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Looking For A Reason


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Hello everyone and hope you're all enjoying your games.


I've enjoyed being on SWTOR, but have found a problem, which seems to be driving me away. I've reduced my playtime down to perhaps an hour every other day. At one point, I was playing hours every day.


I've leveled one character and working on leveling two more, but the thrill seems to be ebbing. I completely enjoyed the Class Quests and enjoy the leveling process. Once I reached level 50, suddenly, there wasn't much to do, Daily Quests or join a group and do Hardmodes, Operations or Heroics. Those are all well and good and I've reached social 8 on my main character, so you can see, I can be very social, if I desire to be........but.


I prefer playing on my own. I enjoy crafting and have max'd out my stats, enjoy farming for my materials. Since the 1.2 release, I've found it harder and harder to find the materials I need to craft, which means I spend more time running around doing nothing, than I do crafting or enjoying the game.


I would like to stay and continue the play, but I find myself in a dilemma.....I can't justify paying $15 monthly for 1 hour of play, once a day. It's to easy to find something cheaper to do with that hour.


Are there any plans in the works to create more interesting things for solo players to do? The Class Quests were a highlight of every day, I anxiously antisipated signing in to do them. Now, I'm finding it harder and harder to find a reason to log on at all.


Please tell me that SWTOR is working on something for the solo player and making their experience a more exciting one.


Thanks for listening to my rant and have a wonderful day. :D

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It's called burn out. It happens to everyone and every game. It cannot be avoided.


The best suggestion? Stop playing. Go find something else to do, come back in a month or so and you'll find that you're enjoying the game again.


.I can't justify paying $15 monthly for 1 hour of play, once a day. It's to easy to find something cheaper to do with that hour.


As an aside you're looking at 7 hours of entertainment a week and roughly 28 hours of entertainment a month. That is 53c per hour. Compare that to other types of entertainment? A good book would be around $8 and would last you around 12 hours. (66c per hour) A DVD of your favourite film? Lets assume you got it cheap at around $5 and it takes you 2 hours to watch it all, that is $2.5 per hour. All in all, an MMO subscription is actually very good value for money even if you only play for an hour a day.


The alternative is to simply buy other games with that $15.

Edited by Tal-N
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The funny thing about MMORPGs is that they tend to be geared for players who want to group and experience an online game with other players, not those who prefer to play solo.


That's only true at end game, the road from 1st to 50th is very enjoyable solo.

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That's only true at end game, the road from 1st to 50th is very enjoyable solo.


Which is the OP's complaint, at endgame there is nothing he or she enjoys doing solo. Kind of ironic when many of the posts here on the forums have the exact opposite complaint, that players say they can't find anyone to do stuff with at 50.

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It sounds like you're burned out.


It's not the game's job to hold you and you shouldn't be trying to find a reason to play if it's not there. It's entertainment., no different than a TV show or movie. I love the movie Casablanca but if I watched it every day, it would get to the point that I started to get tired of it.


People sometimes get way too wrapped up in thinking that these games should be all things to all people. They're not. Play them while you enjoy them and when that time passes, unsubscribe and take a break. I like SWTOR quite a bit but have felt burned out recently and plan on checking out The Secret World when it comes out having played in the beta. It's ok to leave, you can always go do something else and you can always come back.


Unless the world ends in December, then you're just screwed.

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MMORPG's are not for you then. Like others have stated. If you're getting burned out, take a break.


Completely untrue - I solo most of the time too and have played MMOs almost exclusively since UO. An MMO allows you to do what you want - just because it may be different than the norm or the majority doesn't mean that it's not right for you.

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True, but making alts can go a long way to helping with that. There's little reason to not have at least 2 50's in this game, one Imp one Rep.


I totally agree with you here. I'm playing alts and running group content with my guild so it's working out nicely for me.

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MMO's are shifting to cater to those of us that only have time for SOLO play abandoning that old tired cliche about MMO's only being for groups.


It's not our fault SWTOR is an MMO, In fact most of us SOLOs just wanted KOTOR III.


It's just as easy to create scaleable content for those of us who wish to SOLO and for those who wish to group.


No need to be mean or tell SOLO people they need to find another game just because we find it odd that "groupies" need 4 other people to use the bathroom :)

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MMO's are shifting to cater to those of us that only have time for SOLO play abandoning that old tired cliche about MMO's only being for groups.


It's not our fault SWTOR is an MMO, In fact most of us SOLOs just wanted KOTOR III.


It's just as easy to create scaleable content for those of us who wish to SOLO and for those who wish to group.


No need to be mean or tell SOLO people they need to find another game just because we find it odd that "groupies" need 4 other people to use the bathroom :)


You CHOSE to play a MMORPG which is designed for multi-player. Yes, most MMOs are designing content for those who refuse to or prefer to not group with others, but the focus on a MULTI-PLAYER game is still going to be group content.

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I am a very similar player as you. I have a guild that I play with and I levelled up to 50. At this point I have no issues with content pvp or pve. But I did get a little worn out. I stopped playing for about 3 weeks, maybe more. I had a level 50 and a level 20ish on imperial. I started playing again and have gotten my 20 up to 38 and am excited to get him to 50. both are on imperial side and I'm looking forward to giving some Pubs a go. I'm sure I'll get a little warn out and I'm sure this will happen again.


I don't think it's a TOR issue I think it's something that happens when you solo. I won't suggest to unsub, but maybe give it a little time and you'll be back into it hard again at some point.

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I chose to play the most current Star Wars game!


If the game morphed into any other type, I'd be there.


MMO designers are seeing the light and it's only a matter of time before all MMOs use scaleable content to attract and hold ALL the customers.


He's called Han SOLO, not Han the Borg.

Edited by Thlaylie
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I'm still of the opinion that games like TERA Online and Guild Wars 2 are right by moving the MMO genre closer to its action-adventure genre cousins. Why is it that people are content to play games like Street Fighter or Battlefield over and over despite them essentially doing the same activities in the same environments for hours at a time? It's because the actual combat itself is satisfying and engaging.


MMORPGS have been held back from creating engaging combat due to the limitations of tab-targetting, d2d style behind-the-scenes mechanics and the hotkey interface. I've played TERA and it is amazing how actually moving around like in an action game and executing abilities which are context sensitive feels so much more fun than how MMORPGS have done things for years.


It will never happen of course, but if they took the action-mmo combat style (as they are being called) and put it into TOR alongside the excellent VO and story telling you'd have a monstrously addictive and satisfying game.

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Yes, there are obviously more plans for things for solo players to do in the future, but it will take time to add those into the game which has already been produced.


So if your attention is waning, and you cannot find anything to do that is enjoyable, perhaps a break might be in order until some of those features are put back into the game.

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