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Someone explain the LFG tool hate?


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It only boggles my mind why some people continue to insist we defend such things as our likes or dislikes of a LFG tool. What difference does it make to you, for instance, if someone else doesn't like or want one? Why pose endless questions asking for explanations about someone's feelings about the thing and then insisting they're wrong to feel that way? Most especially in light of the fact the tool will be added to the game. If it's going to be added, just be happy (or not) about it and move the heck on...


Because some players keep coming up with the same rational for not having one. I donot see any difference here on both sides. Not saying any is wrong if they disagree with me on wanting a cross server tool, but I will defend why I think it is a good thing for this game. And we are getting a same server LFG tool , not a cross server one. So it needs to continue to be stressed why we need a cross server one. And I will. :) Only up to when my sub runs out and one is not added..will I "move on." :cool:

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Oh yay! That sounds like fun!


Your use of Fail is a bit ironic.


Not really. It works for me all the time. Maybe people just donèt like you and have you on ignore. And juding by the many posts of rage in this thread I can understand why they arenèt getting groups

Edited by Skidrowbro
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If you think I'm making things up you obviously have never played WoW,


To suggest I was saying people joined a dungeon AFK then you are intentionally misreading what I said. What I said was that griefers would;


Join in a group;

One would go AFK immediately on joining and get kicked

The other one was then immune to being kicked.


Don't believe the kick time, look at the WoW forums. I haven't been there since January so they may have fixed it . Apparently not I just went over to the WoW forums and low and behold ;




So I return your statement 'Have you ever played WoW?


Yup, still subbed. I guess you que into LFD solo most of the time. I'm usually with friends and Guildies so I don't encounter that problem. In fact, due to my ignorance of your example, I've never experienced that problem at all. I can't imagine people always asking their friend "hey, can you que in with me and go afk again?" "Oh sure, I love going AFK for you." The question is, are you using a common problem as an example or a loophole that NO ONE USES.

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If you think I'm making things up you obviously have never played WoW,


To suggest I was saying people joined a dungeon AFK then you are intentionally misreading what I said. What I said was that griefers would;


Join in a group;

One would go AFK immediately on joining and get kicked

The other one was then immune to being kicked.


Don't believe the kick time, look at the WoW forums. I haven't been there since January so they may have fixed it . Apparently not I just went over to the WoW forums and low and behold ;




So I return your statement 'Have you ever played WoW?


I have for over 7 yrs and still do. And what you are refering to is not very common. I rarely have those issues. WoW forums, like this one too is full of exaggerations. 90+% of my cross server LFG runs are ran without any major hiccups. Does crap happen like you said...yeah...but not very often. One thing which helps me is I use the "ignore player" feature when I come across jerks. It does help to weed out the number of them you may get qued up with in a group. Because it will never group you again with anyone on your ignore list and it is account wide.

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Not really. It works for me all the time. Maybe people just donèt like you and have you on ignore. And juding by the many posts of rage in this thread I can understand why they arenèt getting groups


Are you trying to bait me into "offending" you? I know how much you love that report button. :cool: I'm sure traveling the Galaxy to find players works great for you. Unfortunately time is money for me and others. I got better things to do than play a 10 year old MMO.

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thought this game was about story... thought thats what most bioware games kinda go for... add LFG may as well remove class quests... and just make its so you go planet to planet based on level if you wanna quest... because hell in WoW, i roll tank or heals... queued til 80 or 85... and didnt care about questing because gear was better and leveling was faster that way... community? it does exist if you go to a large enough server where theres stuff always happening go to the server forums the large servers all have names especially in PvP that eachother all know well. I'd rather quest with a story rather than spam LFG and wait 5 minutes for the queue to pop and do the same thing ive been doing all night.


Oh right, WoW, that game is still alive, you want a storyless game with a LFG/LFR system with no community and easy leveling, just go play that stop tryin to convert something that isn't into that... add a channel thats global and in it can only be said LFG or GLF, flashpoint and OP names and tank, heals or dps. no other words will be permitted Add a listing system you can add yourself to, will show your spec, level, class, where you currently are and what FP/OP you're looking for... cross server not needed, transfers... very much needed, be them free or paid, implement them sooner rather than later!

Edited by Vriwhulth
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Are you trying to bait me into "offending" you? I know how much you love that report button. :cool: I'm sure traveling the Galaxy to find players works great for you. Unfortunately time is money for me and others. I got better things to do than play a 10 year old MMO.


Not trying to bait you into anything, just telling you the options that are there such as re-rolling temporary, but I guess true MMORPG's aren't for you. Good luck in your next big thing.

Edited by Skidrowbro
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Yup, still subbed. I guess you que into LFD solo most of the time. I'm usually with friends and Guildies so I don't encounter that problem. In fact, due to my ignorance of your example, I've never experienced that problem at all. I can't imagine people always asking their friend "hey, can you que in with me and go afk again?" "Oh sure, I love going AFK for you." The question is, are you using a common problem as an example or a loophole that NO ONE USES.


Why do you keep being aggressive? So far you've said;


Stop making crap up;

Have YOU honestly played WoW

The question is ........ that NO ONE USES.


There is no need to use capitals to try and make it look like I am not giving valid concerns, cool down.


I can say that yes I tended to join solo, not that that makes much difference, and yes I have on numerous (no where near the majority of times) had a person go AFK at the beginning then have a douche afterwards that we could not kick.


There is another thread on the next page where a blue tells the OP that they have kick protection to stop people from being constantly kicked and someone talking about a 4 hour wait to kick time. I didn't read past the first page.


Of course a friend wouldn't group, enter, then go AFK, unless they were happy to help you be a douche, people do ... especially when they get bored.


The point is a douche will always be a douche and they will use the tools they have available to enjoy upsetting people. LFG is just another tool that they can use and whilst it is within server they can be quickly isolated but with cross server you are open to all of them. Blizzard have been dealing with this issue since LFG went live and it is still not in an acceptable state (in my opinion). It's a matter of opinion as to whether the advantages of such a system offset the downside. Mine is that it doesn't and as such I am against such a tool - there are other reasons that I and others have already said.


I have no doubt at some stage in the future a cross server LFG will be implemented when Bioware decide that it makes more economical sense to do so, however I hope that this is a long way off.

Edited by mothear
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Waiting in que for another replacement is 2 hours better than going back to fleet looking for a replacement. It's so bad that when a player does leave a FP now, the group basically gives up. It's a death sentance if a player leaves the group in a FP. Also, people don't leave because they joined mid-way through. That's one reason Blizz rewards JPs and VPs for completing Dungeons. People actually like joining on the last Boss because of this. Instead of spending 30-45 minutes for their 70 VPs they get it in 5 minutes.


Sorry, but this has not been MY experience. I have never once had someone join mid-dungeon and be happy about it. I have also had many, many groups simply break up after the tank or healer drops because they have become frustrated with the fact that they were waiting 3 hours for a group and now have to wait 2-3 more for a replacement. I have been in very, very, VERY few groups willing to even consider kicking a tank or healer no matter how ill-behaved because it would take hours to get another.


I would like to see a same server LFG tool. I see no benefit whatsoever to a cross-server one that out weighs the negative experiences I have had. Those negative experiences were far, FAR more numerous than positive. It was to the point that if I had not been in a guild I would never have been able to do most of the higher level heroics.


I was rather appalled to find that SWTOR does not have a single server wide chat channel. The "General" and "Trade" channels really should be server wide with a separate "Local" channel for each zone. Incidently "server wide" needs to include ships and instances. Giving us at least one server wide chat channel would itself help with grouping.


Unfortunately none of these suggestions address the biggest issue with finding groups even on a high population server - there are more DPS players than tanks or healers. Having a way to dual spec might help alleviate some of this, though I am not sure it would help much. Until there is a way to get away from the absolute need to have a tank and a healer in a group there will always be grouping issues.

Edited by Miscai
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Sorry, but this has not been MY experience. I have never once had someone join mid-dungeon and be happy about it. I have also had many, many groups simply break up after the tank or healer drops because they have become frustrated with the fact that they were waiting 3 hours for a group and now have to wait 2-3 more for a replacement. I have been in very, very, VERY few groups willing to even consider kicking a tank or healer no matter how ill-behaved because it would take hours to get another.



Waited for 3 hrs? I call that a far fetched exaggeration. Even back before they added the cross server LFG tool, I never remember waiting over maybe a hour at the most. Now, in Cata , the average wait time for a dps for a random 5 man heroic is 10 - 20 mins and in the LFR is maybe 15 - 20 mins as dps. I know..I just did one LFR ( raid ) run this evening with some guildies and we were in que and done with the run in about 1 hour..all as dps. This was'nt a abnormal fast time, but very typical of the time it takes.


And I have had several occasions when a player would join a run I was in which was on the last boss and would say, " nice! fast VP's.:)" .

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Waited for 3 hrs? I call that a far fetched exaggeration. Even back before they added the cross server LFG tool, I never remember waiting over maybe a hour at the most. Now, in Cata , the average wait time for a dps for a random 5 man heroic is 10 - 20 mins and in the LFR is maybe 15 - 20 mins as dps. I know..I just did one LFR ( raid ) run this evening with some guildies and we were in que and done with the run in about 1 hour..all as dps. This was'nt a abnormal fast time, but very typical of the time it takes.


And I have had several occasions when a player would join a run I was in which was on the last boss and would say, " nice! fast VP's.:)" .


I am NOT exaggerating - I regularly spent 3 or more hours in that queue pre-cata. I did not play much in cata before I quit so I cannot really speak to how it has been since its release. It was to the point that I considered the rare 1 hour wait to be super fast. That long wait for DPS combined with the idiots you are forced into a group with are the reason I finally quit using the stupid thing. It just wasn't worth it.


As to the other, as I stated "I" never been in a group where someone joined in progress and they were happy about it - N-E-V-E-R. Obviously your experience was different than mine, that does not mean that I experienced the same.

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People have already explained why cross-server group finder is bad on the forums. For reasonable people with common sense, they will understand it. For unreasonable people who don't listen to anyone but themselves, no amount of "explaining" will convince them.
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the game need BAAAAAAAAAAAADLY an LFG tool and A.S.A.P.

i couldnt believe it myself when i start to spam in general chat for hours and days that i want to do the lost island

(3 weeks and still cant find ppl to run it) in a most of the time Heavy server


to stand like an idiot in fleet doing nothing at all, meaning spending uselees hours of not playing the game while i could hunt datacrons or do dailies, or solo achivements from all planets.


As the OP said for the server chat will be filled with all that crap, yes isnt much an improvement, but in this state, even this is vital, and later on they can add a good unbuged LFG tool for server only, and if things go well, can spread it into game wide with toggle on or off


Its not vital to be all of a sudden as cross server, can be shortly, but give us something


also the LFG tool need to be for FP, OPS, H4 AND for World bosses

Edited by Kissakias
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People have already explained why cross-server group finder is bad on the forums. For reasonable people with common sense, they will understand it. For unreasonable people who don't listen to anyone but themselves, no amount of "explaining" will convince them.


I wouldn't say that crying about not getting loot or other players saying bad words would come under "reasonable people with common sense." in fact far the opposite.

Edited by chaosdefined
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People have already explained why cross-server group finder is bad on the forums. For reasonable people with common sense, they will understand it. For unreasonable people who don't listen to anyone but themselves, no amount of "explaining" will convince them.


They have explained it. I'm just calling BS on their explanations.

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People have already explained why cross-server group finder is bad on the forums. For reasonable people with common sense, they will understand it. For unreasonable people who don't listen to anyone but themselves, no amount of "explaining" will convince them.


Nobody explained anything. You all just made crap up and expect us to eat it.

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Nobody explained anything. You all just made crap up and expect us to eat it.


Well if you read back before the game was launched to BW reasons why they didnt want Cross server. They said the same reasons which has been explained in this thread OVER AND OVER again. Yet your still deluded enough to close your eyes to the reasons stated as they are not your reasons. Gotta love the internet.

Edited by DigitalPrime
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Well if you read back before the game was launched to BW reasons why they didnt want Cross server. They said the same reasons which has been explained in this thread OVER AND OVER again. Yet your still deluded enough to close your eyes to the reasons stated as they are not your reasons. Gotta love the internet.


BW's reasons were "People whined in Beta that they didn't want this to be WoW." that's hardly a reasonable explanation.

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The biggest gripe really isn't community...to me that's crap. You have a chance to meet more people cross server then you do in your server. The biggest gripe is it takes away the communities ability to police itself in its groups. Say bob is a huge troll. always pulls wrong stuff, gets team wiped over and over, generally just doesn't give a rip. In the system now, the community has the ability to just not invite him to a group. He learns and either changes or leaves. LFG tool basically allows bob to troll as much as he wants and just reque up. that gripe i can definitely understand.


I think that's what people mean by "community" in this context - i.e. not the size of the community, but the knit-togetherness of the community, that's what's affected by cross-server LFG tools.


OTOH, I don't understand why MMO makers don't always do single world (like GW or EVE or the Cryptic games), where there are many servers but they all link to make a single world that everyone can communicate in.


I guess it must be one of those trade-offs programming wise.

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There is NO REASON for there NOT to be an LFG Queue Finder Tool in the game!! Sad part is, Bioware won't put one in unless they want to... This will probably be after they bleed enough subs to other MMO's or people end up leaving because Bioware doesn't actually fix anything!


There is not one logical reason why there shouldn't be one... Same thing goes for a Live Combat Log... this is the FIRST EVER MMO that doesn't have one!! NO REASON FOR IT EITHER!!



No one can convince me otherwise... These are NEEDED tools for a MASSIVE MULTI-PLAYER ONLINE GAME !!!

If you want to sit there on the Fleet and spam for hours on end, then go for it! Nothing is stopping you! You're probably saying, but I will never get a group because everyone will be using the LFG tool... BECAUSE IT'S *********** USEFUL THEN !!!!!


If anyone can give me ONE REASON, that actually makes sense and isn't complete BS, then I'll re-consider... I have yet to hear or read ONE argument that holds ANY standing in a Gaming Community as a whole...

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They said the same reasons which has been explained in this thread OVER AND OVER again. Yet your still deluded enough to close your eyes to the reasons stated as they are not your reasons


Yeah... they said those same things about combat logs, you know the ones in game now?

they said the same thing about x-server PVP queues, you know the ones going in at 1.3?

they said the same thing about same server LFG tool, you know the one going in at 1.3?


You seeing a trend here?


The minor QQ about this stuff (and the x-server LFG) means nothing to BW, they are a business and have to make money. When the overwhelming majority of the player base wants something... they get it or the company goes bust. Economics 101 is now over...


I think you guys may be the ones with the closed eyes or deluding yourself... changes are here, changes BW swore would NEVER be added to this game... and more are coming, holding to your "purity of the game" mantra is commendable but worthless when money is involved.

Edited by Jaxarale
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There is NO REASON for there NOT to be an LFG Queue Finder Tool in the game!! Sad part is, Bioware won't put one in unless they want to... This will probably be after they bleed enough subs to other MMO's or people end up leaving because Bioware doesn't actually fix anything!


There is not one logical reason why there shouldn't be one... Same thing goes for a Live Combat Log... this is the FIRST EVER MMO that doesn't have one!! NO REASON FOR IT EITHER!!



No one can convince me otherwise... These are NEEDED tools for a MASSIVE MULTI-PLAYER ONLINE GAME !!!

If you want to sit there on the Fleet and spam for hours on end, then go for it! Nothing is stopping you! You're probably saying, but I will never get a group because everyone will be using the LFG tool... BECAUSE IT'S *********** USEFUL THEN !!!!!


If anyone can give me ONE REASON, that actually makes sense and isn't complete BS, then I'll re-consider... I have yet to hear or read ONE argument that holds ANY standing in a Gaming Community as a whole...


They already ARE putting in a LFG tool for 1.3.

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People have already explained why cross-server group finder is bad on the forums.


No, people have explained why they think x-server lfg is bad... and there is no proof corroborating what they have said...

For reasonable people with common sense, they will understand it.


I find it reasonable that they have had bad experiences with LFG, we all have to some extent or another... but to come here and say it "ruins the entire game" and "destroys communities" .... there is nothing "reasonable" about those sensationalistic claims.

For unreasonable people who don't listen to anyone but themselves, no amount of "explaining" will convince them.


I love passive aggressive attacks like that... takes me back to Psychology 110 in college! Lets see, we were taught that if you take this type of P/A attack and turn a single key word 180 degrees you too can make the same argument but in the reverse... lets try.


People have already explained why cross-server group finder is great on the forums.

For reasonable people with common sense, they will understand it.

For unreasonable people who don't listen to anyone but themselves, no amount of "explaining" will convince them.


I win?

Edited by Jaxarale
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