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Feedback request from James Ohlen - potential future planets


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"what planet in the star wars universe do you want to see in star wars: The old republic that is not currently in the game?"


you can name any planet you like, but remember, planets in the old republic can be fully explorable (like coruscant, tatooine, hoth etc) and/or destinations that are seen as part of a flashpoint or operation (like taral v, denova, kaon, etc).


we want server merges not more dead planets!

DOWNSIZE design department and UPSIZE coding deparment

Edited by DarthNiktu
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Kashyyyk. I've really wanted to return to both the wookie villages and the shadowlands ever since KotOR.


This, you guys did a great job with Kashyyyk in KOTOR. Manaan or Dantooine would be fun as well to revisit. Cathar would be cool to add especially if Cathar were able to become a playable species.

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An excerpt from Wookiepedia:


Felucia had a diversity of bizarre plants, fungi, and animals which were almost rubber-like and translucent, as well as enormous Pitchers. When the sun shone, the environment glittered like multicolored glass.


Most of Felucia was entirely covered by a humid, fetid landscape of huge fungal forests, and its wildlife included native gelagrubs, immigrated acklays, and a prodigious sarlacc. Felucia had strong ties to the Living Force, and as such the world's flora and fauna, including Jungle Felucians, could be influenced by a presence of a strong Force-user, both light and dark.


Most plants and animals of Felucia had adapted special defenses to protect them from each other, which made them particularly hostile to the off-worlders.


I wouldn't mind seeing Geonosis too.

Edited by lordadmiralham
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And please, please, please make less 'pathy'....get rid of all the cliffs, 'exhaustion zone', etc in the interior of the planet......and while you're at it, pls do that for the existing planets in the game!!! ;)

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Make it gorgeous like most planets so far and I definitely won't mind whatever planet you throw at me.



ps: Props for your environment artists. They are great.

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While I'd be highly interested in seeing Kashyyk (with the Shadowlands being an open area tuned for operation sized groups) I'd like to have a mechanic for finding new hyper-routes to undiscovered systems. Something to think about while considering the expansion of the galaxy.
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Yavin 4






Those are planets i have enjoyed thanks to SWG, while yes this isnt SWG I still find them interesting.

Also a Jungle/wild planet would be nice/

Something thats just full of high level wild creatures

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I'm wondering if the point is to list a single planet (so that someone can go through and do a count), or to just start naming every planet that I wouldn't mind seeing for whatever minor reason I might have.


I also wonder if any planets are off-limits for any reason. I don't want to bother with putting in a vote for Endor if the forest moon is off-limits for the game.




Manaan: As far as I know you guys invented this planet and the Selkath species, so it should be safe to get this into the game, and maybe one day we can have playable Selkath.


If I only get to put down a single planet, this is it.

And hopefully as a fully realized and shared world (wouldn't having Imperials and Republic in the same common areas but not allowing them to fight be fun?), not just the location of a warzone or a space mission.

Edited by Mithros
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No offense but I think you guys are being too close minded about it all.


Why does it have to be just planets.


Why not epic - truly epic - space stations.


Hasn't anyone wanted to tour a death star - I mean the scale of those space stations are monstrous.


Imagine fighting mobs in the power core of a massive space station. The giant crevaces like in ep4. Snaking your way through an intricate maze of corridors and levels with impressive space vistas out the window.


Otherwise if thats a bridge too far and you're developing a new art scheme anyway - I was always really puzzled why Kashyyyk wasn't included at launch.

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Dantooine is such an important place from Kotor1 and 2 that I'd be amazed if it wasn't already included in the plans.


As a fan of Twi'leks, Ryloth would be all sorts of awesome. Dathomir was my favorite planet from SWG but I don't know if the place has even been discovered at this point in time though I guess it has since we have Rancors. Just be sure not to have Nightsisters there, they don't exist for a long, long time. :D

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