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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Feedback request from James Ohlen - potential future planets


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Outer Rim: Rise of the Stench


Due to the rising costs of modification, Imperial citizens have not been changing their shorts on a regular basis. Sith Lord Ba'con of the Strip Legacy has been sent to find a solution for the growing incidence of Stinky Pants on the Fleet and Star Ports across the galaxy. Lord Ba'con will have to sniff out and defeat senior galactic crafter Skid M'arcs who is responsible for the rising modification prices. The final boss fight will drop BM gear.

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Ossus. OH GOD OSSUS. Perhaps a pvp zone for Jedi and Sith to fight it out over the ruins of the Great Library. That would be a pretty cool zone. A race against time as the planet suffers massive, critical seismic activity and lethal radiation from the ruined star threatens to bathe the planet in deadly light. Mandalorian hunters stalk the ruins, waiting for the ultimate prey - Jedi and Sith. Imperial Agents rush to recover ancient secrets, deemed too deadly and dangerous even for the Sith to pursue. And the Jedi Consular must discover the truth behind the Jedi and the First Great Schism - and whether the Jedi today are truly the descendants of Dark or of Light.


As much as I'd like to see Dathomir, it would seriously re-write the canon to have Jedi and Sith fighting during this period on the Planet. However, it would be really interesting to see Hapes. During this period the Cluster is run by pirates, if I'm not mistaken, and it's a period where the Jedi free the sector. That has serious potential for story quests, but it seems to work only as a Republic world. With that in mind they'd have to add a Sith world. With that in mind, I think maybe Mandalore or Ry'loth would be interesting worlds to add to the Sith list, and they would add a lot to the Imperial Agent and Bounty Hunter. Ry'loth would be interesting for Twi'lek Inquisitors.


On the other hand, searching Dxun or Yavin IV could be an equally valid option to add, especially for the Sith Inquisitor and Warrior story lines. Adventuring through the ruins of older Sith civilizations could definitely work well, and it would provide an opportunity for ample betrayal and intrigue among the Sith. And backstabbing is always fun.

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Ossus. OH GOD OSSUS. Perhaps a pvp zone for Jedi and Sith to fight it out over the ruins of the Great Library. That would be a pretty cool zone. A race against time as the planet suffers massive, critical seismic activity and lethal radiation from the ruined star threatens to bathe the planet in deadly light. Mandalorian hunters stalk the ruins, waiting for the ultimate prey - Jedi and Sith. Imperial Agents rush to recover ancient secrets, deemed too deadly and dangerous even for the Sith to pursue. And the Jedi Consular must discover the truth behind the Jedi and the First Great Schism - and whether the Jedi today are truly the descendants of Dark or of Light.


As much as I'd like to see Dathomir, it would seriously re-write the canon to have Jedi and Sith fighting during this period on the Planet. However, it would be really interesting to see Hapes. During this period the Cluster is run by pirates, if I'm not mistaken, and it's a period where the Jedi free the sector. That has serious potential for story quests, but it seems to work only as a Republic world. With that in mind they'd have to add a Sith world. With that in mind, I think maybe Mandalore or Ry'loth would be interesting worlds to add to the Sith list, and they would add a lot to the Imperial Agent and Bounty Hunter. Ry'loth would be interesting for Twi'lek Inquisitors.


On the other hand, searching Dxun or Yavin IV could be an equally valid option to add, especially for the Sith Inquisitor and Warrior story lines. Adventuring through the ruins of older Sith civilizations could definitely work well, and it would provide an opportunity for ample betrayal and intrigue among the Sith. And backstabbing is always fun.


I am so so sorry but i can not understand what you are on about:)

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Why did you necro this thread? It's irrelevant now. The new planet is Makeb.


Yes, but what if they want more suggestions?


I'd love to see Telos, Dantooine, and Onderon post-KOTOR... Naboo would also be nice. Maybe even a huge space station (Hosk Station, Centerpoint Station, large city-station) as a quest hub or pvp zone.

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Kashyyyk- I would love to see a bunch of Wookies, plus a cool story with Bowdaar. Plus, I would love to explore more than what was available in KOTOR.


Manaan (or any other ocean world)- It would be so cool to not only be on the cities above the water, but explore below the water too. Jedi and Sith can hold their breath for four days straight I believe, so they could freely swim anywhere underwater. Troopers and Bounty Hunters could have some type of cool armor or something built into their armor to be able to breathe underwater. Agents and Smugglers would be the hardest to come up with a reason to be able to be underwater, though, but maybe some type of high tech scuba gear or something.

With companions for this, I don't think the droids like T7, 4X, or SCORPIA (I believe that's her name) would be able to go underwater, but all humanoid species could work. Guss Tuno can already breathe underwater because he is a Mon Calamari. Bowdaar, Blizz, Skadge, Khem Val, Xalek, and Broonmark would be really hard to implement, along with Yuun. Adding animations and physics would be a pain, too. What they could do, though, is make the planet very important so the animations wouldn't just be used to complete that planet and then nothing else. Battles, mounts, pets, and others are more problems. With battles, I am not sure if lightsabers or blasters work underwater at all, so they could make it all fistfights and nerf the enemies a little (or a lot). One thing they could do is ban pets, speeders, and companions from underwater (unless they can work something with companions). I know it would be really hard to implement and most likely will not happen because of this, but I think it would be worthwhile and I would spend as much time on this planet as possible because it would just be so fun!


Space- Another thing I was thinking was maybe a space station or an asteroid similar to Peragus II from KOTOR 2 where you are in a space suit and venturing the open void a little. Just like an underwater planet, though, it would mostly just be because it is possible (albeit with much hard work). I would rather see an underwater planet though.

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Why did you necro this thread? It's irrelevant now. The new planet is Makeb.


No, it's not irrelevant. Bioware didn't post this question to the community on 5.2.12 and then create Makeb in the 5 weeks since (and oh btw - who in the 100+ pages of suggestions came up with Makeb? None of us). Makeb was in development before James put out his feelers on this topic.

Edited by Kaptain
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Dathomir Common Nightsisters enuf said


if we get Dathomir there will be no Nightsisters as they weren't founded until more than 3600 years later... they were founded by Baritha and Gethzerion toward the end of the Old Republic... Hell the Witches of Dathomir won't even be around until 3000+ years after this game takes place when Jedi Knight Allya is banished there and starts them...

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Bring on Kessel


original setting

classic SW planet

space feeling

undergrounds full of giant spiders

max security prison


if not a planet, could be a great flashpoint...

Edited by RedFox
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