


Export keybindings so they're sharable across characters.


A pet frame for the Ops frames so I don't have to keep switching back and forth between Ops and Party frames every time I'm grouped with < 4 people.


Ability to arrange Ops frames horizontally as well as vertically.


Make the fonts scale better with the rest of the UI. More font choices? Scaling the chat separately from the rest of the UI? IDK, but something that let's me scale down my UI and still read chat!


And please fix the bug that makes my companion unit frame wander at will when I group and ungroup.

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- Buff Gain Flying text events. Would rock to have the option to make the Icon of a Buff that's gained through a combat action to appear as a Flying Combat text event. It would require its own animation path, optional buff text and its animation speed should be adapted to the minimum ICD of the class (Or the cannonical GCD). Ideally should be combined with the option below by adding a 3rd option to the buff/debuff editing: "Trigger combat event on gain".


I like this idea. But I would prefer the text stated the ability that is effected instead of the proc name.

For example: On a lightning sorc they get a proc called Lightning Storm (I think that's it's name) that makes Chain Lightning instant cast. Instead of the text saying "Lightning Storm", have it say "Chain Lightning Now!"


or for Juggs have their proc say "Revenge!" or whatever that ability is that procs off of dodges.

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First and foremost, we need to be able to save our keybinds to a local file. It is completely ridiculous to have to set up the same keybinds every time I start a new character. Also, ridiculous to have to go in and edit every single character's keybinds every time I change them on one.


I would also like the ability to highlight and move multiple ui elements together, as well as attach elements to each other. For instance, attaching quickbars to each other or highlighting and moving both health frames or all the warzone scorecards at the same time.


Next, and also very important, I would like some sort of grid or coordinate system so i can precisely position all my ui elements. Not much bothers me more than noticing that one of my ui elements is off-center.


Finally, a few smaller things:

* I would like to be able to bind nameplates to a keypress so I can quickly turn them off in crowded areas (correct me if I'm wrong, but this is currently not available).

* I'd like the ability to separate the legacy and experience bars. Also, I'd like to be able to flip the exp bars to a vertical orientation and line them up one side or the other of my screen, if I can't already do that.

*Improve tab targeting. I can't tell you how many times I've repeatedly cycled between two targets that were in front of and to either side of me while the one I wanted was standing right in the middle of my screen.

*Mouseover heals.

Edited by pieareround
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The score boards in WZs seem to be in odd/random places. Am I missing something? If they can't be moved now I would like to be able to move/adjust their size.


Target of target in raid frames would be nice too.


But love everything we have so far.

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  • Ability to scale and filter buffs/debuffs.
  • Buffs/debuffs need a countdown timer function you can turn on/off
  • Ability to turn off Portraits
  • Ability to "lock" certain buffs so they can't be clicked on to remove
  • Better buff/debuff seperation

just want to add weight to this. pretty much sums up my requests.


i'm glad that the raid markers are now bindable, that was a huge one for me too.


sounds like you guys are already addressing the additional hotbar needs.


finally, please allow the raid groups to grow horizontally. the vertical growth is horrible.

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I'd also like to see the option for health (particularly % health) on nameplates. Both friendly & enemy.


Target-of-target optionson nameplates would also be great. Or even a simpler version like different colouration depending on whether a tank/non-tank has aggro (e.g. Tidy Plates from that-other-game)


Being able watch the action & gauge what's going on while minimising the amount of glancing down at character/target panes is a Good Thing.

Edited by Lakhesis
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