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PvP 50's Average Wins and Runtimes


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260 wins 4033 medals is 15.5 medals per win.


What you can do is simply take all these numbers and take the lowest avearage guy and assume he wins 100% and the highest average guy as if he wins 0%, and then extrapolate everyone else's records with that range. Since losses don't show up, the more losses you have the higher your medal per win is going to be, so lower is definitely better here.

you would need a very big databank to even get a somewhat accurate result. Not saying that this method is better, just saying both seems very inaccurate, and w/o the actual metrics one is as good as the other.

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doesnt really apply well, seeing as you get quite a high medal count, lets say a super fast huttball or voidstar easily awards 18+ medals.


Longer games makes it possible to easily get the medals you miss in fast games, wich again would give you a high medal count.


To me it seems like logic is flawed.


Except once you get to the point its 50 medals pr game. But overall it seems very inaccurate at best, not much better than just asking ppl to be honest. Specialy this early in the game.


Your average was 15.5, so an 18 medal game would be basically +3 compared to the average.


On the other hand any game you lose where you got 3 or more medals would be +3 compared to the average too (because you didn't win). Just about anybody can pull this off every single time.


Once you have any decent number of games played, it doesn't matter how good you are or not, it is simply easier to increase the medal to win ratio by losing than winning. In particular anyone with say a 20+ medal/win (which is actually going to be pretty common) cannot possibly win 100% of their games unless you really think people can average 20 medal per wing. A fast Huttball/Voidstar won't get you 18 very often. It's only 6 for Dauntless and in a blowout you usually won't have much chance to get attacker/defender points unless you're the ball carrier, but only one guy can score the 6 goals.

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editet my post, seeing as my brain needed a bit of time to convert it into logic after a long days work and at this hour (1 in the night here atm)

unless you're the ball carrier, but only one guy can score the 6 goals.

I seem to take that for grantede quite often, seeing as I allways am carrying, planting and ninja'ing in my teams.

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you would need a very big databank to even get a somewhat accurate result. Not saying that this method is better, just saying both seems very inaccurate, and w/o the actual metrics one is as good as the other.


They call up 100 guys on phone and ask them who they'll vote for president and these polls are within +- 5% of the true result based on statistical methods.


Now you can't remove the bias audience aspect of anything done on this board (people who post on board represents a cross section of the population that isn't exactly average) but there's nothing you can do about it, so you can just ignore the random sample bias simply because no method can get around it that involves using this board. As long as you don't take guys who only have 3 wins as a sample size, if you have say 100 wins you already wiped out most of the variances.

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I'm suppose to be sleeping, but first needed to say... ^_^ I love you peeps.


That being said, to change the method of the poll right now (Opinion of your average) would throw off the previous data. I will consider creating another, more strict poll following some of the suggestions available, though I wonder if this forum would tolerate a second "Win rate" poll.


(It seems to tolerate 50+ Maurader are OP post... lol.)


Once more, thank you for your contributions. Will update the front page avarages in the morning.

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Although Imp heavy the republic on our side is good generally run premades. I pug also basically if you are in with premade Imp/pub you can have a chance to win otherwise you lose. I joined a new guild yesterday since my entire guild quit the game about 2 months ago. Basically I got farmed hard till I could gear up.


Win 15% (maybe less)

avg time 5- 6 minutes except Voidstar 8min

Avg kills for losing side 2

Avg kills for winning side 22

Avg number of total finishers on losing side 6 Average leavers 4-6 with backfillers thrown into a losing game.


So at least it is fast

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Bracket: 50


Class: Commando

Spec: Heals

Gearing/Valor: Valor 83 - full BM gear, 4 item Warhero

Que: Mix of 4 man Premade / duo / solo .

Win Ratio: Minimum 75 % and often up to 90 % ( 4m premade ) if specific opposition players / groups are not present.

I have bad lag past 48 hours so performance has dipped. ( 10w - 7 loss ). Prior to that i had about 137 wins and less then 30 loss since 1.2 hit.

MVP : Usually slightly 2x of win count. Should be 280 ++ now

Runtime: Never observed, would vary wildly between pug and premade.

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Average Win Rate: ~95%

Average Run Time: ~7-8 mins

Valor Rank: 87

Queue status: Premade 9/10

Current Gear WH weapon and 4x WH armor pieces rest BM / Alsfo got full BM tankset for Ball running or area defense.


so full of sh**********t.


SS that 95% pal, i would love to see it.


I feel i win all the time, literally lost 3 NC's outta 25ish WZ's yesterday, and i am no where close to 95%.

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so full of sh**********t.


SS that 95% pal, i would love to see it.


I feel i win all the time, literally lost 3 NC's outta 25ish WZ's yesterday, and i am no where close to 95%.


You should read through the posts, where its pretty much explained with proof.


But I'll elaborate for you, and explain it for you (creds to Atrac for point out the obvious math)


Take a look at these Numbers - 4033 Medals and 260 wins = 15½ Medal pr win game, wich is fairly standard for a class who gets tank medals, and dauntless medals, actually its a bit lower than my actual avg. seeing as I dont win 100% of the games. Lets say I had 6000 medals and 260 wins that would = 23 medals each game if I had a 100% win rate, does that seem very likely to you, that every game I played I had 23 medals, be it fast or slow ?


So bascily the closer to your baseline avg of medals you are with medals vs wins the better your winrate would be, wich in my case fits pretty damm well with a ~95% winrate.


Take my word for it or don't, in the end what ever you might think, I honestly do not care that much, In this case I am just educating you on a way to estimate the winrate of ppl, and figure out wether or not they are telling the truth.



The more medals you have pr win on your Honor window the more your loosing(bad winrate).

The more accurate the medals pr win, in your honor window are comparede to what you avg. in a warzone the more you win(better winrate)


So basicly if you keep a "low" medal count over a big number of games, it indicates that your doing well.


In my case 15-17 medals is avg. henche my ~95% winrate is pretty damm accurate.

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You should read through the posts, where its pretty much explained with proof.


But I'll elaborate for you, and explain it for you (creds to Atrac for point out the obvious math)


Take a look at these Numbers - 4033 Medals and 260 wins = 15½ Medal pr win game, wich is fairly standard for a class who gets tank medals, and dauntless medals, actually its a bit lower than my actual avg. seeing as I dont win 100% of the games. Lets say I had 6000 medals and 260 wins that would = 23 medals each game if I had a 100% win rate, does that seem very likely to you, that every game I played I had 23 medals, be it fast or slow ?


So bascily the closer to your baseline avg of medals you are with medals vs wins the better your winrate would be, wich in my case fits pretty damm well with a ~95% winrate.


Take my word for it or don't, in the end what ever you might think, I honestly do not care that much, In this case I am just educating you on a way to estimate the winrate of ppl, and figure out wether or not they are telling the truth.



The more medals you have pr win on your Honor window the more your loosing(bad winrate).

The more accurate the medals pr win, in your honor window are comparede to what you avg. in a warzone the more you win(better winrate)


So basicly if you keep a "low" medal count over a big number of games, it indicates that your doing well.


In my case 15-17 medals is avg. henche my ~95% winrate is pretty damm accurate.


You severely overestimate the amount of medals you get. Unless you're the guy who does every objective on your team every single time, you're looking at maybe something like ~12 medals per win. For a map like NC/Alderran, having Dauntless medal pretty much directly counts against attacker/defender medals beacuse the sooner you win, the less time you've to accumulate them.


Of course I knew when I asked for medal someone's going to say, "I get mega medal every game, so this is disadvantaged against me". If you really average 15-17 your average wouldn't be 15.5. It'd be more like 16. It'd be even higher because you DO lose sometimes and that just bumps your average even more. If you get 12 medals per win and 8 per loss, your winning % is 70% based on the stats you posted.

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You severely overestimate the amount of medals you get. Unless you're the guy who does every objective on your team every single time, you're looking at maybe something like ~12 medals per win. For a map like NC/Alderran, having Dauntless medal pretty much directly counts against attacker/defender medals beacuse the sooner you win, the less time you've to accumulate them.


Of course I knew when I asked for medal someone's going to say, "I get mega medal every game, so this is disadvantaged against me". If you really average 15-17 your average wouldn't be 15.5. It'd be more like 16. It'd be even higher because you DO lose sometimes and that just bumps your average even more. If you get 12 medals per win and 8 per loss, your winning % is 70% based on the stats you posted.


I could post countless of screenshots, I could post my vods and stream. In either case wether you believe me or not, is not really importent to me :)


That post wich is quoted is nothing but pure guesstimates on your part in regards to my medal collection rate and w/l. And ye some of us actually do play objectives every single game and getting 15+ medals in NC is hardly "hard".


I am afraid you're severely uninformed on this perticular scenario.

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I could post countless of screenshots, I could post my vods and stream. In either case wether you believe me or not, is not really importent to me :)


I have played against and with every 'unbeaten' premades on my server and they lose just fine. No matter how amazing your premade of 4 is, you can always quite easily find 4 guys whose ineptiude more than cancels out any amount of amaziness you might bring. Unless you're a server where your side only has the same 10 guys queueing, and in that case you can reliably count on the other 4 being of a certain quality, there's simply too much outside your control.


Using 12 per win 8 per loss, here's what you'd expect medal/win to be:


100% win rate - 12 medals/win

75% win rate - 14.3 medals/win

66% win rate - 16 medals/win

50% win rate - 20 medals/win

33% win rate - 28 medals/win

25% win rate - 36 medals/win

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Average Win Rate: First 100 games after 1.2 I went 96-4, I stopped counting after that.

Average Run Time: ~6 mins

Valor Rank: 89

Queue status: 4-man only

Current Gear: WH Main/Off, 3 other pieces, all pieces augmented.

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100% win rate - 12 medals/win

75% win rate - 14.3 medals/win

66% win rate - 16 medals/win

50% win rate - 20 medals/win

33% win rate - 28 medals/win

25% win rate - 36 medals/win


Never said I was unbeaten, I did however say I had around a ~95% winrate. And I did say I had an avg. of 15-17 medals. No amount of posts from you will change that fact, that you can not accept that is by no means any of my concern.


Lets try with lets say 15


100% win rate - 15 medals/win

95% win rate - 15,75 medals/win

75% win rate - 18.75 medals/win

66% win rate - 20.10 medals/win

50% win rate - 22.50 medals/win

33% win rate - 25.50 medals/win

25% win rate - 26.25medals/win


I concede, it would appear that by my own estemations, a more accurate winrate would be more like 96%, henche my first estimate, wich was illustrated with the "~" was a pretty good estimate.

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Never said I was unbeaten, I did however say I had around a ~95% winrate. And I did say I had an avg. of 15-17 medals. No amount of posts from you will change that fact, that you can not accept that is by no means any of my concern.


Lets try with lets say 15


100% win rate - 15 medals/win

95% win rate - 15,75 medals/win

75% win rate - 18.75 medals/win

66% win rate - 20.10 medals/win

50% win rate - 22.50 medals/win

33% win rate - 25.50 medals/win

25% win rate - 26.25medals/win


I concede, it would appear that by my own estemations, a more accurate winrate would be more like 96%, henche my first estimate, wich was illustrated with the "~" was a pretty good estimate.


I'm sorry but if you're a case of someone who gets an exceptional number of medals compared to even guys in your same premade, the formula can't be changed to accomodate you. Sure it sucks for you on this formula but it's not like we're going to laugh at you for winning less than you think.


For example let's say your premade has exactly the same 8 guys every time (so everyone wins exactly the same amount as you). You're always the guy who scores the 6 goals in Huttball. This is good for 6 attacker medals that NOBODY else can possibly get on your team regardless of their skill. Let's say you play Huttball 25% of the time, so you've a 1.5 medal advantage over anyone else on your team. Now, this number will count against you since you're the ball carrier but for every one of you, there are 7 other guys who are not the ball carrier. Therefore the formula has to be valid for those guys because they're the majority. Using your own numbers, if there is someone who is always on your team, they'd expect to have something like 14 medals/win, which would mean they win more than 100% of the time, which is clearly impossible. There's absolutely no way a formula can attempt to try to guess what some of the outliers for medal acquisition can be so it has to be designed for the average person, in this case an average person in your premade if such a person existed.


I checked my numbers and I got 18.3 medals/win for my WZs, so it puts me at around 75% rate by your estimation, which seems high. I don't think I actually win that often since I always solo queue and do not expect my win rate to be significnatly above 50% (since that'd really make no sense), and I'm not interested in an argument that basically boils down to 'you win more % if you're better at getting medals' since that's absolutely unproveable. I just find your numbers highly suspect because it doesn't make sense to be winning 75% while queuing solo every single time, but I guess it's possible that I am just that good.

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I would estimate maybe 10-20% wins as Republic player. On my server its a rare case that we have players who can compete with the WH spec Imps that ravage us and also rarer to have a healer present. Imps often have 2 or 3 healers making their team close to untouchable!


Generally taking 10-15mins per match.


Looking at the responses seems to be a clear swing between those who win all the time and those that loose all the time, with a few on servers that seem more balanced.

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Bracket: 50

Class: Powertech (tank-utility spec) / Sorcerer (heal spec)

Win Rate: < 10%

Gear: 800 / 1000 - expertise.

Valor rank: 51 / 41

Queuing: Duo / Solo


Pre-50 w/ Powertech duoing w/ friend, it was > 80% wins. Post 50, it dropped of significantly due to lack of expertise as well as going against more pre-mades. On the healer, I'm usually the only healer in PUGs, and almost always targeted first... it's just messy without more expertise (at least against groups with a brain that target the healer first).

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Average Win Rate: ~95%

Average Run Time: Huttball <5 mins if queued with tank, rest 7-9 mins

Valor Rank: 90

Queue status: Premade: 30% 2-3 ppl, 70% 4 ppl

Current Gear: WH weapon, 5x WH Armor, 2x WH Implants, WH Ear, WH Belt, 2100 ranked comms currently saved.


holy crap go outside and get some fresh air

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I screenshot every scoreboard at the end of a game, especially the losses.


All games after 1.2. on Darth Traya


Class: DPS Sage

Average Win Rate: 76.24%

Average Run Time: 10min

Valor: 85

Queue status: Solo or two man

Current Gear: 3 WH pieces, rest BM and a PvE proc relic. 6 Augments. Zero set bonus.


Voidstar: Win 41 Defeat 12 (Games 53) 77.36% / 22.64%

Huttball: Win 31 Defeat 15 (Games 46) 67.39% / 32.61%

Alderaan: Win 39 Defeat 8 (Games 47) 82.98% / 17.02%

Denova: Win 27 Defeat 8 (Games 35) 77.14% / 22.86%


181 Games: Voidstar 29.28%, Huttball 25.41%, Alderaan 25.97%, Denova 19.34%


Overall: Win 138 Defeat 43 (181 Games) 76.24% / 23.76%

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so full of sh**********t.


SS that 95% pal, i would love to see it.


I feel i win all the time, literally lost 3 NC's outta 25ish WZ's yesterday, and i am no where close to 95%.


Please do not post questioning someone's opinion on their win rate. It causes unneeded drama and clutter in the thread. I will probably post another thread for data collection using on of the suggested methods, but this one will continue as 2 polls are better then one. Also, a 95% win rate is possible, depending on how you queue.


If someone is lying, they only hurt themselves.


Thank you, average ratings coming soon.

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I don't mean to be rude but this thread is the opposite of a "study" or "data." Besides the obvious problem of only people who have a point to make answering and the reliability of these people, it leaves out huge issues like "quitters" and starting shorthanded. The premades will have these issues less.
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I don't mean to be rude but this thread is the opposite of a "study" or "data." Besides the obvious problem of only people who have a point to make answering and the reliability of these people, it leaves out huge issues like "quitters" and starting shorthanded. The premades will have these issues less.


^_^ this thread is a Poll.


About the same as calling 100 people in an area randomly and asking how much money they make. You do not consider their job, hours worked, etc... (though you could if that's in the poll). A study would involve hard metrics and data I don't have the ability to access.


Also, it's an opinion poll. Let's say (as I'm using this for a side project) something is to be balanced around the average win rate of players (Comms, tokens, ice cream vouchers). If the true average is 50%, but the average expected is 30%, then people are going to cry that 50% is unfair.

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Lvl 50 Arsenal Merc Valor 39 here. Yes i know my spec is not an optimal pvp spec and i temper my expectations accordingly. I need the PVE spec for my guilds daily activities and from everything i am reading it seems pyro Merc isn't really going to solve my issues anyway.


Pre 1.2

-Queues were fairly quick (instant to 10 mins),

-I was in Centurion armour. And doing ok.

-PUGing 100%

-Matches were almost always 8v8

-Winning about 40-50% Avergae matches

-Probably the 12-15 min range.


Some days you won a majority, other days you lost alot, seemed fairly balanced and competitive matches overall. I was satisfied with the experience.


Post 1.2

-Queues are super long if they pop at all (most days i log off and the que hasn't popped for 30 mins or more....)

-when they do pop its vs the same premade everytime who spawn camp us.

-matches in general leave us shorthanded most of the time now, average match is 8v6 for first 2-3 mins.

-Full recruit + 3 battlemaster and can't hurt anything now.

-PUG 100%, win rate 0% this week..yes my daily win 3 matches quests has been at 0 since last Tuesday....about 10% last week. (won 4 total matches the week before all in a row, because the super premade took a day off!)

-Huttball lasts about 6-7 mins before they 6-0 mercy you

-Voidstar rarely goes the duration, usually we get spawn camped and then on their turn they plant the 1st bomb within 2 minutes.

-Alderaan usually lasts the full 2 vs 1 turret length,. They usually take 2 turrets ignore the 3rd and spawn camp the ledge down. Occasionally they camp the tunnel underneath from Snow to grass as well in case people try to jump the opposite off the ledge. to avoid the camping.

-Denova lasts the full 2 vs 1 most of the time, but lately they have been doing alot of 3 caps, or alot of everytime we take a node, they back cap behind us.

PvP is now just frustration, there is never a "good" match. its just PUG vs the exact same premade over and over. Obviously our server is having population issues cause even as a PUG player i end up with the exact same team every time i que too :p


I'd say the biggest problem we have now is after 1.2 almost all the dedicated Pvpers on our side unsubbed. Leaving only recruit geared PUGs vs a BM/WH geared Premade (but also highly skilled and organized, I reconginize they have great tactics and you can tell they are very good beyond just superior gear) which smash everyone and spawn camp, causing people to quit the WZ or just stop queuing completely . Feels like Warhammer online all over again, fresh 50's are just supposed to get smashed for the top guys to keep exponentially gearing up while you struggle to even get 1 piece.


However our 10-49 bracket is lively and very competitive. queue pop all the time so i spend most of my time there now on various lvl 19-25 alts. I seem to do very well as well in this bracket even with chars in the teens vs lvl 40 chars.

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