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Everything posted by Rethos

  1. Looking for a static raid team on Shadowlands server any night except fridays. I've got both a juggernaut tank/dps 240/230ish gear level respectively and dps operative 230ish gear level. I've raided off an on in swtor since launch. Send me a message here or in game to Harrow.
  2. At present we're specifically looking for a capable main or off tank to round out our raid roster.
  3. Thanks for the shout out Ed. I've sent you a PM so be sure to check your inbox and hopefully we'll see you in game! -Harrow
  4. Guild: Mutiny Server: The Shadowlands Faction: Empire Minimum Age: 21+ Voice Chat: TeamSpeak3 So, you’re looking for a guild. Excellent! About Us Mutiny is a community of players, recently returned to swtor, who originally came together from three separate guilds but for one single reason, we hated dealing with stupid people’s **** just to enjoy endgame content. What do you mean by “stupid people”? Well, if you play mmo anything for any length of time you become keenly aware of the propensity for douche-baggery amongst the general mmorpg populace—elitists, trolls, people who can’t get out of puddles, etc. So, our folks wanted to found a guild where we could complete end game content at a high level but not burn ourselves out trying to compete at a break neck pace, nor did we want to put up with drama or utter lack of commitment which leads to unnecessary incompetence. We play to have fun, but we understand preparation is the biggest ingredient to enjoying your raid time, even if it means slowing down a bit and setting realistic goals. We’re committed to the fact that folks who have real life responsibilities including work, kids, and/or college can complete end game content without having to raid 20 hours a week to do so nor should talented players get overlooked simply because they can’t spend every waking hour logged in. If this all makes sense, we might be the guild you’re looking for. Where We Are Now Our player base is a mixture of swtor veterans and folks experiencing the game for the very first time. For this reason, we’ve decided to begin raiding through all operations content from the very beginning starting with Eternity Vault until we reach the current operations content. If you missed any of the old content, or are new to the game, this might be a great opportunity for you to experience all that swtor end game has to offer with a great group of people. Currently, we raid Fridays @ 7:30 PM CST for 2-3 hours depending on our group members’ personal schedules. We also do flashpoints, uprisings, and other group content throughout the week. TeamSpeak for voice chat is a requirement, both listening and speaking. TLDR Committed, Consistent, Non Elitist, Non Carebear, Zero Drama, Loves To Laugh At Each Other, PVE Progression* Guild Looking For More Players! Conclusion If our guild sounds like a good home for you then you can contact either Harrow or Kelmire in game or respond to this post and we’ll setup a time to chat in game and see if we’re the right fit for each other. Happy Hunting, Harrow *Progression: Incrementally completing end game content through consistent improvement of strategy or average group gear level. It does not mean banging your head against content until you get lucky.
  5. Yeah they are going to charge you to fix their *********** mess. These idiots don't and aren't listening. If they announce the server transfers today or tomorrow. It would be the hugest win in mmo history for the current playerbase. But they won't because they are arrogant and 'they don't have a problem' and 'they aren't loosing subscriptions'... And as for the timing I heard it was going to be sometime after June 21st considering they said 'early summer' and summer doesn't officially start until that date. Why do you think they don't give a date? Because they thought this free weekend was going to solve everything ;-)
  6. Alot of bioware's staff already know that ghost by first name! :-P
  7. How is it 'safe to assume' or 'expect' anything other than its VERY MUCH NOT SAFE TO ASSUME OR EXPECT ANYTHING BIOWARE DEVS SAY TO PAN OUT THE WAY THEY SAY THEY WILL?!?!!?
  8. But didn't they have 5+ years in development to realize they were going to have to compete with WoW? Didn't they pick up development staff from other MMO's that launched competing against WoW and got their asses handed to them? The problem is Bioware's arrogance. I mean seriously? Launching with only one working raid and only the first boss of the second and customer service that refuses to provide in game resolutions to simple things like bosses not dropping loot in raids are just a few examples. How do you do that unless you suffer from complete stupidity or total arrogance?
  9. Any decent tanks looking for a home? PANDEMONIUM is looking for a couple tanks to fill spots on existing raid teams. Check out this thread --> PANDEMONIUM IS RECRUITING!
  10. Any of your reviled Juggernaut tanks looking for a home? PANDEMONIUM is looking for a couple tanks to fill spots on existing raid teams. Check out this thread --> PANDEMONIUM IS RECRUITING!
  11. Considering your signature that's almost as funny as my post.
  12. Definitely the planet Honoghr. I'd love to see a storyline involving the Noghri this far back in the republic's history. And while you're at it make the Noghri a playable race.
  13. Well I guess that would indicate that it places you on top of the threat table by a large margin and that the dps has to erase this margin and surpass your threat per second by a certain amount giving you more than 6 effective seconds in some cases? Or perhaps your sniper has weak dps? Or both?
  14. Actually he explains exactly what a taunt does. It places you on the top of the threat table. If you then continue to build threat you should hold it if your threat per second is high enough. However, even if you don't continue to build threat you will still hold aggro for the six seconds regardless. Taunts are an equalizer just like they've been in many other games. Now I agree that taunts can be used proactively and preventatively to cover your *** but then as another poster stated they become a waste of resource. A tank should be able to hold threat without taunts unless you're doing something like tank swapping or at the beginning of the fight to give you that six seconds to position and build a solid threat lead on dps etc.
  15. I assure you I know my job inside and out. I've just noticed 'slippage' for lack of a better word. I hold threat. Its just more work these days is all. I'm going to tweak my implants to get more base stat for higher dps/tps output but thats about the only tweak I can make to my gearing.
  16. I have had no threat issues tanking with Jugg in any sense whether it be AoE threat or Single Target threat until post patch 1.2 I've been experiencing weird threat drops ever since the patch. I've addressed this by upping accuracy and strength via the talents in vengeance tree and prioritizing crushing blow higher now that it's threat generation has been increased. It still feels very razors edge with threat these days. Those of you who aren't having issues please post spec/rotation instead of your usual 'go fix yourself' response.
  17. You should move the 'deafening defense' into 'unstoppable' in the vengeance line. Force leap is our bread and butter skill to move around quickly in fights like Soa during hard and nightmare modes. Number crunchers will always try to tout a permanent lower mitigation 'over time' versus a higher situational mitigation. For DPS the damage we take tends to be highly situational though. A boss turning on us for his aoe swipe or jumping into the air to smash us. A situational 40% is always better than a permanent 4% in heavy damage phases that affect dps. So this is what I do, I will intercede to my healer for the 20% and then force leap back to the boss for another 20%. I do this when the boss is about to do something that may actually hit me as a dps player. A stacked 40% mitigation when I need mitigation rather than a 4% when I probably won't get hit much. There are several fights I could use as examples to support this in both operations so the point is mute. You should also move the 'quake' points into 'battle cry' in the immortal tree. That free force scream means you'll get another shatter or impale off before having to build rage again. An extra 3k to 5k damage per rotation. Besides the tank doesn't need your 5% acc debuff and if he does something is wrong with your tank or your healers. And stop dropping ravage off after 2 tics. The largest hit and crit typically comes on the last tic of damage. Its also timed as a non rage skill to help you maintain and build rage organically while other rage using skills are on CD. Not to mention, there is a reason impale and shatter have a chance to auto end its cooldown (which means ravage should be ahead of both attacks in priority to take advantage of having mutliple ravage attacks). It does a lot of damage. Its our highest dps skill if used fully and each tic has a chance to crit.
  18. You get autocrits if you are statistically close enough with your crit rating to do so. 30% base crit + 60% crit increase (shatter or impale causing force scream to have this much more crit rating) + 5% operative buff puts you at 95% chance to crit. Technically its not an autocrit. Not like the way smash works in rage spec for example. I have spec'd both ways. Power/Surge vs Crit / Surge and I am doing way more damage this way because my other skills are criting. If you think of Juggernaut as the 2 hander wielder of the sith warriors and the Marauder as the dual wielder of the sith warriors it makes sense to stack more crit/surge. But thats only for force scream. I'm pretty sure you want your 3 tic ravage, shatter, impale, and vicious throw to all crit as well considering the single shot damage they do? Stack crit/surge. Also as a melee class, general mmo theory supports the fact that, any time you're in a movement heavy fight you need to be able to bring the highest burst dps you can when on target to compensate for the advantage ranged dps tends to have on us. Force leap isn't always up and sometimes you are walking to target.
  19. You haven't heard? Juggernauts are getting this new defensive cooldown in 1.2 that mitigates incoming damage by 1000% for six minutes while healing the tank for 5000 health per second. They're calling it: Undying QQ I for one am all for this skill!
  20. Tanks don't work the same way in SWToR, you actually have to think about what you're doing in PvE and PvP versus the arcade click fest warhammer, wow, and many other games became. I play both immortal spec and vengeance spec jugg both in pve and pvp. As well as rage in pvp. I can tank single target and multi target (aoe threat) in PvE operations easily. We do nightmare content so it works just fine. I can dps in PvE nightmare content with no issues. Tanking in pvp I can do 400k+ protection. DPS in pvp I can do 400k+ damage and top kill boards. For all those people who come into this forum/thread with overgeneralized statements where they nitpick one aspect of the class without looking at the overall performance capability of the class, go away. For all those people who don't level to 50 before making statements about the classes capabilities or have never played the class and think your paper theory stands up to experience, go away. For all those people who keep making the base statement that other tanks are better than juggernaut without supporting it with significant and unbiased analysis, go away. If you can't play the class properly don't hate on the class or others who are playing the class properly because you are frustrated. Rather, go find someone who knows what the hell they are doing and can prove it and learn from them. And for the record, a Juggernaut wins versus a Marauder, one on one, EVERY time in ANY SPEC. Why? Because I'm a Juggernaut, *****!
  21. And yeah, with the patch, this style of vengeance dps is getting buffed which is great news. Basically every change they are making to the vengeance spec favors my build.
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