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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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wait untill summer?

that is wierd.

we are suppose to pay to be able to play on dead servers?

i dont get that.

feels like BW/EA just wanted our money and dont give dime for our thoughts.

i dont think im the only one that will leave this for diablo3.

it is also wierd that the support-center no longer anwsers my tickets regarding this issue, im i beeing ignored?


it is sad, but I feel cheated on my subscription


Your not being cheated, you can play on any server you want.

Why are you bothering the support-center with tickets? They have more important things to do than repeat the answer that has been given about transfers.

Just because you don't like the answer is no reason to ask the question over and over.


You have 2 options. Wait till transfers open up, or ...... Well you know the answer (or do you?)

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The do need to merge. The problem is the lack of merging is doing more harm to the game than the negative PR or merging ever could.


I've seen this happen in WAR, they took far too long to merge there too, driving thousands of people away not because they wanted to quit, but because they didn't want to play on dead servers.


See bold above. You have this backwards. Mergers are an order of magnitude worse in generating bad press than any number of crying about low pop servers.


WAR died because it was a mismanaged game. Servers were merged because it wasn't economically viable to keep so many open. They merged because they were dying; had they merged sooner, the game would have died sooner.


This game, however, has a healthy subscriber base. No mergers are needed, so you won't get any. Some servers may be closed at a later date if, when transfers are offered, everyone leaves; not one server will be merged, however, with another.

Edited by Jederix
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To/from selected servers. You better hope that your server is selected and you are wanting to go where they send you.


Just like every other game on the market. If you want free transfers, your options are limited. If you want to transfer anywhere, you had better pony up.


Now, why is it bad for Bioware to do this, but not for WoW? I'll be awaiting your answer.


You are naive if you thought free transfers meant you can transfer wherever you want. No game does this.

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SWTOR the game it self is dying right now..


With 1.2 so many people came back and guess what.. just another disappointment. Especially when people were expecting Rated Warzone.


Alot of people rerolled to populated server like "The Fatman."

WOOHOO!!!!!! there was actually queue time made the game felt like it had so much life sitting in a 500+ queue.

But in the past week'ish no more queue time.

It started with D3 open beta holy crap.. from a 800 que time to no que time... Then came open beta for Tera/GW2

There is no more queue time anymore. (Tera is launched)


With GW2 and Diablo 3 soon coming to official launch.. what will happen to SWTOR?

Right now even with "Server Transfer and Server Merges" at most the people currently playing will fill maybe 3'ish server? Giving the fact that SWTOR gave out a "Free Month" of game time to qualified users; we wont even know how many people are planning to actually keep subbing to SWTOR.


I know SWTOR has a huge FAN base; but its CLEAR as day.. that SWTOR is going downhill; and to all those people who keep saying "GIVE IT TIME!"

Really??!? Bioware should of seen all the other games that launched and notice the problem. You cant expect to launch a game in this "time" and have so many thing missing. I played at launched.. hit 50 nothing to do except grind grind grind the same old crap.

Edited by Ellvaan
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1.2 was the nail in the coffin for our guild and friends that played. We only had pvp'ers left as of last weekend. We went from about 40 people on release and had 15ish left as of last weekend. Most of them played Gw2 beta on the weekend or Tera and since then, 10 or so have canceled their subs including myself. It's sad, game had a lot of potential but unfortunately all the mistakes previous mmo's like aion/rift etc made, were just doubled in this game.


Wish them the best of luck in the future and hopefully they by some mircale manage to pull this game outta the gutter for the truely hard-core fans/players. If not, perhaps we'll see people around in gw2 )

Edited by Sylvarine
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Even the people who play just because its star wars are leaving.


bioware rarely answers.

They have answered, just because you don't like the answer, does not negate the fact that they answered. Transfers are coming Early Summer

They barely do anything with their maintenance.

Maybe you need to look at the patch notes every week.

Its not as if the game was cheap this shouldnt be happening.


No one but BW/EA knows just how many have cancelled. A lot of the "I quit" crowd have just stopped playing. Once they get tired of the "next new thing" a lot of them will be back.

What are the PVP'ers going to do?


Go to D3, (no PVP at launch)

Go to GW2 (oh wait no launch date yet)

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Just like every other game on the market. If you want free transfers, your options are limited. If you want to transfer anywhere, you had better pony up.


Now, why is it bad for Bioware to do this, but not for WoW? I'll be awaiting your answer.


You are naive if you thought free transfers meant you can transfer wherever you want. No game does this.


Actually there is a game that does this....Rift. Its totally free and just has a cap of 1 transfer a week.



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Definition of anecdotal:

based on personal observation, case study reports, or random investigations rather than systematic scientific evaluation: anecdotal evidence.


By the first part of that definition - based on personal observation - is all data not anecdotal?


What if someone created a tool that systematically polled the status of all servers, then stored those statuses into a database, then reported on that data in various ways and reports? That's systematic scientific evaluation, right?


That's what the site does.

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Just like every other game on the market. If you want free transfers, your options are limited. If you want to transfer anywhere, you had better pony up.


Now, why is it bad for Bioware to do this, but not for WoW? I'll be awaiting your answer.


You are naive if you thought free transfers meant you can transfer wherever you want. No game does this.


Does Rift's once-per-week free transfer limit your servers? (Don't tell me the game sucks; we're comparing features to your statement.)


Will GW2's free server transfer limit servers?


SWTOR is implementing features LATER and making them MORE RESTRICTIVE than its competition. I'm not talking WoW here; I'm talking about the new kids on the block. If nublet companies can do it, then a company that (at one time?) held one of the top 2 most respected positions in the game industry sure ought to be able to.


That's a really, really bad way to win and retain customers.

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How do i play this mmo with only 6 player on the fleet on a friday afternoon at 15:47 .They need to do something and quick cause it becoming a joke :( .just saying ( I know how frustrating it is for you to encounter such issue with the game or I apologized for the inconvinience this has caused you)when i wright a ticket . we need to know how long this is going on for as i cant play the game and paying for the wait .
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Unsubbed. Game got boring fast.


Will be back if/when 3D space combat is added.


Okay sorry but are you really leaving an MMORPG becuase of space combat... The game was never made to be a game with 3d space combat. Infact I have heard rumors that they were not even going to put any space combat in, but later changed their minds because people wanted it. The game is based around being on the ground, doing quest, pvp, and flashpoints. To make 3d space combat like you want would be alot harder than you think. Infact it would be like making a whole new game.

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To make 3d space combat like you want would be alot harder than you think. Infact it would be like making a whole new game.


SWG had a space sim out with an Xpac. I thought it was really cool.

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Um, you may want to check your calendar, but it has already been four months, and SWTOR is still here.


Why has it been 2 to 3 months since that post? Friend of mine(guildie) couldnt play his main char because he had all the recipies in his crafting profession and would crash right out of game after a short period being logged in.

Took them 6 days to fix this before he could play again.

Too many things like this that make players leave....cmon 6 days?

Edited by kiddynomite
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All I can say is that after getting a char to 50, I decided to take a week break. Now I cannot seem to play longer than 10-20 minutes before losing interest in leveling alt, and I have no interest in doing anything with my level 50. I rather continue playing "Legends of Grimrock", or GW2 beta.


yeap same problem here m8 after getting char to 50 and make him full gear columi i try ti lv up another char but i loose interest after 20-30 min.and realy there is nothing to do not even farming cose no money in proffesions only dailies dailies dailies.:(


I have a feeling this happened to alot of people. Its what did me in.

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;) I played the beta GW2. Wipes the floor with SWTOR. No grinding and no endless dailies to get a pair of gloves. Rerolling character after character to unlock skills? You must be really bored to play that! Oh and btw way I aint paying a monthly sub :p Ha ha ha ha ha 'pause for breath' Ha ha ha ha ha


This ^^ Exactly how I felt 10 mins into GW2 when I jumped into WvW pvp at lvl 3.

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I guess the technology is hard to get working, but in GW1, you can log in and transfer to any server, meaning that if you log on at 3 am, just jump to an Asian server to get high populations, and you can stay in touch with people from all over the world if you enjoyed gaming with them. If you get lag, go to some low population server. We have a guild which spanned from the US to Singapore. Edited by Zannarra
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This ^^ Exactly how I felt 10 mins into GW2 when I jumped into WvW pvp at lvl 3.


It will be overrun with whiney, self-entitled, narcissistic PvPers. Doesn't matter if the game is the pinnacle of MMO gaming. It's playerbase is guaranteed to be a cesspool.


I'll pass, thanks.

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