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Server population is dropping...


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It must sting for the devs to know that their big, bad, expensive, Star Wars IP MMO got it's death blow dealt not by WoW, but by it's little cousin Diablo 3.


But legacy, no mergers, and no cross server will save it! Lol, this game died mad quick.

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There is no place that is the wrong place to discuss economics.


Truth. If it wasn't for the free market we wouldn't have 10+ tripple A mmo titles in the marketplace right now. If SWTOR was it, no one would be complaining. It is because of the competition that there is a drive to see SWTOR improve.

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I just poted a new topic about this was gettin good feed back and it got closed Lol 21 people on fllet at 6:15 pm est

some planets have 2 or 3 ppl on them this is crazy . everyone is runin to fat man. that server is the life support for this game


And when I did a who(yes it was a few minutes later) I got 24 on republic fleet. SUre, that's not a whole lot, but when I did a "who all" it had more than 100 people. So that means that less than 24% of the population online at that time was on the fleet. Course, that counts all the zones such as FP instances, WZ instances, class story instances, other planets, etc.....


Honestly with the way fleet numbers get tossed about here I was certain it would represent 40-50% of the total online population.....

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We could solve alot of this but cutting back on all the servers an merge the low pop ones kills the fun when no one is one an fatman has people running out the butt.. An really not wanting to start all over I have 6 chars on my server Edited by jimmyjediknight
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Does Rift's once-per-week free transfer limit your servers? (Don't tell me the game sucks; we're comparing features to your statement.)


Will GW2's free server transfer limit servers?


SWTOR is implementing features LATER and making them MORE RESTRICTIVE than its competition. I'm not talking WoW here; I'm talking about the new kids on the block. If nublet companies can do it, then a company that (at one time?) held one of the top 2 most respected positions in the game industry sure ought to be able to.


That's a really, really bad way to win and retain customers.


Rift has free transfers ..... SWG had free Transfers (in the last months) and Name Changes every 90 days before it closed and you could do it yourself. Paying to enjoy a game is 1 thing, paying extra money to transfer to enjoy a game the way it is intended to be played .... with others, is extortion! I wouldn't say the game is dieing, but it is dieing down to the core players that will remain and the disgruntled players will move on or go back to what they were playing. Doubt this game even comes close to the run SWG had.

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Have faith....there's a lot of good games out at the moment and this game is still only in its infancy.

Although i am disappointed with the drop in players, the Aussie servers are still populated enough to play the game decently. Thankfully.


Maybe it's time for a server cull. I'm in it for the long haul, though. Everyone else can keep their diablos and gears of war.

Edited by i_am_sancho
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I correctly predicted the mass exodus that has occured back in December when everyone was raving about how great this game was.


I now predict that this game will only maintain about 200k subs by the end of summer and will go F2P at Christmas.

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I correctly predicted the mass exodus that has occured back in December when everyone was raving about how great this game was.


I now predict that this game will only maintain about 200k subs by the end of summer and will go F2P at Christmas.


I'll take that bet lol :p this game isn't going f2p any time soon, i promise haha

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I correctly predicted the mass exodus that has occured back in December when everyone was raving about how great this game was.


I now predict that this game will only maintain about 200k subs by the end of summer and will go F2P at Christmas.


Yes, o great one. I suppose you also predicted the collapse of the world market as well. :rolleyes:

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I correctly predicted the mass exodus that has occured back in December when everyone was raving about how great this game was.


I now predict that this game will only maintain about 200k subs by the end of summer and will go F2P at Christmas.



i lold irl - 21 Dec 12 f2p wont make a diff i predicts.


No rly.




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Where have all the forum post gone?

Long time passing

Where have all the forum post gone?

Long time ago

Where have all the forum post gone?

locked by devs every one

When will they ever learn?

When will they ever learn?


Where have all the players gone?

Long time passing

Where have all the players gone?

Long time ago

Where have all the players gone?

They unsubed every one

When will they ever learn?

When will they ever learn?


Where have all the developers gone?

Long time passing

Where have all the developers gone?

Long time ago

Where have all the developers gone?

lost their jobs every one

When will they ever learn?

When will they ever learn?


Where have all the stock holders gone?

Long time passing

Where have all the stock holders gone?

Long time ago

Where have all the stock holders gone?

Dumped their stocks every one

When will they ever learn?

When will they ever learn?


Where has BW / EA gone?

Long time passing

Where has BW / EA gone?

Long time ago

Where has BW / EA gone?

Closed their doors out of funds

When will they ever learn?

When will they ever learn?




You all know the rest of this song :)

Edited by Badlander
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Someone started a fleet picture thread that was locked because apparently it's relevant to this one and should go here. So here goes:




Where is your God now?


Lol...to be fair it is at 7:45 am...and anyone with a life (aka work / school or at least games as night owl like most people) would not be playing...But still only 1 person (and on the imp fleet to boot) is pretty sad I'll admit...

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The EA/BW brown nosers are out en masse furiously trying to deny that the game failed with their irrational fallacies. Being a fan of an IP or game and wanting for it to do good is one thing, refusing to acknowledge fundamental and underlying issues just makes the game in the long run worse.


Take a good luck at the unsubscriber thread and catalog the reasons why people say they are leaving, if you omit low population servers, one of the top reasons is the lack of end game PVE and PVP content. Just noticed when I unsubbed and was sent a survey, those were also among the first reasons that were available to choose for unsubscribing. Even if server transfers are performed before or at 1.3 and mergers soon after, if doesn't adress the issue that people are tired of running the same 10 instances for endgame. There is no new content in 1.3, just some fundamental features that should have been in at launch (most mmos released in the last 4 years have them). So lets say 1.3 launches end of this month or early june, then there are stll around 3-4 more months until 1.4/new content(1 flashpoint/1 OP), a month after that and people will be bored again and more unsubs... Even doing their best efforts I dont see this game having over 250k subs by winter.

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Lol...to be fair it is at 7:45 am...and anyone with a life (aka work / school or at least games as night owl like most people) would not be playing...But still only 1 person (and on the imp fleet to boot) is pretty sad I'll admit...


Yea back on the other thread the challenge was to break the record (it was republic fleet with 8 people on the entire server pub side), which is why I took the screenshot in the morning. I'm not sure if I can grab one that is lower than this (6 people is pretty low) but my dream is to get that screenshot where I am the only one online on the server (at least on empire). I don't think it'll happen before my sub runs out though.

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Someone started a fleet picture thread that was locked because apparently it's relevant to this one and should go here. So here goes:




Where is your God now?


I made one and checked it today, only to be closed? I guess if I posted fake content like the server list from 3 months ago in the new 1.3 patch video, then that would be ok? I swear, watch the new 1.3 video and tell me when was the last time the servers looked that healthy?


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I made one and checked it today, only to be closed? I guess if I posted fake content like the server list from 3 months ago in the new 1.3 patch video, then that would be ok? I swear, watch the new 1.3 video and tell me when was the last time the servers looked that healthy?



Yes we all seen the vid for 1.3 and how deceptive that sever list is. They either made it 3 months back or photoshopped it up. It all goes back to how deceptive some of the things have been about the hype of this game. Like during beta being told we were going to have 10 years of content and hundreds of planets to play on. Anybody remember that gem.

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I'm amazed and yet not surprised at all by the childish people attacking others that are not happy on dead servers. I'm on a light server. (Extra light in th past 8 weeks or so). Rerolling is not an option. I have put a stupid amount of time into all my alts and my main.


I am a huge SW fan! That's why I'm here. I have done nearly everything there is to do on my lvl 50 main. The promise that you will never hear the same dialogue twice is a load of crap! I have 7 alts. I have tried every class Imp/Pub to lvl 20-27 currently. Legacy lvl 22 as of last night. I am subbed on a 6 month plan. If the side missions were different for each class (with dialogue that I have not heard 4 times each side imp/pub) I would be a lot better. I absolutely hate repeating the same basic story 4 times x 2 with minor differences from class to class.


So co-op group play is all I really have left to entertain myself with. (PVP bores me, I'm on a PVE server) So I cannot wait for the free transfers. As long as there are no BS queing just to log in and play. Or any lag. I joined a light server on launch day to avoid all that. And it has worked out. But people are leaving my server in droves! It's a ghost town. On any given planet I'm lucky to see 2-3 people. (Imp/Pub side). The fleet maybe 8 or less for a short time. It's really getting worse daily.


I know other MMo's have recently released. And that doesn't help. But server transfers and a lot more content have to come much sooner then later for this game to survive before it's too late. I want this game to succeed. But I'm bored as hell. And having no one to keep my mind occupied with in groups to break the monotony just makes it worse. Why would I continue to sub if this is the case? I'm sure I will be attacked for this post like many others have been. I could not care less waht those people have to say.


It's a forum. 99% of the time people come here to complain about what needs fixed. Gee what a concept! Get used to it. If you're happy with things. Then it must be nice to be so easily satisfied. I wish I could be. But if I'm paying. I need to be entertained for that hard earned money I'm shelling out. I work for it. Unlike some people that have their mommies pay their bills it seems.

Edited by JediJudoChopx
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My server, Shii-Cho, was doing fairly well for a long time - 60-100 on fleet (depending upon faction) with about 20 players on each of the planets. After Diablo 3 dropped the numbers plummeted, now I'm lucky to see 10 people on Republic fleet and 20 on Imperial.


Everyday they don't merge servers is more subscriptions lost forever. Everyday without a cross-server LFG tool, well, you get the idea. The doctors really need to clean house of senior leadership here.

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My server, Shii-Cho, was doing fairly well for a long time - 60-100 on fleet (depending upon faction) with about 20 players on each of the planets. After Diablo 3 dropped the numbers plummeted, now I'm lucky to see 10 people on Republic fleet and 20 on Imperial.


Everyday they don't merge servers is more subscriptions lost forever. Everyday without a cross-server LFG tool, well, you get the idea. The doctors really need to clean house of senior leadership here.


Hey I spoke too soon! I just hopped on tonight and there are over 70 people just on the Republic fleet, haven't checked Imperial yet. Yay! I can maybe do a flashpoint tonight :D

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I made one and checked it today, only to be closed? I guess if I posted fake content like the server list from 3 months ago in the new 1.3 patch video, then that would be ok? I swear, watch the new 1.3 video and tell me when was the last time the servers looked that healthy?



Those number at 7AM and 11AM are better than Infinity Gate at 7PM...

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I thought that the debacle that Warhammer online was couldn't be repeated with such a huge IP.


Well this game take the flipping biscuit, never have i become so bored with an mmo so quickly. Rolling alts in other games made it feel fresh, here its like running through the same stuff all over again (just with subtle differences)


Stuff the storyline as a whole if i wanted that to be the main feature i would have bought a SP game..........oh this is one now.

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They either made it 3 months back or photoshopped it up. It all goes back to how deceptive some of the things have been about the hype of this game.


The majority of both EU and U.S. servers were still at "Standard" as recently as in April. Last time I checked that was a month ago.

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It's funny how many people are bringing to light the apparent "Loss" of Four hundred thousand players to TOR, and immediately see it as validation to their own concerns. Its even funnier that people see the old server list being used in the new video as "Deceptive" and "Testiment to Bioware's lack of devotion". These are the people I imagine who also blindly support small businesses and feel like any company with a customer service department is out to rip you off. Now we can't ignore the shortcomings of the games, the actual problems people are having with the product, but to publicly chastise BioWare is not only childish but ignorant. As futile as it is, I find myself more often that not defending this game. But it's not the game that needs defending, or Bioware for that matter, its the Video Gaming industry as a whole. Its been said a million times, but MMO's are never a finished product at launch. You have a product that depends on the connectivity of hundreds of thousands, sometimes millions of players. The apparatus to support that kind of community structure takes time to grow, adapt and evolve. Can this time be managed more effectivley by Bioware? Perhaps. But is this proccess impeded by negativity? Without a doubt.


Blizzard has the monopoly on this type of game, but it wasn't without its trials and tribulations to get there. (If you hate on World of Warcraft as an MMO, you definitely do not grasp the challenges Blizzard overcame as a company to bring you the multi million player game it is today. "SELLOUTS!" I hear, "MAINSTREAM GARBAGE" they say. The usual fuss was about blizzard watering down the game, making stuff to easy, making gear look stupid, just so those greedy bastards could get more subscribes. There was Truth to it. But I embraced the truth as I watched world of warcraft grow and evolve over the years as it emcompassed the world and drew in milllions of people to take part of something truly remarkable. It came at a cost, there were sacrifies to some players, but the general Idea brought an enriching experience that would have never been possible without that many people playing.


I truly love online games. Have grown up with them, and want to see them become a larger part of our life and our world. This post has been long winded, but if you read it, thank you, I hope we can strive together for a better (video gaming) tommorow. So give ToR a chance, If you feel like your money is wasted, let your account expire, and wait for Bioware to offer YOU the CONSUMER what you want to come back. For those who continue to stay positive, and try to hold together the fabrics of our community.


Thank you.:p

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