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    United States
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    I play a lot of video games and also am a big fan of KOTOR and KOTOR II.
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  1. I think every planet would have different effects with a day/night cycle and weather cycles. I will list every planet so far (except I might skip a few I am uncertain about. I will not be including Makeb either). Tython: Day/Night- This would pretty much just be a normal day/night cycle, because it is a very earth-like planet. At night the Flesh Raider population might increase or certain villages might be attacked. Weather- There would be rain and maybe thunderstorms sometimes. Rain would be VERY rare, though, as Tython is a rather sunny planet. Ord Mantell: Day/Night- Nothing will happen at night out of the ordinary. Weather- Ord Mantell, if I remember correctly, is a very overcast planet, so there might be light showers almost all the time and then big storms once every few days. Coruscant: Day/Night- At night, gangs would be out in bigger numbers. Weather- I don't think Coruscant really has many weather changes. Maybe rain, though. Hutta: Day/Night- Nothing I can think of besides maybe more gang activity. Weather- There could be some type of acid rain that deteriorates your armor or maybe does damage slowly. Rains would only lost ~five minutes. Korriban: Day/Night- Nothing new at night. Maybe different enemies. Weather- None. Dromund Kaas: Day/Night- New enemies at night. Other than that I don't think anything else. Lightning would look amazing at night. Weather- Always a thunderstorm. Always. Taris: Day/Night- More rakghouls at night. Weather- Maybe thunderstorms to make the planet even more gloomy. I think routine showers would help make the planet seem more of a wasteland and really make everything more depressing (which is what I always felt on Taris because of KOTOR. BioWare did a great job on Taris in SWTOR). Balmorra: Day/Night- Maybe some sneak attack missions at night from both sides. That would make things more interesting. Weather- Normal weather maybe? I seriously do not remember much about Balmorra. Oh it was kind of swampy wasn't it? maybe when it rains certain areas are harder to run through (because it is swampy)? Nar Shaddaa: Day/Night- More gang activity at night. Weather- It's a moon, so I don't think any. Tattoine: Day/Night- I don't have any special ideas for night besides maybe more Sandpeople. Weather- As previously states, sandstorms that do armor damage (or maybe a debuff) would be really cool! Alderaan: Day/Night- Maybe more animals that attack at night. Weather- Snowing. I WANT SNOW! Hoth: Day/Night- At night it would be colder, so maybe a debuff at night that makes some concequences? (I know I spelled concequences I am sorry. It is early in the morning for me). Weather- Snowstorms at times that also have a debuff. Belsavis: I am sorry I have no information on Belsavis. Voss: I am sorry I have no information on Voss. Correlia: I am sorry I have no information on Correlia. Ilum: I am sorry I have no information on Ilum. I hope that gives some ideas. Also weather can be turned off if computers cannot run it (except certain planets where the weather causes debuffs).
  2. Well maybe, you could possibly, use commas, the right way.
  3. At first I thought you meant get rid of the barriers and then just have things appear when you have the quest, which would never work. I do like this idea, though. Maybe they could make the barriers a different color when you do not have a quest but you can still enter. I do believe there should be some spots that should remain one time only (I cannot remember which quest this was specifically but some facility blew up from it. You should not be able to re-enter those types of phases, but other than that I would love this!
  4. I believe the minimap's orientation is already placed where up=north, down=south, right=east, and left=west. So instead of adding something pointless, just tell them to learn their cardinal directions! If they can figure that out then you can start getting into NW, SW, NE, and SE.
  5. I made a thread for this last week, but I never saw that this was already a thread (I didn't know how to word it in search). Anyway yes we need this! Using a Razer Naga, I have to rebind my keys whenever I lose my mouse or if I cannot use it at the time (like if I want to play it while on a bed rather than at a desk). I thought this would come with the UI thing, but it didn't. I have eight active characters and some other characters my family and my girlfriend like to watch me play as, and I hate rebinding keys whenever I create a new character. It is really frustrating! I also plan on buying a Razer Nostromo, a gaming keypad. I do not plan on using this all the time, and sure, I can just bind the keys on the gamepad with the Razer drivers, but I do not plan on using it with my Naga at all times, so I would want an option to bind my abilities to the keys I have bound to the Nostromo. If that makes sense then congratulations! Either way /signed
  6. When I think of this I think of Minecraft a lot. It is not an MMO, but it has all these options you just suggested, so I will go through with what it would kind of do in more detail. I have played both Minecraft and SWTOR on low qualities by force before (my computer crashed and I forgot to reinstall the graphics drivers after I fixed it xD). So first, the visible horizon. On Minecraft it is called render distance. You have four options (far, normal, small, and tiny). With each of these it takes a huge chunk of how far you can see in the distance and increases FPS more than you would imagine. Weather effect, while they cannot be turned off on Minecraft, does slow down the client, reducing it by 20 FPS sometimes. This is why I usually turn off all the rain and snow while I play (well used to, before I installed the graphics card drivers). The "smoke, fire, and dust" is called "particles" in Minecraft. They are just nit-picky animations that serve no purpose gameplay wise. Turning these off could increase FPS by 20-50. There were also 3 options for this: all, decreased, and minimal. That is all I had to say because while I read your descriptions I felt a little lost. I only compare this to Minecraft because it is the only other game I have played where I could do this, and I was required to in order to play with a decent amount of FPS.
  7. One thing they would need to change with this is that all the voicing would need to be made into droid-sounding stuff. But overall this could be fun. Armor and animations would be a problem though...
  8. This sounds like a good idea! I am not part of a guild yet (still leveling all of my characters), but I do plan on joining one later. This would be a really good idea. I don't have any suggestions though, because you pretty much summed everything up.
  9. This is an excellent idea! Although you don't need to restrict melee weapons to force users and blasters to non-force users. Force users can use all melee weapons and blasters, while non-force users can only use non-lightsaber melee weapons such as vibroswords, staffs, etc. One thing I've always wanted to do is use two double-bladed lightsabers at once. It seems unrealistic, but they're Jedi! That would most likely never happen, but it could be a super rare ability that can only be used once a day or something.
  10. This would be so fun, but I think too many people would complain about dying too many times.
  11. I don't think we should use our speeders. Instead have our own swoop bikes. First, the speeders would make it unfair and second, the speeders aren't fast enough. Swoop bikes are supposed to be insanely fast! As for how a swoop race would play for competition, it would require moving around and getting boosts like in KOTOR, but also avoiding stuff and doing jumps. Also make the tracks much longer than in KOTOR, cause those were too short I think!
  12. I read so many complaints on the forums and I thought I would never find people on the forums that are happy with the game! I just wish there were more positive comments so I can sit and read them with a smile instead of reading annoying ones and getting angry. I have been playing since launch (would've played in beta but I was too busy at the time). I waited for this game for so long! When I first heard about SWTOR I got so excited that I brought out my old game of KOTOR 1 (which I thought was broken), but I did something to the settings and I played the game past Taris for the first time. I loved it! Every day I would come home and drink Mountain Dew and chat with people online while I KOTORed. I put fifty+ hours into that game. It was so great that during the summer I finally got KOTOR 2 and played that non-stop in the same format as before, except not talking to people so I could beat it quicker and in time for SWTOR's launch. I ended up beating it by the end of the month, so I studied Star Wars lore from September through December in my free time and I have been playing ever since. I play with one friend, who is also very happy with the game. We decided to play every class together, but I have a few characters ahead of his, so we just decided to co-op Consular and Bounty Hunter. Now my girlfriend is getting into Star Wars (FINALLY!), so she always wants to watch me play. That's just my story. I thought the other comments were too short and didn't have enough happy (nothing ever can!), so I added more!
  13. Ok so you do know that "adding symbols" to a vowel changes its entire pronunciation, right? So when your character Markov was pronounced maybe "mar-cove" or "mar-kov", changing it to Markӧv makes it "mar-kurv". The stupidity of some people makes me want to punch my computer in the face sometimes.
  14. They said they will add the barber shop. Just be patient.
  15. I believe you can already upgrade speeder bikes. Unless you mean upgrade it to make a level 1 to a higher level, then no. And please don't make me start another rant on the forums about Yoda's species being playable. George Lucas rarely lets people use the species to make a single character, and BioWare went through a lot of work just to add Oteg. Lucas has shut down entire productions just because they tried to add information about the species (name, origin planet, lifespan, etc.). So, just shut up, please. I hate having to crush peoples' dreams multiple times a day on these suggestion forums. So, just make suggestions about anything except Yoda's species (and also ones that will never happen, like the species that is in a gas state or something. That stuff is weird anyway).
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