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UI Feature Feedback Request


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  • Mouseover healing support.
  • Fully customizable frames, including scale, font, color, skins, etc.
  • Grid for placement accuracy.
  • Fully customizable Ops Frame, including buffs/debuffs, dispellable debuffs, aggro, role, color, etc
  • The ability to move out individual players in the Ops Frame, spacing
  • The option to sort Ops Frame by role, class, name, group.
  • The ability to flip any frame horizontal or vertical, BOTH ways.
  • The ability for the action bars to fade in/out on mouseover.
  • Movable/separate Buff/debuff frame.
  • The ability to force windows to remember settings, for example, which stats you are displaying in character sheet, which schematics you view by default, which missions you want to send companions on by default.
  • Auto quest tracking toggle.
  • Fully functioning Combat log. (Or at the very least the combat logging to display all Ops info)
  • Fully customizable chat window, including filtering of specific data, font, size, orientation etc
  • The ability to choose between guild frames, to allow for more detailed information without both windows being open.
  • The ability to see a persons guild when doing a /who.
  • A fix for players joining wz late not appearing on ops frame.
  • Support for UI addons to allow complete reskin of the ui.
  • Macro support.
  • Out of Game companion utility.
  • Customization for social tab, to allow for specific information rather than the default.
  • Movable Alert window to allow for custom placement of Ops warnings.
  • Hood toggle option on character sheet.
  • Weapon Preview added to dressing room window.
  • Ability to preview gear by right clicking an unlearned schematic.


Just off the top of my head.

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Hello everyone. Now that you’ve been able to use the UI Customization features implemented with Game Update 1.2, the developers would like to request your feedback. In this thread, please post to let us know what UI features or functions you would like to see implemented in the future.


We are already working on a few areas based on your feedback, such as additional hotbars and more customizable buff bars. While we do not have an estimate for when these features will be implemented, we are hoping that more great ideas will come from you!


Thanks in advance for your thoughts. We’re looking forward to seeing your suggestions.


Probably the worst thing about the UI is that the "sound" you hear when receiving a private msg is way too quiet and can be easily overlooked if you have your music/sound effects on at all.


I'd suggest a slider bar option to allow players to make this sound much louder

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My feedback:


--In PvP warzone, I'd like the ability to resize or at least move the warzone team progress window. In the new WZ, it's the two vertical bars showing the percentage of points left before losing. Am I hallucinating or does it move around? It's not always in the same place when I load in.


--Buffs and debuffs. Not sure how to fix this but as an older player with poor vision, I have a hard time tracking the buffs and debuffs on myself an enemies. The ability to make these bigger would be nice. It would also be nice if they were segregated in some way, perhaps by class buffs (the default ones that each class gets and can apply to team members, actual non-class buffs/defenses (Sorcs barrier shield) and debuffs. Having them run all together makes it so hard to pick them apart.

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Examples are using Operative abilities:

  • Mouse-over macros. A macro that allows you heal whoever your cursor is hovering over instead of your current target. There should also be options so that it will only heal if you are mousing over a frame and not mousing over someone in the open world.
    /use [target=mouseover] Kolto Injection;
    /use [target=mouseoverframe] Kolto Injection;
    /use [target=mouseoveravatar] Kolto Injection;
  • Friend / Enemy. A macro that allows you to heal if your target is an ally or use a damaging ability if your target is an enemy.
    /use [target=friend] Kolto Probe; Corrosive Dart;
    /use [target=enemy] Rifle Shot; Diagnostic Scan;
  • Stealth / Nostealth. A macro that changes which ability is used based upon if you are in stealth or not. I do not want to change the entire main action bar if I am in stealth, I only want to change one or two abilities that may not even be on the main action bar.
    /use [stealth] Hidden Strike; Backstab
    /use [nostealth] Stealth; Sneak;
  • Cover / Nocover. A macro that changes which ability is used based upon if you are in cover or not. I do not want to change the entire main action bar, I only want to change one or two abilities that may not even be on the main action bar.
    /use [cover] Snipe; Overload Shot
    /use [nocover] Backstab; Explosive Probe;
  • Combat / Nocombat. A macro that changes which ability is used based upon if you are in combat or not.
    /use [combat] Cloaking Screen; Stealth;
    /use [nocombat] Revive; Resuscitation Probe;


As an additional note about the macro system, I do not believe that abilities should be chained together in a single macro unless there are obvious conditionals like the ones I listed above. For instance, I would not want to see:

/usesequence Kolto Injection, Surgical Probe;

/usesequence Shiv, Cull;


Even though Cull can only be used after gaining a Tactical Advantage proc from Shiv, I believe that sequence macros like this take out too much thinking of what abilities the player should use, even if you need to press the button twice to activate both abilities. The conditional macros simply reduce the number of keybindings the player needs, it does not remove thinking. Sequence macros, however, does reduce thinking.


Additionally, the suggested conditionals should be allowed to have multiples within the same macro, such as:


/use [stealth] Sneak; [combat] Cloaking Screen; Stealth; Activates Sneak if you are currently stealthed, otherwise, if you are in combat, you will activate Cloaking Screen, and if you are not stealthed and not in combat, you will enter stealth mode.

/use [target=mouseover,friend] Kolto Injection; [target=friend] Kolto Injection; Backstab; If you are moused over an ally, it will heal the mouseover target with Kolto Injection, otherwise if your target is a friend, your target will be healed by Kolto Injection. If your target is an enemy, however, the enemy is hit with Backstab.

/use [stealth] Hidden Strike; [cover] Snipe; Backstab; Uses Hidden Strike if you are in cover, Snipe if you are in cover, or backstab if or are not in stealth or cover.

/use [target=mouseover,friend] Kolto Injection; [target=friend] Kolto Injection; [stealth] Hidden Strike; [cover] Snipe; Backstab; Combines the two macros above so that if you target an ally (either mouseover or by target), you cast Kolto Injection on them, otherwise, a damage ability is chosen if you are in stealth (Hidden Strike), in cover (Snipe), or otherwise defaults to Backstab.


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  • When minimap is placed in the top, exit area almost disappears
  • Also when minimap is placed in the top, docked tooltips will appear out of the picture
  • I wish I could increase height on health on Me and Target without increasing the size of the entire thing (ie. width)

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Number one thing (besides the mentioned additional bars) would be the ability to change where the companion abilitys show up in thier bar. That way I could actually USE the micro(4 ability) bar when the companion bar is shrunk. It would also allow me to hokey the AOEs consistently across different companions/characters.
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I do NOT want to see player-made addons with any kind of scripting. I'm OK with people changing the color or look of certain elements, but allowing scripts of any kind opens the door to addons that make combat easier, both in PvE and PvP. I don't want to be forced into the addons arms race to stay competitive, and I don't want to lose out because if I do not, nor do I want others to.


I'd like to be able to, from the Sell window of the GTN, right-click an item in my inventory to enter its name into the search.


I'd like to be able to more reliably click-target allies and enemies in the field. As it is, it seldom works.


I'd like for tab-targeting to have a longer "memory." Say there are 3 enemies, A, B and C. I hit tab twice, then fight for a few seconds. I hit tab again, intending to target C, but I don't, I end up targeting A. I have to then quickly tap it twice more to target C.


I'd like dual targeting. One ally that all friendly abilities go to and one enemy all offensive abilities go to. This is a big deal as a healer.


I'd like for the action queue limit to be raised from 1 second to infinity, the way it is in many other games. Quick Travel, then Quick Travel again, and it wouldn't return an error, it'd queue Quick Travel and activate it once the 30 minutes (or less, with Legacy perks) were up.



Below is a bug, so skip the rest of my post if you aren't interested:


If the player summons a companion, then sends them on a crew skill, then summons another, and that second companion is dismissed or dies in combat, the second companion cannot be re-summoned. The workaround is to send them to sell your gray items so that they reappear a minute later.


I'd like for that bug to be fixed. I reported it in-game, but doubt the CSR understood what I was talking about. It is a little complicated to get across. Could you please check your giant spreadsheet o' bugs?

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In interface editing mode, I'd REALLY like "snap to grid" and "snap to element" options. This would help with centering things and aligning things that are touching.


I'd like to be able to click-drag noncombat windows (inventory, bank, GTN, mission rewards, etc.) without being in interface editing mode. They would then snap back to their originally defined positions the next time they were opened.

Edited by Felioats
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UI Suggestions


UI Changes

Right now, SWTOR’s UI is nothing more than a basic UI. I was positive surprised when I saw how fast you implanted more options for the UI in weekly and major patches. There are things that need to be changed though.


1. Threat and Aggro.

When I’m tanking with my Juggernaut, I want be able to know if I have enough aggro from the mobs I’m fighting. Please, if you can implant add a bar above the enemies’ portrait with the percentage of the thread I’m generating. Even better, make the mobs’ portrait that are attacking me red, the mobs’ portrait that I’m losing aggro yellow and mobs’ portrait that are not attacking me grey. An additional flash of screen’s corners could help dps know that have pulled aggro. I really hope that this addition would be implanted soon.


2. Visual Procs.

It’s a little frustrating figuring out that your abilities have procced. To begin with most classes’ rotations are based on buffs. Even though the current place of the buffs are convenient (much better above the portraits than the upper corner of the screen) it’s hard to track it down. I would really want my procs to be visually highlighted to the middle of my screen when they are up. I’ve made a small example; sorry for the bad Windows Paint skill. I’ve attached the photos. Some classes will benefit a lot by visual proc indicator more than others. Operatives would know how many stacks of Tactical Advantage they have and if after using Lacerate they regain their stack when Tactical Opportunity procs, Mercenaries would better track how long the Supercharge Gas last. Also display targets’ and focus’ buffs and debuffs as duration bars. That way I’ll know if the tank has the buff Kolto Residue that would increase my healing done to him and how much is left. That would also help dps that would be able to calculate their rotations easier, knowing how much they got left before their DoT drops from their target. I really think this as one of the top priority additions and I really hope to be applied as soon as possible.


3. Casting Bar.

The casting bar is doing its job fine; just make it so I can adjust the size of it. Plus make displayable the amount of time spent between cast send and start events, in the form of a bar at the end of your casting bar, with optional text that displays the actual duration of the lag. That way I would know how to queue my abilities and would also help avoiding canceling channeling abilities that are interrupted by me because I had a lag spike that prevented me from seeing the proper time left to my ability’s activation time.



4. Raid UI.

Raid UI is actually pretty good. That doesn’t mean that couldn’t be better, especially for healers. First of all, make it so I can choose how many columns and how many rows I want it to. Next, please make it so I can know how much my healing abilities would heal my allies. Keep the current health red in the bars and make the incoming healing being indicated as a darker red. That way I would know if other healer is casting his heals to my target and if his heals will top his health so I can either cast him a weaker healing spell or heal another person. On top of that, I would love the raid bars to change color when someone is affected by a negative effect. That way I would be able to know to whom I have to use Cure (my merc’s ability).

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The 1.2 UI improvements were a welcome update however I would like to see some more features added.


Raid Frame Border Notifications, such as

Red = Aggro

Green = Incoming Heals

Neon Purple = Dispellable Debuff

Neon Blue = Crowd Controlled, Feared, Stunned, Frozen, etc.

Flashing Border = Health Below 25%


A Zoom Feature for the Dressing Room and the ability to show weapon details.


A Ready Check feature which has the option to show missing buffs or stims


A Role Check Feature which will identify tanks and healers with the option to group the tanks in a particular place on the raid frames.


The ability to whisper a guildie from the guild pane.


A mini Chat Channel Button Bar on the chat frame to allow quick switching between channels.


The ability to switch between and track multiple whispers.


The ability to save more than one set of quickbar abilities so than when someone needs to change rolls or respect they don't have to spend a bunch of time setting their quickbars back up.

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As a healer, debuffs are still hard to see, mostly cause they occupy the same space as buffs, the ability to relocate or resize debuffs specifically would be great. Otherwise there are lots of cosmetic changes which would be nice, overall UI customization has already significantly improved the game.
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A simpler way to bind keys.


Have a small button (like the "Lock Quickslot Bar" and "Open Quick UI Customization Menu" to the left of the main quickbar) that makes the UI go into "key-bind mode". You just click the desired button, then press your preferred binding and voila, a new key is bound.


It's just a lot of bother currently to go all the way to the Key Bindings, Quick Bar tab and then scroll all the way to the button you wish to bind.


I hope this gets read! :)

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  • Ability to scale and filter buffs/debuffs.
  • Buffs/debuffs need a countdown timer function you can turn on/off
  • Ability to turn off Portraits
  • Ability to "lock" certain buffs so they can't be clicked on to remove
  • Better buff/debuff seperation


This stuff. Please. Also, better proc notification.

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I don't know if you have seen "BuffBars" from the Lord of the Rings Online plugin database, http://www.lotrointerface.com/downloads/info361-BuffBars.html


The thing I really liked about this was it allowed you to have a small list of your buffs with the names in text next to them, as well as a countdown timer. This was really nice, as some of the icons looked similar.


On a related note, the weaker bleeds left by the Smuggler's Dirty Fighting talent "Nice Try" have the same icons as the original bleeds, so knowing which version is on the enemy is next to impossible in battle. An option for the buffs in this way would be a good way to delineate them.


Also, I want to be able to hide the portraits. They are unnecessarily taking up screen real-estate.

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1. Some way to let us perfectly center things so I don't get all OCD about my quickbars. A snap-to grid like many people have suggested would help with this, as would the ability to move elements with the arrow keys and a tooltip showing how many pixels the selected element is from each edge of the screen.


2. The ability to set the order in which elements overlap. As of now, it's rather annoying having to click the "hide mission tracker" button whenever I enter a warzone because the mission list sits on top of the scorecards and not the other way around.


3. "Flip vertically" options on more things than just the minimap (in particular, the self and target windows).

Edited by The_Dark_Lord
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i really like it as a sorc healer was able to move stuff around and organize alot better. BTW nerf the pub side version of sorc healer. a friend and i sat down side by side a firend of mine exactly geared the same with same spec down the board was able to out heal me and still put out a **** ton of dps. they did 90k dps and 300k heals and i was only able to do maybe 25k dps and 200k heals. i ask him to play my character and i played his and and i did around 65k dps and around 275k heals he was able to only put out 40 k dps and 190k heals. i know this is a difference and he obviously plays better than i do but the number are not the same and you did not nerf any part of them. BIOWARE needs to check what people tell them. i feel they listen to the public more that actuall run ther number and check the numbers
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PLEASE allow for a way to make YOUR debuffs on a boss to be larger to some degree and have a countdown like the cooldowns on abilities. I need to know when my weaken mind is going to drop to maximize my dps.


Main tank windows would be nice too for the healers.





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A toggled option to see companions in the operations frame.


Not sure if this constitutes a "UI Feature", but the ability to preview "Bind on Equip" items on your character & companions before equipping it.


or making it that items are only 'bound' after it being equipped for 15 seconds. Removing the item prior to that time leaves it unbound.

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In auction house UI - Replace the menu-lists with radio-button's!





menu 1

menu 2

menu 3

menu 4

menu 5





menu 1

radio-buttons 1

radio-buttons 2

radio-buttons 3 (radio, or just color boxes - # # # # # # #!)

menu 2 (5)

Edited by Glower
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