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Everything posted by Argure

  1. Agreed. It would be fine if PT's could actually do good damage. There's actually a website called Parsely where people use this program called StarParse, and then measure their Damage Per Second on the Operations Training Dummy on fleet or their Rishi stronghold. The top parses are almost all Hatred assassins! Nobody would bring PT to an Operation if Hatred is just that much better. Obviously not every class can be the top DPS but PT really needs some buffs to be more viable in Operations.
  2. Why was this question not just addressed in the stream, instead of timing out, or permanently banning players who asked?
  3. If people still can't clear it then maybe they are the problem. 🤔
  4. "I want you to do bad things to me 2V-R8... mmm.." "Excellent! I was just wondering what I could do to please you!"
  5. 8-man timed clear by Ebonlore on Prophecy of the Five on 2012-18-12 at 10:13 PM UTC -6 (US Eastern). No pics, but we have a video: Done without exploiting the holostatue heroic moment abilities.
  6. I use it to powerlevel guildies and friends through warzones. Sue me.
  7. Hi. If you are lucky like me, and are in the top 5% of SW:TOR players on PotF, then I am sure you are sitting on your computer, reading this thread saying Then this thread is for you. We're basically a hardcore progression guild. We've been 5/5 HM TFB and 4/4 NiM EC for a long time, and were one of the first to clear EC NiM in under two hours (without using the Heroic Moment bug). If you're looking for a casual guild, we have nothing to offer you for joining. Yep, you read right. Nothing. Nothing at all. Though, I suppose you could talk a bit with the other Friends & Family non-raiders. Honestly I don't even care. However, if you are somewhat respectable, have a plucky 'can do' attitude, and are actually a good player, and you want to raid with one of the most competitive guilds in SW:TOR globally, then you should apply. Not join. Apply. What's that? You have friends where you are? Chitchat buddies? Hm. Could be a problem, how could such a problem be conceivably solved? We wouldnt want to be responsible for destroying life long friendships here at Ebonlore, so get them to join too. Everyone is welcome as Friends & Family, but is not able to raid until they get their application and interview done. Should you be successful in your long and streneous application process for F&F which involves (and is limited to): You can join up as a non-raider, and then go get your application filled out and parsing done. If you don't feel like putting a few hours into applying, you probably don't want to commit to progression either. And if you get past that, you're welcome to join the ranks of the amazing guild Ebonlore, formed before guilds even actually were implemented into MMO's correctly. (Yes, we go about 15 years back), and if you study long and hard, you could gain fame, become uber, criticize other raiders, become one of the best raiders (which has never actually been me..) and then break off and have a celebratory beer for downing new content as one of the first people worldwide. Who could resist that? Join now - Because you're sick of noone being good enough to get your **** done too. ebonlore.org vent.ebonlore.org :4036
  8. I giggle a little whenver I see <Drop It Like It's Hoth>.
  9. Dear melee, You stop tearing sorcs a new black hole with 6k+ smashes, rail shots, mauls, vicious throws and ravages, and we'll consider tossing Madness a second look. Thanks, sorcs Dear ranged, If you're having a lot of issues with bubble stuns, it's because you're terrible and it has nothing to do with stuns. Thanks, sorcs Dear operatives, Well yeah, you kinda get shafted, but then again you're probably used to it by now. Sorry, sorcs
  10. 1. Remove bubble spec. Yes, I use it, and yes it's hilarious to play. It also ruins PvP. 2. Give DPS sorcs a talent to increase their expertise by 100%. Yes, double expertise. (On damage dealt vs players, btw, not damage reduction/healing done. 3. Increase Creeping Terror(!!) damage by about 10% I'm actually somewhat semi sorta not joking. Result: 1. No more people crying about bubbles, which is good. 2. Sorcs doing a metric <lolselfcensorbecauseIalreadyhavetoomuchinfractions>ton more damage in Warzones, but no increase to damage reduction. Don't give sorcs defensive cooldowns. I wanted to roll a glass cannon archetype, not a mediocre escape/utility class. Having the change apply to expertise also addresses PvE balancing issues. 3. DoTs should hurt, and the damage increase on CT should be a stimulus to finally move away from hybrid, and we all know BioWare hates sorc hybrid specs. Oh, and nerf Operatives.
  11. I laughed so hard when I saw this.
  12. This is why we can't have nice things. Now to consider reading the rest.
  13. Argure

    Nerf operatives

    Operatives are so damn annoying. Stealth is crazy OP, and when specced into Concealment they not only get extra invisibility but also reset the cooldown whenever they exit stealth. Then they stunlock me for 12+ seconds and when it finally wears off I they use the Ghost speed boost so I can't get Force Choke off in time to get Singularity stacks for Smash. Added to that they can make their all attacks crit whenever they want with Acid Blade and they get a 5% increase on their surge with their buff while my Smash crit proc only goes off when I can leap. nerf conceal operatives
  14. [i][color=gray]/*HeroEngine © 2010 - 2012All rights reserved*/[/color][/i][color=green]#include core.h#include models.h#include artfx.h#include shaders.h[/color]class Bioware.HeroEngine extends Simutronics.HeroEngine implements Nothing{}[color=darkred]int[/color] totalFeatures = [color=blue]192[/color];[color=darkred]int[/color] totalWorkingFeatures = [color=blue]3[/color];[color=darkred]float[/color] numberofBugs = [color=purple]345889E+08[/color];boolean readyForRelease = FALSE;[color=darkred]void[/color] main {[b]while[/b] (!CRASHED) { [b]if[/b] (laptop_machine) { [b]if[/b] ((installedRAM < [color=blue]2[/color]GB) || (processorSpeed < [color=blue]4[/color] GHz) { MessageBox([color=darkred]"Everything is working as intended. ~ JovethGonzalez"[/color]); GetKeyPress(); Crash(); } } Make10GBDiskCache(); TaxHardDriveCapacityPercentage(92); CorruptRandomFiles(); BreakPatcher(); MessageBox([color=darkred]"Everything is working as intended. ~ JovethGonzalez"[/color]); UseMemoryLeak(); Crash();}[i][color=gray]//printf("HeroEngine Alpha version build 2295 - DO NOT RELEASE");//printf("HeroEngine Alpha version, build 2692 - DO NOT RELEASE");[/color][/i]printf([color=darkred]"HeroEngine, BioWare implementation, public version"[/color]);[b]if[/b] (still_not_crashed) { SetFPS(10); SetCrashIntervalSeconds(3600); BreakPatcher(); StutterOn([color=darkred]gui_change, mount, dismount, new_zone, dynel_spawn, random[/color]); DisplayFancyGraphics(); [b]if[/b] (time_played > 1800) { SetAvailableMemoryPercentage(50); UsePageFile(); [b]return[/b] paidMakebUpdate; }}}
  15. What if nobody touched the ball to begin with?
  16. Here ya go: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201GhrorzRzZfcMbzMbZ0M.2
  17. I play on a US server (from Europe) and I usually pull around 90 ms, which is hardly a noticeable increase compared to EU servers (50 ms). Any ping below 200 ms is fine, as it's impossible to notice it as a human.
  18. Trust me, any random EU server has 7x more people online at 4 AM than an APAC server does at prime time.
  19. Body type 1 female with rather pale skin and blonde hair. Aka: 'omg don't hurt me im tiny :( ' look. It confuses people, and that amuses me.
  20. Yes, because when I play my healer with my guild I go in all-PvE gear to get more healing output. Squishy? Sure, that's why you peel healers.
  21. Hi, Little AU3 program to keep track of your Vital Shot and Shrap Bomb timers. It shows a countdown with how long your DoT(s) last and plays a sound when it ends. Can track up to two targets. https://github.com/PatrickGodschalk/Argure.dotTracker-IA for individual files. https://github.com/PatrickGodschalk/Argure.dotTracker-IA/archive/master.zip to download the whole thing as a ZIP archive. You'll need AutoIt v3, and modify Argure.dotTracker-IA.au3 to change the hotkeys and position. It's not that difficult. Oh, and thanks to Korrig and tmotd at MMO Mechanics for making this originally for sorcs. It's essentially their original work, only modiifed for Smugglers.
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