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Cross-Healing? 4 or 5 healers? INSTANT WIN! EPIC PVP!!!!!


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Too many healers. This is starting to be some sort of joke. I hate healing all together in PvP but I dealt with it in most MMOs but...but...this...


I have never, ever ever ever seen this type of "crap" in any MMO ever.


Sure, you had people who brought healers, but when half the team is healing causing ?


WAY too many and it's being abused? I don't care what "nerf" they got. It didn't seem to help as healing is much worse than it's ever been. Every game, its always 4-5 people cross healing over and over. We didn't even WIN a game until our guild also made a premade with four healers. And even then it took forever for each side to take something. And I know it's the healers because when the healers AREN'T there we can progress instead of chasing around ONE character with healing, sheilds and knockbacks until help arrives.


This is exactly why TANKS are almost useless. When almost EVERY class can technically tank and do everything a normal tank can do.


Before 1.2 I had never seen this so it's very strange how so many healers complain about the nerf yet I only see empire healbots. Usually all Sorcs.


Cross Healing works because it's HARD to focus down someone when they are getting heals from FOUR sources. This is why HEALING on PLAYERS needs restrictions. Especially in a game where almost EVERY single FOTMer is playing a class that has sometype of heal in it's tree.


The REASON cross healing is ruining Warzones is because we can't kill anyone at a point. Especially for PUGS. My server Republic side has been losing games non stop for a week because it's ALWAYS the same teams filled with cross healing players. And people are complaining about DPS?


People SHOULDN'T be getting carried through games by healers.


In most Warzones everything is TIMED based.


The type of PvP this game has is DISCOURAGING new people from playing and DEMORALIZING.


There is nothing fun about it except to the people who think they are "skilled" by getting carried by healers.



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Too many healers. This is starting to be some sort of joke. I hate healing all together in PvP but I dealt with it in most MMOs but...but...this...


I have never, ever ever ever seen this type of "crap" in any MMO ever.


Sure, you had people who brought healers, but when half the team is healing causing ?


WAY too many and it's being abused? I don't care what "nerf" they got. It didn't seem to help as healing is much worse than it's ever been. Every game, its always 4-5 people cross healing over and over. We didn't even WIN a game until our guild also made a premade with four healers. And even then it took forever for each side to take something. And I know it's the healers because when the healers AREN'T there we can progress instead of chasing around ONE character with healing, sheilds and knockbacks until help arrives.


This is exactly why TANKS are almost useless. When almost EVERY class can technically tank and do everything a normal tank can do.


Before 1.2 I had never seen this so it's very strange how so many healers complain about the nerf yet I only see empire healbots. Usually all Sorcs.


Cross Healing works because it's HARD to focus down someone when they are getting heals from FOUR sources. This is why HEALING on PLAYERS needs restrictions. Especially in a game where almost EVERY single FOTMer is playing a class that has sometype of heal in it's tree.


The REASON cross healing is ruining Warzones is because we can't kill anyone at a point. Especially for PUGS. My server Republic side has been losing games non stop for a week because it's ALWAYS the same teams filled with cross healing players. And people are complaining about DPS?


People SHOULDN'T be getting carried through games by healers.


In most Warzones everything is TIMED based.


The type of PvP this game has is DISCOURAGING new people from playing and DEMORALIZING.


There is nothing fun about it except to the people who think they are "skilled" by getting carried by healers.



You are kidding me.

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When they nerfed healing like they did (through direct and indirect nerfs) this was inevitable. You either run a boatload of healers or none.


We run 2-3 in our premades now. People still get blown up by semi-competent dps with two of us there.


Then I am sorry, but, I am fairly sure you are bad. Guard = -50% damage; Taunt = -30% damage; CC = -100% damage.


If one healer cannot keep someone up 1 vs. 1 in a situation where said person has -80% damage on them for 6 yes SIX seconds... I feel sorry for them.


Cross healing has ALWAYS been a problem. People are only now figuring out that stacking Tanks/Healers is the efficient way to PvP.

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4-5Healer teams lack the dps to kill anything that has one competent healer in a reasonable space of time. (If we are talking about a pug, if the other 3-4 people are a focussing premade things can get tough, but pre vs pug is usually onesided anyways).

They can not kill people fast enough to blow even one door on Vs, nor can they clear a node in Alderaan thats getting constantly reinforced. On HB a 4 healer team can be mean if they manage to get the ball.


They may end the matches with 0 deaths, but they only win if the opponent is really really incompetent and playing to zerg not for objectives.

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I'm figuring there's a code in the CAPSLOCK, but I'm having trouble rearranging the capitalized words it so they make sense. This is the best I could do:

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Cross healing is only a problem in the deathmatch WZs.

Wait, what's that? There are no deathmatch WZs?

Well, if cross healing is only a problem in deathmatch WZs and there are no deathmatch WZs then it stands to reason that cross healing is not a problem.


Learn to Objective!

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Then I am sorry, but, I am fairly sure you are bad. Guard = -50% damage; Taunt = -30% damage; CC = -100% damage.


If one healer cannot keep someone up 1 vs. 1 in a situation where said person has -80% damage on them for 6 yes SIX seconds... I feel sorry for them.


Cross healing has ALWAYS been a problem. People are only now figuring out that stacking Tanks/Healers is the efficient way to PvP.


I like to make 6 second windows of action in a WZ to demonstrate a point, too.


A coordinated team of 3-4 dps will absolutely shred anyone regardless of the number of healers present. Play one (1!) game of huttball to figure this one out. Move on to objective-based WZ like Civil War and it is even easier for coordinated dps to do their job.


Call me bad again, I like it.

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Cross healing is only a problem in the deathmatch WZs.

Wait, what's that? There are no deathmatch WZs?

Well, if cross healing is only a problem in deathmatch WZs and there are no deathmatch WZs then it stands to reason that cross healing is not a problem.


Learn to Objective!


4 good dps can easily drop 20k burst in 2 gcd against a guarded target. You could have 8 healers, it wouldn't make a difference, b/c no one can rescue a player under that type of focus fire.


For instance, pre 1.2 a group of rage Juggernaughts on my server would time their smashes at the same time, and literally kill everything (tank + healer + anyone nearby). Completely unhealable!

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4 good dps can easily drop 20k burst in 2 gcd against a guarded target. You could have 8 healers, it wouldn't make a difference, b/c no one can rescue a player under that type of focus fire.


For instance, pre 1.2 a group of rage Juggernaughts on my server would time their smashes at the same time, and literally kill everything (tank + healer + anyone nearby). Completely unhealable!



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A competent team wouldn't let 3 DPS make a beeline for their healer.


The strongest team seems to be 1 healer and just use Marauder/Tankasins at where that healer can't be. Using just those two classes, they can at least fight a draw for 3v3 or smaller fights, and anything bigger your only healer should be present.

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My server is seeing this as well since the patch. There is one guild in particular which always brought 2 very skilled healers and were a huge challenge to deal with - even when coordinating - because of it. Now, they are bringing 3 or even 4 and it's almost impossible at times.


As others have said, the huge weakness of this kind of group is that they'll never have the DPS to really wipe you and secure an objective. What they do instead is try to outlast the other team long enough for someone somewhere to make a mistake. On Civil War for example, they'll take their natural turret while we take ours and spam healers in mid. Mid usually goes unsecured for great lengths of time. They win by getting a team of one or two to take our natural turret while everyone is focused on mid. Certainly, if we're defending properly they should fail regularly. It's that one mistake that lets them gain that turret that they're waiting for, and at that point with 3 or 4 healers its almost impossible to get it back.


Essentially, it is a strategy aimed at waiting for that other team to make that one critical mistake. If we play perfectly, they shouldn't win most of the time. If we make a mistake (as any group is prone to from time to time, with 8 individuals who may screw up at any given time) then they win most of the time.

Edited by Skolops
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I had a battle against 5-6 healers in Voidstar and they all stayed on top of each other for aoe healing, we only had 1 healer. We lost easily.


Agreed and this has more to do with population issues than anything. IE, the faction with more people can muster more healers and win most every time.

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Too many healers. This is starting to be some sort of joke. I hate healing all together in PvP but I dealt with it in most MMOs but...but...this...


I have never, ever ever ever seen this type of "crap" in any MMO ever.


Sure, you had people who brought healers, but when half the team is healing causing ?


WAY too many and it's being abused? I don't care what "nerf" they got. It didn't seem to help as healing is much worse than it's ever been. Every game, its always 4-5 people cross healing over and over. We didn't even WIN a game until our guild also made a premade with four healers. And even then it took forever for each side to take something. And I know it's the healers because when the healers AREN'T there we can progress instead of chasing around ONE character with healing, sheilds and knockbacks until help arrives.


This is exactly why TANKS are almost useless. When almost EVERY class can technically tank and do everything a normal tank can do.


Before 1.2 I had never seen this so it's very strange how so many healers complain about the nerf yet I only see empire healbots. Usually all Sorcs.


Cross Healing works because it's HARD to focus down someone when they are getting heals from FOUR sources. This is why HEALING on PLAYERS needs restrictions. Especially in a game where almost EVERY single FOTMer is playing a class that has sometype of heal in it's tree.


The REASON cross healing is ruining Warzones is because we can't kill anyone at a point. Especially for PUGS. My server Republic side has been losing games non stop for a week because it's ALWAYS the same teams filled with cross healing players. And people are complaining about DPS?


People SHOULDN'T be getting carried through games by healers.


In most Warzones everything is TIMED based.


The type of PvP this game has is DISCOURAGING new people from playing and DEMORALIZING.


There is nothing fun about it except to the people who think they are "skilled" by getting carried by healers.




You are joking right? You are complaining that people bring their healers to pvp and you lose. Why dont you bring a healer? Why dont your faction do that?

LOl is bioware suppose to punish players who group and bring healers to pvp b/c you dont want to? Ofrcourse a team with half heals will beat a team with none. Healing isnt op - you need to deal with your personal shortcomings and either move for your faction to heal more, be a healer yourself or bring your own healer.


You cant PUNISH people for grouping up strategically. And you cant nerf healing b/c wz are having half a team full of healers.....


This whole rant is just ridiculous.

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My server is seeing this as well since the patch. There is one guild in particular which always brought 2 very skilled healers and were a huge challenge to deal with - even when coordinating - because of it. Now, they are bringing 3 or even 4 and it's almost impossible at times.


As others have said, the huge weakness of this kind of group is that they'll never have the DPS to really wipe you and secure an objective. What they do instead is try to outlast the other team long enough for someone somewhere to make a mistake. On Civil War for example, they'll take their natural turret while we take ours and spam healers in mid. Mid usually goes unsecured for great lengths of time. They win by getting a team of one or two to take our natural turret while everyone is focused on mid. Certainly, if we're defending properly they should fail regularly. It's that one mistake that lets them gain that turret that they're waiting for, and at that point with 3 or 4 healers its almost impossible to get it back.


Essentially, it is a strategy aimed at waiting for that other team to make that one critical mistake. If we play perfectly, they shouldn't win most of the time. If we make a mistake (as any group is prone to from time to time, with 8 individuals who may screw up at any given time) then they win most of the time.


If they have 3-4 healers in the middle you don't need all 7 guys in middle either. Just put 2 on your natural assuming you capped your turret before they did.


If the heal heavy team capped their natural before yours, you probably lost the game but capping the natural first is not a function of having heavy heals.

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Agreed and this has more to do with population issues than anything. IE, the faction with more people can muster more healers and win most every time.


The heal heavy team is one of the few composition that can be defeated by the 8 DPS team, especially on Voidstar.

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If they have 3-4 healers in the middle you don't need all 7 guys in middle either. Just put 2 on your natural assuming you capped your turret before they did.


If the heal heavy team capped their natural before yours, you probably lost the game but capping the natural first is not a function of having heavy heals.


Also, why did they not contest the opponent's natural?


Pro-tip to win Civil War. Send 2 to the left to cap your natural. Send 3 players right to cap their natural because they never defend it properly. Stall in mid until you complete the other two. Win every match unless the PuGs screw something up.

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If they have 3-4 healers in the middle you don't need all 7 guys in middle either. Just put 2 on your natural assuming you capped your turret before they did.


If the heal heavy team capped their natural before yours, you probably lost the game but capping the natural first is not a function of having heavy heals.


The good players on my server have finally started to figure out this kind of stuff and how to handle them. It took them a bit, but now when I see a decent enough group of players on my team I know that going up against that guild it's going to be a good, close, fun game. We might win or we might lose, but they'll handle the 3-4 healers correctly.

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Also, why did they not contest the opponent's natural?


Pro-tip to win Civil War. Send 2 to the left to cap your natural. Send 3 players right to cap their natural because they never defend it properly. Stall in mid until you complete the other two. Win every match unless the PuGs screw something up.


I think it is possible for a class with Force Speed to always cap their own natural before any enemy can get there if you position yourself right so that they don't have LoS on you. But of course in this case both side can do this so the first person to cap their natural would be the Force Speed user with the fastest reflexes and there's absolutely no advantage to a heal heavy team there.


Sending 3 to cap theirs means if the other team knows how to defend you lose middle and they still cap their natural. Sending 1 guy to harass natural is okay, though again it's entirely possible for the enemy to cap their natural without you having a chance to do about it in certain situations. Having 2 on your natural is a no brainer (if no one attacks, that guy can go to middle and generally get the ranged/healer hiding in the back) but very few PUGs do this.

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