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UI Feature Feedback Request


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1. Steal the offensive target/defensive target system from Warhammer, you own it so it won't cost anything except dev time.


2. Pointers at my feet that indicate the direction of the above targets, again from Warhammer.


3. Ability to add my own customisable map markers.

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Ability to change the icon (buffs/debuffs) to a bar (horizontal or vertical) layout. With options to show only your buffs/debuffs on targets with any amount of gapping between the bars. In addition the ability to make the layout of certin buffs/debuffs static (ie. weaken mind (or any given buff/debuff) will always be in the same placement on your bars).


If the bars were able to have style choices (ie. verticle curve inward or outward, straight verticle or horizontal, different colours for different buffs/debuffs) would be a very good feature for visually impaired players.

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Ability to re-size secondary windows ie main map etc.


When the global scale is increased the main map for example becomes larger than the screen and you are unable to size it or see it properly.

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First of all, you should LIST all the suggestions and LET US VOTE.

You will know what are really most needed from the numbers, instead of letting your feelings and affection decide what to do. And people would also understand if you choose what to do first from the numbers. You don't have to explain or give excuse on your choice.

How are you going to decide if you just let people write down their thoughts randomly? There is no number.

You don't write anything if you see someone already wrote it down, so you won't know if there are 1000 votes for a suggestion if the other 999 would think, okay, someone wrote already so I would just read.

Learn some reasonable way to figure out the demand of the majority please.

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Better indicators for reactive abilities so I can watch the action instead of my action bar.


Maybe big flashing letters that read: YOU JUST PARRIED!


Or something equally obvious.


Like, srsly. It's bad enough I have to stare at health bars and nothing else on my healer (great job on that "new twist on healing" you promised BTW). I should at least be able to look at what I'm loldpsing.

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Please let us save our keybinds to a local file. It is a major pain to recreate them everytime we create a new character.


Yes! Have the keybings saved as part of the UI file.. So for example if I have "she'n 1" saved for pvp and "sh'en 2" saved for pve I can just swap to the appropriate UI and already have the keybindings there instead of having to move and rebind everything.


Also I'm weighing in on all the buff/debuff complaints, the xy axis to line up UI elements, colour variety. I'd also like to be able to remove more of the skins/portraits in order to streamline my UI more. I also find procs have limited visual/audio feedback (just like buffs and debuffs) I'd love a mod that would enable glows/emblems/sounds when specific buffs proc (like some of the addons had in the game that will not be named)

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There are some very good Ideas already posted, so I will just post what is important to me as far as the ui changes go.


Character portrait - Need an option to remove, I know what my character looks like...


Buffs- Better individual sizing, Buff/debuff... Better duration indicators or separate line graph option...


Ability to save key-bindings and load to another character.


Operations raid warning texts- ability to resize, relocate, and choose color.

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Buff and de-buff filter.


Maybe a frame highlighter when there is a de-buff I can remove.


I only want to see my buffs, eg: SRMP not everyone else’s HoTs, buffs.


Albeit I can understand the benefit of seeing de-buffs which impact healing, ie: high ticking non removal dot. However, it is difficult to train searching for the de-buffs I can remove within the larg amount of de-buffs applied on occasion.

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I LOVE the UI customization! Especially how I can set my ui and load the same thing for my atls. Here is what I personally would most like to see out of the UI:


1: Save chat settings as well. I currently use two chat windows, one for general and trade, and one for party/ops/guild. I would like to load how I have my chat boxes set up for my alts as well. (I should also note that there seems to be a bug that doesn't allow me to link items in my second separated window, I have to manually click on the default window to make sure items get linked)


2: Save key bindings. While loading my UI of choice for my alts is awesome, I still have to go through and set all my key bindings for my quickbars.


3: Make debuffs more clearly visible, preferably separated from buffs. One better, make the debuffes my current class can cleanse easily identifiable.


4: Give option to fade out quests while in combat. While it is nice to have my current quests displayed on my ui, the list can get long and take up lots of space. I find it distracting during combat, especially ops, to have them taking all that space. I realize I can manually minimize the quests, but generally I like them to be displayed, but just don't want to look at them when I am in actual combat.


5: More minimalist options. I love how on the quickbars that you can hide the outer graphics, I would like to be able to hide the extra 'frill' borders on all UI elements such as the minimap and windows that open like inventory etc.


That's all that comes to mind for now! I'll add more if anything comes to me!

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Since chat window is part of UI, here you go:


Split 'System Frrdback' system channel. For example, I would like to turn off exp gain, and still be able to see what companions say(required for companions without real voice). Turn off credits gain, and keep items looted. Remove 'entering story area' etc.


Also, not sure to which channel it belongs, but ability to hide need/greed/pass choice and rolls when item drops(personally, I would set up new tab for this info, if there would be such option), while keeping info who got item.

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Not going to read the whole thing, but what I want is the ability to create MORE Action Bars.

The ability to change the shape and number of buttons is real nice, but we still have the issue of only having FOUR bars total.


I want MORE bars!!

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Currently snipers/gunsligners have a cover bar, can you introduce another / same for sleath? ie when in sleath it only shows the abilities that the player as put in those slots.



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Currently snipers/gunsligners have a cover bar, can you introduce another / same for sleath? ie when in sleath it only shows the abilities that the player as put in those slots.




I heartily agree! :rak_03:

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Id suggest a way to make debuffs more visible and turn friendly buffs off. My older(ish) eyes cannot see debuffs well, especially in 16 man ops, even with raidframes at max size, and you can only change the global UI setting to be so big without it consuming the screen.
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Hello everyone. Now that you’ve been able to use the UI Customization features implemented with Game Update 1.2, the developers would like to request your feedback. In this thread, please post to let us know what UI features or functions you would like to see implemented in the future.


We are already working on a few areas based on your feedback, such as additional hotbars and more customizable buff bars. While we do not have an estimate for when these features will be implemented, we are hoping that more great ideas will come from you!


Thanks in advance for your thoughts. We’re looking forward to seeing your suggestions.


The user interface has a lot of issues and does not offer the flexability we expected when announced it's release. I have a 50 Sorc on the Imperial side and a 45 Trooper on Republic. After the patch 1.2 came out all the friends I had both in guild an out quit playing, I have cancelled as well because the server I am on has 10 to 20 people in either fleet at any given time. I have been playing MMOs since the original Star Wars Galaxy. I have played many games in that time. I have never seen a game with such potential die so quickly. I am a Founder player.

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The chat interface is horrid. Really, truly dreadful. I routinely get frustrated when trying to have conversations and windows start popping open, or I send the wrong whisper reply. This is a huge barrier to my willingness to join groups or have simple conversations with folks other than my friends who use voice comms.


Give us dynamic tabs for our whisper conversations (one per convo) and if my focus is in a chat window it should stay there unless I ESC or click out of it. At least as an option.

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i am sure this has already been requested a hundred times...


We need more than FOUR action bars, there is so much skill bloat that you quickly run out of space and it is also difficult to segregate the skills properly with only 4 bars.

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I'd like to see the operations frames given a little bit more customization options. I'd like to be able to set my groups horizontally and separate them by groups (see Xperl WoW addon). Also I would like to see ALL unit frames flippable horizontally, not just the player target and tot. An option to switch health bar colors would be nice as well, say green for friendly at least. Oh, and more bars, mouse over casting and THE ABILITY TO EASILY MOVE YOUR COMPANION WHILE IN COMBAT SO THEY DONT DIE TO AOE ALL THE TIME! :p


sorry for the caps... sorta.

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I've seen several people mention having something similar to PowerAuras to easily track buffs/debuffs. But nobody has explained exactly why this is so incredibly important.


I'll go back to my Tank Assassin again. As a tank, I have to watch a lot of things: positioning, cooldowns, health (mine and the enemies), enemy debuffs, my buffs, and various other things. And I have to do it while standing against a wall!


So, looking for the purple shadows to track Harnessed Darkness means I spend way, way too much time staring at A) my characters arse or, B) my buff bar, and not nearly enough time watching the actual fight.


From a tanks perspective, this is why PowerAuras (or something similar) is so important. I can see it PERIPHERALLY. I can watch the fight, and when I see my super obvious icon pop up in my peripheral vision, I simply know that I have 3 stacks of Harnessed Darkness.


Hopefully that sheds some light on the why in addition to the what.


Thank you again for the spectacular job you're doing with TOR!

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Probably been mentioned, but movable bank/bags/GTC/character windows. I play across three monitors and it's a pain clicking on an item in my inventory and then mousing over to GTC to create the auction. Also, the ability to have them all open at once would be great.
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