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Eve Online vs SWTOR


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Eve is a game for smart, patient people. TOR is a game for junkies. You can't compare them.


Smart?? It doesn't take a monkey to understand that a player of equal "skill level" that has 6 months of playtime on you will ALWAYS be better than you. You can't outlevel him, and you can't outgear him because DERP - you can't outlevel him. Now remind me how that's fun? The only things EVE got right were the death concept (meaning you die and actually lose stuff) and their economy. Oh, and the upgrade system simply because there's a lot to mess with. Outside of that - there's absolutely nothing "intelligent" about it. Like any other MMO - it's just one giant stats board delivered to you visually. EVE could've been incredible, but their execution as to how they did things overall is poor. The game really isn't THAT fun to play.

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Don't even start.



~5 years of eve online here, zerosec from the first week,

all major conflicts pre-caps and a few post.



Completely different games in every way imaginable.




edited to facepalm.

a player of equal "skill level" that has 6 months of playtime on you will ALWAYS be better than you.


You, my friend, have no clue what you're talking about.

Eve is the only game where join date is utterly irrelevant.


A week old player has the same, and sometimes more importance in a fleet as a tackler

than a year old in a battleship.


And as far as "outleveling" goes, skillpoints merely give you the flexibility of using different gear i.e. when you're skilled enough with hybrid turrets and missiles you can choose which to use. but when you use one - the skillpoints invested in the other are unused.


That is, to go head to head with a four year old player you'd merely need to invest two or so months.


This clue has been provided for free.

Edited by serpentu
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Don't even start.



~5 years of eve online here, zerosec from the first week,

all major conflicts pre-caps and a few post.



Completely different games in every way imaginable.




edited to facepalm.



You, my friend, have no clue what you're talking about.

Eve is the only game where join date is utterly irrelevant.


A week old player has the same, and sometimes more importance in a fleet as a tackler

than a year old in a battleship.


And as far as "outleveling" goes, skillpoints merely give you the flexibility of using different gear i.e. when you're skilled enough with hybrid turrets and missiles you can choose which to use. but when you use one - the skillpoints invested in the other are unused.


That is, to go head to head with a four year old player you'd merely need to invest two or so months.


This clue has been provided for free.


Ah, here we go. So now you're going to take the whole "ever1 haz an epic role in spaze battalz" ... Right. I guess you didn't read. TAKE TWO IDENTICAL PLAYERS WITH THE SAME SETUP, ONE WITH SIX MONTHS ON YOU, AND HE WILL WIN. To reiterate - if you have a GROUP of people of equal skill levels and they all have more seat time than you - they WILL win unless for some reason tactics aren't part of their vocabulary (and by tactics, I mean taking two seconds to think about what you're clicking since it's not like you need SKILL like in a combat simulator). Clicking faster isn't going to win you any battles. Your argument is ridiculous considering everything about the game is TIME BASED to drag the dollars out of your pocket. At least SWTOR allows you to play at your own pace and doesn't force you to meddle the grind for months just so you can dream about what ship you MIGHT like in another 4 months. In the meantime, I guess I can go do boring quests without audible dialog (because I love reading boring text!), or maybe I can just be another toolbag and join the ranks of factions like Goonswarm so I can troll the vast areas of space... Owait, hold on - it's going to take me 17 jumps to get there though. Don't you worry about loading screens, though! :rolleyes:


Oh, and don't get me started on how many players own more than one account so they don't get bored out of their damn mind while still progressing.. if you want to call it that.


You know a game is boring when it's completely normal to alt-tab out of the game. Enough said.

Edited by TESTyourMIGHT
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I know that Eve Online is in space only and pretty much a PvP and Economy based game. But I do hope SWTOR can rival Eve when it comes to the sheer size and incredible space combat system Eve has.



Bro.. this is a nice thought, but how about you get back to reality?


Eve is awesome, altho i dont know about what goes on nowadays.

Edited by Ommm
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Ah, here we go. So now you're going to take the whole "ever1 haz an epic role in spaze battalz" ... Right. I guess you didn't read. TAKE TWO IDENTICAL PLAYERS WITH THE SAME SETUP, ONE WITH SIX MONTHS ON YOU, AND HE WILL WIN. To reiterate - if you have a GROUP of people of equal skill levels and they all have more seat time than you - they WILL win unless for some reason tactics aren't part of their vocabulary (and by tactics, I mean taking two seconds to think about what you're clicking since it's not like you need SKILL like in a combat simulator). Clicking faster isn't going to win you any battles. Your argument is ridiculous considering everything about the game is TIME BASED to drag the dollars out of your pocket. At least SWTOR allows you to play at your own pace and doesn't force you to meddle the grind for months just so you can dream about what ship you MIGHT like in another 4 months. In the meantime, I guess I can go do boring quests without audible dialog (because I love reading boring text!), or maybe I can just be another toolbag and join the ranks of factions like Goonswarm so I can troll the vast areas of space... Owait, hold on - it's going to take me 17 jumps to get there though. Don't you worry about loading screens, though! :rolleyes:


Oh, and don't get me started on how many players own more than one account so they don't get bored out of their damn mind while still progressing.. if you want to call it that.


You know a game is boring when it's completely normal to alt-tab out of the game. Enough said.


You're first point is true for any game. It's like saying I'm a level 30 and the other guy is a level 50, he's basically guaranteed to win. In Eve, just because someone has more time is not an automatic victory. You chance of success hinges upon many things such as experience, ship types, fittings, range, and a bit of luck. There are much more important factors that will affect the chance of victory in 1v1 than simply time in game.


The combat system in EVE isn't just clicking a button and watching what happens. You have to manage range and speed of your ship, while managing your shields/armor repairing, tranversal, optimal range, and fall-off. It requires a lot of active management to maximize your combat effectiveness to make sure you kill your target before he kills you.


With the long times, not sure what your problem is other than learn some patience. Not everything in the world is instant gratification. I actually like the training system in EVE but it may not just be your cup of tea. For me, its nice to finally be able to fly a nicer ship after spending all the time training, makes me more careful when I fly it because of the penalties incurred when I lose it.


The text quest are boring but meh, its more of a way to make money. If I want to have fun ratting in EVE, I'll grab a few alliance mates and hit some of the high end sites.


There are other factions in space than goonswarm. My guess is you got scammed and lost a bunch of freighters on the EC gate.


And the reason most people have multiple characters is to be able to do things they cannot on their main such as trading, market monitoring, neutral hauling in highsec, cyno alt, planet management, mission money maker, or even another combat alt that flys a different race or type of ship that would detract from the current training on the main. It's not because people get bored, its because there is so much to do.

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The death penalty in EVE is harsh. Too harsh if your are casual probably. If you are in a good Corp (guild) they can help you replace stuff of course. You get killed in EVE, you lose the ship you are in permanently, lose everything equipped, and your wreckage looted by anyone nearby. So people definitely want to kill you if you have good stuff on your ship (or just for kicks). PVP is nonconsensual even in supposedly secure space. People will suicide attack you (in secure space attackers will get killed by the "space police") to get your stuff.


If they podkill you (for those not familiar, quick explanation: the pod = you), you can loose skill points, lose implants, set you back months. And you really have to be in a good corp to PVP so you don't spend time grinding to get your stuff replaced. Of course if you like being cannon fodder, you can get right back into PVP and that can actually be fun. Flying around in a starter ship (the only free one you can get) attacking drones is fun while they ignore you (then they one-shot you).


Imagine a death penalty in SWTOR that sent you from level 50 to 1 with all your equipment gone. That's the only way to really illustrate the harshness of EVE's death penalty compared to SWTOR's death penalty (some repair costs).


I had some fun in EVE when I had time to devote to it. I was involved in many large fleet actions and that was fun, but you must have resources (good corp) to really enjoy that aspect.


But when life just got in the way, I had to go more casual, I just couldn't have as much fun (can still do economic PVP there).


EVE is pretty hard core PVP compared to everything else. It's more like old text based MUDS:


You enter a dark room.

You are backstabbed.

You are dead.

Edited by gwit
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EVE is full of redneck truckers who constantly epeen. I played it for 1 1/2 years and the collective IQ made mine drop 10 points. But as OP said, hopefully they make the space combat a better experience down the road.


Really, because I couldn't figure out what the hell EVE was. I played it for like two hours and gave up.

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You can not compare SWTOR with EVE. They are not even close to being the same.


agree, the games are apples and oranges, everyone has parts of other gmaes they would like to see brought over, eve is a good game in it's own right and TOR will be it's own game as it grows, there are changes coming to space, don;t know what they are, but I kinda doubt it will be on the scale of EVE since that is the main thrust of Eve, and the ground game is more of the thrust here in TOR, that does not mean they can't expand upon space, time will tell..:)

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Some of the replys are hilarious!


Been playing EvE since 2008. The games really can't be compared at all. Completely different paradigm altogether.


It's pretty clear from some of the responses in this thread that some folks here have the attention span of gnats, which is fine, but doesn't lend a lot of credibility to any critcism of EvE Online.


EvE's the kind of game where you build your own entertainment instead of having it served up in a linear fashion. It's certainly not for everyone though, as this thread illustrates rather clearly.

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Why not just import EvE-Online & Its whole community Database & have EvE as the Mini-game while waiting for flashpoints? Sounds good? ... You're comparison was just awful, EvE is an entirley different game. Shoo's away kid's who cba to learn the mechanics :D Unlike this game >.< Edited by ThiefUK
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I know that Eve Online is in space only and pretty much a PvP and Economy based game. But I do hope SWTOR can rival Eve when it comes to the sheer size and incredible space combat system Eve has.


I know space combat is a secondary thought at launch but here's to hoping for a Eve like expansion. Yes I am getting way ahead of myself.




Eve has a very very very big space to travel in. And wormhole space. A huge economy and great pvp, in space.

Swtor will never even come close to those 200 pilots fights.

Hell can u even go 1 vs 1 pvp in space in swtor?

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I know that Eve Online is in space only and pretty much a PvP and Economy based game. But I do hope SWTOR can rival Eve when it comes to the sheer size and incredible space combat system Eve has.


I know space combat is a secondary thought at launch but here's to hoping for a Eve like expansion. Yes I am getting way ahead of myself.




Lets break this down shall we?



Time based/skill based

Nearly all items, ships, etc made by players with almost nothing from vendors

Fully in space

PvP is practically required

No hotbars

Cheating, scamming, etc is ENCOURAGED

Story is created by the players not the company

Harsh death penalty can set an unprepared player back months of time

NO XP gain, NO direct PvP rewards, NO commendations



Xp based/level based

Most items sold through NPC

Mostly on ground with little space

PvP is easily skip able


Cheating, scamming, etc will get you BANNED

VERY lax death penalty

Xp gain, direct rewards for PvP, Pve Progression etc


The only real things that you can compare is, they are multiplayer and online.....This is like comparings Battlefield 3 to Skyrim, they are both video games....just like and apple and an orange are both fruit but that does not make them the same or even comparable.

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Some of the replys are hilarious!


Been playing EvE since 2008. The games really can't be compared at all. Completely different paradigm altogether.


It's pretty clear from some of the responses in this thread that some folks here have the attention span of gnats, which is fine, but doesn't lend a lot of credibility to any critcism of EvE Online.


EvE's the kind of game where you build your own entertainment instead of having it served up in a linear fashion. It's certainly not for everyone though, as this thread illustrates rather clearly.




EvE is what you make it

SWTOR is what designers made it

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Eve has a very very very big space to travel in. And wormhole space. A huge economy and great pvp, in space.

Swtor will never even come close to those 200 pilots fights.

Hell can u even go 1 vs 1 pvp in space in swtor?


Even is an MMO where each zone is an instance with a gate(s) to travel to the other instances.

You can jump from asteroid, stations, gates, planets moons by selecting them and it would play out a warp animation.


You could book mark locations in between these to goto for a place to nestle in.


But it has a diverse economy, and PVP boils down to most time played being the winner, no combat skill required from the player.


It became extremely boring very quickly.

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Even is an MMO where each zone is an instance with a gate(s) to travel to the other instances.

You can jump from asteroid, stations, gates, planets moons by selecting them and it would play out a warp animation.


You could book mark locations in between these to goto for a place to nestle in.


But it has a diverse economy, and PVP boils down to most time played being the winner, no combat skill required from the player.


It became extremely boring very quickly.


How are the systems in EVE instances, exactly ? Most time doesn't always mean you'll be the victor, ship fitting and how you try to fly it is a factor and the higher up modules aren't tremendously superior to common ones. It's not twitch, but twitch combat with a big sluggish BS would seem rather odd.


EVE is a game where you have to make your own fun. Odd really to compare it to TOR.

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Sandbox vs Theme Park MMO's cannot be compared, eve would win this in every category but Story, Voice Overs, and typical limiting everything theme park type features/level systems.


So if Eve is superior to SW:TOR in almost every category, why are you not playing it?

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How are the systems in EVE instances, exactly ? Most time doesn't always mean you'll be the victor, ship fitting and how you try to fly it is a factor and the higher up modules aren't tremendously superior to common ones. It's not twitch, but twitch combat with a big sluggish BS would seem rather odd.


EVE is a game where you have to make your own fun. Odd really to compare it to TOR.


Wasn't comparing. Was outlining what I found in Eve in my years of playing it. ;)

And yes, each area is an instance.

If they get full, the gates are shut down.

To get to the next area you have to warp, or load, through a gate.

New area with a wallpaper in the distance.


Can I fly freely?


I am going to fly to the sun at the center of the zone instance.

Uh....that won't work.

You need to warp to it.


The great thing about EVE was it is free roam, and the community and economy was made by the players.


It's a great game, but it's not ground breaking.

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