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PvPer's don't care about this game


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I PvP and PvE pretty evenly.


How many areas do PvErs have to enjoy? How many to PvPers have to enjoy? How many flash points Ops etc etc do you enjoy while PvEing? PvP has 4 areas. Novare Coast, Huttball, BoA, and Voidstar.


As for the balancing issue thing, yea I think they should for sure make sure its not breaking things for PvErs before they make a change due to PvP.

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I agree, mostly.

What developers usually do wrong is that they try to balance skills/classes equally in PvP and PvE which never works, it just ruins the skill/class in either PvP or PvE (making them OP or worthless in either PvE or PvP), what they instead should do is have skills have 2 different function/damage parameters, one for PvE and one for PvP, that way they can tweak that skill for the gametype it's unbalanced without ruining the other.


Yeah, that would work. Via Guild Wars. ( no im not talking GW2 )

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We have PvP servers but ZERO incentive to go out and do it, with absolutely NO information on the future of pvp, I love this game, but the lack of open world pvp is killing it for me, it's really annoying not knowing when or even IF anything is in the works, so most of us leave


The Rakghoul Plague wasn't fun for open world PVP? I seem to remember people fighting over the world bosses on Tatooine. Isn't this the type of event open worlders are asking for?

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There is infinitely more PVP participation than PVE in SWTOR, and that's pretty impressive considering a huge majority of original and patched content has been PVE... I guess fighting little NPCs over and over again isn't as "fun" or popular as some would have you believe.


Without regard to the developers original intent, PVP is currently at the core of end game here and the success lies in creating a better pvp environment, mainly cross server queuing.

Edited by x_Boots_x
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There is infinitely more PVP participation than PVE in SWTOR, and that's pretty impressive considering a huge majority of original and patched content has been PVE... I guess fighting little NPCs over and over again isn't as "fun" or popular as some would have you believe.


Without regard to the developers original intent, PVP is currently at the core of end game here and the success lies in creating a better pvp environment, mainly cross server queuing.


sorry but i have ti disagree with you there.. there is not more pvp than pve on MY server.... you really should be more concise with your posts... to say pvp dominates the game is wrong.. it may dominate on your server..and thats cool if it does.. but you are bashing pve players because of what? to try and get the part of the game you enjoy more attention that youve already claimed has the most anyway?


we shouldnt be devided here in our efforts to make starwars better.. if we all were unitied in our ideas, our desires for the game and our requests of balanced pve pvp we would all enjoy the game a little bit more and maybe feel alittle less angry that one group gets "more" than the other

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After trying Tera's FFA,guild based, faction-less pvp,i dont know if i can go back to queing up for instanced pvp content anymore. spontaneous world pvp is way more fun and gives a sense of danger whenever you head out to explore. there is no feeling like that in SWTOR. Everyones tucked away in their safe secluded instances free from the reaches of unsavory players and the community alike, where as in tera most everything you do can be affected by another player or group of players, lots of raids and bosses out in the open world often times you have to fight off another guild and try to take down the boss as fast as possible before they surely come back with more friends and numbers. This type of game design fosters open world pvp, while swtor often feels like a single player game. This is just my perspective from someone that loves pvp and my first MMO wasnt wow but lineage 2.
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The Rakghoul Plague wasn't fun for open world PVP? I seem to remember people fighting over the world bosses on Tatooine. Isn't this the type of event open worlders are asking for?


Fighting to tag a boss, isn't really what I dreamt about when I was presented with the idea of OW PvP.

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I like Voidstar and the Tower WZ. I hate Huttball and leave it all the time. The new WZ is too small and nothing special.


I like a bigger WZ with more things to do before you win and not just run up to an object and then it's done...


Take over areas, move on the a object, defend NPC faction boss or something. Big battle with 30 vs 30 + NPC fighting!!!!!!!!! THAT would be awesome, and ofc people would be able to pick that one and not be random like the rest. :D

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He says that the team discovered that SWTOR had a huge PvP community and has since "turned a huge amount of resources" to developing more content for that side of the game. Paraphrased from Daniel Erickson, my question is why?


They're ridiculously fickle, and I'm sure most don't even play anymore. So why waste resources on a side of the game for people who claim they're leaving for GW2? Those "resources" could be used to make the space battles better, more story content, mini-games, crafting, social activities, planets, live events, dungeons and raids and optimizing the damn engine further... Look at the Ilum debacle and Ranked Warzones; so much hate on these forums towards it.


Bioware, stop trying to please them. Stop trying to make this some e-sport. They will never be pleased. And they've moved on. The PvErs who honestly want to give this game a chance, have not.


Ill bite.


Because quite a few people who pvp also pve.


Let me toss this out at you. I raid. We clear all the content in a two block. After that, its either work on one of my five alts (all of whom are level fifty) or pvp..... There isnt anything else to do. At all. That being said, I enjoy pvp quite a bit. I do not, however, enjoy imbalanced, poorly designed, esports.


Warzones are great. But the meat of what I enjoy are things like RvR lakes. Open World pvp. Just as a huge portion of the player base does. We may not do them exclusively, as the amount of people that are exclusive pvp or pve is a very small number. But PvP is, and always will be a huge part of a game. Ignore it at your own peril.


That being said, you take a very narrow view of this game.

That is not helpful.

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If this is true...then I will be leaving.

The reason I subscribed to the game is the voiced PvE content and story.

If the PvP crowd get all the toys then there is no reason for me to play this game anymore.

Happy PvP end SWTOR

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Personally, I think the PvP players are what kills games.

They complain about classes not being balanced, when they SHOULDN'T be balanced.

It's an MMO and the grouping of different classes should balance each other and make the whole team stronger.


The idea is that every class has a role to play and when grouped together they work extremely well.


The problem is that all this trying to "balance classes" for the sake of PvP is totally RUINING the PvE part of the game.


Unfortunately, the PvP crowd is a Vocal Minority on the forums, and many a game has failed due to this whole failed philosophy of "Balanced Classes for PvP"


PvE - It's a Team thing, not an individual one, like PvP. Trying to "Balance classes" fails and kills a PvE game.


I wish these games would either focus on the PvP crowd (And I could avoid those games) or focus on the PvE crowd, and just tell the PvP players straight out, the classes are suppose to work together compensating for each's weakness. Not be equal on all levels.


You got some good points however is totaly unfair to say that PVP isnt a team game. Have you done any warzone?

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If this is true...then I will be leaving.

The reason I subscribed to the game is the voiced PvE content and story.

If the PvP crowd get all the toys then there is no reason for me to play this game anymore.

Happy PvP end SWTOR



Yes, PvP is getting ALL the toys. :confused::rolleyes::D

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He says that the team discovered that SWTOR had a huge PvP community and has since "turned a huge amount of resources" to developing more content for that side of the game. Paraphrased from Daniel Erickson, my question is why?


They're ridiculously fickle, and I'm sure most don't even play anymore. So why waste resources on a side of the game for people who claim they're leaving for GW2? Those "resources" could be used to make the space battles better, more story content, mini-games, crafting, social activities, planets, live events, dungeons and raids and optimizing the damn engine further... Look at the Ilum debacle and Ranked Warzones; so much hate on these forums towards it.


Bioware, stop trying to please them. Stop trying to make this some e-sport. They will never be pleased. And they've moved on. The PvErs who honestly want to give this game a chance, have not.


Most real PvPers are over in EVE. Don't worry about it.

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This is the first mmo that I have actually gotten into end game with. And from my opinion I like pvp more. I still pve and am currently building up my columi and rakata gear, but in the end you will constantly be doing the same ops over and over again, while in pvp you are fighting real people which makes the fights different and fairly new.


But I don't have anything against pve...

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But really your numbers (I've no idea how you got them? Just made them up? :D) would suggest SWTOR is failing to engage with the biggest player base on the internet, PvPers. :eek:


I made them up, because I have an issue with statistical blanket statements like yours. I honestly doubt you are right and that the majority of gamers play (both for internet or offline) non-pvp.


And I believe that the majority of the customer-base subscribed to this game is PVE'ers.


I have no data for it though.


Not that I don't think BW should no try to improve PVP, as I too enjoy PVP'ing. But I understand if they cost/benefit-allocate resources to the issues and the customer-base with the highest payoff. And I believe that would be mainly PVE.

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