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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why no ETA on Rated?


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I am hoping they are holding of for :


Gear balance

Make sure stats are good

Class balance

X server

Optimized WZ servers

Clear any remaining ability delay/ client server lag (see optimized WZ servers above)



If not we are f'd. But, if so I wish they would come out and say it.


Gear balance will never happen unless there is only one set on gear for everyone if it´s tier´d some will alway have less and some more...

Removing/redusing expertise to raise TTK and balancing that with healing somewhere lines of pre 1.2 damage but a slight nerf on healing no more than 5%.

Removing/readjusting majority of defensive cds will balance stuff out damage numbers are quite even it´s the players who nerf themselves by lacking skill.

X-server won´t fix deadservers pve side merges would be better but i´d settle for X-server US. vs. EU should be implemented also so we´d have popups even at night and early morning.

Not sure what you mean by WZ servers ...hacks ?

Lag and delay will make any type of competion worthless unless it affects every class or no class also positioning is really random atm making tactical useage of pushbacks and los useless , charges that go through platforms and other solid obstacles same for grapple abilities and them not working properly when charging to an falling opponent etc.

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See GW2 might have that massive pvp deal but I have seen vids of people playing the beta with a good rig and 20+ people on the same screen make it unplayable frame rate wise.


You realize its an actual beta right? They want to test stuff like that, the graphics can't be adjusted at all! Moreover; go see the sea of vids and comments of people playing hundred upon hundreds with no issues!

Edited by Cempa
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I have been a staunch supporter of SWTOR until 1.2. Lots of broken promises and empty words. I play MMO's mainly to PVP and find a good group of people to PVP with. On my server, all the good friends I made are basically waiting for GW2. I tried to hold out and keep faith alive and all that BS.


There's a guild on my server named "Diablo GW2 waiting club" or something along those lines. After playing the FIRST beta weekend, I must say I am now apart of this club. I could care less about SWTOR rated at this point.


GW2 has its flaws, but it's beta. I am not expecting the "Jesus Game" just like 1.2 was supposed to be the "Jesus Patch" But the devs don't shun the PVP community or penalize you for pvping to level up. And are actually looking to base PVP around skill based combat instead of "lol stun stun oh you're dead". And LOL look at my gearz! They are actively listening to the community about valid concerns and really aren't putting alot of weight on derpy suggestions.


Here's a quote from a GW2 dev in a thread asking for MORE CC with LONGER durations:


"Our CC tends to be shorter in duration because long durations are simply not fun for people who get hit with them and end up stunlocked till dead. On the other hand, almost every profession has access to at least some form of CC between stuns, knockdowns, knockbacks, chills, etc.


Everyone will need to learn that one of the keys to GW2 combat is WHEN to use your CC, and not just hit it as soon as you engage so you can roflstomp the target. Trust me, knockbacks used on people ressing can turn entire fights."


Instead of creating a lazy and failed attempt and diminishing returns (resolve) they address the problem at it's core: the amount of CC itself and the durations. You have to make sacrifices somewhere in your skill layout if you want alot of control. I like this.




I am part of the GW2 waiting club after the beta weekend. They are getting pvp and don't have EA telling them what to do around every corner. I could care less about when SWTOR rateds come.

Edited by Ihazcrayon
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"Our CC tends to be shorter in duration because long durations are simply not fun for people who get hit with them and end up stunlocked till dead. On the other hand, almost every profession has access to at least some form of CC between stuns, knockdowns, knockbacks, chills, etc.


Everyone will need to learn that one of the keys to GW2 combat is WHEN to use your CC, and not just hit it as soon as you engage so you can roflstomp the target. Trust me, knockbacks used on people ressing can turn entire fights."


amen... people aren't crying about it for nothing... professional players aren't crying about it for nothing...

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I have been a staunch supporter of SWTOR until 1.2. Lots of broken promises and empty words. I play MMO's mainly to PVP and find a good group of people to PVP with. On my server, all the good friends I made are basically waiting for GW2. I tried to hold out and keep faith alive and all that BS.


There's a guild on my server named "Diablo GW2 waiting club" or something along those lines. After playing the FIRST beta weekend, I must say I am now apart of this club. I could care less about SWTOR rated at this point.


GW2 has its flaws, but it's beta. I am not expecting the "Jesus Game" just like 1.2 was supposed to be the "Jesus Patch" But the devs don't shun the PVP community or penalize you for pvping to level up. And are actually looking to base PVP around skill based combat instead of "lol stun stun oh you're dead". And LOL look at my gearz! They are actively listening to the community about valid concerns and really aren't putting alot of weight on derpy suggestions.


Here's a quote from a GW2 dev in a thread asking for MORE CC with LONGER durations:


"Our CC tends to be shorter in duration because long durations are simply not fun for people who get hit with them and end up stunlocked till dead. On the other hand, almost every profession has access to at least some form of CC between stuns, knockdowns, knockbacks, chills, etc.


Everyone will need to learn that one of the keys to GW2 combat is WHEN to use your CC, and not just hit it as soon as you engage so you can roflstomp the target. Trust me, knockbacks used on people ressing can turn entire fights."


Instead of creating a lazy and failed attempt and diminishing returns (resolve) they address the problem at it's core: the amount of CC itself and the durations. You have to make sacrifices somewhere in your skill layout if you want alot of control. I like this.




I am part of the GW2 waiting club after the beta weekend. They are getting pvp and don't have EA telling them what to do around every corner. I could care less about when SWTOR rateds come.


Just to clarify, you get no experience in the instanced 5vs5 PvP but you can level up in WvWvW pvp. People get all like the next game is the next best thing because they aren't happy with x or y. Every game will have issues and every game will be rebalanced making people made that's just the nature of the beast.


Yes GW2 beta was fun, yes there were bugs and with their data center having a major issue as well. Right now people are glossing over issues but there are no Party frames in Instanced pvp, you cannot queue with friends even if you get on the same team auto balance can change that in a flash (although hopefully that can be turned off). Just a few examples in the pvp forums.


Don't get me wrong I had fun and played hours of pvp in BWE but it's naive to think that other games are perfect and won't encounter similar issues.

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In one of the Developer posts, they admitted that participation in PvP was a lot larger than they initially anticipated. I played WoW almost exclusively to PvP. I think that in WoW, the idea that the "PvP'ers are a very small minority" was established.


Maybe that idea has changed during the last few years. Even WoW implemented arenas and then a few years later they developed rated battlegrounds to appease the pvp'ers who wanted a rated pvp system apart from arenas.


Case in point, maybe the old paradigm that pvp in mmos is strictly a sideshow for a minority of players has shifted. Maybe players want to do both or maybe there are just more players wanting to pvp hardcore. The game Rift, while having a pretty neat skill tree, missed the mark by not putting much into PvP. I would have stayed there if there were rated pvp options. Think about it- we are how many years past the advent of WoW? There is an entire new, young generation of MMO players now and they may like to pvp more than the previous generation. That's just my hypothesis- I have no numbers to prove it.


I think the same thing is happening here with Swtor. While they overpromised and totally under-delivered re almost all facets of PvP, I don't think Bioware anticipated such a backlash from its players. Five months into the game and they are already giving free month's subscription plus even more free time for servers being down. They really, really dropped the ball by deleting rateds a few hours before 1.2. I really liked this game and I was rooting for it, but when my entire pvp guild quit, I lost my entire team. Its no fun to play without friends.


I wonder if Swtor can fix this even with rateds at this point. I hope so because I would come back to give it a try, but the fact that we have no idea when they will be implemented is pretty silly.


edit: I bet this thread gets deleted or closed, like so many others, under their rule that prohibits talking about games other than Swtor. Can you imgaine how many threads would be closed in WoW if they enforced similar rules?

Edited by Genttry
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Just to clarify, you get no experience in the instanced 5vs5 PvP but you can level up in WvWvW pvp. People get all like the next game is the next best thing because they aren't happy with x or y. Every game will have issues and every game will be rebalanced making people made that's just the nature of the beast.


Yes GW2 beta was fun, yes there were bugs and with their data center having a major issue as well. Right now people are glossing over issues but there are no Party frames in Instanced pvp, you cannot queue with friends even if you get on the same team auto balance can change that in a flash (although hopefully that can be turned off). Just a few examples in the pvp forums.


Don't get me wrong I had fun and played hours of pvp in BWE but it's naive to think that other games are perfect and won't encounter similar issues.


I never once said it was a perfect game. I literally said it has flaws and is beta. And isn't a "Jesus Game" everyone's been waiting for with a giant sigh of relief.


I am simply stating, the way GW2 is shaping up to be it is catering more to my playstyle. I literally came into the game quite skeptical. I still am on a few areas. And BWE was alot more fun than I am currently having in SWTOR. And alot more fun than I expected. I just can't wait for another BWE. That is it :)

Edited by Ihazcrayon
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Well, my guild went from 85 hardcore pvpers waiting for 1.2, and then reduced to 50. Now we're 41 members, about 15 of those havent been online for 20+ days. This game is on thin ice, why wount Bioware just listen to the PvP community and stop glorifying the legecy patch? (Legacy is basically a patch for alting..)
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I log into GW2 beta over the weekend. I make my char, click 1 button and now I am bolstered and put into a massive open world pvp area with 3 servers battling it out. No worries about if my pvp gear is good since there is no gear in pvp. For about a hour we battle back in forth on this massive map with very little lag, some amazing side battles and good times. Then I go and get put into a 60v60 massive keep battle where we defend and have a epic time.


BW you need to beg for some help from ArenaNet asap to save your game.

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No reason to roll out rated WZ's when the server populations are so low you can't get a match together.


So I noticed last night we all took another population hit as a new month starts and more people fail to renew.


I guess we won't see server merges and rated WZ's until EA fires all the current SWTOR mgmt destroying the property and brings in people not suffering from a rectal cranial inversion.

Edited by AngryBuddhist
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There is an entire new, young generation of MMO players now and they may like to pvp more than the previous generation.


Interesting observation. I would think that those of us 25+, maybe even 30+ grew up more with eastern mmo's, Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Phantasy Star, etc, and may be more familiar with a traditional mmo experience with some pvp on the side. While those younger have grown up with more arcadey mmo's, WoW, and are all a part of the Call of Duty generation and PvP sort of supplies an mmo version of a COD multiplayer experience.


It's a thought...


I probably fall into the first camp and am 31. SWTOR has been my first mmo with a dedicated PvP scene, and I am actually really taken to it. But I do like to escape to some good ol fashion party PvE play too.

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i cant speak for tera but i know %100 that there is no way atm or that i can see this game bieng able to compete with gw2 pvp. When you have what was advertised to be in this game in gw2 its quite concerning. Why continue to pay 15 bucks a month to do the same 4 warzones over and over and nothing else? That game i can tell you has 100vs100 and real BOLSTERING in thier warzones. We cant even choose the warzones we want still. Servers are dying despite what james ohlen says not all servers healthy see for yourself go to hedar soongh and others by the time they get the transfers ready theyre will be very little to transfer at this rate


Not everyone agree's with you tho, GW2 didnt have any really fun character skills, pvp felt boring,

WwW is zerg vs zerg witch I hate, and felt really slow to level, you had to focus alot while fighting mobs not to die.

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I log into GW2 beta over the weekend. I make my char, click 1 button and now I am bolstered and put into a massive open world pvp area with 3 servers battling it out. No worries about if my pvp gear is good since there is no gear in pvp. For about a hour we battle back in forth on this massive map with very little lag, some amazing side battles and good times. Then I go and get put into a 60v60 massive keep battle where we defend and have a epic time.


BW you need to beg for some help from ArenaNet asap to save your game.


you are talking about word vs world, try doing that as a lvl 10 when most ppl have lvl 80¨s your gonna get one shotted all day long ( since in world vs world gear will matter and you dont get all abilities until lvl 80)

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In one of the Developer posts, they admitted that participation in PvP was a lot larger than they initially anticipated.

That's just a way to try to avoid admitting they had no time to finish the game due to launch date pressure. I don't know why you buy their sorry excuses given you sound like an intelligent person.

Edited by sensiblepoast
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The software companies do not realize that they can reprogram the game completely, they can add content beautifully, can give months of free subscription, but they will never regain the confidence and esteem of a player greatly disappointed. The game will lose its pvp oriented population inevitably, it's doing and will continue to do so. Edited by hyblon
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As an avid PVPer, PVEer, and RPer, I enjoy all facets of the game.


Honestly, on the whole, I think BW has it's priorities all wrong. Whenever they "say" they're listening to the community, they're just as quickly to turn around and say they have better "data" and a "development team" devoted to any one topic of dispute.


I won't go into the PVE and RP perspectives of the game that are lacking and/or completely not there, since this is a topic about PVP specifically. Just let it be known that those two areas are not much better off (if not worse) than PVP currently.


1. Rated Warzones being pulled at the absolute last second was a horrible PR move and a slap in the face to the community. I am completely in the camp that says that they did this to keep us sub'd, knowing they couldn't deliver on something that wasn't tested (because they had a horrible PTS character-copy system).


2. PVP, in its current incarnation, is not as fun as it could be or was. Sure, some of the nerfs/buffs were needed, but they went a little far in some aspects. Also, the amount of CC in this game is simply horrendous. I can be chain-stunned/rooted (because the Resolve system is awful) to death in a matter of seconds.


3. Lack of world-PVP and progress. Although BW themselves have stated Ilum was a failure, we've gotten no word on what exactly is being done to reintroduce world-PVP into the game. And having only 4 Warzones for an entire game's PVP isn't exactly great.


I know there are class imbalances, technical issues, etc. that SHOULD be solved before Rated Warzones go out. But, in the current state, I think BW has to put out Rated ASAP because they are losing many PVPers' faith very quickly.


Voice acting and story-quests are great. They don't make for a complete game, though. Fix the rest of your game, BW, then add the content to make it a legitimate contender in the long run and fulfill it's great potential as THE Star Wars MMO experience, in ALL aspects of the game.

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As an avid PVPer, PVEer, and RPer, I enjoy all facets of the game.






3. Lack of world-PVP and progress. Although BW themselves have stated Ilum was a failure, we've gotten no word on what exactly is being done to reintroduce world-PVP into the game. And having only 4 Warzones for an entire game's PVP isn't exactly great.




Ilum is an insult to our intelligence, and honestly i do not understand how Gabe Amatangelo is still in his place.

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Ilum is an insult to our intelligence, and honestly i do not understand how Gabe Amatangelo is still in his place.


now you are insulting his intelligence.


he obviously had a tank taunting his boss!

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The software companies do not realize that they can reprogram the game completely, they can add content beautifully, can give months of free subscription, but they will never regain the confidence and esteem of a player greatly disappointed. The game will lose its pvp oriented population inevitably, it's doing and will continue to do so.


Game turning changes don't happen in the majority of the cases. People have tunnel vision and refuse to process outside negative feedback, and it's safer to be a yes man and follow the established company line than to be the messenger of bad news and champion for change (which nobody likes and threatens established "players")

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I think the real question is......


They stated no Rated Warzones 5 hours from 1.2's launch


If its going to take them another several months to implement, did they REALLY not know 5 hours before hand like they originally said......................

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So, my guild is basically holding on to a short string. More and more inactivity, due to the "Nothing to do here" state pvp is in atm. I'd be lying if I didnt say Gw2, Tera and Diablo 3 seems quite great right now. So people, let's get bioware to think about us, let's say how much we want rated, and why!


I want it because, well for us in the PvP community it's basically a shovel of a game, we've got great to get yes. However, to get it we basically just have to que 4 people over, and over again. Theres no point in doing it, since it's so boring when theres no competition..


They aren't done figuring out all the various cheats out there and closing those holes.


1) find cheaters.

2)watch learn

3) close holes cheaters show you by how 'awesome' they are AND mass ban the folks responsible.

4) Then start rated WZs

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